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"Commitments Made In Blood" Reviews/Comments [ 424 ]
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 Reviewed By: crazy-punk-gurl [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 03, 2005 15:13 PST
Hey! You missed my review!... I forgive you, you must be bussy or something, I don't mind really. *Gives you a chocolate browny* I had to do a bake sale today and I feel giving today! I made moneyI $ca-cing$ Hehe, gotta love that sound. Anyway, Hiei is going to help Kurama with Youko, wow, I didn't know he could do that! I know Hiei has Psychic powers and all that junk but can he do that? Hahahahaahah >.
 Reviewed By: bloodbunny [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 03, 2005 14:46 PST
please plesae please update sooon! I want to know what happends next! Well.... that is when I have some free time between having some fun with all the hot anime guys and girls. Maybe some real girls and guys too!
 Title: ^^
Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 03, 2005 14:41 PST
^___________________________________^ A possibilty huh? Yay! Lovely. Keep goiing I love how you update so quickly.^.^
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 03, 2005 14:37 PST
^_____________________________________^ A possibility huh? Yay! Lovely. Well keep going I love how you keep updating so quickly.
 Reviewed By: Shabopo [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 03, 2005 09:03 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I couldn't stop laughing. Naraku vs. The Shopping Mall. Shopping hall wins. And really, I think he'd have difficulties grasping the concept of democracy, even as twisted as its become. i had this odd mental image of Naraku getting caught in the 3 days before Christmas holiday rush that makes shopping, well, hell. Racing to the check out line! Using his abilities and tentacles to snatch wanted products right before other customers picked them up! Only to be beaten by a group of teenage girls shopping. ...okay, so I got very little sleep and am utterly ill, but I thought it was funny. I saw the part where Koenma was asking about the timing of their physical relationship...and blinked. Sure, it makes sense that's what he'd ask, but...Koenma looks like an idiotic todler, frankly. Toddlers and sex SO don't mix. ick! Lovely chapter; Hiei keeping Youko on a leash is just, well, hilarious!
 Reviewed By: Lady_Banshee_999  On: March 03, 2005 05:50 PST
I love your stories! I am sorry to see that people review like the one that set you off. But the fail to understand that YOU are the author, not them. And personally, your "gutting Hojo and hanging him from a chandelier by his intestines if I damned well pleased" idea would be a hit in my book. Personally I really don't like the guy, and think Kagome is to nice to both him and her girl friends from school, but since I am not the author of Inuyasha, I don't have much say. But I can use Hojo as a comic relief in my stories like others use Kuwabara (sp) in their YYH ones. Hell, I enjoy the stories where Kagome gets a backbone, not saying that she shouldn't have her weak moments, since that makes her... Kagome. But seriously, your story is placed have a few years since she fell down the well, correct? I would think that she is a little bit more spiritually stronger, and after dealing with Inu for that long, she has to have a bit of forcefulness in her attitude. But that is just me. :P Don't let the bad reviews get you down, remember, writing a story is more for your own enjoyment then others. But if others enjoy it, then that is just a great bonus. Besides, if we could please everybody 100% of the time, then the world would be a very boring place. TTFN! Lady Banshee 999
 Title: man, i love u!
Reviewed By: tessie_fanfic(not logined in)  On: March 02, 2005 22:38 PST
man, u have really made my day!! besides seric(who, besides u, is the best fanfic writer) u r the only other auther that updates everyday or more than once a day! i love it! i hate it when i get into a story, then it never gets updated (kindof like my story, lol, not getting into that). Thank u!!! ur right bout Hei(and i know i didnt' spell that right) didn't seem to belong within the group. i could tell that right off although part of me was wishing he could. i love that shorty! lol, anyway, till the next chappie1 would u belive i nevwer review as much as i have in the last 2 days?lol. tessie
 Reviewed By: crazy-punk-gurl [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 02, 2005 21:25 PST
By the way you explained your situation of the flame made me wonder if you showed off your anger to that person... O.o that wouldn't be good if I sticked around. I can just imagen the whole torture that person would go through... hehe. *grin evilly* I would use the stale crackers for posioning tratiors that leave me in the dust *howl dust go by* Like that! And put them in the enemies soup.. I find weird ways to kill people because it's fun to imagen what of the possiblities that could happen. Well a better life for me, that's for sure, no problems will happen at school and at the mall... hehe. I can just imagen it! *Imagens evil John(classmate) dissappearing forever* That would be a dream come true! Anyway, hopefully you will update but I have a feeling it won't be for awhile, I can wait... I wonder what torture Koenma is going to do to Hiei and Kurama... that would be interesting. Oh and just to let you know, I completely understand how you feel. You were just making more questions pop up in Kagome's mind to go to the next level of her relationship, that's a really good sign of her getting over Inu-Yasha. Great chapter and please updae! *~*crazy-punk-gurl*~*
 Reviewed By: Arbor [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 02, 2005 21:16 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I started laughing, so hard, when Youko and Hiei started having their conversation. Poor, poor Kurama. XD And.. *looks around innocently* I might, maybe, possibly be back on mm.org in an hour or so. I just might, maybe, possibly, have something to upload. *fingertwiddle*
 Title: YEAH!!
Reviewed By: tessie_fanfic(not logined in) [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 02, 2005 20:29 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
omg, i was so happy to get a chappie from u. whoever ticked u off, send him/her to me, i'll let my sister handle it, lol. belive me she is scary!!! i really dont' know how else to resond cuz i never really got a flame besides someone saying my lemon sucked (made me laugh!!). however, people need to realize that sometimes when u write, u have no choice on what u write. the story takes u over, consumes u. u write what the story tells u. course sometimes when the story stops speaking....sigh, anyway, next time u get a flame, hand them to me! i'll feed them to my dogs! but never let them stop ur writing because that's what they want. they want u to stop writing. thats why they write those things, omg, this is getting long, lol. thanks for updating! u really made my day better!!!! no matter what, this is a great story!!!!
 Title: Lov e your stories!!!
Reviewed By: Water_nymph85 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 02, 2005 19:33 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love your stories. Don't listen to those Idiots who are coplaining if they dont like how your writing your story they dont have to read it.In fact I would like to see them write fic with an original theme like yours for once. The first Xover that I ever read was Circle of Souls and you got me hooked on xovers. Have you ever considered writing a fic were Sess and Youko were both mated to Kagome? Keep up the good work and remember you have a lot more fans than you think don't listen to only a few who get their panties in a tiwst becuase they don't like something you wrote. Your stories rock. Water_nymph85
 Reviewed By: Arbor [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 02, 2005 18:16 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I love your Youko. Thats not how I'm personally going to be portraying him, but your serious Yuoko is probably going to be a lot more true to form than mine ever will be. Of course, *waggles finger at him* what his did was badbadbad, but he's youkai. Since when have the demons in Rumiko Takahashi's story ever felt any different toward humans? Kagome ought to be used to this kind of reaction, and so I can see her forgiving him. Sure, the situation was different, because Houjo is human and therefore didn't know what he was messing with, but there was absolutely nothing wrong with the last chapter, and I will personally cause a slow, painful death to anyone who says anything different. YOU are the author, you can do anything you damn well please. And you do indeed do what you please +damn+ well. I love your story, and I respect your writing talent, tremendously.
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 02, 2005 18:05 PST
I'll kill it one of these days.. sneaking up on me like that... anyways, as I was saying, or wondering, about why I'm attempting to predict what goes through another's mind... I'm not Hiei. And I don't have telepathy or a Jagan. So, this chapter was intense. It also revealed many insights onto the characters, such as Kagome subconciously treating Youko as a human. I never even realized she was until Kuronue pointed it out... ^.^; But it's a valid point, as she probably would treat him that way, and it's a point I've never seen in a fanfic before. But I haven't read them all(Don't really want too... no time), so I'm not one to judge. 'Mind Links' is good, is it not? Though I'm not exactly sure I'd want that sort of mental connection with someone... that would be mildly disturbing, and embarrising. But it would be a lovely scenario. You mentioned that Naraku might need a boytoy, but who would fill that position? Maybe, he would start pursueing both Kurama(human) and Kagome... that would make Youko mad. Really, really mad. After all, Naraku would be after what is his. But that's just a thought... ^.^; Yes, yes, now I'm stuck on the 'Mind Links' thing... *sighs* One can dream, one can dream... which happens to be mildly disturbing in that aspect. Or highly enjoyable, whichever way you look at it, and what positon you're in. Literally. 'Till next time! For now! I must get back to the research I abandoned to read this chapter... heh.
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 02, 2005 17:52 PST
S-s-scary... O.O Your rant to the flamer's was scary... Heh, ^.^ I have the sudden temptation to run, hide, anywhere to not witness the blood-shed that shall be provoked if another flame appears... I'm probably over-dramatizing this, but I do believe that I would not want to witness it... I'd like to help though... :D Yes, people shouldn't diss the different portrayal's of Youko. I love how intense he is! ^.^ It makes it seem much more realistic, and my computer got the angry aura again... just not from him this time... My portrayal of Youko was called 'snitty and touchy' to quote arbor. Made me blink, then laugh when I realized he was acting that way. Ah! I really enjoy how you are having Kagome suddenly realize she can't expect Youko to become anymore 'humanized' or treat him as one. It adds another dimension onto your fic- one that I love. ^.^ I love all the dimensions of your fic! ^.^ Well... except for Naraku, has he been hit by a tour bus yet? You shouldn't apoligize for making me worry, I choose to worry of my own will, I could have chosen not too, but I decided to. After all, you are a most wonderful writer and a friend. Hm, I'm glad Kouga's not going to be dense, as Kouga is awesome comedy relief, but is also a serious character that is grossly under-viewed most of the time. He will probably have the brief moment of disapointment, but that's about it. Actually, that's up to you... why am I suddenly trying to predict what's going to happen? This is a fanfic! ARG! *ban
 Title: Commitments Made In Blood
Reviewed By: Kaguyas Chaos [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 02, 2005 15:07 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Personally, I love this story to death!!! I think its so awesome how you update it so quickly!! The plot is great and the action is constantly there!! I also loved the last chapter and I didn't think it was just a character bashing type of chapter!! I can't wait for your next update!! So do it quickly! XD
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