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"Black Widow Miko" Reviews/Comments [ 506 ]
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 Reviewed By: DYquem (NSI)  On: August 20, 2008 00:39 EDT
I have figured out part of the difference between this story and a ton of others on the web, some of which are also well written. Reviews are basically a quid pro quo. "I enjoyed the story and will leave a review as payment." Most writers (even ones who say they are open to constructive criticism) want reviews which only fall into the Thumper category, from the movie Bambi. "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." This story instills in me an entirely different attitude. I want to talk about it. I want to discuss it with others. "What did you think about the time Kurama did this, or Zhang said that." I want to hear what others think and what theories they have on whodunit. I want to talk with others about the evidence I see for one position or another, and have them help support it, or reject it with evidence from the story that I've missed. It is a truly rare story to create that kind of interest. If it is doable, you might consider creating some sort of a forum for your next story, so people can do just that. IMO, an entire panel at a SF or anime convention could be taken up with a panel discussion/debate on this story.
 Title: Marital Bliss!
Reviewed By: TAJE [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 19, 2008 22:25 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Let me first say that I'm sorry for your loss. So much in a few months. I did miss you. I hope and trust everyone is fairing well. As for your story...Wow! your description of the wedding was beautiful. Although it was a small ceremony, you gave it all the majestic feel of a large one. Really Beautiful! I think if circumstances were different, and her sons could be in attendance, you would have given it the beauty deserving of a full ceremony. I can only imagine what you would have had her handsome sons decked out in. Poor Hiei, gotta maintain his instincts.(He can't freely get his groove on girl!) And Hey what the heck is wrong with Kurama/Youko? Do he and Shippo really want to duel it out? What I can't wait to know is who is trying to frame Kagome of course, and do Sesshomaru really have a son by Kagura? This is really bugging me out!:p I guess I'll have to wait. I love this story as you know. I must apologize for not getting to read this sooner. RLI is crowing my head as well. My days are not my own. But I congratulate you on the nominations that is deserving. This is a wonderful cross-over. Peace to you and your family always.
 Reviewed By: inuyashagirl5 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 19, 2008 00:01 EDT
My review is late because mediaminer decided I wasn't cool enough to get an e-mail saying you updated. *poutpout* Anyways, it took me about an hour to read the chapter because my boyfriend doesn't know the meaning of "Quiet I'm reading something important!!" The chapter was wonderful, funny, beautiful and suspenseful all rolled up in a very creative, entertaining manner. You are definitely the Empress of the Hiei/Kagome pairing. >w< Keep up the excellent work and I look forward to more~!
 Reviewed By: river [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 14, 2008 01:05 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WooHoo!!! (dances like a monkey) Thank-you!! and thanks Ryukotsusei for encouraging her ;) But there are still mysteries to be solved, so I am waiting for more... Thanks for sharing your vision!!
 Reviewed By: songbird_1025  On: August 12, 2008 00:06 EDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I LOVE THIS STORY! I LOVE THIS STORY! I LOVE THIS STORY!!!! I was waiting so lokng to finally see how all of this would play out and I must say I and thoughly impressed. Keep up the great work and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update soon.
 Reviewed By: darknessmoon [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2008 11:47 EDT
my condolences, i hope your kids are ok and theyhad fun in disney world. i never got to go. the storyis as amazing as usual. take as long as you need to write just don't stop!!!
 Reviewed By: Raeko [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 09, 2008 22:22 EDT
Anyway, as I was saying, the attempted Kurama-kebab was way too clumsy to be the real thing, but somebody is obviously trying to set her up, and why try it by killing someone who doesn't fit the formula? Do you see what I'm saying? They had to think she was sleeping with Kurama to think that killing him would continue the pattern. On the other hand, they might have done it knowing that he would live, and that it would just solidify his suspicions of her--in that case, only not knowing she had an airtight Hiei-shaped alibi kept it from succeeding. On the OTHER other hand, wouldn't Kurama normally be a little more clear-headed about this? I mean, I see him as the type of guy to recognize that it DIDN'T fit the previous pattern and stop to consider other possibilities...like a shape-shifter or a hallucinogen or something. Maybe he's only NOT considering these things because he's personally ticked at her for NOT sleeping with him... Ugh, this is a long and convoluted road and my feet hurt already. Back to what I was thinking about before. I laughed myself off my chair about Hojo dumping Kagome! That was so...so Hojo. And then Hiei drinking him off his chair...priceless! Ah, well. It was good of him to sit through the lunch at all, and Hojo IS annoying. And clueless. Hm...I want to know who else it was that noticed Hiei's concern when Byakuya dropped her besides Sassouta. Dammit, there are just too many variables in this monstrosity of a story! It isn't just finding the real killer, it could very well be finding the real killerS, and nothing says there aren't other people out to get Kagome as well. It could have been anybody, friend or foe, and yet the way it was just slipped in there so subtly makes me think it HAS to be important! But that could just be you trying to drive me crazy! In which case...good job. >.< You've been doing a bang-up job of THAT task all along. One last thing-with the cat out of the bag, will Hiei and Kagome come clean to everybody? Just the Spirit Detectives? And how much will anyone know? At bare minimum, the three other SDs know that they're sleeping together, but no more-god, and you couldn't have given me five more minutes of story time so I wouldn't have to wonder, could you, Cliffhanger Claire? ...If you don't like your new nickname, blame my lack of sleep and your own frustrating-but awesome-story. ^_^ Cheers regardless of inner turmoil!
 Reviewed By: Raeko [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 09, 2008 22:19 EDT
Hoooboy. Here we go--I'm just going to skim through the chapter to comment (commentate?) and try not to miss anything. ^_^ I'm SO glad she agreed to marry him, but I definitely didn't expect it to happen so fast. I don't know why I didn't--I mean, it's Hiei; once he makes a decision, why wait to act on it? But circumstances being what they are, I guess I expected it to be more difficult to pull off. It was absolutely beautiful though. I think it was my favorite fic-wedding to date, and considering the sheer numbers of those out there, that's saying something. And add in the honeymoon--it was just beautiful. I'm not going to muddy it up by picking it apart, it was just beautiful. I know I said before (er, I think I said before?) that maybe, maaayybe Sesshoumaru WAS being drugged and THAT was how Ginjiro happened, but I read DY's review (I kind of had to, I was mesmerized by the length of the thing) and I think that theory of Sesshoumaru's mother having another child might just hold water. It seems to fit with the aura business. Usual disclaimer applies though--it's your fic, your world, your rules, so maybe you've got something else up your sleeve that will make perfect sense once you finally let us in on the gag. >.< That's what usually happens to ME anyway, I don't know about the rest of your readers! However--fast-forward to the end for this one--I don't think I agree with the one about Kagura trying to off Kurama because she was jealous. I don't have a solid idea who it was yet--heck, it COULD be Kagura--but I do think that whoever it was thought that Kagome was sleeping with him (too?). It almost seems like a copycat of the murders of her mates...way too clumsy (he lived...which I'm a little sorry about, in this fic >..< That's been pretty much a constant since I started reading...ugh, out of space, hang on.
 Title: Damn!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Lady_MidNight [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 09, 2008 03:40 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
DAMN it has taken me four days on and off to finish the 15 chapters of the massive fic and i am by no means a slow reader. i have only ever come across one other such fic containg this pairing. that was as epic and attictive to read that fic being "on the night of the blood red moon" i could brealy put my lap top down these last few days ive started when i woke in the moring and contiuned to read till around 3 in the morring. it is rare i find such a well writen story.and such an ending to chap 15 you have me bcning in my skin tyring to think of how it will unfold. if i had not been on the receving end of you epic chapters for the last four day. i would not belive it could all be concluded in the two chapters you hope to. but really i dont care how many it takes i just hope they come in a relativly fast sucsecion of each other.
 Reviewed By: silver_hollows [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 06, 2008 22:33 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great chapter as always (it was worth the wait). I loved Kagome's possesive moment, it fit her perfectly. I can't wait to find out what happens when Hiei confesses. Please post the next chapter as soon as you can.
 Reviewed By: pinksnowbunny101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2008 22:19 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
AHHHHH! It gets better an dbetter.Kick kurama's ass Hiei! Woah, ilove this story way too much. It's been forever since your last update. Please, try to write more soon.
 Reviewed By: Crazy Mishka [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2008 18:26 EDT
10!10!10!10!10! *spazzes'blubbers'squeals* OMFG!!!! GAh, Kelly you are killing me here! *chibifies and runs around in circles* Kagome! YEs now we have proof! And the secret is out...sorta...kinda *gurgles*. GAH! Deep breath mishka. OKay. As usual everything darn thing about your work is absolutely effing gorgeous~! Your plot, your description, your development of the characters and then their seperate and very realistic reactions compounded by the beautiful way your writing just reveals things...*sighs* Of course, Hiei and Kagome, as you write them, just work. It was funny that both noticed other wedded couples checking their partners out, and Hiei's idea that Kagome was oblivious to what a little bastard he was (and he wanted to keep it that way thank you very much!) was very cute. So very Hiei and Kagome. I can see now why Kurama was attacked (everyone thought he was her lover) and I applaud (once agian) your brilliant way of weaving the story/foreshadowing together. Damn it, I love reading your stuff because I can't predict everything. Which is wonderful--sometimes I think that's the sad thing about being a bookworm, you learn to read into very small details and predeict most of the plot. Like how the heck is Ginjiro really related to Sesshoumaru~!? Anyway my Dog is doing that antsy dance, so I have to cut this short. Rest assured the chapter was brilliant and I am sure that I could use up the whole word count randomly, sporadically, recalling little tidbits that made me laugh or cry or shout or squeal (really, you turn me into such an emotional mess). Very much looking forward to your next update--even if it's a long wait. Because it's always worth it. Best Regards (and squeals and hugs), Mishka P.S: I can't wait for Hiei to find out there's an aphrodisiac tied into Kurama's bracelet. *giggles*
 Reviewed By: BrokenSouledPoetess [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2008 17:33 EDT
Damn woman! Nice chapter. I figured Kagome would say yes but I hadn't thought you'd actually be kind enough to put the wedding in the same chapter. And then...then! You had to go and fudge everything up by leaving it with a cliffy. You really are evil you know that don't you?
 Title: DAMN YOU!!! TOT
Reviewed By: Sango Tajiya [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2008 14:57 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! Why do you DO THIS TO ME!!!!* rocking back and forth crying* I'M SO PISSED! THAT WAS THE PERFECT START! I thought we'd finally figure out who the actual killer is and .....YOU ENDED IT! aghhh.... Anyways, it was pretty awesome. I wasn't expecting them to get married, but I thought it was pretty cool. I wonder how they'll react when they learn just how far Hiei's into Kags? hee hee hee, I think Kurama might actually try to kill him^^ ahh, that'll be an awesome fight. I wonder who the killer is though? Does it have something to do with master....master what's -his- name? Her sensei? Oh well I'll know at some point.^^ You never dissappoint when it comes to these stories. Review ya later then!
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2008 00:44 EDT
THE THEORIES: Gotta have them, even if they go down in flames. I truly think I have Ginjiro figured out. I came up with this during the last chapter, but it didn't get into the reviews. This chapter supports my theory. Ginjiro and Eishumaru are related. They are, in fact, half first cousins, but through their GRANDMOTHER, not their GRANDFATHER. It is canon (through the manga) that Sesshoumaru looks more like his mother than his father. In fact, he looks like a somewhat masculine version of his mother. Inutaisho fathered Inuyasha after Sesshoumaru, and there is no reason to think that Sess' mother didn't do the same thing. She had a son who would be Sesshoumaru's half brother, but not at all related to inuyasha. so Daitano and Ginjiro show no matches because they have no genetic relationship to each other. But ginjiro and Eishumaru do show matches because they each have Sess' mother for a grandparent. However, that would obviously not give Ginjiro any claim to the western lands, which belonged to Inutaisho, as he has no genetic relationship to him. ----------------- I really think I am on fairly solid ground on that one. The theory which is a tad out there is this one: I'm still clinging to my theory of the three barriers between the worlds, and that one of each of the three souls went to make up each barrier. I think Kikyou could have killed Inuyasha. I know Kagome says that is impossible as Kikyou loved that part of him, but your Kikyou was a kuromiko, and it is entirely possible, IMO, that she killed Inuyasha, whether in his human form or not. I'm not sure about Sesshoumaru, but it is possible Kagura killed him. It is equally possible that his mother killed him (perhaps in cahoots with Kagura,) or had him killed, in order to make way for her grandson Ginjiro (full youkai, no human miko taint.) We'll go with that for now. On to Kouga. Everyone is asking who Zhang trained, but no one is asking about Zhang himself. I had not realized he was around during Kouga's lifetime. He certainly knows the required attack. He's the one teaching it. As to motive? Well, he does, in Hiei's own estimation, have the ear of the gods. which leads me to the somewhat off the wall theory that the mastermind behind the murders is none other than King Enma, and Koenma hasn't a clue. It is clearly established that King Enma hates youkai. It is clearly established he has no problem with killing even peaceable youkai if he feels there is even a vague possibility of a threat (i.e. sending the SDF to kill Yusuke when he'd done absolutely nothing.) It is canon that King Enma will sacrifice hundreds or thousands of humans for his definition of "the greater good" so he would have no trouble sacrificing Kagome as the supposed 'black widow miko." I have no trouble believing Enma would make a deal with Kikyou, even knowing she was a kuromiko. Zhang, as much as he seems to respect and even love Kagome, also would follow the orders of the gods, IMO. So there you are. Now why then was Kurama attacked? I think Kagura did it because he broke up with her, and she was p_ssed. The other obvious theory is that someone is trying to kill all of Kagome's mates/lovers, but I will go with simple revenge on Kagura's part for now. On second thought, if King Enma is the mastermind as I think he is, it would be a piece of cake for him to let Kikou out of Reikei to go kill Kurama, Kagome's supposed lover. I like that theory better, and it explains why Kurama thought it was Kagome. Kurama is so creepy, and so cold. "I'll have sex, then escort her to her execution." ewwwwww. What a nasty cold personality. He has no right to get so angry when he realizes that Hiei is sleeping with Kagome. Kurama is just p_ssed he lost out. The creep. I did like Yusuke's version of calming the waters. "everybody stop fighting because if I have to stop it, my blood can kick your blood's ass any day of the week." Actually, you've given him some maturity, Yusuke style.
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