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"Black Widow Miko" Reviews/Comments [ 506 ]
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 Reviewed By: Raeko [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 21:29 EDT
First off, I've just got get this out. Your story is like heroin. (In a good way!) I finished reading this chapter and something just clicked into place inside of me that I hadn't even realized was OUT of place. I am so glad you're writing this, and I know a lot of reviewers say that kind of thing, but this is Rae at her sincerest. *pause* Okay, on to normal review...I'm really enjoying the way you have this huge group of people split up into subgroups--Kagome's sons; the SDs; the old folks; the retainers. For some reason I just love following along with what they all know. (Old folks are definitely winning in the "Who is Kagome's Lover?" race.) It makes me a little sad, though, that Kagome herself is on the fringes but not quite belonging to any group, unless you count her sons... I don't think I do count that. She's not their equal nor a peer. (I guess she and Hiei can have their own group, hm?) And this will sound totally pathetic, but the way you intersperse H/K scenes with the rest of whatever is going on has me practically a puddle of goo! Warm fuzzies for everyone! And...I guess that's all for now. Maybe more later, when I've had some time to process all the fuzzies!
 Reviewed By: Silvermisttaleweaver [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 19:21 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Now I'm really wondering whodunit. With so many twists and turns, its definitely keeping my attention. Can't wait to see Kurama's face when he finally finds out that Hiei had him outclassed from the get-go. I'd have had him neutered long ago, since he can't take no for an answer, ever. There is such a thing as too big an ego. Purified off? Kagura is definitely missing something, when even in the canon glimpses of Sessy's softer side were clearly seen from the first time he got latched onto by Rin. I do wonder who the father of Ginjiro really is as well. I don't see Sess as the straying type. Have to wonder which detective is going to catch on to Hiei and Kagome's new understanding. With less denial between them, I think I'd put my money on Kuwabara. Seems odd at first blush but then there is his "Red string crap" As Yusuke calls it. Kurama is so focused on her never being able to resist HIM, it may take walking in on them to clue him in. and yusuke is well.. Yusuke. Final scene, perfect, sweet, soft and delightfully fluffy while keeping their personalities intact. :) Looking forward to more!
 Reviewed By: babygirl20008 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 17:14 EDT
well is was not Sess. But thats ok. I love the ending the kiss was great. I bet it made his and her toes curl. I know mine would be. I do have a question can't they tell if the Kaguras kids is Sess's through is sent I though that INUs could do that? Well untill next time hope to see ya really soon. Keep up the wonderfull work.
 Reviewed By: HeartStar [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 16:31 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I can't wait!!!!!!!!! I have anothe rtheory but I will not tell you untill I read somemore because this chapter is what gave it to me but I am still not sure of it... *S* LOL Well done!!!
 Reviewed By: BrokenSouledPoetess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 16:15 EDT
Yay! Hiei got his liplock he so badly wanted. I was amazingly happy with that ending. Kagome might have a lot of roles to fill as Guardian of the Shikon and Celestial Liaison but I really think she was born to love. It just isn't possible for her to be in any kind of intimate ANYTHING without love. I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't Sesshoumaru but with it being Eishumaru, it just made it all the more glaringly obvious that Kagura really didn't know Sesshoumaru.
 Reviewed By: darkjewel [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 13:58 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Kill you for the Sesshomaru cliff hanger? Nah. Maim? Quite possibly. And then it was just his son! Definite maiming. I'm lousy about reviewing, but I have been ravenously devouring this story since Hentai Bets ended, and seeing that update e-mail makes me do a little happy dance every time. Even at work. I like the mood and the pacing in this story. It has a very different feel from Hentai Bets, with more emphasis on piecing together the mystery. The kiss scene in this chapter was particularly well done. I have always enjoyed your protrayals of Hiei and Kagome, and how you keep our dear little bundle of angst in character while letting him fall in love. I'll admit that I'm ready to pick my computer up and shake it vigorously in a desperate attempt to figure out what the heck happened to her mates, but that's just my ADD talking and is no reflection on your story telling. Ah, just tell us already!!!! I am already staring at my inbox, waiting for that next update e-mail so I can do a repeat of the happy dance for my confused coworkers.
 Reviewed By: ness  On: July 18, 2007 13:23 EDT
OMG!!! The hiei and kags fluff at the end was soooo cute... I cant wait til we find out what kik and kag was arguing about... Oh well see you at the next update...
 Reviewed By: Angelwings21 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 12:31 EDT
Hehehe soooo cute ^^ I Love Hiei/Kagome Lemons ^^ UHHH Kikyo, Kagura and Ayame are so evil Bitches, DIE you evil Spawns of hell !!!!! Thank you for your Comment of my English ^^ Great Chapter, can´´t wait to read more. MMHHH kagomes Teacher could be the Murderer to no ? I mean he can the Death Touch no`? So he could do mit to. But what about the priestess powers ? UHHHH its so confussing ^^ Please update soon.
 Reviewed By: Sango Tajiya [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 11:45 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
YYYYYESSS!!!! FINALLY! They FINALLY kissed!! This chapter was great ! You have yet to dissappoint me! But Kurama's driving me crazy! He's acting so retarded for someone so smart! If she's denied you this long then she DOESN'T WANT YOU! *lol* sorry. You brought to a natural high again. But PLEEEAASSE tell me that Ginjiro isn't Sess's ......PLEASE!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Seiai [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 10:47 EDT
SO SWEET!!! that ending was beautiful. YAY! so now whats gonna happen? im guessing they need a good talk about the developments in their relationship now...im so excited! and kurama is positively EVIL! hehe i love it!
 Title: Black Widow Miko
Reviewed By: PureMiko_Kagome69ner [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 09:04 EDT
Poor Kagome. Those bitches love to get her back, damn sluts. I always hated them. Damn bitches ...
 Reviewed By: animeboysrock23 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 08:29 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
plz continue
 Title: Ch. 10
Reviewed By: halfblackwolfdemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 02:39 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Omg, I'm so sry I haven't reviewed in like, 4eva! :-( But, I did luv this chapter! :D I just luv that old lady (Genkai) (shudders) It'd be like seeing my grandpa coming out of my grandma's room, in nuthin but a towel… (shudders again) Well, I usually pull up my micro-word window, and write it while skimming over it after I read it, b/c I'm a nerd that way :P Nope, she didn't, and Hiei's bein really possessive! XD Glarin and growlin at everyone that passes by them… Lol! It would, she doesn't miss a thing! That's wats so awesome about the awesome old lady! :D Yay 4 the past! (dances) "concentrate on different parts of it, and interspersed the SDs' comments/realizations throughout the telling" (faints from big word overload) XD Lol, you did do it right though, b/c u freakin kick butt like that! :D Hiei's finally accepting that he might have feelings for Kagome-chan, while she's trying to stop it, very awesome! :D And he was complainin about being called a kitty, and then he called himself a cow… Omg! Hiei's a cow! XD I laugh now! :D And I'm really glad that Kagome's mom's getting her own guy, I really like that. Its really sweet! (giggles while huggling Hiei plushie) Poor Hiei-kun, he blurted out his little secret to Kagome-chan… :-( That's not right, who would throw there son over a mountain? :-( (u won't tell him I said that, right? *shudders*) And Yemon, I knew he was bad news! He's just being used by Ayame! (I never really liked her *angry growl*) But, Kagome-chan's a good person, steering them away from big crowds just to make Hiei-kun more comfortable (giggle) She's so nice! And I knew Kurama was kinky! You're a bad bondage-fox! (grabs rolled up newspaper) :P hehe, but then Kikyou-san had to ruin the whole thing! (growl) She's now a kuromiko? :-( that's really sad… And she's tryin to kill Kagome-chan still! (pout) That's just not right… But it is funny that Hiei's getting jealous! (giggle) "If she started sleepwalking any better than she already does, I'd be taking up residence in the Reikai." Lol, I laugh now! Ahahahaaaa! (is shot) Yay! Awesome lemon! (is still bleeding from head wound) I love how you detail them, and made it so awesome! (jumps around happily) And Hiei then starts to argue w/ her! That's so like him! Rofl! XD "Hell, I should just slit my own throat now and be done with it before you have me needing to keep a pair of your panties in my pocket so I'll have your scent with me wherever I go!" Omg! He stole her undies! (nearly dies laughing) "I was just wondering, if I were to stroke your back, would you purr or moo?" Total gold! ^_^ Ooo, wat did Eishumaru say to Shizuru? Tell me! And, omg, Sesshoumaru?! Wat in the seven hells is he doing back?! I thought he was dead! 0.o Now im confused! You have to update ASAP! What happens next!? -Mee-chan (P.s. omg! This is longer then my usual one! 0.o)
 Title: chapter 10
Reviewed By: beckyducky [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 17, 2007 09:35 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
wow. That was evil. I mean seriously. IT WAS SESSHOMARU AND YOU LEFT IT OFF THERE???? i mean the writing was beautiful and all...but c'mon!!! I am sobbing as i write this. :)
 Reviewed By: D:  On: July 17, 2007 03:02 EDT
THAT WAS EVIL. EVILEVILEVIL ;w; but great story
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