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"Black Widow Miko" Reviews/Comments [ 506 ]
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 Title: the deliberately missing "s"
Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2008 02:23 EST
It's ME: madmiko. ^_^ Just wanted to reply to Rainstorm6189's question in her review so other people don't think I had a pervasive typo in the chapter. The "s" was deliberately left off when I was writing the possessive form of "fox." That is the correct way to do it. You don't add the "s" after the apostrophe when it follows an "x." It's just one of the quirks of the English language. ^_^ Thanks for paying close enough attention to mention it, though! I need you guys to keep me sharp. ^_^
 Reviewed By: Rainstorm61879NSI  On: February 18, 2008 01:30 EST
Wow quite a while to wait for an update but oh was it worth it..umm a lot of the 's in your story or atleast where i think it was meant to be a 's is only a ' like (he might admire the fox' taste) there were several like that and i think they were all after the word fox so maybe it isn't a typo but something you did for a reason..either way had to point that out and it was such a long chapter that i honestly had to take a few breaks from reading it...so can't remember all that i did read today in crystal clarity..however great update which answered questions but just made new ones and still leaves a few old ones unaswered
 Reviewed By: Sesshys_Girl06  On: February 17, 2008 22:57 EST
... it's finally out! *dies*it's sesshoumaru's...marry me....twins... dose Jin come back.... omg... lots to think about. never mind the humongously long chapter...no wonder it takes you forever for a damn chapter to come out! there always so damn long.... at least it kept me busy for about 45 minutes. wow, i don't think i could write a chapter that long... i think it's safe to say that madmiko, that is the longest chapter i have ever read. i've only read one shots longer than yours, and that's it!!!! my god, i think you just set a world record.
 Reviewed By: BrokenSouledPoetess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 17, 2008 22:09 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow. I really don't know where to start on this review. It was absolutely amazing for one. I've been caught on a couple different things in this chapter that make me think about the entire thing. I mean, there were those two wannabe-mikos that followed Tsubaki around ne? And then there is also the chance that maybe Midoriko could've been the one to purify their souls? I don't really recall if anything was said about what happened with the souls in the Shikon but maybe Midoriko's was tainted from being with the demons for so long that she saw Kagome as being tainted for mating with youkai? Hmm. Then there is the whole Kagura/Ginjiro/Kagome/Eishumaru/Sesshoumaru thing. Sesshoumaru was just too honorable a demon to cheat on a mate in any way. Whatever the real story behind the Inu no Taisho and Izayoi and Sesshoumaru's real mother is, I am sure it wasn't good and I don't think Sesshoumaru would ever place his own mate in a situation like that. Then there is the thing Genkai said. She only said that Eishumaru and Ginjiro were related, not that they were brothers. It is possible that Sesshoumaru may have had another brother elsewhere that got Kagura knocked up. There's no way it would've been Inuyasha because he was too devoted to Kagome and dead when Kagura would have conceived. I find it hard to believe that Inu no Taisho and Sesshoumaru's mother had just Sesshoumaru. Or maybe Kagura was able to sink her claws into Sesshoumaru while he was incapacitated somewhat by the poison. I still don't think he's Ginjiro's father though. It just doesn't seem feasible, especially since Genkai only said they were related. Besides that, Kagura was nervous when they were waiting for the news, which means she had to have been deceitful about something. I wonder though...why haven't Shippou or Kurama been able to pick up on Ginjiro's scent? Or even Daitano, Sassouta or Eishumaru? I mean, if he were Eishumaru's brother, wouldn't he smell like him form Sesshoumaru's blood? I mean obviously there would be discrepancies because the mother's are different, but they're inus. They should be able to scent out pack.
 Reviewed By: jen9  On: February 17, 2008 20:28 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
omfg!!! i love this story!!! thankyou for updating, i was worried that you weren't going to continue but its fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is Shippo the one who kill Kagomes mates? is he like insanely jelous of them because he wants Kagome? and its nasty that sess cheated on her.... Ja Ne Jenna xoxox
 Title: Heheh
Reviewed By: Angelwings21 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 17, 2008 19:03 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Juhu Finally you updated ^^ GRRR I´m always wrong with my Thoughts about this Story LOL MHHH Maby Naraku is not Dead and hes the Puppetmaster in this Case. I hope the Next update is a little Faster. I nearlly had a Heath Attak because you didn´t update ^^ But Great Chapter I loved how you described all 3 Deads. Please update fast can´t wait to read the next Chapter ^^
 Reviewed By: alchemie [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 17, 2008 12:43 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
eeeee! I love it... though who I think is behind everything now that I've read this chapter makes me sad... Hopefully I'm wrong, but I would make perfect sense. :) I can't wait too see what you have for us next!!
 Reviewed By: porygon75052 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 17, 2008 03:48 EST
the whole plot aginst kagome just stinks of nara keep up the great work
 Reviewed By: bloodbunny [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 17, 2008 02:43 EST
Um... wow... I really liked this new part of the story! I was dead set on a god taking over Kagome's body that this new chapter threw me TOTALY out of the water! Why would Kagome attack him? Oh well... I can kind of see why she did it! But Hiei was so sweet and caring about how he listened to her! AH!!!! I loved that part! And when he said that he would always be there for her! AH! I loved it! I really wish that she would at least tell her son's that she's almost mated to Hiei and having his kids. That way they can beat up Kurama every time he comes close to her! AH! I HATED him in this chapter! He just needs to... to... TO EAT SPIDERS! So there!!! I still don't think Kagura's son is Sesshomaru's son. And if he is she's the one that killed him. When she killed him she could have taken sperm or something off of him... hm... that's the only thing I can think of... Or Naraku did something with his blood... oh well... she can just go suck a lemon! Bitch... and so can her son! God! He's like a ROBOT!! From now on that's his name! ROBOT!!! I think I'll be happy when all the fighting is over... but then again you wouldn't have a story if there wasn't any fighting... or if you did it'd be really boring! lol! So thank god you do! AHG! The thing I want the most when I read this story will always be for Hiei and Kagome to TELL people about their relationship! AHGhg! I hate them having to hide it! And KURAMA! GOD! okokok.... I'm done... he's in the corner eatting spiders... AHGGSHA! ok. I wonder what Kagome will say to Hiei in the next chapter! I'm sure she'll say yes if that one picture on DA has anything to do with it. lol. I just spent two hours looking through all your favorites! It was really fun! I wish I could draw like that! And write like you! You're SUCH a good writter! AHG! I wish I wish I wish! *sigh* You've read one of my stories... you say it's good... but I just don't have that... UMPH! that your stories do. Hm... I guess I'll just have to work on it... practice makes perfect... Oh well. OH! I started reading this story this morning and I had to go work work right in the middle of it. All I could think about at work was getting back home so I could find out what Hiei would do. AHG! I wasn't let down! He was sooo cute! *pinches cheeks* lol. I really should be doing my home work... But writing to you is much more fun! ;p Anywho, I DO hope you update soon, but update at your own pace. I know the hardest thing for me to do is write when people hound me about it. But the extra review here or there helps a lot! ;p So here is my own helpful review, I hope your doing well at home and your kids are behaving themselves. (even though I know they're not! Kids will be kids after all. I'm the oldest so I know ALL about it. ;p) Anyway, I'll leave you to write your next big masterpiece. I hope it will be just as lovely as this last chapter was. I know I will be eagerly awaiting for e-mail saying a new chapter is out. But, but worry I won't hold my breath. (I don't think I'd get past the first two minutes alive) okok sorry! I'll really let you go now! Have fun writing! And chasing kids around!
 Reviewed By: river [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 17, 2008 02:38 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Woohoo! *does the happy dance* So happy for the new chapter! Oh! but that better not be Sesshoumaru's son... maybe there is an unknown inu cousin hidden somewhere?? And I hope I don't have to cry when the mystery of the poison food comes out...
 Reviewed By: LadyNorth76  On: February 17, 2008 02:25 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Finally!...a new chapter! lol Please update as soon as you can. Thanks.
 Reviewed By: MichiruAOZ [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 17, 2008 01:32 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
YEAH!!! (Little happy dance for getting an update on an absolute fav story ever!!!) Once again an amazing chappie, although I was beginning to wonder if and when it would happen >.< ... I'm SOOOOOOOOO happy that it did! Yes you answered a few of my questions but you also managed to yet again throw out a few more for me to think about... Including just who the female soul that was so desperate to talk to Koenma was (that kinda stuck with me so I'm wondering if there is a particular significance to that, hmmm?) ^.^ Anywho... You have once again done an amazing job and I can't wait to see where you lead our couple next... The fluffiness is such a nice break for all the drama this group has to deal with, then there's the tension (yipe! duck and cover cause stuffs bout to hit the fan!)! You create an amazing and surprisingly well balanced mix between the emotions and reactions that I very much look forward to (not that I doubt your abilities in the least after all this time reading your fascinating works...). Please keep up the great work and I look forward to reading your next installment, but it's late here so I've gotta go crash if I wanna get any sleep before the baby wakes up, so goodnight and laters! Michi ^.~
 Title: Wow
Reviewed By: critical eye [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2008 21:48 EST
This chapter was worth waiting for and so long! I´ve read Hentai Bets two times until the new chapter of BWM and I still love it (you´ve really packed my favourite characters in that one and it´s just so damn funny). I love the secret interaction between Hiei and Kagome and I still don´t believe that Sesshoumaru slept with Kagura, maybe she stole his sperma *snicker*. Oooh, Kurama just asks for an ass whipping doesn´t he? Gods, he can be so annoying! I´m looking forward for Hiei´s kids; *dreams of a chibi Hiei* You know, you are really talented and I hope you won´t stop writing and sharing your wonderful stories with us anytime soon. When you have time would you consider a storie/one-shot/anything with Kagome and Sesshoumaru? The interaction between them in BWM is so beautiful I can´t help but want more. So technically, it´s your own fault for getting your readers addicted to your stories. You don´t want us to suffer, do you? ;)
 Reviewed By: Crazy Mishka [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2008 18:15 EST
*sighs Happily*. Once again I'm blown away and quite happy to sit here fighting tears and laughter and the squeals raring to make themsleves known. Now I have to write some fanfiction to get all my fangirly-ness out!!! Much love and miss yous! And thank you for posting such a super long chapter that was a GREAT read! I can feel the love~! Every point I read and got all happy, then looked at the scroll bar to realize I had so much more good stuff to read! It was wonderful!
 Reviewed By: selenitypotter [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2008 14:52 EST
Yup, almost 6 months old and working on sitting up. Now if I can just get her to roll over instead of screaming at me...ah well, she'll roll over more often eventually. Great chapter, I was soooo excited that you updated! I hope your next update doesn't take almost four months next time ;) He asked her to marry him?! That is going to have some interesting reactions all around!
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