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"Hostile Takeover" Reviews/Comments [ 381 ]
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 Reviewed By: *Elizabeth*Marie*Rose* [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 05, 2004 22:44 CST
That was very interesting. Malik is very weird when he's possessed by Aku... *Kicks Aku for being mean to Aten* Poor baby... And the teacher on the "F" day was a meanie-man, to quote Aria. Is Seto gonna find out about him? Keep up the good work!
 Title: squee
Reviewed By: bakachibi_voidfox  On: January 05, 2004 18:44 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
absolutly luved that chappy... are u planning on writing any more chappys like that?...props on aku's evil! poor ryou and aten...stuffed monkeys on the house!!! gather round and i'll tell u a tale on bakurasgirl's greatness!
 Reviewed By: Malik lover and Anzu Basher  On: January 05, 2004 09:44 CST
Poor Malik... and evil Mind-Controlled Malik..... so ironic... I still wish you wrote Yu-Gi-Oh.... one things for sure.... Wb would NEVER again own it... and less dueling... and Yami's in the shower.....maybe less baka Yugi too! sigh...* get's a glazed look while dreaming of a perfect Yu-Gi-Oh world...* And knives and guns... at least they woudn't take out those.. :)
 Reviewed By: Joeys_Gal  On: January 03, 2004 20:41 CST
Did you get the name Callisto from my fic called 'Cry Me the Nile'? Because I have put a character in one of my fics called Callisto --- it's a Greek name meaning the Huntress
 Reviewed By: Malik lover and Anzu Basher  On: January 02, 2004 10:52 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Poor Aten and Aria! I really do hope Marik kills Eric...*glances over shoulder at Marik*.... What?? Please update soon! you keep on getting better and better at this! which is odd because you're already the best Fanfic writer... if only you could write the TV shows...* pictures Bakura in the shower* mmmmm....:)
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: December 31, 2003 16:47 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*cries* damn kids! THey can be so mean! Why must the world be so mean..? But thats okay, because it was good sad writing anyway. So this speacl doctor person i can assume is possessed too? O.o bum bum bum and the plot thickens but Im putting in my review even if Im at the libray and the kids are staring at me, lol. Good job...hehe...Seto was revealed in front of chibis! Priceless ^_^
 Reviewed By: Bwuebewwy Sugar Pwincess  On: December 29, 2003 19:17 CST
yay!! you updated on my b-day^^ go you!!! *giggles* amn, the shrink freaks me out already...what's with her... she seems evil to me... keep up the good work^^
 Reviewed By: Malik lover and Anzu Basher  On: December 29, 2003 11:02 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was the best chapter ever! when Seto yelled at that kid... it was beautiful!
 Reviewed By: Bwuebewwy Sugar Pwincess  On: December 26, 2003 21:02 CST
Oh, poor aten v.v *holds the chibi and cuddles him* It's ok, you'll learn soon^^ won't he?^^
 Reviewed By: Malik lover and Anzu Basher  On: December 26, 2003 12:03 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Poor Malik! .....*sniff sniff*...Poor Marik too...:( Who cares about Baki now?!? *Runs over and clings to Malik's legs so he falls on his face* May Malik! Bad Aku! If you make Marik h...hate....:( Malik.......You're dead... wait... he iis kind of dead.... AHHHHH!!!
 Reviewed By: CynicalSpiritValea [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 26, 2003 11:42 CST
Wow, i was wrong! lol but thats okay, two forces of evil have now banned together we're all doomed i say DOOMED! *hold up a sign that says run away* Aten!!!! YOu can do it to it man! *whoops and cheers and sneak attacks people* its all good i love an update *huggles aten to pieces* yay!!!
 Reviewed By: CynicalSpiritValea [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 24, 2003 01:46 CST
Ah dilexic...its sio sad but it looks liek things are looking up! *hugs aten to pices* i love this aria is so innocent and its so cute! everyones bum will fall off! sqeeee!!!!! yay anywho happy holidays to you too! *pokes malik and runs away* turn back my friend turn back! *whimpers* poor people...
 Reviewed By: Bwuebewwy Sugar Pwincess  On: December 23, 2003 15:21 CST
OMG!!! That was soooooooo cute! No matter how hard I tried, I ended up lauhging my @$$ off in the library. In concerce to you and your wife, I hope you get well A.S.A.P!!! And to you, your wife, & husband, I wish ya'll a very merry christmas!! HAVE HOLLY JOLLY CHRISTMAS BG, YDDD, And thier Hubby!! And thier chibis! and... well, everybody else^^
 Reviewed By: Seto lover and Bakura worshiper  On: December 23, 2003 12:57 CST
Aww... Bakura's over protective... that's so cute! *Runs over to him and clings to his leg like a chibi* Go away Ryou! My Baki! Mine!
 Reviewed By: Malik lover and Anzu Basher  On: December 23, 2003 12:17 CST
And oooone more thing...you hurt Malik.... you must die!!! * Grabs the Millennium Rod and starts to run at you*
 Reviewed By: Malik lover and Anzu Basher  On: December 23, 2003 12:15 CST
It's Tuesday....and I'm just going to sit here...waiting....* grabs a bag of chips*....waiting.... zzzzz...:)
 Reviewed By: The Mystical Dragon  On: December 23, 2003 11:48 CST
:: Huggles Aten :: poor little guy
 Reviewed By: joeyrules [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 23, 2003 11:21 CST
O.O omg...those chibis are so cute! ^_________^ Well anyway i'll check back here on friday for your next awesome update! Chau Emily
 Reviewed By: Malik lover and Anzu basher  On: December 22, 2003 09:54 CST
You're just trying to kill me now... Tuesday?? But other then that.... that was the best chapter ever!!!
 Reviewed By: Joeys_Gal  On: December 20, 2003 19:05 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Squeeeeeeeee its so funny how Seto wants to squish Aria all the time, it's not really in his character. Aku finally took over Malik huh? I wonder what Malik will start acting like... poor Malikie
 Reviewed By: Bwuebewwy Sugar Pwincess  On: December 19, 2003 20:10 CST
*giggles* kawaii chibis!!
 Reviewed By: CynicalSpiritValea [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 19, 2003 17:12 CST
I could kill Aku and you..if i have any kind of mad skills but i dotn so ill praise you instead*glomps you!* MUAHAHAHHA!!!!!! YAY I WON! chibi's soooo cute....*glomps them too and huggles them to pieces* yeah!!!! i love them!!!! ...where did the cause of aten blah blah ablh come from....? *pokes screem* lol
 Reviewed By: joeyrules [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 19, 2003 15:54 CST
OOOO!!!! DAMN IT AKU!!!!! ::punchs random things:: But good update!!! Post up the next chappie real soon!!! I need to know what happens... Chau!!!! Emily
 Reviewed By: The Mystical Dragon  On: December 19, 2003 10:02 CST
HOLY SHIT!!!! ::: Huggles Ryou :::
 Reviewed By: Malik lover and Anzu basher  On: December 18, 2003 09:00 CST
And what do you mean by ' Updates on Friday'!!!! * Starts growling quietly* :) Pleeeeease update early on Friday! :)
 Reviewed By: gralnak  On: December 18, 2003 00:04 CST
Ive decided to parade around school tomorrow yelling 'ITS BUM FUN!!!' :)gralnak
 Title: Bad Author!!
Reviewed By: Malik lover and Anzu Basher  On: December 17, 2003 20:17 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You better hide behind her! Poor Ryou! And the thought of naked chibis dancing...:) If Marik wasn't watching me like a hawk I'd 'squish' them too! I r e a lllllll y hope he doesn't do that at school... *Shudders *
 Reviewed By: Bwuebewwy Sugar Pwincess  On: December 16, 2003 20:05 CST
*is crying* Poor Aten!!! It may have not been real, but that's so mean! Steven is horrible!!! ah!! *continues to sob*
 Reviewed By: Joeys_Gal [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 16, 2003 19:17 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OOOOOOOOOOH I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVED THAT LEMOOOOOONNNN!!!!!!!!!!! Evil EVIL ending though!!! How the hell could Steven be back? HE'S DEAD!! DEAD I TELL YA!! Ahem... anyway, you better not kill Aten or I swear you're going down BG!! Sorry that was a death threat... *ahem* anyway, great work!
 Reviewed By: CynicalSpiritValea [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 16, 2003 16:35 CST
yay! this got me so relaxed before i took exams(until i acatully took them! lol)and yay i didnt leave it in the printer! yes you are evil for having a cliffe but ull upidate quick *huggies* nice lemon, nice to see ryou get so much attention right about now ^_^ sorry to hear about the aunt, but i review to make you feel happyful and goodjoby!!!
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