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"Commitments Made In Blood" Reviews/Comments [ 424 ]
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 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2005 01:14 PST
Don't pull out your hair! That hurts. I know how you feel about the stories though - I just haven't gotten to the phase that others can read them(legibly). Which reminds me... I need to type that up... Heh. Later. There I go again, talking to myself in a review to an author I greatly admire... really makes me contemplate my sanity. Anyways! This looks interesting, though I can't remember what you did first... And I know I've read it. I think I cried or something... ah well, I can't remember, so I'll settle with reading more of this! ^.^ Let your writing bug work itself out, I'm sure your reviewers(other stories) will live without updates for a little longer. I will, and I read them! But that could just be a natural bad memory... I'll go with the 'I'm patient' theory. Yep. Can you update this soon? Like... tomorrow? Or today I guess... Sunday! or... whenever... I give up... not on the story! On describing when you should update! Is 'soon' vague enough?
 Reviewed By: Arbor [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2005 00:07 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Wanna know the truth? I've never read/watch yuyu hakusho. I know the entire YYH storyline, ebcause so many fics I've read, and I'll admit Kag/Kur is my favourite. I've been planning on going to the bookstore for a while now, so I can work on a crossover of my own, and be sure of my facts, but the fact that I have other stories I'm working on deters me. I +wish+ the writing bug would bite me at all. I've barely been managing 100 words per WEEK for almost two months now. It's horrid, and evil and.. bad badness. :P So feel good that you have the bug for this story. I've got nothing. Now +that+ is frustrating. ;) I'm so, so glad you got bitten by those horrid plotbunnies! This was simply too good to be a One-shot. I swear, I did a happy little wiggle/dance in my chair when I saw you'd added another chapter to this. ;D I shall look forward to the others, very much. And maybe inbwteen reading, I can work on my own stories. Evil, beastly things. *kicks her Inspiration* Good for nothing layabout. Anyway.. *love* You made my er.. night, since it's two am, by updating.
 Reviewed By: Chanter Guardian  On: February 12, 2005 15:53 PST
you really need to update soon for my sanity...........wait i think i lost that a long time ago O.O it is a good story so far ur a really good author PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: kagome15 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 12, 2005 12:43 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
great ff so far please update soon!!!
 Reviewed By: Arbor [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 11, 2005 21:48 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
o_o .... Excuse me? That was a One-shot? How mean and cruel could you possibly be? Why would you +do+ something like that? Aughpiffigle! You're too damned good of an author, and I hate you. No, I don't, I'm sorry for saying that, please forgive me. I shall have to speak the truth: I inutterably adore you. Gwarg. I wish this wasn't a One-shot... are you sure you don't have plot bunnies attacking you to elongate it? Not that I really mind, since you've got three other lovely stories I can keep up with (even though I've already read them all. o_o; ) but just to let you know: this was sweet, and good. +IF+ you had wanted to have this as a longer fic, someday in the future, I would maybe include more details about the attack, and time spent there, but this is probably one of the few serious oneshots I've read in a long time that I truly loved and hated both. Loved because it was so good, and hated because it was over. Ah... I fear I'm rambling. *shiftylooks, licks you quikcly and runs away* Seriously, insert lots of adoring gushing into the tones you think of when you read this. =X
 Reviewed By: Rose Fury [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 07, 2005 15:52 PST
Please continue this and make it a full on story! Pleeeaaaase! It's awsome! And you left us wanting to know what would happen next! (pouts) Pleeeeaaase continue!
 Reviewed By: Kelly Hartnett  On: February 05, 2005 12:26 PST
You should cut the one-shot and make this a fic, 'cuz it's really good!
 Reviewed By: Dark Soul  On: February 01, 2005 19:19 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great story!!! Please update!!!!
 Reviewed By: tbiris [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 28, 2005 16:44 PST
ahhhhhh cute ^^^^ and really sad
 Title: Ashka
Reviewed By: baby_kistune23 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 27, 2005 03:00 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WOW! I totally love your story! I cann't wait to see what happens next. Are you going to have Sango, Mirkou,Kilala, and Shippo reincarnated? what about Naraku? lol ;)~
 Reviewed By: inuyasha92689 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 25, 2005 17:08 PST
OMG this is such a kawaii story so far I love it you have got to update it really soon ok thanks tootles. ~Ris~
 Reviewed By: phoenixs_paiste [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 25, 2005 11:17 PST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 5 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I really enjoyed this story. I know that you wrote that it would be a one shot but it really made my mind run. I wonder what would happen when he finally intruduced her to his friends. When they finallly got to know eachother. What about the quest with the jewel shards. It would be neat to see what you wrote on all of that if you continued the story.
 Reviewed By: Darkened_Halo [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 23, 2005 00:59 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow, dang! That was really good. I love all of your works. I like the Kag/Kur couples. This one was really sweet in the end. You did a good job:D
 Title: ^^
Reviewed By: katiepatie [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 22, 2005 13:36 PST
Although I wholeheartedly think you should make this more than a one-shot, it's perfect! It works great as a one-shot and I don't care if you keep it so. ^^ Has anyone ever told you you're a great author? Well, you are! Keep up great work!
 Reviewed By: Alexa  On: January 22, 2005 11:32 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Please you can't just end it there. It sounds like a good start. Please write more. I love all your stories. :)
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