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"Suffer The Fray" Reviews/Comments [ 210 ]
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 Reviewed By: EnergizaJenny [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2008 04:05 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I didn't need the outline. As this was my first time reading your story. It's really good, I've been reading it all night. I enjoy how all the characters seemed to have matured, expecially Inuyasha being Shippou's teacher n such... oh who am I kidding, I just enjoyed the whole thing so far. Can't wait to check out your other stories! Gnight.
 Reviewed By: ch 24  On: April 06, 2008 23:10 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
The outline was a great way to remind us what had happened so far, and bring us up to date. So thoughtful of any author. I enjoyed the entire chapter and you appear to be back on track. I cannot wait to see how InuYasha finds or saves Kagome. I love his loyalty. Dog or not. We all wish we had someone this dedicated to us. It is a beautifully rare thing. I also hope that Sesshomaru steps up for Rin too. I really liked the way you turned Kagura around (again,) and turned her into a "bad girl done gone good." Sango was a good match in the conversational mud slinging contest. You got my vote for "GREAT!" Come back soon please. Thank you, Cynbad146
 Reviewed By: Alaskan [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2008 22:54 EDT
I'm so happy to see an update! It was well worth it I think. So the plot thickens! I can't wait to see the next chapter... Keep up the good work!
 Reviewed By: unistar [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2008 14:01 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
great update... seems that the action has begun again... wonder what the end results will be on everyone... update when you can... please and thank you...
 Reviewed By: psyco_chick32 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2008 08:01 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*applause* Very, very nice. The wait was worth it! I can't wait to hear more.... I really like how Kagome is stronger, feels more useful. InuYasha is more solid... And the Sango/Kagura/Kohaku moment made me cry!
 Reviewed By: Cynbad146  On: February 25, 2008 20:42 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I was so excited to see your name showing up in the fic list. The info note is big help and much appreciated. It is nice to know that you needed a break, maybe longer, and that you do not want us to forget you. It was sad not to read your great story on a regular basis. We fans are just plain spoiled, when someone with talent shows up. Do not let us bully you. I will definitely hang around and watch for your updates. Take the time that you need. I have seen MANY great stories disappear (near their endings) because the writer's inspirations took a dive, after having to put out so many chapters with adrenaline rushes. Please do not fall into that trap in which the writer feels the fans must ride the crest of the wave all the way to The End. As an avid reader, I am looking for a satisfactory ending more than I am looking for a thrill (though thrills are good when you can get them.) I will shut up now that I have run off at the fan mouth way too much. Ever so glad to read you, Cynbad146
 Reviewed By: Alaskan [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2008 01:19 EST
I'm pleased to hear that this isn't one of those hundreds of great abandoned fics! I side with everyone else who says a good chapter is worth the wait. Keep up the good work :)
 Reviewed By: Leo-mae  On: February 25, 2008 00:58 EST
Don't be too hard on yourself, at least your still writing. I haven't updated or written anything for my stories in over a year now. My readers want to kill me but I know how it is with muses. My problem is trying to get them to stay focused on one thing. Ill be writing a story and as I'm writing a scene ill get an idea for something else that sounds amazing but wouldn't go with what I'm working on. So I end up writing something else and drop the one I had going previously only to have the same thing happen again. I'm begining to think I should only write one-shots. Anyway as long as you are still writing and have not given up then I'm happy and hope to see new stuff soon. But until then take care and just let the muses come to you, trust me trying to force them doesn't work. ^.~
 Reviewed By: kokoronagomu [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 21:08 EST
take your time, do what you need to do. you are more important than a story even a really good one. this story is worth waiting for. ~ thank you for the wonderful journey, ginny
 Title: Thank You!
Reviewed By: Langus [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 20:05 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I'm sure you're going to receive a lot of requests to update update update but this isn't one of them. I just wanted to say a genuine thank you for that note. I was starting to wonder if perhaps you'd abandoned this fic but I'm thrilled to hear that that's not the case. It's one of my ultimate pet peeves in fanfics, when I come across a beautifully written story only to see that the author has abandoned it with no explanation whatsoever. I mean at least have the courtesy to tell your readers you won't be updating again...So thank you. This fic is fantastic in every way and I look forward to reading your next post. Take as much time as you need to get it right :)
 Title: thank you
Reviewed By: wbk [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 19:35 EST
i would much rather have a good chapter to read, than a rushed one. i appreciate your honor in not wanting to put something up, just to put something up. thank you.
 Reviewed By: LadyCash [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 19:24 EST
Glad to hear you're hanging in there, and that there will be more of this wonderful fic! Hope things get better for you, and stay that way.
 Reviewed By: deipurple [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 19:05 EST
Reux Though I am anxious to read more ... I just figured you would get around to it once you got settled from you move across the state and adjusting to you new job and new place. If you need anything.. just let me know. Take care. Dei
 Reviewed By: wbk [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 05, 2007 07:09 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
the opening of the chapter was emotionally lyrical, almost to the point of being poetic. i loved the imagery of the world going on it's course, while kagome is preparing to face "her personal armegeddon". then she litterally takes time to stop and smell the flowers. from this gentle setting to her startling epiphany as to inuyasha's true nature was well done. it didn't feel contrived or manipulated. i loved the open, honest, inteligent (read grown-up into it, if you want) conversation kagome had with inuyasha. i could see the picture your words painted with the flowers settling on the water. this was my favorite passage of the chapter. i'm glad rin still has possession of a small piece of her will. kagura's integrity in not giving details of the "intimate encounter" surprised me. but i loved the reflectivity kikyo sees between herself and kagome; the same reflectivity kagome refused to acknowledge earlier in the chapter. sesshoumaru having to admit that he needs inuyasha was a well thought out way to bring them together. i can't wait to see what you have planned for them, and how you have them interact. and what role do you have in store for moryomaru? the conclusion that miroku jumped to made me smile. i love the little bits of humor that pop up. but the confrontation between the group and kikyo and kagura let the chapter end with a sense of intensity. ending with the sould of the bowstring makes the anticipation of the next chapter that much greater. good luck with your endeavors, and thank you for taking the time to share another great chapter with us.
 Reviewed By: Koolkat191 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 04, 2007 18:32 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WHOOP! InuYashaxKagome fluff! YOWA! I'm soooo happy. :) They finally admitted how that felt! Quite that cliffie you left us with. *pout* I hate Kikyo.
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