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"Minoue" Reviews/Comments [ 521 ]
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 Reviewed By: jflorea [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2007 23:58 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Absolutely fabulous! Loved Inu's reaction to Miroku! At least he didn't shred him. LOL I think Mama secretly likes embarrassing her daughter. :) I saw someone question how Kagome ordered out without a phone. I assumed either Kagome has a cell or there is a phone in the dojo, just not in Inu's living space. I hope know that they all know about Sango they will be able to treat her the same. I think it would be really hard knowing something like that about someone you care about and not wanting to offer them comfort, spilling the beans in the process. Oooh...Kouga is pissed...he he. He's gonna go ballistic when he finds out his missing students are going to Inuyasha! Will be fun to watch but he better not go after Kagome if he values is skin! Congrats on all the noms! Hope u win!
 Reviewed By: Ro0tin4Kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2007 21:43 EDT
Ah.. another great chapter by Lady D. Makes me wonder why you do not just write stories for a living. You definitlyhave the talent for it. Proof: look at all of your stories that got nominated. Wel hope you win. you deserve it. =D
 Title: Another great chapter...
Reviewed By: AKA Pirate Queen [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2007 21:37 EDT
...and thank you for being so prompt with the updates.Means a lot to your loyal readers. :-D One small nit here -- if Inuyasha doesn't have a phone, how did he order takeout?
 Reviewed By: LadyCash [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2007 21:27 EDT
You can always count on Miroku! But now that he knows, maybe he can work on getting Sango to open up. In time, of course. "Your tag is sticking out..." I had to laugh, this sounds like something that would happen to me. (actually has, but not in this context!) Nice chapter, as always.
 Reviewed By: serenity101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2007 21:24 EDT
awww poor miroku. his friend tried to kill him. great chapter. i really love this story. update soon.
 Reviewed By: InuGoddess715 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2007 20:50 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
LOL. Good chapter. Really funny in some parts (Kagome's mom in particular had me laughing), but others had me a bit concerned. Oh, well. I guess Inuyasha's shortness of temper is understandable; Miroku really does have crappy timing where Inuyasha's new love life is concerned. This is the SECOND time Miro has interrupted those two in a pivotal moment. And this one was ten times more important than the first one......OUCH! I don't think this will cause a lasting rift between the two; Miroku seems to have broken the ice with his little "you finally got laid" comment (hilarious!). Plus, Miroku would understand better than anyone why Inuyasha would be so defensive and possessive of his time with Kagome, knowing how long he's waited for someone to truly love him for himself. These guys are like brothers, so there shouldn't be any lasting damage (at least I really hope not). Besides, when Kouga finally finds out what happened to all of his students, Inuyasha is going to want his best friend to have his back more than ever. AND, maybe all of this will convince Inuyasha to join us all in the 21st century and get a PHONE, LOL. Great yet again.
 Reviewed By: FarAwayEyes [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2007 19:38 EDT
I have to say I feel bad for Miroku in this chapter. The poor thing just wanted to share the information he found, and instead he got himself nearly killed. As irritated and angry as Inuyasha was about the interruption, I'm sure he'll feel terribly guilty later on about it. It's just his style. It was very wise for Miroku to keep his mouth shut until AFTER Kagome left, though. He knew exactly what was going on between them, and unlike all the times he runs around sleeping with women, it's only good things for these two. But he's right, that dress certainly would have prevented them going out for the day. I'm sure Inuyasha's jealousy had some basis in the fact that he's hanyou and this is new to him. He'll eventually settle and his rational mind will click that not everyone's staring at Kagome to steal her away---although he should worry about Koga, that's for sure. Speaking of Koga, the guy is seriously unstable. He doesn't even stop once to think about how he behaved at that tournament and why it might drive his students away. Instead, he thinks they're cowards or have given up martial arts. I think that If I'm Ginta and Hakkaku I'd leave Koga, too. It's too bad that they're too loyal to do that, though. I would be careful if I'm Inuyasha because Koga'll be coming for the dojo when he figures out what is really going on. Poor Kagome, so embarrassed when she got home. Why on earth didn't either Miroku or Inuyasha tell her that her dress was on wrong? I have a funny feeling that it will come back to haunt her down the road. I do agree that it's best that they don't tell Sango what they know. It'd be better to have her tell them the story if she choses, but the fact that they do know will make it easier for them to understand what is gong on. If anything, Sango should tell it to Inuyasha first, since he is her sensei now. I'm not surprised to hear that our friend is hiding out while Kohaku rots in a mental institution. I have a funny feeling that he's not going to just target Sango, either. I don't think he'll have an easy time with Inuyasha and Kagome. It will be difficult to make them believe that they betrayed one another or to beat them as a combined force---especially when you include Miroku and Sango into the mix. I am curious as to what all of his motivations were. There doesn't seem to be a jewel this go round to fight over, so what would it be besides seeing another suffer that would cause him to do this? Is there perhaps some history in their family we haven't heard just yet that might indicate why? I don't get the feeling that Naraku in this AU is human, either. Why launch this attack on them in particular? I have to say again that I'm glad you kept Miroku so complex. I think he's one of the most complex in the actual series. He hides behind innocent flirting (or not so innocent depending on your take) within canon. Now he hides behind this lust in your story, and it works because if he did have these options in his time, he'd take them. Why wouldn't he take advantage? It's just good to see him start to outgrow them. One can only play the role of the "frat boy" and be that educated for so long before it gets dull and the fun is sapped out. Besides, if he has many more run ins with former playmates, he'll regret it even more. I'm glad to hear that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha haven't tried to kill each other in quite a long time, but I get the impression that they're not on cordial terms, either. They've decided to let each other live and that's as far as it goes. I do sense some respect from Inuyasha, at least on some level, when he speaks of his brother, though. I don't know that Sesshomaru will have similar undertones, but he's not going to show up and try to kill Inuyasha, so that's always a plus. I get the feeling that they'll talk for as long as they feel they must, and that's it. Beyond that and they've both left their comfort zones when it comes to dealing with one another. Either way, I do look forward to it!
 Reviewed By: magedelbene [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2007 19:04 EDT
Great chapter!!! I was a bit worry about Miroku, don't know if it was due to what Inuyasha could do, or because how Miroku was going to act. It went pretty good, thanks to Kagome. Love how you are working Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship, it's not a rush one and, even they know each other for a long time, they know that need time to get used to the changes. Mmmm, wondering what will Kouga do when he find out about Inuyasha's lessons. A great job, as usual. THank you so much for the update!!!
 Reviewed By: serenity101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 29, 2007 23:34 EDT
i really enjoy your story. i've read from the first chapter to the last one and it's kept me reading non-stop. you gotta update soon. this is really interesting. i also like how you didn't rush the whole Sango and Miroku relationship thing. that make this even more interesting. keep up the good work and once again, update soon.
 Title: Review Part Two
Reviewed By: FarAwayEyes [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2007 01:32 EDT
I find him endearing, too, because while he's a dog, he still has honor. He will stick up for his friends, and he will remain loyal, he just has to translate that into the romantic field. I don't think Sango has any idea of his true attraction to her, not really. She likes him as a teacher, and has talked to him a few times, but she's still uncertain, which is only natural. Their actual relationship, considering the story is a Miroku/Sango, is going slowly, as it should. They need to get to know each other before they get all romantic. If they go too fast, Miroku will only end up cast aside because Sango won't think he really wants her. I get the sense that now Miroku knows about her past, he'll be a bit more careful around her, not to mention a bit sweeter towards her. I will say that I'm looking forward entirely to Sesshomaru's introduction into the story. I wonder just what kind of relationship he and Inuyasha will have this go round? I get the sense that it's not entirely amicable, but it's not as violent or broken, either. I do look forward to the next chapter and what you have in store for everyone.
 Title: Review Part One
Reviewed By: FarAwayEyes [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2007 01:32 EDT
First of all, I thought I had reviewed the story, but maybe that was only at LJ. I apologize for not taking the time I should to do that! Second, I think it's a great thing for you to undertake an AU. So much of the time, people tend to write AU's with the characters masquerading as unidentifiable outside of their names. They tend to stick them in high school and make them use an inexplicable amount of slang. I'm glad you haven't done that. Inuyasha is very much the same character we love, but he has a slightly altered background. I like how Kagome was originally saved, but instead of always having to rely on Inuyasha as she so often does in the canon, Inuyasha has taken the initiative on teaching Kagome to defend herself. She's much more his equal, regardless of him being her sensei. I also like how you've altered Sango's story, without significantly altering the basic canon details. He used an axe instead of a demon slaying weapon, yes, but it is about as close as you'll come in modern times. And the fact that Sango still has the scar on her back is very important. I like the idea of Kohaku being in a mental institution, and that she can't visit. I will be curious to see how you reveal what made him do it. It's been hinted at through the story that there's something otherworldly that caused Kohaku to commit the crime. Could a modern Naraku be lurking in the shadows? I like what you've done with Kikyo, and while some would say it is cliché or bashing, I think it worked. She is, at this point outside of Koga, the physical antagonist of the story. You've built up her history with Inuyasha well. He's not confused about which woman he wants as he is in the canon story line, but he does have some residual feelings from that relationship that Kagome will have to heal. I am curious to what exactly her motivations were, outside of greed, and if you'll explore them more throughly. Kikyo really couldn't be much of a threat at this point to Kagome and Inuyasha's relationship, but she may try to hurt them in another manner. Koga is obviously a far more dangerous player in the field, however. He has his sights set on Kagome, who is now with Inuyasha fully. He may try to do something once he discovers it. After all, Inuyasha did steal the majority of his students and did disgrace his school at the tournament. It'd be good revenge for him. I like the modern characterization of Miroku. We know so little about his prior history in the canon. There's been hints that he has actually slept with some women, but the evidence has never shown up to corroborate, and I am leaning towards that he hasn't more and more, given his moral code to not have a child with the same curse if he can help it. The modern Miroku has no such stipulation, so we can see him in his worst light. He's kind of like Hank Moody on Californication, sleeping with as many woman as he can just because he can. He hasn't found that one woman yet to love, until now of course. He's perhaps the most complex character in the AU. On one hand, he's very much a professor and will not sleep with a student he's currently instructing, but on the other he'll practically sleep with anything that moves if he can get away with it. As he's gone along, he's started to become disgusted and disillusioned with this lifestyle. I don't know if it's entirely because of Sango and what he's learned about her or something else, but I think he's discovering just how empty it is to get all these quick lays all the time.
 Reviewed By: ladygriddlebone [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 24, 2007 18:00 EDT
It's nice to see that Miroku is still maturing. I can't wait to find out what he plans to do with his newfound knowledge concerning Sango. And I definitely hope Sango can eventually realize that it's okay to have her own life and not worry about Kohaku ALL the time. Good job on the Inuyasha/Kagome interaction, too. Above all, though, I really like the way you manage to stay true to the characters of the manga and anime, even writing an alternate universe story.
 Reviewed By: Rihannon  On: October 23, 2007 18:02 EDT
I'd been enjoying your stories a lot. I think you are very creative and I like your writing style very much.
 Reviewed By: ravenreux, nii  On: October 21, 2007 23:25 EDT
There were a lot of different situations going on in this chapter, on either end of the drama spectrum, but you nailed them all. Sango and Kirara's relationship is very similar to the one in the manga/anime, with Sango being able to understand what the little cat is saying. I think that's an important thing a lot of writers miss. Miroku's growing maturity was well noted too. He's obviously starting to get control over his playboy ways. And at first it was strange for Kagome to be Inu's first, but when I sat back and really thought about it...it felt right. If Inuyasha is to stay within the boundaries of his canon-persona, he's much more reserved and unwilling to trust anyone but that special one. You were right! Ah, that's why I love this fic. It's wonderful! Thanks so much for sharin'! Reux
 Reviewed By: Bookreader9999 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 21, 2007 21:40 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
It's a gripping story with its varied elements. Can't wait for the next update.
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