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"Purity 3: Forever" Reviews/Comments [ 1105 ]
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 Reviewed By: btrains126  On: April 25, 2005 13:39 CDT
Just letting you know that I'm still reading (in hopes of keeping you from not posting - you may "keep" your betas but we readers like to "keep" authors. Sorry if I'm coming off too strong - but I understand the need not to post every day (it's just that the "If people keep this up I'll have to stop posting" is frightening - no not-posting!) ::grumbles:: stupid readers don't know a good fic when they come across it. Anyway - Just to let you know - it seems like its moving along more slowly now, don't know why. Nezumi also seems to be catching on very, very, very slowly - any reason for that? And what's with the lack of fan movement from Kagura after that little "surprise"? You keep writing, I'll keep reading...
 Reviewed By: futekioosha [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 25, 2005 13:22 CDT
heh, just in case inuyahsa forgot, it's the loss of clothing that has one of his sons mated at the moment ;) Great chapter Sue!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Radio... not signed in  On: April 25, 2005 11:50 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This may be a silly question, but did the family know that Toga's picture was on a calendar and was seen by many? Sierra handled that situation with grace, i think. I might have been less composed. Nice chapter!
 Reviewed By: Firedemon86(not signed in)  On: April 25, 2005 11:28 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG I was laughing so hard. Poor Toga I love his charater so much but that was just too funny. I can't wait read more!! Poor Nez and Ryo I hope nothing bad happens, with Nez not marked and all I'd just cry my eyes out, but on the other side I think Ryo should be a hunter again thats who he is. I really can't see his charater behide a desk. well Can't wait to read more of this and Purity 4.
 Reviewed By: notzathros  On: April 25, 2005 11:24 CDT
Thanks for the great chapter. Maybe Nez is getting close to putting her own problems to the side and accepting Ryo for who and what he is. The relationship has been all about her and her needs up to this point. Maybe she's ready to stop thinking about herself all the time and start thinking about the feelings and needs of her life long best friend who, coincidentally, wants to be her husband. I hope the snake brothers are ok. If they die, it might really bother Ryo. Thanks for sharing your work!! Looking forward to the next chapter.
 Title: Move over Shippo...
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 25, 2005 10:13 CDT
I was laughing just as hard as our favorite kitsune, if not harder, when Ryo casually trotted out the beefcake picture of Toga to the family. Then Gin and Sierra started discussing low-light lenses and the other pictures...ROFLMAO!! For all that this chapter started out in hilarity, it turned serious...dead serious. Ryo taking his sword home and his calm yet confident assertion that he will protect her, got Nez's attention. She's really starting to see Ryomaru for who he is; not as just the friend she's always known, but as the strong and capable man who's youkai heritage has shaped who he is. Maybe once she is able to see all his sides with no more concealments, magical or otherwise, she'll stop thinking that he's the flighty playboy she'd always thought him to be. An unrepetant womanizer cannot be trusted with someone's heart, but a steadfast guardian who, despite his baka-tendencies, has always been honest with her...just might be. --- You know, when this story is finished, I'm going to read the whole thing all over again, from beginning to end. I cannot relate how much this story has touched me. *^-^*
 Reviewed By: cj flutterbye  On: April 25, 2005 10:12 CDT
The game is on!! Love it, all of it! Nez needed to see that protective side.
 Title: Sorry
Reviewed By: Jason C  On: April 25, 2005 07:29 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I now feel obligated to say soory to you for any of the times I may have tried to pressure you in your writings to update faster. THat also goes to alot of other people I know as well. Since they either dont have a computer of thier own otr dont have the internet. I seem to be the one thaty prints out all of your chapters/stories and gives them to well them. They all wanted to say to take a break and dont kill yourself over writing. Everyone knows how tiresome it may get when you write non stop like you do. If it werent for you I would be soooooooo very very very bored for most of the week. Your stories your creativity itself brings light into my view. It fills me with joy and happiness whenever I see that you posted a new chapter or updated one of your old ones. I admire your dedication to you loyal fans/readers and your writings. All in all I thank you for the wonderful stories you have written. And I think even higher of you when I know that you dont write for your readers but for yourself and no one else. Writing creative stories should be fun for you not the other way around. Not fun for your readers but for you. You dont need to try to wrack (hoped that is spelled correctly) your brain for more chapters. Just remeber to have fun. I know I already posted to this and all but I was So danm near falling asleep in my chiar then. And thought this would make it up. So just have fun and take some time off. I would still be here even if it took you a year.
 Reviewed By: black_talisman13 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 24, 2005 06:46 CDT
i can fully understand you. you should write because you want to and because you like it and not because you feel obligated to your readers. i saw many writers who forced themselves to post regularly and that's a pity, cause you can somehow see and feel it when you read their stories. i think that a story is a good one, when the writer takes pleasure on writing it... you have an amazing writing style and your stories are... can't even find a good enough word! so take your break! you sure as hell deserved it! ;-) p.s. i once read in your A/N that you started to write a new yasha/kagome fic called desideratum, but deleted it. i was really sad cause i didn't have the time to read it... however i can fully understand your motives for deleting it. but is there any chance that you will post it again and continue it?
 Title: Sighs...
Reviewed By: Pyro Amedaus  On: April 23, 2005 13:07 CDT
I ahve a friend who feels exactly the way you do, only her muse is sadistic so she can't stop writing. I'm sorry some reviewers didn't take Manners 101, and I'm really, really sorry that it's making writing boring for you. I don't know if there is anything I can do to help, but I really hope I'm not one of the people who's making life harder for you. You really don't deserve it, you are far nicer to your readers than we in anyway deserve. But if my opinion means even the tiniest bit to you, I'd rather you update a chapter every two weeks and make them three sentences long than give up entirely. Hey, maybe the wait will kill off some of the...problem readers. My offer still stands. WE LOVE YOU! (From Pyro and co, which numbers at about twenty)
 Reviewed By: feilo [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 23, 2005 04:05 CDT
ooo...it's a great story ar...don't stop posting plzzzzz....they're so good...newayz...i like ur writing...so plzzz...keep updating...kk???
 Reviewed By: Lena17  On: April 22, 2005 17:18 CDT
Once more, I hve arrived! lol Anyways, you know...if you have to take a break, do so! I mean, I personally love these stories you write...they are amazing. I loved Metamophosis....and Chronicles even more. ANd now I get to laugh at...or with...Ryo at what he does in these different situations. I say, keep writing....you show your pride within these stories...your skill and love of doing it. That's the true magic...and no matter what others say..or are idiotic enough to write, just know that it's alright..and everything will work out! ^^
 Reviewed By: Wolf's Rain Kagome  On: April 22, 2005 16:27 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Do whatever you must to enjoy your writing, although I don't think it should have to be that way (having to DO something to enjoy writing). I hate it that people have threatened you and pressured you; I hope you didn't listen to any of it. Out of any of the people out there who have a problem with your stories, there are so many more who love them. Your writing amazes me because you are able to be so original with such a popular topic. No one should ever be so mean as to criticize and put down something that someone else put so much time and love into. I want to thank you for sharing your stories with me and everyone else out there because they are truly beautiful wonderful works! I always look foward to reading your stories and I check every afternoon for your updates, but no pressure! Take all the time you need to get back what you are missing, because everyone deserves a break, and you really do with the updating everyday and all that you do for us. I hope that you always have the joy of writing what you want, when you want, and once again, you are OUTSTANDING! Don't ever let bad people get you down!!
 Reviewed By: NcaralinePK  On: April 22, 2005 16:12 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love your stories, and I am sorry that writing isn't fun for you anymore. When I read your stories I see immense talent and love were put into them. I hope you keep updating P3 because I am so wrapped up in that story right now. Please continue writing stories because after P3 and P4 (if you plan to keep writing that one) I hope to have more great stories to read. You amaze me with all the ideas you have. No matter how many Inuyasha fics you have written, you always seem to come up with the most original story lines, and I admire you for it. Please keep up the good work and I am rooting (sp?) all the way!! Always a big fan, NcaralinePK
 Reviewed By: EAP  On: April 22, 2005 03:15 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This was an excellent chapter, once again. Your stories are so good, they are so beautifully written, and I always lose myself while reading. I'm really sorry writing has lost it's fun for you, and I think its good that your doing something you think will help. Even if we have to wait longer for updates, its a small price to know you're enjoying what your doing. Dont let negative people make it hard for you, for every one of them there is 100 of use who love what your writing. And we really do love it. So I hope you find your joy, and that life is good!
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