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"Hostile Takeover" Reviews/Comments [ 381 ]
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 Title: ZL_Chan
Reviewed By: ZL_Chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 28, 2004 23:39 CDT
Finally finished! YEY! Good job with this fic!! ^_^. I'm trying to move fast here cause I've got a lot of reading to do! I'm off to find the sequel!
 Reviewed By: Rezyra Sugamori  On: April 20, 2004 16:10 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh wow! I SO can't wait for the next story!! Aten and Robbie make such a cute couple!! Kawaii ne! I wish them the best! I know your next sequel will be awesome!! No doubt about that. OMG!! I just has an epipjaany...if Aten gets a yami and the yami virus is gonna go around, does that mean Aku will be a victim too?!? Epiphanies rock!! Keep up the great work! Take care!
 Reviewed By: CynicalSpiritValea [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 19, 2004 23:26 CDT
Though im not a victim, I do think that that was a very nice dedication and its very true. *smile*
 Reviewed By: CynicalSpiritValea [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 19, 2004 23:20 CDT
Omg I cant believe it! This fic is at an end, even though not really...death is only the beginning but not really. Anyway! I loved this fic so much! *hugs it* Aten and Robbie are so cute and lie scared its the sweetest thing ever! *hugs them to pieces* i love you guys! For this fic, outta 10, I give you like infinity, because this seriously kicked ass, how much ass?Like Jennifer Lopez's ass, (thats a whole lot..not really but you get the big picture..lol get it, BIG picture!) and also i think its so cool that Aten can play the violin, to play the violin and like have the learning disbility, see hopes can be always look up! that didnt make sense but its all good, and i love marik's bday present...makes you wonder if he will grow up and use the rod like his father hehe! yay! *congrats and hugs for all!*
 Reviewed By: Broken Time  On: April 19, 2004 14:35 CDT
Arigatou... I appriciate the thought of something being dedicated to me and other people like myself. It makes you feel warm inside, knowing that...
 Reviewed By: thunderchaos [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 19, 2004 14:12 CDT
HELLO!Wow, great ending to a great fic.Your new fic, the Yami Virus, is sure to be a hit.You should make it so that(just a suggestion)because Aku houses himself within the replica of the Millenium Rod, it accidentally gives Aten shadow powers beyond his control, and Aku gets into his bofdy and takes over.After a while, the body becomes weak from Aten's heart medication, so Aku exits the body, leaving within it a surprise...the virus!!The others have to save Aten, Marik, Malik and whoever else has the virus(I'm not sure of all of them)by defeating Aku at his own, twisted shadow game.Wow, that was a long review.Can't wait for the sequel.Good luck with it!!Bye!
 Title: And Aten Hugger!!!!
Reviewed By: Seto Lover and Bakurasgirl worshiper  On: April 19, 2004 07:43 CDT
* stands up and claps like there's no tomorrow* BRAVO!!!!! ENCORE!!!!!!! MONKEY SHIRT AT DELIAS!!!!-... wait... never mind! My overall rating? 1,000,000,000!!!! ^-^ Aten's so......well, CUTE at 15!!!! Yeah!!!! New cute guy to hug!!!!!! ^-^ *runs and hugs Aten gently* Awww!!!! He likes Robbie!!!! They're SO Cute together!!!!! And the Millennium Rod duplicate was a great idea! UNTILL AKU BECAME IT'S YAMI!!!!! Poor Aten..... he'll be just like Malik.... before Marik loved him.... pain galore!!! -_-* Amazing Chapter! Perfect Story!!!
 Reviewed By: Rezyra Sugamori  On: April 18, 2004 14:30 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow! I feel so...special!! I'm glad you like you like my idea! Yami is beginning to be a real jerk. I think he should be tarred and feathered with pink feathers! Why pink feathers, I don't know...seems like a good idea. How could he try to kill them?? What a jerk! >_< Did you like my other idea of Marik having an older sister and she's just as murderous as him? What's even better...she'll be the true owner of the millenium scales and be married to Pegasus! hehehe. Anyways, great lemony goodness in the last chapter. Mmmm...lemons. Can't wait for the sequel!! Oh, when will you update 'Carry Me Home'? I'm so addicted to that fic too!
 Reviewed By: Maruken  On: April 18, 2004 01:11 CDT
Ohhh, next week. I'll try to find Shadows of The Past. I know what you mean about the subconcious creating characters out of ones you've already used, do it ALL the time. Ah yes, sweet Ryou and Bakura time. So the bodies show up in the sequel? YAY!! And the Ring's location and whereabouts are discovered on Monday, hey, wait a second, that's 2 DAYS away!! I can't WAIT that long!!! Oh well, for you, I shall endure. Or, I shall come back mumbling things about evil squirrels. I just LOVE the squirrel up Malik's pants leg, HAHAHAHAHA!!!
 Reviewed By: ZL_Chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 17, 2004 23:09 CDT
Ugh.. been a while since I last read. Time too limited.... need sleep.... want to read more....-^_^- Anyway, good last few chapters. Good lemons as well. Yeah, crazy me. What caught me by surprise was that Yami burned Isis and Malik's place. That was shocking. Yami's seems more on the selfish side now. x_x And as always, I still enjoy this (even though I don't read as much as I used to). Keep up the great work!
 Reviewed By: CynicalSpiritValea [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 17, 2004 13:44 CDT
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!*sqiusghes you* WALRUS PLUSHIE!!!!! EEEK!!!! SO HAPPY! *feels content* thank you! yay show the love with the walrus plushie! anywho...Ryou got a lil rough there whoot whoot! *cheers and slaps him on the back* YAY!!!! oo a flash forward, i was just thinking about that too..weird...too funny when Marik was all into the bed thing, very great. *sighs* feel the 'normalness' coming back. Though normal isnt a word you know? More like average. ^_^. oo look its a mole. Can you believe youve gotten this far? I mean dude chapter 73! And then all the stories behind this. Your pretty kick ass *thumbs up*LOVE MUCH!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Broken Time  On: April 17, 2004 09:58 CDT
The lady helped Bakura by getting Ryou out of their basement. And Bakura returned the favour by saving her from a beating. What ever happened to her? She left a note, saying she left... but happened?
 Reviewed By: Seto Lover and Bakurasgirl worshiper  On: April 17, 2004 07:30 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oooooh..... Flash forward.... 0-0.... Yes!!!!! I can't wait!!!!! Sequel!!!! I keep on thinking that the beginning if this story was another one of your stories! ^-^ I got a shirt with a monkey on it!!!! A really big monkey head!!!!! Squee!!!!!! I also got a tooth extracted.... :( Oww.... I hope Aria won't have to have one removed too... with all those M's... :) Great chapter!!!! Perfect day for next update!!!! Thankies! * hugs you* ^-^
 Reviewed By: eternalprincess3 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 16, 2004 21:39 CDT
I am reading as fast as I could. And my goal is to reach this story. I'm on watch over me. It's a very good fanfaction. Yeah Friendship!!!!
 Reviewed By: Maruken  On: April 16, 2004 20:52 CDT
Oh and by "parental troubles" I mnt that I was having troublre with my parents, I'm just 15. And I FINALLY read Fall Of Icarus, Srevant Yamis, and Nany Bakura, I thought Nanny Bakura was soo funny, with just the right amount of angst thrown in. The pictures on your site were soooooo adorable! By the way, where is The Rose, Ryou, And November Rain? I can't seem to find it. By the way, I read someone's review and yeah, Ed DOES sound lke someone you';ve used before. They found Bakura and Marik's remain?!! WOAH!! Was NOT expecting that, will it come of use sometime down the plot line?
 Reviewed By: Maruken  On: April 16, 2004 20:45 CDT
What did Aku mean when he said he was meant to be someone's yami in 12 years time? Is that in the future, or the past? Marik needs to control his temper and boy, can Miranda banter! WAHOO! She's becoming one of my favorite characters! She fits right in with everyone else. Otoga, heh heh.
 Reviewed By: Broken Times  On: April 15, 2004 22:01 CDT
S'ok... Just hurt a little that day. But Anyways, on with my review. Isn't Ed the guy who was Jessica's pimp? Or am I mistaking him for someone else... and what ever happened to that lady Bakura helped in your story other story. She was like... related to Tom C. or something... She seemed nice enough
 Reviewed By: goldensea [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 15, 2004 19:44 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yea!!! You update! I'm so happy you update. I love all of your fanfiction. Keep up the good work girl! It gets better every time. Cool!!!!
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: April 15, 2004 14:39 CDT
Hmm...you woulda thought that they wouldnt forget something to major like i dunno..the ring! oo noo! *runs around* theyre gonna die! NOOO! *gives them yami cold medacine, all except yami* yay! and just for me, i though robbie and aten were so cute! dont me scuured marik! *hugs* o.o;; *run away in fear of being sent to some cold dark place* XD Seto...kick ass dad! woootonnng!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Seto Lover and Bakurasgirl worshiper  On: April 15, 2004 09:48 CDT
My Computer messed up.... :( I meant: * Blushing furiously* Oh Dear..... Maybe Aten and Robbie shouldn't have done that.... If Marik had a heart... he would have had a heart attack! Poor Ryou! He lost the ring! Ohhhh O-O I hate Aku!!!!Ohhhh....O-O.... Aku yami...... Cooooool.... :) And Seto still Rules!!!! I love how Hayden trusts him! Awww..... he's so cute! Poor Hayden.... :( and Joey.... :(..... He hit Moki!.... But he's still cute!!!!! Amazing Chapter!! Update soon!
 Reviewed By: Seto Lover and Bakurasgirl worshiper  On: April 15, 2004 09:46 CDT
Aku!!!! Poor Ryou! He lost the ring! Ohhhh O-O Ak* Blushing furiously* Oh Dear..... Maybe Aten and Robbie shouldn't have done that.... If Marik had a heart... he would have had a heart attack! I hate Aku!!!!Ohhhh....O-O.... Aku yami...... Cooooool.... :) And Seto still Rules!!!! I love how Hayden trusts him! Awww..... he's so cute! Poor Hayden.... :( and Joey.... :(..... He hit Moki!.... But he's still cute!!!!! Amazing Chapter!! Update soon!
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: April 13, 2004 22:59 CDT
*sings* Im a barbie girl..in a barbie world! ...no..not really. SETO ROCKS MY SOCKS!!! he's the best...!!! buying everyone stuff..not that money solves evrything..but its all sweet and everything. *ponders* i wonder what the significance of finding marik and bakura's remains are.... O.o ...poor aten..he goes threw way to much...u.u
 Reviewed By: Broken Times  On: April 13, 2004 20:08 CDT
Ne, BG, that was so happy-sad. *Sniffle* So sad... merrrrr, Boyfriend died today. On his birfday, too. I call to say happi birfday and his mom told me ;_; I feel so alone
 Title: mmm
Reviewed By: super_JM [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2004 15:34 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Barbie world lol. nice chapter. oh I did update Star child.
 Reviewed By: thunderchaos [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2004 10:23 CDT
Whoa...a dead Marik and Bakura and an ALIVE MARIK AND BAKURA????AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!Just kidding.That was a great chapter.Aw, Seto is so nice, getting them a house...hey, couldn't he just have bought a house for sale so he wouldn't force those people out of their home?And I thought he was smart...well, good chapter!!Update soon!
 Reviewed By: Seto Lover and Bakurasgirl worshiper  On: April 13, 2004 09:14 CDT
GO SETO!!!!! *clings tightly to his shirt, nuzzling into his... chest.... drool....* Attack of the Barbies!.... * Gulp*... at least Aria's happy.... Seto bought them a house! Awww.... here!* gives you a "Seto Plushie with Kind Face Hugging Crying Ryou Plushie"!!* So good!!!! Keep up the ULTIMATE work!!!!!! ^-^
 Reviewed By: Rezyra Sugamori  On: April 12, 2004 11:03 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I would just like to say that your fanfics are awesome!!! I manage to read all six of your fanfics, from Servant Yamis to Hostile Takeover, in just 3wks!! I've got alot of time on my hands ^^;; I haven't had a chance to read Nanny Bakura yet, but I'm workin on it. I do have an idea for your next sequel: Since you mentioned that oone of the yamis will be a victim of the Yami Virus, maybe Yami Yugi will be the victim and the other two yamis have to bring him back to stop the virus because he is a key to ending it. Of course they aren't pleased with the fact of bringing the jerk back. And maybe Marik could have a long lost sister who taught Marik everything he knows about the fine art of maiming! This is just an idea I had. I can choose to not use it. I won't mind. Keep up the great work and can't wait for the next update! Bye!
 Reviewed By: Maruken  On: April 11, 2004 10:32 CDT
My God!Yami you..you.. ASS! ASS! ASS! ASS! You're even MORE of an ass than I thought!! Sorry about missing an update, parental troubles. Poor Bakura. Mirada is so sweet, she's a GREAT original character. You REALLY did a good job on her.And what about the Ring that Aku was sealed in?
 Reviewed By: thunderchaos [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 11, 2004 09:34 CDT
Cool chapter!!!Yami should rot in the Shadow Realm for burning the house...death to Yami!!!HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!Um...sorry bout that.
 Reviewed By: Malik lover and Bakurasgirl worshiper  On: April 11, 2004 08:31 CDT
...... You were right!..... no one really listened.... chapter 70......o_o...... Poor Aria! That fuckin' Yami almost killed her!... whoops.... Well he deserved it!!! He tried to... umm.... rape... Bakura too!!!.... why can't they just, tell Yugi and he'd smash 'da Puzzle!..... *Sigh*... At least they weren't doing IT... then, they wouldn't even have clothes........ So sad.... But sooooooo good!!!!! Yeah updates.... on Tuesday?!?!?..... x_x
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