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"Metamorphosis." Reviews/Comments [ 1272 ]
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 Reviewed By: tinkerbell - not signed in  On: January 11, 2005 09:14 PST
SO what can we expect in the next chapter? A little Jerry Springer meets the Sengoku Jidai? Anyway, I really enjoyed this chapter becuase I was wondering when the logic of the situation was going to hit the girls. Can't wait to see how they work this out
 Title: Metamorphosis
Reviewed By: sutlesarcasm [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 11, 2005 09:05 PST
OK, it's my turn to jump on the question and answer wagon. I got that Madam Butterfly wants Kagome and Inu Yasha to mate because, according to her, it will release kagome's full power. It is this strength of power that she needs to bring her master back. She really has no clue how strong the bond between Inu and Kag really is, does she. It doesn't even occur to her that if she gets close enough to Kag, Kagome will purify her ass, and leave Emi behind, does it? Why go to the trouble to bring Kagura back and have her mate Sesshoumaru? What does she get out of it? It's been made obvious that the Inu Youkai are the strongest, is that Hisadiacho's interest in the brother's? Every time you answer a question, you bring up 3 more, are you trying to drive us crazy? I think so, and I think it's working. I find myself thinking about your stories at the oddest times, trying to figure them out, but mysteries were never my strongest suit, I stick to humor, double inuendo, and my nom de plume. Answer as you can, I KNOW I enjoy them as much as your stories. lol
 Reviewed By: inu-hanyou06_cherryblossom  On: January 10, 2005 20:30 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
i dont think anybody's asked this question yet... in the end will you kill hisadaicho/emi ? she does still have a human heart after all... and to go ahead and clear up this repeatedly asked question... will the subject of naraku even appear in this fanfic?
 Title: WHAT?!
Reviewed By: shogun_90_inu/kag  On: January 10, 2005 20:25 PST
omg what do you plan to do next?! are you gonna do the lemon with inu and kag and then have hisadaicho try to kill him off?! will kagome actually obtain her true powers and 'accidentally' (because we all know she would never intentionally help hisadaicho on her own free will) help hisadaicho with her evil plans?! will iwazawa destroy the precious vial that will cause poor inuyasha to start having his dreams again?! will inuyasha ever let kagome outta his sight?! is hisadaicho gonna take control of kagura and make her try to kill sesshoumaru?! will sango ever tell miroku what's going on?! will sango ever truly trust kagome fully again?! will kouga actually try to KILL 'his so called' mate?! is ichisaru gonna try and help his dying master?! and will shippou-... where is he anyway? O_o ...ya know... i don't think you'll be answering me anytime soon... eh, sueric?
 Title: (not signed in... don't care either)
Reviewed By: silver_demon_angel  On: January 10, 2005 20:11 PST
(I'm too lazy right now to log in, it's 11 pm for god's sake!) thanx for clearin up the dog demon- dog thing... which you prolly won't remember... but anywayz, another great chapter comes from our wonderful updater and author, the mighty sueric! sorry if i sound little bit enthusiastic (or less in this case)... i think im getting delirious from staying up night after night in order to read this terrific story!! which i can't wait to read and read and read... which also is making me lose vital sleeping quotas. =_= i never want this sotry to end but... Why did you have to be sooo cruel by making this story sooooo addictive?! lmao! ^.^
 Reviewed By: surreal life_inuyashalover  On: January 10, 2005 20:00 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
actually im talking about the ending to the first season of the inuyasha TV series,(not the manga) which is called 'The Final Resolution' and it defiantely isn't a fan-ending... see my friend downloaded this video off a website and then sent it to me! he's a really sweet guy by the way... i was just checking cause i dont think many ppl have heard of it yet, and i was wondering if you wanted me to send it to you as a great multitasked mother's gift from me to you...? let's just say it's my way of saying thanx for updating everyday and not making me have to wait unpatiently for months at a time! lol! it's also one of my favorite stories now, and your prolly my favorite author, so i just wanted to show my appreciation.
 Reviewed By: Mystic Hanyou [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2005 17:53 PST
Poor Sango. She's really worried about that. And after what Hisadaicho said, I don't want them to express themselves yet. Something about that made me think that she wants them to do that. Hope they find away to stop her before she brings her lover back. Update soon, later.
 Title: The gremlins are laughing at me...I am too signed in. *sigh*
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion - not signed in  On: January 10, 2005 14:51 PST
Ooh Hisadaicho, you nasty piece of work! Twisted, deep...and well devised. --- Hehe, Kagome gives InuYasha the silent treatment, all in the most diverse and irritating manner possible. LMAO!! BakaYasha strikes again.
 Reviewed By: Iggy Lovechild [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2005 14:38 PST
I know I shouldn't be delighted that the vial is getting broken but hey...it'll be something new for them to worry about. LOL. Does Hisadaicho realize by breaking the vial, though, she might be helping them more than hindering? Oh by the way, thank you for the explaination on Jaken...I should've thought of that myself I suppose, but maybe I was too taken with the concept of the little imp sitting on about four stacks of phone books to get to the wheel.
 Reviewed By: Angelstars [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2005 11:16 PST
What was that answer to my little question again? "Sure… heh heh heh …" Do'h I knew you wouldn't have made it that easy! lol. I think I'm beginning to understand how Hisadaicho works-last chap had Aki take a village girl; Hisadaicho then waited for the girl to peak and then took her soul... now she's pushing the interaction between Inuyasha and Kagome, she needs a pure heart/soul to help revive her "koishii"? so, Kagome would be at her most powerful as her heart and soul were to join with Inuyasha… he in turn being under the influence of her toxin, would maybe allow her to use him some way? I'm not 100% sure; Hisadaicho could be just sick in the head (lol) for all I know and I am way off track. Sango really needs to speak about her insecurities; she needs reassurance especially if she starts acting differently whenever Kags tries to hold or help Marisaiko.(Side note: Glad you answered one reviewer with reference to "The Final Resolution" I too was wondering what the heck that was, I consider myself up to date with Takahashi/Inuyasha and I even searched for it; thinking it was a dub thing knowing I don't follow the dub… it did have me confused. Speaking of which, you have the patience of a saint! Whenever I read a chapter I also read your review replies; how do you do it without sounding like a broken record? I would have cracked up by now lol.)
 Reviewed By: ixchen [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2005 11:10 PST
loved it as usual
 Title: ::GASP:: did you just give us... ANSWERS?!?!
Reviewed By: angelica incarnate [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2005 10:08 PST
First off, Sango being secretive about her fears with Mari is really just gonna come back to bite her the ass... I betcha. BakaYasha made a return!! Though I doubt Kagome appreciated the return as muc as I did, lol, he entertains me so well!! ^_^ But the best part of this chapter was, by far, Hisadaicho. OH MY. A reward for Kagura, huh? And she wants the talisman broken to give our favourite hanyou and miko a little NUDGE? Whatever for?? What does she mean by true power? I'm intrigued by the line "It has happened before; it can happen again..." Now, I wonder here, WHY would Hisadaicho have such an... avid interest in the strength of Kagome's soul??? ^_^
 Reviewed By: notzathros  On: January 10, 2005 06:36 PST
Gasp. Media Miner is acepting reviews. I think I hear horses:-) I'm still avidly following this story, though I don't review as much with MM being so flaky. Ooo, the lemon chapter was such a tease. heh. It was quite an emotional rollercoaster for me. First, the excitement of the lemon warning (already? seems a little abrupt, but who's complaining.) Turn off tv, get cup of tea, read. Uh oh, it's some sort of creepy bad guy thing (sadness). Hey, Sess and Kagura. Ok, that's good, unless... Oh no, she's gonna try to kill him at just the right moment (worry). Woo hoo, nobody died (elation). Why does the moth chick want them to do this? (worry) Why is she anxious to have I/K do the same? (worry, worry, worry). Heh. Good chapters. I need to go back and reread the fiction to see if I can figure the identity of the lady who talked to Sango. My first guess is that it's the moth chick or someone possessed by her. What a cruel thing to do to Sango. As always, can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks for sharing your work with us.
 Reviewed By: ,INU-KAGLOVER  On: January 10, 2005 00:01 PST
Finally!! Some answers. Bless your soul, bless your soul!! YEAH!! At least we got one happy ending in the future. Makes me wonder if there's a INU/KAG couple wandering around in the future hiding themselves..or maybe not...well, in any case, I am temporarily satisfied. Oh thankee suuuu much!! :)
 Reviewed By: keifu  On: January 09, 2005 23:31 PST
Wow a really good story.Inuyasha getting dizzy in the car. hehehehe but wait a minute..did Hisadaicho just kill the girl? Does she absorb healthy souls so she could be stronger? And oh yah is Sesshy and Kagura already married/mated?? wow steamy lemons.. please update soon. god bless
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