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"Black Widow Miko" Reviews/Comments [ 506 ]
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 Reviewed By: Raeko [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 20, 2007 22:21 EDT
Oh. My. God. Oh my god. You NOT telling me it worked--you're not--they can't really--just NO. But even if they don't, I can only imagine what it'll look like to poor Hiei! I believe the appropriate comment here, to somewhat channel HB, is, "Damn rotten, sneaky kitsune bastard!" Pant, pant. Okay. Somebody pointed out a couple reviews ago that maybe Kagome should have been able to sense the youki in the bracelet. Was it perhaps just too small of an amount to be noticeable? Or really, how Kagome's powers work is entirely your prerogative. There are, quite unfortunately, no copies of "The Handbook of Miko Abilities and Other Anime-Related Phenomena" available at the library. (If they get one, I'm on the waiting list. For some reason I like to have these things nailed down.) Not to mention that you've given her a new twist with the celestial being business, so all bets are off anyway. I was a little surprised that Hiei just came right out and said they were going to do it…er, become mates that is-since he knew, or should have known, what her reaction would be. I suppose it's a little more understandable since, for a few chapters at least, he's been thinking in a pretty strict timeline--solve the murders, get the Makai for the boys, mate with Kagome--nice segue, by the way, his thoughts about her shifting from their little "arrangement" to the way he sees her now--maybe he just got so used to thinking it was only a matter of getting those pesky first two items off the agenda that he completely forgot how she felt about it. I guess I just always think of Hiei as having such a firm grasp on every situation, keeping all the little details in place, that for him to let something so important just slip from his vision of the whole is downright strange. (I think he agreed with me, as soon as he remembered, hm?) Then again, he was angry about Yemon (who wouldn't be?), and he hasn't really been himself lately. ("Just because you have the ability to make me act like a pussycat, do not mistake me for one." Brilliant.) The conversation that got rained out was interesting…it's good to see the perspective of each character once in awhile, instead of the omniscient narrator-feeling that fanfics can slide into. I really enjoyed seeing Hiei and Kagome have some time to connect mentally and emotionally. Well, physically too. The red robe incident was stunning. I have this scene in my head now of Hiei and Sassouta talking about Kagome, and I don't know what leads up to it, but Hiei turns away and says, "I've seen her in red." Sigh. You know, if they boys knew what had been going on, I have a feeling they might try to help set things straight…although now that Kurama's thrown into the mix, I don't know what they could do about it. Ugh, why didn't Hiei just kill Kurama when he thought of it one of those times before? Or at least get him stuck in a village full of man-hating females! Heh, I think maybe my favorite part of your writing is Hiei's internal monologue. Wow, this is getting long. One more thing. I like seeing what you're listening to, or maybe what your story makes you listen to, either way-and it occurred to me that a couple of chapters ago (I don't remember exactly where), "Evil Angel" by Breaking Benjamin just popped into my head during an H/K scene. It was very insistent-I had to go start playing it! Anyway, I'd better get out of here before I run my limit. Excellent chapter as always!
 Reviewed By: inu_fan001 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 20, 2007 21:45 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Man when you think this story can't get any better, it gets better!!!!!! Upadte soon!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Silvermisttaleweaver [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 20, 2007 19:32 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Evil evil evil, Thanks so much for relieving the withdrawal symptoms with an update. Poor Hiei probably should have had the "want do YOU see for our future, because I want you in mine" talk rather then the Skew this farce approach but then tact isn't his strong point, he's so very direct. Wouldn't Kagome have sensed youki in the bracelet? Incidently, thats a new low even for sneaky kitsunes. Too bad I love his pretty red (or silver) hair too much to say "scalp him". *grin* I sense some major major angst soon, and I'd hate to see the partners killing eachother, but can't imagine Hiei's reactions.. first would be betrayal (probably on kagome,) but on finding out about the bracelet? I'm building a bomb shelter, you might want to join me if those boys get down to it ;) Let alone HER boys finding out.
 Reviewed By: Jimmy24  On: August 20, 2007 19:06 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Love the story and it's one of the best I've read. The detail is what makes it great and the story line. The cliffhanger a bit much but it works right. Any way don't have Kagome and Kuruma do it she's under a drug and vuruable after Hiel incident. Besides it makes her out to a little whorish I think. Update soon please.
 Reviewed By: Sardave [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 20, 2007 14:05 EDT
Ooh, I'm biting my nails...that last scene you left us with makes me nervous! I find myself thinking that Kagome's relationship with Hiei tends to bring to the table the "best of three worlds", so to speak; she catches him doing little things that all three of her previous mates did. I just love that little detail. Heehee! I really enjoyed reading the "play with fire" scene--it was really cool to have two different mediums on the moment...of course I just had to open up the image while I read the scene. Now, after drinking tea through the whole chapter (because, of course, I couldn't stop reading) , I'm going to go visit the little reader's room. ^_^ Can't wait to read your next super-long chapter!
 Reviewed By: darkjewel not logged in  On: August 20, 2007 13:14 EDT
Commence happy dance. And I needed it today, and my coworkers also appreciate the distraction. Can we just club the both of them and stick them into a room together? I know they wouldn't protest. And Kurama, that sneaky little . . . well, I'll just let you fill in the blanks with the appropriate expletives, but I'm very cross with him right now! Hiei needs to give that fox a firm scruffing. Okay, taking a deep breath so I can leave a real review. I loved the addition of Jin (well written, right down to remembering the ears) and Touya. I'm still completely in the dark on the mystery, but I'm not very good with that kind of a thing anyways. Kurama may be a complete jerk (and I really want to smack him), but he's also fully in character as the logical, cold thief. I applaud how he is written, as well. I would like some more fire on Kags, but I know she is grieving still and she is no longer a teenager. I can hope that we'll see some of that spark when she's come to terms with things, and/or when she's defending her sons. The plot is evolving, slowly but surely, and Ayame's death should throw things into an interesting tangle. I'm guessing that the other shoe should be dropping here very soon, and I am anxiously awaiting. I tried shaking my laptop, but the answers did not pop up so I will sit and stare at my e-mail.
 Reviewed By: MichiruAOZ [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 20, 2007 12:59 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm back again cause of ANOTHER AMAZING chapter!!!! ^.~ I always try to guess where you are going with this and every time you manage to throw some unexpected twist in there on me! (not that I mind, I actually look forward to it, hehehe ^.^) You are continuing to do an amazing job with this and I absolutely cannot wait to see the next chappie! My net would not cooperate with me though, >.< , at the very end of the chapter where Hiei is going to look for Kags I had a big grey block over the last line of his part *whimpers* and then saw where Kurama opened the door... Keep up the amazing work and I'll try to keep doin better on my reviews, your writing definitely makes it all the easier because it encourages me to want to share my thoughts on it! ^.~ You haven't disappointed yet and knowing your writing and talent I don't expect it any time soon. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for such enjoyable and intriguing reading! Till next time, ja ne! Michi ^.~
 Reviewed By: Seiai [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 20, 2007 12:32 EDT
OMGOMGOMG! i cant believe that ending...durn kurama >.< but will hiei find out...i bet thats what youre waiting to write...he will go down to find her, and EXPLODE and then make her his mate!!! im probably just dreaming...because it cant be that easy =( but i sure hope so!!! i cried for hiei, you wrote that scene so well, when he told her he wanted to make her his mate now...it was so horribly touching and sad...i know kagome realizes he has some of the same complexes that inuyasha has, but i dont think she really thought that out when she made her offer to him...POOR HIEI! omg, i swear im gonna go crazy til you update this >.
 Reviewed By: Angelwings21 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 20, 2007 12:14 EDT
OMG Oo NOOOOO Kagome don´t sleep with Kurama or I throw you in a Dungeon ^^ Poor Hiei, I feel for him, I really do. JUHU AYAME IS DEAD, AYAME IS DEAD ( Throws a happy Dance ^^ ) I hope Kagomes secret comes finaly out. I can´t wait to know it. I thougt of everything in this Story and I don´t get it ;-( How died Kagomes Mates ? ARRGGGG I want to know. Please update soon. Can´t wait to read more.
 Title: amazing as usual ^.^
Reviewed By: RaiTerra  On: August 19, 2007 06:19 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was one of my favourite chapters (so far) YAY! they kissed! ive been waiting for that to happen XD. Keep up the brilliant work, oh goddes of fanfiction.
 Reviewed By: Yue no Rei  On: August 18, 2007 07:02 EDT
Uwaaaa.... Man.. You have a freakishly amazing plotline. No one will chuck rotter tomatoes at you, but maybe some fresh flowers XD
 Reviewed By: kitsune_youkai_jade [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2007 22:03 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hey great fic as always i was wondering when are u going to update?
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 02, 2007 23:06 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I will try to get a real review written in the next few days, but THE KISS, the KISS, the kiss. . . awwww, finally they kiss. So sweetly romantic. wonderfully written. I just loved Hiei's thoughts in this. From "I'm going to kill that miko and save myself the worry about when someone else will do it..." to "I will not give her up, not to the fox, the wolf or even the reikai. The gods gave her to me, and I'm keeping her." I think they will be outted in the next chapter. It just doesn't seem possible for Hiei to permit her to be approached by either Kurama or the wolf after this. The only possible delay would be if Kagome begs Hiei not to say anything so Kagura and other potential enemies don't find out about him. Speaking of Kurama. . . I want to see some BLOOD. some real, sword in the gut type blood out of Kurama. Tying someone up to a tree and removing their clothes while they say NO (and mean it) isn't interrogation and it isn't seduction and it isn't a little kinkiness between two consensual adults. It is rape, and releasing her when Kikyou arrives doesn't get him off the hook. I want to see Hiei smack Kurama firmly about to teach him right from wrong.
 Reviewed By: Sardave [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 01, 2007 02:36 EDT
Awwwww! The fluff! So glad he finally got that kiss! I loved the "adorable" scene. It really spells a lot about how their relationship has progressed. Oooh, but the way she's so scared for him... Man, I think Kagura's reaction to Shu makes her son's paternity obvious; she shouldn't be that shocked that Sess's son would take after him so much, ne? Wow, and bravo with the onyx stones on the sand, very appropriate! Your research is always glaringly obvious in every one of your chapters, and I'm always so giddy to see the super-length of each one when I open it. ^_^
 Reviewed By: inu_fan001 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 29, 2007 20:09 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
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