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"Minoue" Reviews/Comments [ 521 ]
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 Reviewed By: inufan625 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 19, 2008 06:19 EDT
This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association! Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, and currently owned by authors, InuGrrrl and Inufan625, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom. Our official website can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/ The current nominations pages are here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/nommedfics.html (Fiction) http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/nommedart.html (Fanart) Check them out to see what you were nominated for! Our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs, can be found here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ Voting is open from June 18th 2008 through July 1st 2008 (12 am). Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! ~ InuGrrrl & Inufan625 Owners/Administrators of the Feudal Association ***Please Note: You may receive this notice more than once if you've been nominated for several awards. They will appear as reviews on your nominated works.
 Reviewed By: inufan625 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 19, 2008 06:15 EDT
This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association! Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, and currently owned by authors, InuGrrrl and Inufan625, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom. Our official website can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/ The current nominations pages are here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/nommedfics.html (Fiction) http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/nommedart.html (Fanart) Check them out to see what you were nominated for! Our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs, can be found here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ Voting is open from June 18th 2008 through July 1st 2008 (12 am). Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! ~ InuGrrrl & Inufan625 Owners/Administrators of the Feudal Association ***Please Note: You may receive this notice more than once if you've been nominated for several awards. They will appear as reviews on your nominated works.
 Reviewed By: Feudal Association  On: June 19, 2008 05:25 EDT
This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association! Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, and currently owned by authors, InuGrrrl and Inufan625, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom. Our official website can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/ The current nominations pages are here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/nommedfics.html (Fiction) http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/nommedart.html (Fanart) Check them out to see what you were nominated for! Our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs, can be found here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ Voting is open from June 18th 2008 through July 1st 2008 (12 am). Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! ~ InuGrrrl & Inufan625 Owners/Administrators of the Feudal Association ***Please Note: You may receive this notice more than once if you've been nominated for several awards. They will appear as reviews on your nominated works.
 Title: Chapter Twenty One
Reviewed By: FarAwayEyes [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 15, 2008 21:08 EDT
I'm not surprised that Inuyasha doesn't really like these events. I get the feeling that before he was outed they were not his cup of tea, yet he went out of obligation in a lot of ways to appease his brother. Even though you've matured Inuyasha in the story, I still get the sense that he still wants Sesshomaru's approval. I do think it's interesting that he knows so much about his brother and what he's doing regardless of the rift they've just been through. It shows that he cares more than he's willing to admit. Leave it to Mama to set Sango straight. Even though she knows of Miroku's rep, she can tell that the man really likes Sango. Sango has such a hard time believing that anyone could find her sexually attractive and to have some one point out that's exactly what's happening embarrasses her. I just hope that she'll take her words to heart and come to the realization that Mama's right. Miroku's been slowly changing in the course of the story and I think he really wants to be presentable in character to her when the time comes for him to truly admit his feelings. I think Sango isn't willing to totally believe Mama because of that reputation, however, and I think it'll take time for her to see that Miroku's not just teasing her to get laid. The longer they have a relationship, romantic or otherwise, will help her to realize that. I just hope Miroku's as patient as he's been. I'm not surprised that Inuyasha was bothered by the comments of the rude party guests. He's used to being insulted, but he's never taken it well when Kagome or others in his company are. I think it's because he believes he deserves it while those associated with him don't---as wrong and misguided as that is. He should listen to Kagome. She's right. Those people probably don't realize that they're isolating not just him, but his brother alongside. And it doesn't matter what they think as long as those close to him care to stick with him. I'm not surprised that Sesshomaru is willing to trust his brother. I am kinda surprised that he hasn't learned Chinese himself, considering his age, but I suppose he never had a reason to do so as Inuyasha did. It's good to see him rely on his brother in such a delicate situation, and I think it'll certainly further their relationship all the more. Oh, and a human appearing Sesshomaru sounds just as hot and enticing. I can just see that hair long and black and in a nice pony tail. Uh oh, looks like Sango's getting herself into trouble and it's much harder to fight in a gown. Oh my, and now her dress has been ripped and her scar exposed. Poor Sango. It's so hard for her to let anyone know about what happened. It can't also be very helpful when you're trying to figure out if you're supposed to be with a man and can't feel attractive on account of it, either. I hope in time she'll let him see it and get past the embarrassment of something that is certainly not her fault. And the drunken fool that ripped it probably has no idea just how much trouble he's in now, does he? I'm curious to see how things progresses. Sango's in quite the predicament and there's no way for her to really get out of it without her friends at the very least discovering her secret. She has nothing to change into, and the only way home is with at least one of them. I just hope she'll trust them enough at some point. It should be interesting to see what happens from here.
 Title: Minoue coment
Reviewed By: Darknessdawns [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 13, 2008 09:01 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hi, its me again, Darknessdawns. I just had to read more of the story than you currently had posted at AFF. I'm currently at chapter 15. I love how you have written all the characters including Kouga. You really did a great job capturing the animosity between the Youkai and Hanyou's in his character. I even like how you gave Kikyou an enormous mean streak. I am sooo glad that Inuyasha and Kagome got together and their coupling is so well written too. You are one of the few authors I really enjoy reading citrus from. You always seem to capture their emotions so well in it and all the way through your work. Also your work never seems to be thrown together like so much of what we find now days. It truely shows that you definately know where your story is headed and are allowing us to come along. Thank you for writing such wonderful works, and weather or not anyone else lets you know I am glad you write. It definately makes my life a bit mor interesting and fun. Oh, and you should see the faces my husband gives me when I read a really good part and have to share ( like the part where Miroku place Inuyasha in the bed beside Kagome)or when I bust out laughing at something in the fic I'm reading and startle him. Your work and a few others Ican proudly say make my heart happy. By the way I loved the a/n to the almost flammer on AFF especially the last part of it. ;) ~Darknessdawns
 Title: Wow!
Reviewed By: TAJE [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 25, 2008 12:52 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You are so welcome, and congratulations! You're up there! I know this gut wretch path between Kikyo and Naraku is going to be real interesting to say the least. I also know that the relationship between Miroku and Sango is going to be rocky. And I'm itching to see when and I know that Naraku is not only going to make Sango's life miserable over Kohaku, but Kagome and Inuyasha as well! Can't wait but I will. Peace always!A
 Reviewed By: magedelbene [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 21, 2008 19:57 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sorry for the delay!! :lost U between S updates!: WOW Sango is really considering Miroku seriously (well, out loud)It's so good she has Kagome to open up and tell her worries. Poor girl, between her family history and her own experience... well, certainly she is so nervous and insecured. The second part, WoW WOW. Well, Kikyo is showing her true face and Naraku is just Naraku, using people... a lot. We must wait to see how things will develop, but worth the waiting. Excellent chapter!!! Ohhhh... I really miss you!!! Something is missing in LJ!!! :huggggsss:
 Reviewed By: Twrex  On: May 21, 2008 10:43 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Your writting has improved over your earlier stories. You are doing very good and it is very easy to read. Kagome seems a bit weak in this story but I think it is in character to the plotline.
 Reviewed By: psyco_chick32 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 20, 2008 18:17 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Honestly, I usually HATE AU stories, but this one has me at the edge of my seat! I can't wait to read more!
 Title: pewterwings
Reviewed By: pewter_wings [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 20, 2008 13:38 EDT
Hmph, bet Inu never did that for Kikyo.;) I do hate the double edged sword that deals with men and women differently concerning how many sexual partners they have had. It makes me sad to see Sango worrying about one previous partner when she is considering going out with a known womanizer.
 Title: pewterwings
Reviewed By: pewter_wings [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 20, 2008 13:37 EDT
Hmph, bet Inu never did that for Kikyo.;) I do hate the double edged sword that deals with men and women differently concerning how many sexual partners they have had. It makes me sad to see Sango worrying about one previous partner when she is considering going out with a known womanizer.
 Reviewed By: InuGoddess715 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 20, 2008 07:26 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Good chapter. The talk with Kagome was Sango was good; I especially enjoyed Sango's revenge on that little jerk who took her virginity, lol. I hate guys like that! As for Naraku and Kikyo, those two are filthy! They definitely deserve each other, but.......YUCK! LOL.
 Title: Chapter Twenty
Reviewed By: Far Away Eyes  On: May 04, 2008 15:45 EDT
I'm kinda getting caught up, if you consider I'm still on chapter twenty. I like how you had them have a nice, quiet outing shopping and sharing a meal. We've seen them come together as a team under duress, but here we can see them get to know one another and become better friends. And, although they've only known each other, at least Sango in this group, for a short time, they all seem extremely comfortable with one another. They aren't trying to force anything, and Sango seems to be easing right into their dynamics without too much awkwardness or difficultly. Inuyasha, of them all, seems the most comfortable. Regardless of his heritage and background, he is at ease with these people, enough so to tease Kagome about kissing him after eating spicy foods and then to take Miroku's comment without losing his temper. I'll say it again, to those not following your AU closely and only familiar with the manga/anime, especially the early story lines, would think he's OOC, but he's not. He's that much more matured and relaxed without losing his cautious edge. Somehow it doesn't surprise me that Sesshomaru could pacify Jii-Chan with the lure of wearing his formal robes to the big event. I think it's funny that he had to have his foot stomped on before he could say something offensive, although I doubt Sesshomaru, as he's aged to this point, would have done much more than snort. He's not as rash about eliminating offenders as he probably was in the past. I like Sango's wet dream. It was hot and sensual, yet awkward, as it should be. I like how we don't know who it is until she wakes up, because it looks like it might be the beginning of a lemon between Kagome and Inuyasha. This also lets us see that Sango has just as much interest in Miroku, and that she's uncomfortable with it because of their status. She also seems to know that Miroku's reputation is part of how he protects himself, something I don't think the majority of the other women he sleeps with understand. I liked the descriptions of them getting ready for Sesshomaru's fancy party. I think Kagome's very in tune to Inuyasha's moods, because she's absolutely right that he's nervous. He should and shouldn't be at the same time. He's still a hanyou and therefore can still find ridicule from those who are demonic, but at the same time he's got the backing of Sesshomaru. I'm confused that the demons there would think his mother was the youkai and not his father. Wouldn't they know Sesshomaru's true nature or does he hide it even from them in these settings? Or is it the humans he associates with that think he's human? They would be mightily surprised to find out who and what he is, I'm sure. I also think Inuyasha is nervous about his brother's party because of their bad blood in the past. I think they're still trying to mend the fences and get to know one another, so it's hard for him to just go and not be anxious. I don't see Sesshomaru reversing his actions when it comes to his brother at this point. Why would he? Even if he's come to terms with Inuyasha, he still works towards his goals and his motivations are very rooted in how a situation will benefit him. Having Inuyasha as an ally rather than an enemy or indifferent and neutral is the best option for him. I also enjoy the fact that, in his own way, it's Sesshomaru's way of admitting he was wrong, something he almost never does. The descriptions of the clothes were lovely, but I must admit, even though I unload apparel truck, fashion is not my thing. I have no idea anything about the shoes in the story. I can see them the way you've described their colors and such, but brand names mean nothing. Inuyasha tux, by far, has to be the best, though. Several people put him into tuxes in their AUs and the like, but this one seems to fit him better than all of those. And he clipped his claws? Does he do that often? I would think it'd hurt or put him at a disadvantage if he needs to defend himself. I look forward to Sesshomaru's party.
 Reviewed By: ravenreux, NLI  On: May 03, 2008 15:12 EDT
First off, congrats on all your wins and nominations with the IYFG. You deserve them all. Second, I absolutely love the turn you've taken by throwing Kagura in with the good guys. I think it gives the fic a nice little twist, along with Koga teaming up with them to hunt down Naraku. I can't wait to find out what'll happen next...so, thanks for sharin!! 'Til next time!~Reux
 Reviewed By: hemlockglade  On: May 02, 2008 12:21 EDT
I love the little bits of canon that get mixed in - Kagome riding on Inuyasha's back, Miroku "distracting" Sango… Though I also like Kouga getting put in his place by his alpha bitch! (ah, if only Ayame had a little more guts in the series). And Naraku is truly evil… I wonder, did he listen to the people in the freezer pounding on the door until the last one died? Now the gang has a better idea of the amoral enemy they're dealing with, and what he's capable of. Still lurking and enjoying the story - can't wait for more!
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