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"Commitments Made In Blood" Reviews/Comments [ 424 ]
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 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2005 13:52 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oooooooooooooooh. Imagine all the fun you could have if you knew all of hif fetishes. Wait. No bad bad thoghts Fury-chan. What happened to your innocent mind.*snorts* Innocent my @$$. Hey, I have a closet shrine to Youko and Kurama. I like to go in ther to relax. It is very calm. With candles and incense. I still need wards for my bishie closet though. Do you know how to make them? They need to keep mutiple people inside. Including ones who aren't human and have awsome abilities and powers. So what happened to your muses? Did they run away? Well I think even without muses you are an awsome author you should write books. I would buy some. ^^ I can see it know fanfiction fans all over the world will buy your books. You'll be a millonaire! Then with all the money you accumullate you can founder research on other dimensions. You'll be abble to get Youko, Kurama, and Kuronue. You could have your own bishie harem! Maybe. IF they don't escape. That would be bad because then we would have to fend off all the vicous fangirls. Wait that could be a good thing. Because then they'll thank us for saving them. Then they would eternally be in our debt. I we could glomp them forever. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *BLINK**BLINK* Is it just me or does chocolate sound icky right now.For some reason I want some pinapple.0___0It's weird because normally I love chocolate.So weird.
 Reviewed By: crazy-punk-gurl [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2005 13:20 PST
*low whistle* Wow, 30 chapters already, damn, I don't think I could do that. Yeah, I didn't think Kuronue can be added to the pairing with Kagome and Kurama/Youko, it wouldn't go with the story and with Youko's possesive adittude. *horror look* That would be bad and terrible for Kuronue's health. Maybe he should get insurance... just in case, hehe. Shippo would make a great son to Kagome's mom, all he needs is paper work on him existing in Kag's world and he can go to school!... Hm, will Shippo be able to cover his tail and ears from unwanted attention? Please update soon! *~*crazy-punk-gurl*~*
 Reviewed By: bloodbunny [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2005 12:18 PST
They're a package deal, ha? Sounds like fun! So when do I get my package? I want to have some fun too, you know! OHW! Are they covered in candy and everything sweat?! yum!^^
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2005 08:37 PST
Okay, and another review fell to the word limit. But yes, I'm working on it, and I have to say, portraying Youko while miffed is difficult... without outright killing Yusuke. Have you ever noticed how flimsy male shirts are? It's kinda scary, but somewhat joyful at the same time.... I now have an image of Youko in black(biker clothes) stuck in my head... ^.^ Ah, I can mention Kuronue's outfit again as I'm almost done. Yes, his outfit is nice, isn't it? I have to admit, I think the shirts the best part myself. And his hat, his hat is awesome too. Other than the comments I already gave, I really have nothing to say until the next chapter appears. Though I am beginning to think that this story is going to progress beyond thirty chapters... You've probably already stated that, so update whenever so I can mentally envision Kuronue(I already am, and forever will) the way you have him... I'm afraid I will now regard anything else OOC. 'Till next time!
 Reviewed By: Sesshy81 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2005 08:35 PST
I would like to know how you are going to bring in Sesshomaru. He's not the easiest person to get along with. I have not even a single doubt that he'll jump on the bandwagon the moment he hears Naraku is in the modern era. But knowing him, he'll probably hunt down the hanyou in his own way. Now on to the Tetsusaiga. So Sesshomaru doesn't have it. I can only wonder how on earth he'd going to take to Youko taking it. Without a doubt, he'll be furious that Inuyasha would give it to someone not in the family line, it is after all a family heirloom. Regardless of Inu's intention to protect Kagome, Sesshomaru will feel that it should have gone to him. Perhaps you could work it out so that Sesshomaru takes the sword from Kaede before Youko gets there, forcign them to confront Seshomaru in the modern era to get it back. Youko would likely have to prove himself worthy of it, considering Sesshomaru's possessiveness. Even then, I can't see Sesshomau just handing it over, no matter what Inu might say. Hmmm, I feel another dream coming on, though who says Sessho will listen ... Heh, anywho, waiting impatiently for more!! As for why I decided to go indepth wih him ... well ... look at my name, that should explain everything! Bye for now!
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2005 08:31 PST
*starts murdering word limit* I can't say all I want too in one review! I managed to get -23 before realizing nothing I was typing would appear. Hah, as I was saying, I'm glad... I lost my train of thought... T_T I think the condensed version is that I'm glad you're portraying her family so realistically for people who have been exposed to demons and and don't know their 'pasts'. The way your portraying Kuronue is awesome! Usually he's portrayed as somewhat of a flat character, and I don't just want to glomp him... Who wouldn't want to glomp him? Well, as long as you were not on the recieving end of his wrath and h... what would happen if he walked into public? Without a human disguise? And with Youko, also without a human disguise? *envisions girls and guys swooning, and everyone else running towards or away from them* Heh, I stayed up late writing. And I'm still not finished... 13 written pages, and I've managed to keep them fighting. Though I'm not sure I'm doing it justice actually... in your opinion, do you ever think Youko would fight with his bare hands and feet just because he can? Or would he stick with his plants and fight long-distance? Joy, joy... maybe I should forget Yusuke and just have Youko and Kuronue fight... topless.... under a dimly lit sky with rain beginning to pour down... *drools* Heh, I'll stick with Youko and Yusuke. *is actually targeting friends obsessions and seeing if she can give them a nose-bleed... or make them attempt to steal the story...*
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2005 08:20 PST
^.^ The perfect way to wake up- a muffin, some milk, and an update from on one of my favorite stories! Ah, I even now feel like forgiving the stupid woodpecker who decided my wall was an oppurtune place to start being an alarm clock. Joy, Joy. Yes, Yes, Kuronue's ou- er, I'll mention that later, as you seem rather distracted by it... I'm glad you adore me! All bow down and revere me. Heh, I re-read the first volume of YuYu Hakusho, and I think that you kept Botan in character for the chapter(s). Opinionated, assuming, scary, and armed with an oar, I felt pity for Kuronue. That works, the rival thing. It was just bothering me 'cause it felt like the person who opened the well for demons was the type who would demand payment or something. I'm glad though! You considering the paradox issues concerning such souls... Hiei gets too stay in the future while Kuronue and Youko are going to the past... where they probably haven't been... O.O What if Youko existed back then? Hm.. I missed something. Yes, I have to agree with you about the M/M pairing, though I don't see some reviwers problems with it. They tryed biting off your head? Over email? That would be messy... Er, I meant, 'that is utterly cruel and unforgivable!'. Yeah, I'm random. Anyways, I like how you have Kagome's family basically feeling right now, as they are resigned that if they try and hope for the new demon to leave, another will appear. They really don't have the best of luck right now, do they? But they are being p
 Reviewed By: Sesshy81 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2005 08:16 PST
Ignore the pitchforks. I don't like Botan either. And as for killing her off, well, lets just say I'm not opposed to the idea. However I would like to say that I can't see adding Kuronue to the pairing. It seems that, with his personality, he'd be better off laughing at Youko from the outside of the relationship. Just my personal opinion.
 Reviewed By: Shabopo [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2005 01:35 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
[Grin] I have to say this is the first fic I've found where Kagome's mother was so... realistically distrusting of an influx of youkai in her home. Kuronue... what would the chances be that he'd flirt with Kagome just to bug Youko? Though I have to say I thought that eventually the fuzzy ears might win her over, as she glommed onto Inu-Yasha's when she first saw them. [shrug] It was nice to finish a really boring essay on fungus phylogeny and check my e-mail before turning in for the evening, only to find that you've updated! far more interesting than writing about genetic sequencing of Grifola frodonsa I can assure you!
 Reviewed By: ice_princess_1185 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2005 01:21 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hiei's bad^_^!! LOL!!! Love it!!!!
Reviewed By: Shadowfoxdemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2005 21:30 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i would love it if you could do a Kuronue/kagome/kuramaor Youko relationship and don't worry i have much confidence u that i'm sure you wil be able to figure a way out to make the pairing thats if u do it and if u did i would worship u forever. It was a kick ass story and i love the fact that u brought shippo back to life i mean it just wouldn't be right for him to stay did i mean he's just to kawaii to die not to mention i think kagome needed him. She needs all the support. Woah i'm surprised Koenma didn't freak out at the thought of bringing Kuronue back to life i mean i pictured him freaking out and running around the room like a chicken without a head *wathces as koenma runs around the room headless* thats actually a pretty good idea i'm going to add that into my story..lol. anyways i can't wait for you to update it was an awesome kick ass, breathless chapter and i hope you update....u better update or else *grabs scythe* u won't like the consequesnces....j/p anyways update Ja Mata Airy
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2005 20:03 PST
Wow... I reached the limit in the last two, and the first two were sorta rushed... 4(if you count this one, 5) reviews... @_@ I'm going to go and start writing that one-shot now... you passed the bug to me. And I can't get them out of my head as well.
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2005 20:00 PST
*throttles the word limit* Okay! As I was saying, it might work if you make it so Kuronue and Youko had an intimate relationship in the past, that is, if you aren't opposed to Male/Male pairings. But then ou could also have Kuronue be jealous slightly of Kagome, who basically owns Youko's twisted heart. And then you could go on from there and such. That's really the only way I see them getting together, but... *throttles word limit again* It interrupted my brainstorming session... T_T Anyways, that's just an idea. Though I have to agree with some of the other reviewers, who are protesting the need for a love triangle. It just wouldn't work... if you really want to do that one you could do it in a differe- *is hit over the head and stuffed in closet by people who want you to focus your whole attention on this fic* @_@ Arg... I don't think Kuronue(having just been revived) would really care to establish romantic relationships with anybody currently. After all, he was dead, what, yesterday, right? Why doesn't Kuronue stay unattached? He seems enough of a ladies man... how I know that, no idea, I think it just has to do with his wardrobe... that he wouldn't be looking for a... ah, permanent relationship with someone. Who knows? Que Sera Sera... what will be, will be. I've but in my say, so I better stop rambling now. Over-all, these two chapters were wonderful. Even if 28 was a bit rushed. Now how's that for a review? And I reached the limit here to. Can't wait for the next one!
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2005 19:49 PST
You brought Shippou back! I guess my only concern about that is the fact he is exactly as before. You could have changed him... but I guess this works better and keeps the anger level down. After all, if Shippou was in his 'teens' and still hugging Kagome, I doubt Youko would like that. Kuronue, you should have put his reaction to Youko's death and possesion of an unborn child... Though you probably just wanted to stop typing by then. You were requested to do a love triangle between Kurama/Kagome/Kuronue... As much as I love the idea(who wouldn't), I want to point out you stated that her bond to Youko would hurt her if she became intimate with anyone besides him. So you would have to find a way to overcome that(and as your the author, that isn't that hard) so you could actually do it. Though really, I'm not sure. It just doesn't seem like Youko would be willing to share... at all. And then there's the pressure from Kagome's mom... who is already freaking out about her and Youko. But Youko is sharing with someone already, a part of himself, but still. Shuichi, so would Youko, a kitsune, really want anyone else to take up his mate's time? Though from what I've seen of Kuronue, I can't see him falling in love easily... especially to a human miko he knows belongs to his partner. Overall, the pairing doesn't seem like it would work... but you are the author, so you may find a way. Though I can see it working if you suddenly add that Kuronue and Youko had an intimate relationship i
 Title: Chapter 27
Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2005 19:35 PST
Reviewing: Chapter 27. heh, Okay, love the fluff! :D I'm reviewing the chapters seperately 'cause I read them out of order. Now... Botan, needs to learn to live.... *is hit by oar for extremely bad joke* Ah, my sense of humor was kicked up... I still find that amusing. Anyways, she needs to live a little, and not rely on the Spirit World gossip system as much. I mean c'mon, Kagome hurting someone who didn't hurt her first is extremely unlikely. Though I'm curious now, who was the person who opened the well to Naraku, his rival? I know that's going to come in somewhere... but where? Or it may not be imminent at all, and I may just be fixed on it or something. Kagome's mom seems a little more tolerant, for the fLuFf. Yes, the wonderful fLuFf. Er, I'm sorta surprised Koenma didn't freak out and panic at the thought of re-introducing Kuronue back into the world. Or back to life. Okay! Read next chapter before I start discussing it here!
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