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"Minoue" Reviews/Comments [ 521 ]
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 Reviewed By: inyu01 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2009 20:01 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
 Title: Chapter Twenty-Four
Reviewed By: FarAwayEyes [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2009 23:55 EDT
Something tells me that our translator friend is in for a world of hurt. He royally pissed off Sesshomaru, didn't he? I always like it when Sesshomaru gets into his angry mode. He kicks ass, takes names, and makes sure his victim knows they're in for severe punishment. You think people would learn that he's smarter than they think he is by now. Just because he has a pretty face doesn't mean he's stupid. Of course Jaken has to be frustrated about dealing with humans and then grateful that Sesshomaru isn't one. Oh my, so Kagome thought she could fool Inuyasha by pretending to be asleep, eh? She should know better by now. And why not have some fun as long as they're quiet? Everyone's safe for the night. I'm glad Miroku's considerate enough not to listen at the door or sleep naked. Poor Sango's had enough troubles for one night and really doesn't need to see that---at least not yet. Poor Sango. What an awful memory to dream. Such an awful sight to witness, and then feel that piercing pain in her back. Even in her sleep there's no getting away from it. The way the dream is presented, I could see the crime scene in my head. It's a good thing Miroku is there to try and pull her from it. And of course Inuyasha would hear her cry and come running. Poor thing. Poor Miroku, all he really wants to do is comfort her, but he doesn't dare touch her. I don't know if it's because he's afraid she'll think him perverted or if he's afraid she's still trapped in her nightmare to a degree and will fight back. Hopefully with time he'll be able to help her that way. Miroku has so much trust to gain, doesn't he? Not just from Sango, but it would seem from Inuyasha. His past sexual escapades just won't be put in the past, will they? Inuyasha should trust him more than that, but I suppose it is his protective nature emerging. I'm sure as Miroku gains trust with Sango, Inuyasha's mistrust will fade. Such a big admission from Miroku! He can tell that he's starting to fall in love, and he's not sure how it happened or why, just that it is. Hopefully this means he's really going to grow up and start to court Sango with honesty. It's nice to see that men can have heart to hearts, too. So much of our culture makes it seem that men shouldn't have emotions. I'm glad you show that they can, and in a believable manner. There's no loss of masculinity here. They're just sharing their own frustrations and experiences, and it works. Again, I'm struck by how grown up Inuyasha is, but Miroku, too. Too many stories try to keep the characters in character just as they are in the manga, but particularly the anime, and when they do that, they remain static. It's nice to see fleshing out and growth that is congruent to their character base. The characters are great in their canon format, but the point for fanfiction is to see where else they can go, and to see them as they could be as adults is refreshing. It's not just the lemons, either. It's the whole evolution of their emotional character that makes them adult in nature. They don't run away from their fears, as Kagome is wont to do in the series with the well. They don't hide from their problems with an exorbitant amount of wise cracks and gruff remarks. It's nice to see them included from time to time, but for the most part it's nice to see that they CAN act more mature than that. That's what I really enjoy about Minoue the most. The fact that the characters are allowed to progress at a natural pace and settle into a natural maturity. I have no doubt that as I continue to catch up that it will continue.
 Title: Loved this chapter!!
Reviewed By: magedelbene [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2009 15:38 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I started loving it, with Jii-chan, weird, ne? But to see that -in a way- he came to realize how much better turn to be when you just open your mind and heart to others. That you are never too old to start to appreciate things from different angles, even though you don't agree... but the true meaning of acceptance. Just blow me, to see this Jii-chan. That was great. Then of course... Miroku and Sango. Jeez, just wanted to shake Sango. But, while reading her doubts -well, more fears that doubts- I totally understood her, because... after all, who was not in that place as a woman? Thinking about your career and choices and to become someone you are not... to try to fulfill others expectations leaving aside yours. Don't read me wrong, it is a give and take... but sometimes, it feels like a lot more "giving" than the other way. Of course, with Miroku that wouldn't be the case and... silly girl, she should know it, or at least know that she could talk to him about it. But, true... with all her story, all the things they are going through, all the things she went and will go through, plus to find a ring and an amazing guy you love popping out the question... Well, at least she was able to say "I don't know", I would be speachless!! LOL Great chap. Cathy! Finally, I'm able to catch up full force... so, will see me here often now!! :D
 Title: Chapter Twenty-Three
Reviewed By: FarAwayEyes [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2009 21:58 EDT
Well, it certainly has been a while and I am terribly behind, aren't I? I feel so bad for Sango after that party mishap with the torn dress and creep. I do agree with Kagome that she should stay put. There is not sense in going home when you have good friends to help you. Poor Sango. She's so worried about Miroku knowing about her scar. Anyone who truly cares for her shouldn't care that it's there at all. They should just accept that it is a part of her and that she's strong. Uh-oh. Kagome should have been a bit more careful about letting Sango know that they knew all along. Oh my. Way to go Kirara. I like that relationship that's built in here. I know it's in the manga to a degree, but it seems to work so well here. Behoove? Inuyasha? Inuyasha saying behoove? That's awesome. Has he been hanging with his brother too often? I like it, though. He should say things like that more often. I love the way you've expanded Inuyasha's sense of humor/wit in this story. Too often it's so easy to let him be dense or dimwitted when he's not. It's nice to see it come out. Poor Miroku. It's not his fault Kagome ran by nearly naked. I bet he DID need a really strong drink after that. I know I would. Sheesh. Oh my. Kagome really went out of her way with that streaking to heat up Inuyasha's blood now didn't she? There's nothing wrong with a quickie, I suppose. Kagome had just better be careful that she doesn't do that again anytime soon. Not unless she wants to be in that situation often! Ooo, Miroku is looking for trouble again. Sometimes he shouldn't be so observant. It can be to his disadvantage sometimes. He ought to know better. I like how Sango doesn't want to reveal that it was her brother in this conversation. It seems to be a natural instinct to hold that detail back. And, telling the story is already hard enough. I like that Inuyasha is looking out for Sango in her drunken state. I don't think it's necessary, but it's nice. Miroku, for all his womanizing tendencies, I just don't think he's the type of guy to take advantage of a woman in that manner. It just doesn't fit. He wants consensual, not forced. I think his concern is showing here in brilliant ways. I tend to not read many AU stories because they go too far away from the manga to be considered fanfiction, but yours takes so much of the original and twists it in just the right way that it works. The way that it is crafted seems to make it work all the more. I particularly like Miroku's characterization in this story. He seems to be the one that has to do the most growing and changing, at least in my opinion. Up until Sango's arrival in his life, he seemed to be a bit shallow on a few crucial levels, almost that if it wasn't' for that inner character, you'd have to wonder WHY Inuyasha stayed his friend. But, give him a chance and let him evolve a little and he becomes someone you can relate to and embrace. I think facing his own inner demons (ie the being abandoned as a child) have helped him with Sango's problems. Sango's really well done here, too, her strength and vulnerability blended well. The dynamic between the four (Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, and Sango) seems to be the best part of the story, though. They really have become close friends in a rather quick amount of time. I will have to make sure I get caught up much faster than I have been, eh? Until the next review!
 Reviewed By: Sovereignty [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2009 04:51 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
fantastic (eating ice cream... hard to write one handed...) chapter. yea!!! more weddings... hip hip hooray for Miroku!
 Reviewed By: landofthekwt [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2009 00:55 EDT
I was very pleased with this chapter. We were left feeling that Sango had turned Miroku's proposal of marriage down. Now we find that the path to marriage may still be rough, but they are going to try and work things out. I was glad that Kagura and Sesshoumaru were able to contribute their good news at the end. It made for a night of celebration and good feeling.
 Reviewed By: Zetsuii [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 11, 2009 21:50 EDT
yay celebrate celebrate...that was such a good chapter...and I cant wait for the next one...no complaints this time around so update soon
 Reviewed By: Bookreader9999 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 11, 2009 21:45 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I think you've done a great job with the story and the characters. The story flows really well. I also hope you show Kagura and Sesshomaru telling his mother that they're pregnant. I get the feeling that her reaction should be priceless. Keep up the good work!
 Reviewed By: psyco_chick32 (not signed in, whoops!)  On: March 11, 2009 18:50 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I really love seeing how everything is affecting more than just the main characters - taking a look at how the weddings are affecting the shrine and Jii-chan's look at life, taking a look at Bankotsu and his feelings for Kikyou (though now I'm wondering what's on *her* mind!). It was so nice watching InuYasha reassure Miroku for a change; one thing I like about this AU is how InuYasha is much more mature. Sango's reaction was perfect, too. She's very concerned about her life and Miroku's expectations; I'm glad she asked him about that before accepting!! *giggles* And I'm with Kagura and InuYasha... I can't wait until they tell Sesshoumaru's mother, LOL Keep up the fantastic work!!
 Title: i love it!
Reviewed By: JeniHugsTrees [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 09, 2009 13:32 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
love, love, love the story! i joined this site just to tell you how much i love it ^_^ it's amazingly well written and you can really feel the characters. it's almost like you're another person sitting right next to them (execpt during the sex scenes, that would be wrong!) can't thank you enough for writing this. you're an amazing writer!
 Reviewed By: Gin Blossom  On: March 02, 2009 01:27 EST
Great new chapter; I really liked the scene w/ Sess and Kagura! And the cliffhanger was a doozy! Thanks for the update!
 Reviewed By: Zetsuii [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 02, 2009 01:22 EST
omg say YES girl or I will take him!!! XD Man that was a good chapter and I am so happy for sesshy and kagura cause that baby is going to be so cutttteee...so update soon cause i also need to know the answer to the question XD
 Reviewed By: landofthekwt [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 02, 2009 00:55 EST
Not the answer I was expecting from Sango. I loved the banter between Kagura and Sesshoumaru about having children. He seemed surprised that they ended up in that position while she did not. Bank is trying to decide how he feels about Kikyou. Is she really different from the other girls he has had sex with.
 Reviewed By: KayAkuma [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 01, 2009 18:02 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh my gosh, way to leave us hanging... But, I did really like the mental image of Sessh and Kagura freaking out because they hit the ceiling.
 Reviewed By: Soveriengty on old computer...  On: March 01, 2009 16:58 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Miroku must be so devastated right now... Very good cliff-hanger! Great chapter!
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