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"Black Widow Miko" Reviews/Comments [ 506 ]
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 Title: TOT
Reviewed By: Sango Tajiya [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2007 21:03 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
A CLIFFHANGER!!WHHHHHHYYY!!!!!?*Rocking back and forth in the chair and crying* HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEEE!!? WAHHHHHHHHH!!!AFTER SO LOOONG! WHY IS THEIR RELATIONSHIP SO COMPLICATED!? And for the love of god can someone just KILL Kurama!!?*Deep breath* Ok, I'm calm now. Yeah, I was just jumping to conclusions when I said it was Kikyou. I was too excited to explain myself. I meant that, since he'd given her those beads he would be too impatient to see who it really was(since Kagome and Kikyou "look alike" to some people) and then she would attack him, Since, of course Kurama and Kagome were supposed to be "lovers"....Like I said, I was jumping to conclusions. ^^ But I'm so happy now! TWINS!! But please....don't tell me Kagome's actually guilty....Then again, she probably isn't since she doesn't think she'll be taken away to Reikai(sp?) If she tells Hiei the truth. Does it have something to do with her having a cursed/possesive pregnancy? Some kinda loophole mystery like that? And I just absolutely love Kuwabara! He's so loyal. Anyways... See ya. P.s.- Don't take so long...it nearly killed me.^^(jk)
 Reviewed By: Drachegirl14 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2007 11:45 EDT
 Reviewed By: Raeko [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2007 09:56 EDT
I am so glad I saved reading this until I had time to read it all. ^.^ If you could have seen what I looked like reading the first few lines of this chapter, you'd have laughed your ass off, and I'm not even kidding. Like somebody slapped me across the face with a wet towel and announced that I was now the queen of England…and that's just an approximation. In my musings as to how that (you know which that) could not have been what it looked like, it didn't occur to me that maybe it just wasn't her. Ugh, do I feel like an idiot now! And since I was then feeling so stupid, I started trying to actively think about what I was reading and because of that, I think I have a couple of inklings about what's happened in the past…but I don't want to spoil it for anybody who reads these things if I'm right, so I'll just keep it to myself. Even so, I did not see the pregnancy bit coming…but I'm glad it did, because hopefully next chapter we'll find out at least some of what the heck happened to the Taiyoukai! Not to mention that it's just sweet. ^.^ A big squishy part of me went "Awwww!" when Hiei had to put aside that serious talk in favor of comforting her-the warm fuzzies practically attacked me. And speaking of attacking, even if Kikyo and/or Ayame didn't kill anybody, it's certainly not making things easier that you keep killing them off! Oh, I don't mean it in a bad way--Kikyo was definitely long overdue for her trip to hell and I was pretty glad to see her go (not to mention surprised by Daitano!), but at the very least anything they knew is gone with them. Or maybe not. Reikai might be able to ask people questions in hell--what do I know? I still haven't gotten my hands on any of those books. Oh, and about "Things to Yell"--very strange fight scenes, or VERY interesting lemons! I think you do a pretty good job with both, even if they insist on not going the way you plan. Um, let's see. As always, I am totally amused by Sassouta's take on things. When he thought that Kagome was feeling guilty about having feelings for Hiei while fooling around with Kurama, I snorted into my hot chocolate. I wish Kagome would listen to Master Zhang. He's a pretty smart guy. I hope he doesn't leave them alone up in her room too long though…I suppose I shouldn't worry. As you said, this IS a Hiei/Kag fic. Can't kill him off or the story's pretty well over! What did Master Z want Kagome to tell Hiei though? I'm guessing it's a big chunk of the mystery right there-she DOES know something, right? …right??! I can't believe she would think Hiei, of all people, would just find somebody else. Stop being so dense, girl! I mean, she knew it wasn't easy for him to open up to her; how often does she think he's going to be in a situation like that? Boy, your chapter title was right on the money. I have some opinions about Kagome's guilty feelings that I'll have to sort through and get back to you later--I'm feeling too disjointed right now to make any sense about that particular topic. Sigh. I'm not going to give you any crap this time about the cliffhanger. I'm starting to accept that it's just how you roll, if you'll pardon the expression. It wouldn't be BWM if I wasn't dying for the next chapter! Back to the hug in the hallway-I think that was my favorite part of this whole chapter, but maybe I'm biased because what she was thinking about only feeling completely free with Hiei sounded so much like what I thought of her a few chapters ago! No, that really wasn't why (although I do think it's awesome). It's that…reading it, it was as if the feeling between them right there just seeped out to wrap around me. Best kind of warm fuzzies around.
 Reviewed By: Yue no Rei  On: October 30, 2007 06:11 EDT
Certainly worth the wait! The ending to the latest chapter was simply a shocker. My thoughts went WILD when I read the last paragraph. Ranging from "WTH?" to " Ooooh maybe..." The cat will be soon out of the bag if I'm correct at least for most of the immediate group. I always like your not-so-little footnotes and I loved the fact you reminded us about how celestial maidens have the legendary robes. Kagome that silly girl! After so many years she is still so naive, you do have to feel a bit sorry for Hiei for that last part. Im sure he must have had a shock! He will probably be very confused when he wakes up
 Reviewed By: VB  On: October 30, 2007 01:24 EDT
One more thing is her being pregnant going to affect Genkai's ability to compare the auras? With Kurama he may just say she got pregnant on purpose (Sooo not liking him right now.)
 Reviewed By: VB  On: October 30, 2007 01:22 EDT
Damn you soooo close !! I'm hating you right now. I was beginning to think you had abandoned this fic and now you leave me with this. EVIL!!! Spawn of Satan. Trice cursed blasphemer!! :P Sorry a tad bit hyper and excited about this update so update soon. Don't make me smite you
 Reviewed By: jen9  On: October 29, 2007 21:32 EDT
i hate you.... i really really hate you... how the hell could you end it like that????!!!!! grrrrr.... but this is fantastic so far and thankyou for updating.... i have a question.... Is yoko just that conceited that he honestly thinks that he can get Kagome???? is he stupid??? its obivious that Hiei is the perfect guy for her!!! and is Kikyo actually dead? or is she coming back? because she has this habit of returning from the dead... you totally rock by the way! luv jenna
 Reviewed By: Anonymous0  On: October 29, 2007 14:17 EDT
Yikes. How will her kids handle the news of Hiei being their father? Will Kagura really tell Kagome about her and Kurama's so far one night stand?, I am really hoping that Kagura's child isn't Sesshomaru's, but maybe Yoko's (if possible. hehe) How will everyone react to the babies? What did Koenma do to the one that was bought? Please update ASAP
 Reviewed By: SKnFS [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 29, 2007 13:38 EDT
What a wonderful chapter. After the bomb you dropped on us last time and then just stopping with that cliffhanger of yours I was really happy when I saw you'd updated. This chapter was just awesome. There were so many things happening and once again you leave your readers with an evil cliffhanger. Is there a class for this? Cliffhangers to keep your readers tantalized? Or something along those lines lol. Anyway this was amazing and you've made my day. I look forward to the next chapter. I can't wait to hear Kagome's story.
 Reviewed By: MichiruAOZ [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 29, 2007 08:20 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OOOOHHHH MMMMYYYY!!!!!!!!! Once again you have done an amazing job at not only portraying the characters but also with their emotions and how they would most likely react to the circumstances thrown their way!! I absolutely love it!!!! ^,~ I swear you have an amazing gift. To be able to write such an inclusive and thrilling story that continuously makes the reader want to come back again and again, well I can only wish that I could do something with even a portion of the talent you have! ^.^ Once again you have managed to throw in quite a few twists and curves that I didn't expect in the slightest, but that just make the story all that much more enthralling and enjoyable. As usual when reading your updates, I absolutely CANNOT WAIT for you to update again!! Having a 3 1/2 yr old and a 5 1/2 month old makes it a bit challenging to be able to sit down and fully read but it is ALWAYS worth it!!!Please keep up the incredible work and the twists that keep us all on the edge of our seats (:p) and I very much hope to hear from you again soon, especially considering you left us with yet ANOTHER cliffie!!!! (AHHHH!!) I have a few ideas as to what I think may have happened but the only one who can answer my questions, and confirm or not, is you so I guess I will TRY to be patient and await your next AMAZING addition to this story... Good luck and happy writing! Ja ne, Michi ^.~
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2007 23:35 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I've never been mentioned at the start of a chapter before as someone who helped encourage or advise the author. Thank you so much. In the fic itself, Hiei's lecture to the sons was great. "No one will respect you if you can't even control one woman," as if Hiei has had a lot of success controlling Kagome . It does make sense, though. "AWWWW, look at the big brave taiyoukai, hiding behind their miko mommy's skirts." That would absolutely be the attitude in the Makai. WOW, Daitano, who is technically only 1/4 youkai, can transform. I Did not see that coming and will have to re read the beginning of Black Widow to see what exactly happened to Inuyasha when he became Taiyoukai. Daitano looked full youkai visually, but to be able to transform will certainly make the challenge easier. He can transform and drip acid on his challenger, or just sit on him. On a separate subject, Hiei's frustration was amusing while he had to wait for Kagome to purify the soul part, as well as the line about beating males off his mate for the rest of his life. It sounds like a traditional Japanese fairy tale "the youkai & the celestial maiden." As sexy as Hiei is, those eyes in his full demon form would give me pause if he was on top of me. Kagome didn't even blink. BUT WHAT IS going on? Another horrible cliffie. DID she kill her husbands??? (or rather did her body somehow do it, as she obviously didn't want it to happen.) O.k. Maybe she really just tossed him across the room as an example, to show him what she could do; maybe SHE thinks she killed her husbands. Kurama is convinced of her guilt. Kuwabara is convinced of her innocence. Hiei doesn't care what happened. He knows her well enough at this point to know she loved her husbands, wouldnt deliberately hurt them, and he intends to be her mate regardless of what happened in the past. 58 pages is the half the length of a small book, and all I can say is "ARRGH" darn that cliffie. It was easier reading Hentai Bets as it was finished when I started on it.
 Reviewed By: Shadeless Night  On: October 28, 2007 20:56 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Well I'm glad you're not dead! I was getting worried for a while there ^_~ But major glad you're back! - Except for that cliffhanger! That was freaking evil you little mastermind! *sighs* And yet I know there's no way I could hate you for it simply b/c your story is so amazing.... But I can kick and scream until the next chapter comes out - that way I have something to do. ^^ I'm so excited now though - the huge mystery is finally starting to unravel - even if there are still many more twists to come, as I'm sure with you there are. I have to commend you for that though - your ability to keep us in the dark for so long about the deaths - even when we kept getting hints - is quite impressive. I still dont't know what the story is! Tis frustating lol. But thankyou so much for such a wonderful chapter and I truley will be pulling at the ends of my hair waiting for the continuation of this awful cliffy! ^_^ Keep up the brilliance!
 Title: Ohhh myyy!!
Reviewed By: Angie..who??  On: October 28, 2007 13:03 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ahhh I swear I thought you were dead!~!! Suchhhhh a loooonnggg time, but no fear, I read it as soon as I found out there was an update!! Heh. SOOOO many things you left open, with Hiei and Kags, and ..and well everything, how do you do it?! I'm compelled to keep waiting...lol for another update... so have a good.. idk... time...while/before/during writing. And I swear, last thing, I think it's cool how your doing the songs again..
 Reviewed By: HeartStar [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2007 11:54 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hmmm sorry is it the demon energy from the babies taking over or did she just want to proove a point
 Reviewed By: HeartStar [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2007 11:53 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hmmm sorry is it the demon energy from the babies taking over or did she just want to proove a point
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