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"Return To Hades" Reviews/Comments [ 345 ]
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 Reviewed By: Valea [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 17, 2004 21:30 CDT
 Reviewed By: Kura Magician Girl  On: September 15, 2004 23:01 CDT
That was fun, hehe, they both went to go ask for Otogi's help. ^_^ It's so sweet that they love each other. *glares at the evil meanies, Charlie and vinnie* They better keep their filthy hands to themselves. Can't wait till u update. Till next time. ^_~
 Reviewed By: Broken Time  On: September 15, 2004 16:29 CDT
Yup! Serenity seems to have changed a lot! From a loving girlfriend, to a homophobic, controling, ignorant snob. It's too bad Joey is going to keep her there.. My mom and I don't exactly see eye to eye because of my sexual preference, and I could honestly care less, kicked her outta my house when she was making fun of Dai-dai for having a different mother. But I hope Seto or Joey catch on to her plan, soon!
 Reviewed By: I_Is_Me [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 15, 2004 15:28 CDT
Ah... Vinnie... I recognize that name now. Poor Otogi, being bombarded with questions. Sucks being the only... well... person I guess that two boys will ask for help. *snaps fingers in a "darn" motion*
 Reviewed By: Lady Elfskye [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 15, 2004 11:26 CDT
LOL!! No one will ever believe that the Chibis went to Otogi for help!! Lord, ya know, it's because he is the closest thing to a woman that they can feel comfortable going to!! Ha! *Glares at Vinnie, Charlie and evil man.* Hands off assholes. Or I'll sick Anzu on you!! That was a cute chappie. Poor Otogi!!!
 Title: hey
Reviewed By: ShadowofLight from aff  On: September 15, 2004 08:10 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow otogi really helped them out. hee he may act like a girl most of the time but he's a man through and through. and charlie and vinne? *growls angrily* can't wait for their torture. anyway love your story as always ^^ (aff is being a giant pain in the ass again so i couldn't review there)
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: September 13, 2004 23:44 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*rocks back and forth* omg! It's so much fun..theyre all in their puberty stages! I LUV IT! yay! How I long for a significant other...*sighs* anyway, no! I dont want what you had up to be a forshadowing! Then I shall cry! But now I can be comforted in knowing this will go on for a very long time....hehehehe....At en....Robbie....why must thye think so negatively!!!!! oh well...rock on!
 Reviewed By: Broken Time  On: September 13, 2004 19:57 CDT
Bleeeeeee On you, Serenity. YOu evil homophobic lady!
 Reviewed By: Mariku182  On: September 12, 2004 14:08 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yo!!! I'm Back from the dead!!! mwahahhahaha!!! Wonderful chapter I loved it!! I hope that Marik explains "The Big Man Talk" well. I can't wait!!! SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!! Immma squis both Aten and Robbie for being so Damned Cuteeeeeee!!!!! Please update soon!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: anubiset [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 12, 2004 13:13 CDT
I can`t believe Serenity. What is her problem. Can`t she see what she is doing is wrong? I hate it when people act like that. Then again she was lied to most of her life. She doesn`t even want to listen to Joey. Someone needs to get it through her thick head that she can`t do this. I feel so bad for Joey. He shouldn`t have to deal with his family being like that. Charlie needs his a## kicked. Hope it happens. Aria could do a real number on him. That would be a sight, especially if she is pmsing. Poor Bakura is going to have to deal with it sooner or later. I can`t wait to see his reaction. Robbi and Aten love each other, that is just soo sweet. Hopefully they can tell each other soon. They will be a good couple. Can`t wait for the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: Lady Elfskye [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 12, 2004 13:09 CDT
Oh, man. I so feel for Aten. I may not be a man, but I understand. And Robbie too. Poor kids!! *snickers* Ha! I can't wait to see how things go with the *talk*!! Damn Serenity anyways. I hope she gets her ass kicked, or finds out the truth soon. She needs to be kept far away from them kids. Way far away!!
 Reviewed By: Kura Magician Girl  On: September 12, 2004 12:39 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Here comes the drama. lol. ^_^ Ugh, can't believe Serenity is like that. Meanie. :P Hope she doesn't succeed. Aww, poor Aten, and Robbie too. *huggles* Hehe. Puberty is so not fun. I can't wait till u ud again. Till next time. ^_~
 Reviewed By: Tari Helyanwe (not logged in)  On: September 12, 2004 10:50 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*shakes head* What the hell is wrong with Serenity?! Can she be anymore ignorant?? People like that get on my last nerves. I can't wait until she has to pick up her face from the floor when she realizes the horrible truth about their father and of the great relationship Joey has with Seto. Imma get a foamy finger and some nachos when that happens!! Let me know, I gotta get this stuff early. It IS college football season. ^_^ Keep up the great work!
 Reviewed By: Sakiyama [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 12, 2004 09:25 CDT
Ah! Serenity is so mean!! How could she do that...or think that?! She has no idea about Jou's father either. That's really bad. And poor Aten! Him and Robbie are going through the same thing...hopefully they can tell each other soon. I can't wait to see Marik try to explain to Aten what's going on! ^^' That will be really funny to watch. I hope Charlie doesnt succeed either. He shouldnt be out of jail in the first place. Kill the bad people, Aria!
 Title: Harvestgirl 64
Reviewed By: Still too lazy!!!! O.O ( Sorry, stupid return button....)  On: September 12, 2004 08:50 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Eep! Serenity's Mean! O.O ... YEEAH!!! I don't like her really... in one of the shows they showed her, The one with Joey and Yugi about to drown? 'Cause of Marik? The showed Serenity saving Jo'... it was supposed to be 'da precious Kaiba... ¬_¬ Would have been SO cool too... ¬_¬ AAAAAnyway, Poor lil' Aten!!! He can't stop thinking about him.. Poor Robbie too, Oh, and Baku... HAHA!!!! Aria's gonna be fuuuuun during PMS... wonder how many people she'd send to the shadow realm? Heeheehee... ^_^ Poor Baku though.... probably gonna have to teach her.. Heehee.. ^_^ So good!!! And you've updated a LOT lately!! YEAH!!!
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