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"Return To Hades" Reviews/Comments [ 345 ]
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 Reviewed By: ShadowofLight from aff  On: October 27, 2004 12:42 CDT
Hey Aria is a big girl now!! Poor Ryou, bu he shouldn't kick himself about this. No offense but at least he didn't faint like Bakura *giggles quietly* I would so love the power of the Rod, can I borrow it? And they are so close and blood and gore and yay!! Hey, does this mean Marik and Bakura are gonna miss the bloody action? On a quick note, I think Mokuba and Jeanie will be great parents, Serenity can go drown herself, and Miranda is truely a great friend ^^
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: October 27, 2004 00:19 CDT
Wait..yeah I agree with them darn cliffie! 8chases afetr with a pitchfork* why you gotta do us liek that...ok, yeah just adding onto my review....hahaha...broken piano!
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: October 27, 2004 00:04 CDT
Oh yes, I cant believe it Aria is finaly a young woman! Ah that brings me back...ah yes. But anyway, so happy, the good lemony goodness shared bwteween others and the sign of the chibi's rebelling! GO YAMI ATEN!So lovely!!!! *dances around and skips* yay! 
 Reviewed By: Kura Magician Girl  On: October 26, 2004 23:02 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Dear ra! That was the best chapter yet! And the worst cliffie yet! Yay! The chibis get out next ch. And blood and gore! Go Yami Aten, kick their sorry asses. Mwahahahahahaha! That lemon was yummy! Seto so needs to sterilize and or replace all of the stuff where they were making love. lol. And that part where Bakura and Marik went shopping for 'feminine needs', it was totally hilarious, I was laughing so hard, I almost fell off my chair. lmao. Aria's PMSing going to be fun. Can't wait till the next ch. See ya.
 Reviewed By: Beysie [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 26, 2004 21:31 CDT
Argh! No! You left us with... "The Worst Cliffie Ever!" I damn near fell off my chair in anticipation at the end... Please, don't hurt Robbie! Yami Aten needs to kick some serious Ass! You had better update soon, before I go completely insane!
 Reviewed By: anubiset [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 26, 2004 20:29 CDT
What the hell? That cliffhanger is more disturbing than the last one. Poor boys. What? Aten turned into Yami Aten. Yay! Now those idiots can get what is coming. Go Yami Aten. Make `em regret everything that they`ve done, and do it tenfold. Wonderful, glorious Yami Aten, show `em what you got. Just don`t scare Robbie to bad. Loved the whole Aria getting her period. Bakura was hilarious, trying to deal with it. I think I`ll be reading that part over and over agian until the next chapter comes out. The lemon was incredible. Wish mine were that good.
 Reviewed By: Sakiyama [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 26, 2004 20:02 CDT
Ah! Cliffieeeeeeeee. Lol gotta love the Bakura/Marik stuffs. So good! XD. Anyways, that was like the whole chapter O.o awesome. Hope Seto doesn't mind about his piano. Awww Aria got her period! The little girl is growing up!! *sniff sniff* ah I would love to see HER at PMSing time. lol she would send everything to the shadow realm! Oooh I wanna see Yami Aten kill them all!!! That would be so freakin cool!! I can't wait!
 Reviewed By: YoukoMia  On: October 26, 2004 15:56 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Your very evil you know that leaving us on a cliff hanger *dies laughing from Marik and Bakura's trip to the pharmacy* Oh Ra that was just classic you should do more scenes like that love the lemon between those two keep up the good work. Make Yami Aten tear them limb from limb. make sure its slow and painful as well. *laughs evilly* ok i'm better now pardon my sudden outburst. i look foward to the next chapter. *hands jeanie a gallon of Ice-cream* for you and your child.
 Title: agrees with Seto lover and Bakurasgirl Lover's title
Reviewed By: I Is Me  On: October 26, 2004 15:43 CDT
AAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Yami Aten!!!! Yay!!!! *huggles her plushie*
 Reviewed By: Broken Time (NLI)  On: October 26, 2004 15:18 CDT
Oh my, not Robbie! *dies* Cliff hanger is the badness
 Reviewed By: Motje (to lazy to log in)  On: October 26, 2004 13:02 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Why did you have to make it a cliffy? *cries* Nah, just kiddin, though now I can't wait *jumps up and down*. I really like it. Yay for blood, gore, violent en sex! (sorry couldn't contain myself for a moment)
 Title: So... I guess I'm NEVER going to log in again...
Reviewed By: Seto lover and Bakurasgirl Lover  On: October 26, 2004 12:29 CDT
*Hands Aria some Advil* You're new best friend girl... So, how many pads do you think she's going to send to the shadow realm? -.- Poor Baku.. finding the tampons.... he's going to be SO happy when Aria decides to use those.. -.- not... Poor guy... Yeah for shovels and guns! ^_^ I'm so glad Aten and Robbie escape soon... I feel so sorry for the chibis.. T_T Oh, and Poor Umi.. Now baku's going to kill him for just looking at aria O_O AND, he has to last through an angry chibi Yami's pms.... SO EVIL! O_O
 Title: YEs, I'm still not logged in ;-;
Reviewed By: Broken Time (NLI)  On: October 24, 2004 13:18 CDT
Limey. I think Hayden has finally cracked. Buuuuuuuuut, Who says insane yaoi boys is a bad thing? Naw, but stil. I think that Yami Aten isn't SO bad.. He DID calls Robbie 'lover'~ Still... I'm not dead yet... not yet.. too much angst and I probably will be~ ;-;
 Title: awwwww
Reviewed By: YoukoMia  On: October 24, 2004 11:53 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
awwww that was such an adorable ending. Yay the idiots are gonna be killed soon thank gods for Aten's yami side. I'm quite amazed at the children's powers i really didn't expect Aria and Aten to be the ones that can give and take life. keep up the good work i'm enjoying this a whole lot. ~Mia
 Reviewed By: Kura Magician Girl  On: October 23, 2004 23:34 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh yeah! Those 3 ch was so good! ^_^ The lemons was awesome. Hehehe, seems like Aria's growing up, and Bakura's not liking it. That dream Seto had was creepy. It's good thing it had clues in it though. Now Seto found their website. Poor Hayden, poor Aten. *shakes head at those sick bastards* Yami Aten called Robbie lover! yay! ^_^ hehehe. Go him, get them out of there! Man, seems the trips to the hospital never ends, someone gets hurt, they get better, and then someone else gets hurt and so on. What a cycle. So glad Ryou and Marik's ok from the car incident. Go Yami Aria for healing Ryou! Stupid idiotic ex-pharaoh. So evil, evil, evil, evil, evil!!! Evil!!! *stabs him repeatedly* I can't emphasize enough how evil he is. ^_^;;; Can't wait till you write more. I just love your writing. See ya. ^_~
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