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"Minoue" Reviews/Comments [ 521 ]
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 Reviewed By: Ravenreux, NLI  On: November 18, 2007 23:31 EST
It never fails to amuse me each and every time Sango puts Miroku in his place...and seeing them getting so familiar with each other is just a super plus. Souta threw in for another endearing Inu-ni-chan moment, and don't think Kagome will ever stop blushing...even when she's an old woman and been through it all. Thanks for another amazing chapter!! ~Reux
 Reviewed By: malitiadixie [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2007 22:12 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Very good chapter. I now how hard it is to write these chapters that really have nothing going on in them but you are so good at it. It almost seems that they are just as important as the ones with lots going on. Great job. Keep up the good work. And your welcome for the nom. I hope you get it!
 Reviewed By: magedelbene [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2007 18:22 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Excellent chapter!!! Enjoyable, funny and with lot of information. Loved the little interaction between Sango & Miroku, finally able to get a little bit closer although, we still have to find out about Sango's story. Beautiful the way you brought out Souta's adoration towards our hanyou. Wanted to know a lot of things but, yeah... I know... the story is just starting -sort of- so, must wait to let it be unfolded. Thank you for the update! And thank you for sharing it with us!!!
 Reviewed By: antyem13 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2007 16:28 EST
Miroku finally shows his true colors, very funny. Inuyasha and Kagome having to revile such a thing was priceless, I think Kagome will forever be red in the cheeks. Sota's little part in this chapter was rather amusing too, they never give Kagome's mom enough credit in the anime thats for sure. She knows whats going on more then Inuyasha and Kagome do. The one and only strangeness, Emily
 Title: CharlyB
Reviewed By: LiHudson [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2007 15:22 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I adore this story, one of my very favorites currently. I'm glad that Sango and Miroku are getting back into character, but I really hope he stops his lechery, because Sango seems even more vulnerable than normal. Great job, as always.
 Reviewed By: serenity101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2007 13:35 EST
awwww poor miroku and his cursed hand. i extremely happy that you put in a little Sango and Miroku finally, even though i love the whole Inuyasha and Kagome thing. this was a greaet chapter. you gotta update soon.
 Reviewed By: InuGoddess715 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2007 13:14 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
LOL. Poor Miroku.....and I had such hopes for him! That poor man is a lech to the depths of his soul....but at least now it seems to be aimed at one woman. A woman who will apparently knock his block off, concussion or not, lol. That's the Miroku and Sango we know and love. They've been pretty much in character the whole story anyway....but I have to admit that I missed the violence, lol. As for Inuyasha and Kagome....too perfect for each other. Inuyasha in particular is ADORABLE in this story. His reaction to Souta telling him that he was happy about Inuyasha and Kagome being together was so sweet....but also a bit sad. Deep down, Inuyasha still seems to expect the rug to be snatched out from under him, that he will still be somehow rejected by Kagome and her family for being hanyou. He's starting to believe it's real....but it's still going to take time. He's obviously been through a lot of pain....so it's good to see him happy. But.....Kagome still has to meet Sesshoumaru; that sounds like "fun." I like Sessh....but he's a poison pill most of the time, no doubt about it. I can't wait to see where you take this next. I LOVE this story.
 Reviewed By: AKA Pirate Queen [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2007 11:29 EST
Awwww...kawaii! thanks for a lovely chapter!
 Reviewed By: LadyCash [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2007 10:36 EST
Will the real Miroku please stand up? Yep, and there he is! I wondered how long he'd hold off, cause you can't have the monk w/o that 'cursed' hand. Good though, that Sango wasn't totally repulsed, she did stick around for the second, so I agree, the monk has met his match. This is gonna be fun! Glad K and IY are bonding so well, and that they are slowly but surely opening up to others, and widening IY's circle of friends. Very well done.
 Reviewed By: DaughterofBastet [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 15, 2007 15:50 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
I really love this story ^^ You portray the characters so well, and you don't employ the kind of over-the-top OOCness that makes many fics unenjoyable. FarAwayEyes is right, Koga is kind of, well, screwy. Initially, I was hoping Ayame would come in and mellow him out (my second favourite pairing!), but I guess it is a necessary part of the plot. I'm really glad you didn't make Naraku the main antagonist, though! It gets kind of old... It's nice that you've used emotional conflict rather than huge battle scenes and dramatic dialogue (not that huge battle scenes don't have their place in ficdom). It does make me kind of sad, though, how often many Inu/Kag fans (and I'm all for the pairing) use Kikyo-bashing in their stories, and vice-versa. In summary: I've really, really enjoyed it so far. Please keep writing!
 Reviewed By: jflorea [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 15, 2007 11:00 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Stupid wolves got more than they bargined for with Kagome and Sango! lol Go Kagome...good to see her so strong and confident! How cowardly and pathetic of Kouga to basically hide behind Miroku...never liked that wolf anyway. Poor Sango feel left out as everyone knows more about what is going on around her but I think Inu and Kags are in for some shocks too. They don't seem to realize their own power and that will be an interesting discussion coming up! :) Maybe Sango will get a little closer to the injured Miroku?
 Reviewed By: ladygriddlebone [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2007 22:00 EST
Wow, what an action packed chapter! It was good to see Kagome and Sango getting along so well, and not falling into the "damsel in distress" trap. And I'd been wondering when Kirara would choose to reveal her true form... this was a good way to introduce it. Then the way Kagome handled Inuyasha, even from instinct, just wow. They work well together, with him helping to defend her and the others and her being able to keep him in check. I must confess that the part I'm most looking forward to is the possibility of more interaction between Miroku and Sango. I can't wait to see what happens next with those two in particular, though I certainly hope Miroku doesn't try something stupid with Sango and get himself even more hurt than he already is...
 Reviewed By: hemlockglade  On: November 10, 2007 16:22 EST
Ah, Miroku - I'm sure he'll enjoy being nursed back to health by Sango (if he doesn't do anything to make her kill him...). But my favorite was youkai-Inuyasha, and Kagome's instinctive kiss to defuse the situation. I love how the story is progressing, and how true to character everyone is. Can't wait for the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: rihannon  On: November 09, 2007 23:57 EST
Very well written… of course, expected nothing less. I think the story was ready for a little hard drama and action, and it was dramatic. I liked a lot how Kagome was able to bring InuYasha back with a kiss… so intense!! I'm glad to know that Seshomaru is going to be more than a reference, but what I find more intriguing is who was Sango's former Sensei. I guess you have a surprise for us… Looking forward for the next chapter!!!
 Reviewed By: serenity101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 09, 2007 15:52 EST
bastard kouga. i hope one of his students kick his ass. when's sesshomaru coming into the picture? and the scene with her kissing inuyasha was from the 2nd movie too. that was cool. i really like this story. update soon.
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