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"Odalisque" Reviews/Comments [ 494 ]
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 Reviewed By: Isabella90 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 07, 2008 16:49 CDT
Brilliant...absolutely brilliant. I love the way you introduced Aizen into the story. I have a feeling he is up to no good. I can't wait to see what kind of mischief you have in store for them. I have but one question, Are you going to emulate the manga and allow Aizen to worm his way into Momo and Toshiro's life and cause havok, of course not succeeding, but it was just a random thought. Anyway, great story and keep up the incredible work.
 Reviewed By: Luste [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2008 09:53 CDT
Loving it still, wondering how this is all going to pan out in terms of who will make first move and how (remember my email!!!! =p), another solid chapter but cannot wait for next chapter already haha, been reading your other stories alot lately. Hope everything with you is well.
 Reviewed By: navirae [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2008 00:54 CDT
you updated! wow, some serious arguments going off here lol. Hoping they start getting along soon and to see chapter 11 up soon ^^
 Reviewed By: haji_quest33 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2008 00:25 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ooooo something surprising in chapter 11, I cant wait that long!!! I love how Rukia is handeling Momo, trying to be nice but secretly (or not so secretly in this case) hammering her ears shut. Ichigo is so confusing, I cant wait to see how he is going to pull her chair from under her, hopefully nothing to mean!! Or maybe he will just forget. Aizen gives me a creepy vibe, ugh and why does he think he can be so familiar with Rukia, she should have said no! Love the chapter but I am pining for the next one!
 Reviewed By: Anbu_Kunoichi [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2008 23:25 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
(Yay I can review now) I get excited every time you update. I really find this original, and I like how you are taking your time with it. Most fanfiction writers have the pairing hating each other in the beginning, but in love by chapter six or seven. I love how you are developing the charaters, relationships, and the plot. Nothing feels rushed. And you always keep me wanting more. As great as this is, and I assure you it is surpreme, I always feel like I've never had enough, like I'm unsatisfied. Anyways, I hope you never quit writing. I can't wait for the next chapter. I'm dying to see where this is going, and what everyone's true characters are.
 Reviewed By: babyA [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2008 18:50 CDT
man i wish i could bitch talk in real life the way how you make rukia say those things.... sigh.... the world just isnt fair...
 Reviewed By: cactuspd [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2008 13:31 CDT
one of the best things about your story is ichigo and rukia's eloquent way of bashing each other verbally. i love the sizzling tension and undercurrents hidden in each of their verbal spars. i also would like to know who were the two men that was talking in your last chap. and who are they going to target. i have this inkling feeling it's going to be rukia. i would also love to know why. but i and getting ahead of the story. and i also love how you made ishida in this story. gave me a good laugh when i read about his grandmother's needles. that was really a good one. anywy, i can't wait about the next chap since you abviously hinted something about it. if i could just convince you to post thye next chap today...hmmm...please? pretty please? and yeah, i have the same problem with MM. up until now actually. i don't get mail updates nor can i access the latest stories. thank goodness i still get alerts for your stories! so, how about posting the next chap now? :>
 Reviewed By: shinigami_wannabe [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2008 13:31 CDT
new chapter! thanks! i like the banter between Ichigo and Rukia so as far as i'm concerned, there's no need to worry about that being tedious... so i'm thinking, ichigo will finally google himself and then google rukia and find her dating ad... and i'm thinking the huge bash would be a really, really great moment in the story... i wonder if rukia would finally snap at momo for all of that wedding talk... i wonder if ishida will be revealed as the president of a global metrosexual club... all in all, i enjoyed this chapter. good conversations between the characters. thanks!
 Reviewed By: Bastion [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2008 15:21 CDT
You mean this fic wasn't written for me? ;_; Heh, nah, I can't say much really that I haven't said before so just copy pasta my previous reviews here. As for your troubles with mm.org, I had the same problem some time ago when I was using Explorer. I suggest trying another browser, like Opera or Firefox (both of which you can download for free) to see if you get the same results. I noticed when I switched to Opera I got the most updated list. That should do the trick.
 Reviewed By: shinigami_wannabe [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2008 04:21 CDT
an update -- coolness! this was a good chapter. not much ichigo / rukia interaction but it was good to have ichigo seeing rukia outside of the office... and yay on momo and toushiro's engagement! poor rukia is feeling slightly alone though -- and i think that's completely understandable. it's good to see such a tough woman like her admitting (even if only to herself) that she has bouts of loneliness... i can't wait for the mysteries surrounding rukia and that implied wedding to another person.
 Reviewed By: haji_quest33 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2008 02:15 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Loved it!!! I loved that were both out of the work environment and they actually really got to be themselves. I am also thrilled that momo and hitsu are tying the knot, I was worried he wouldnt actually propose and she would be heartbroken but thankfully it worked out great! Is Ichigo going to be imagining Rukia in tiny running shorts all sweaty and stuff at work? Please say yes!!! Thanks for another great chapter and I cant wait for the next! I hope mediaminer starts cooperating for you!
 Reviewed By: Isabella90 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2008 00:54 CDT
Hey...Long time no see...As usual you have posted another BRILLIANT story. Great Job. FYI...Here is something that might fix your computer problem. Do a system restore. If you have XP, you will find it under the control panel, then performance and maintenance, there is a menu on the left...in the top box you will see the words 'system restore' select it and follow the instructions. This should allow you to go back to your last self back up and restore your computers settings without losing anything you've done up to this point. I hope this helps. If it doesn't try contacting the web master of Mediaminer and see if he can reset your account settings. Keep up the fantastic job and again great job.
 Reviewed By: wulong [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 29, 2008 20:59 CDT
No interaction, no altercation?! *sob* Love the title for this story: very provocative. However, I am hoping that the sultan in this case undergoes some character development. Soon. At the moment his only redeeming quality is that he is, ostensibly, Kurosaki Ichigo...and that you're the one behind the keyboard. By the way, have to say that I look forward to your updates more than I do to Kubo Tite's.
 Reviewed By: yuwa [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 29, 2008 20:58 CDT
maybe its mm's fault...^-^v niii!
 Reviewed By: Clipsed [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 29, 2008 20:09 CDT
...I love this story so much that I panicked when it wasn't up on Sunday. Mine is an unhealthy obsession.
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