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"Return To Hades" Reviews/Comments [ 345 ]
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 Reviewed By: I Is Me  On: October 31, 2004 09:41 CST
*brings out her Rusty Spoon of Death (which for your reference, is a million, kajillion times more powerful than the Millenium Backscratcher) and starts stabbing people randomly*
 Reviewed By: Broken Time [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 31, 2004 09:20 CST
Yami's back again? *whips out Marik and hands him a shotgun* Grrr, Not on my watch >
 Reviewed By: Lady Elfskye [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 31, 2004 09:07 CST
To start, Rick Hendrick is an owner in NASCAR. He owns the cars of Jeff Gordon, for one. He just lost his father to cancer in July. Last Sunday, he lost his 24 year old son, his brother, his twin neices and 6 other employees and friends in a horrific plane crash. It was a huge blow to the entire NASCAR community and fanbase. Anyways, THIS CHAPPIE ROCKED!! Lovely Aria!! Lord, I so remember teen PMS! Poor Kura! That hadda hurt. But the scenes with Aten & Robbie were soo sad. And Hayden, poor child!! Yugi should go to the hospital or call someone and warn them he thinks that Yami was there. Yami cannot have his way with Aten. He just can't!!
 Reviewed By: YoukoMia  On: October 31, 2004 08:22 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*Dies laughing at Aria hitting her father in the nuts* Bakura ain't gonna be doing anything for a while PMS is hitting poor Aria hard i feel sorry for her. i feel even more sorry for poor Hayden and Aten. I hope little Aten wakes up soon. i hardly ever say this but damn Yami to shadow realm and back again. he better not do anything bad to Aten. i look foward to the next chapter keep up the good work. ~Mia
 Reviewed By: YoukoMia  On: October 29, 2004 06:21 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
awwww so cute yes the bad guys are dead i really want to hug Yami Aten now i think he's become my favorite Yami now even though he's your character. i loved that chapter much. hope the dragon and the man eater bug don't get indigestion from those sick freaks. Poor Hayden robbie and Aten i hope they get better soon. keep up the good work i await for the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: October 28, 2004 22:02 CDT
Whoa! yay they're back with everyone, but oh my gosh poor hayden!!!! *cries* I'm so happy theyre back but it took so much! But I'm so hapy Yami Aten came in and rocked the house, because he's cool even if he does rip peoples hearts out, literally. And I have a question, was Yami Dominic the whole time, even when he was working with Seto or what? Just thought about that and hope you can answer. So now we know how Yami played a part in all of that! I feel so bad for Robbie though, but now he can get a lil feelings of how Aten feels sometimes with his whole talking issue at some points. Well, yay! That was way kick butt you rock my WORLD!*belly dances for halloween* whooot whooot!
 Reviewed By: ShadowofLight from aff  On: October 28, 2004 17:20 CDT
oh dear lord... first aten i am so gald he dealt those asses what they rightly deserved! second, yami was that dominc guy?? shiiit time to use my new present ot he test *takes new rod and begins to hack yami doll to pieces* second, i hope the kids pull through. i mean all of them. nice chapter and can't wait for sunday to coem around.
 Title: I will never log in, will I?
Reviewed By: Broken Time (NLI)  On: October 28, 2004 17:14 CDT
*cuddles Robbie plushie* You fight, Robbie! Be a brave little boy for your mom and dad! *Sniffles* Such a cute kid
 Reviewed By: I_Is_Me [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2004 15:32 CDT
Eeeness!!! They was saved!!! *does the Snoopy dance*
 Reviewed By: Beysie (I don't remember logging out!)  On: October 28, 2004 14:39 CDT
Finally, the kids are home! Yay! Too bad they're in such bad conditions... but now they have the loving care and attention they need. I love Yami Aten! He's just so... creative in his ideas to kill! LOL I'm just so twisted... Update soon, I need to see them all wake up and be happy!
 Reviewed By: Tari Helyanwe (not logged in)  On: October 28, 2004 13:24 CDT
*dances in a circle around bakurasgirl* THEY'RE BACK! THEY'RE BACK! THEY'RE BACK! THEY'RE BACK! YAY! THEY'RE BACK! THEY'RE BACK! WOOHOO!! great chapter! loved the gore! ^_^
 Reviewed By: anubiset [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2004 09:37 CDT
Oh, that was beautiful at the end. What Robbie was trying to say nearly broke my heart. He finally tried to say it.
 Reviewed By: Lady Elfskye @_@  On: October 28, 2004 09:33 CDT
Oh, my!! You used my chappie title!! *does happy dance* These last two chappies were AWESOME!!!! *hands bakurasgirl a double batch of double fudge chunk chocolate chip cookies* Sorry the review is short. I am a huge NASCAR fan, and the Hendrick tragedy has consumed most of my thoughts lately. Thank you for shedding a bright spot!!
 Reviewed By: hahahoho  On: October 27, 2004 16:10 CDT
your stry is good. plz keep it up.
 Title: Return To Hades
Reviewed By: yami no miko  On: October 27, 2004 13:16 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
HOW COULD U END IT LIKE THAT!!!!?!?!?!?!?! ITS BEYOND CRUELTY!!!!!!!! GAWD! CLIFFHANGERS!!!!!!!!! I HATE THEM!!!! Keep up the good work ^_^.v.
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