InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Night...

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Fan Fiction Index

Home again, home again, jig-e-di-jig…. ( Chapter 1 )
School’s Out Forever! ( Chapter 2 )
Crazy? I Was Crazy Once…! ( Chapter 3 )
Oh we’re off to see the Godling! ( Chapter 4 )
Now That We’re Back in the Feudal Era… ( Chapter 5 )
Over the Tree’s and Through the Woods to Kill Some Demons I go… ( Chapter 6 )
One Little Doggie Had Two Arms and the Other Had One ( Chapter 7 )
Man! I Feel Like a Kitsune! ( Chapter 8 )
Take a Look at My Intended… ( Chapter 9 )
Wimpy Wolf, Running Down the Trail ( Chapter 10 )
Clothes, clothes! Where's my clothes! ( Chapter 11 )

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