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"The Coyote Child" Reviews/Comments [ 743 ]
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 Reviewed By: Unholydragoon [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2004 04:57 PST
Heya. Just lettin ye know that I am still reading yer stuff, even though ye got slighted by FF.net. Ye are one of he only writers I was following there. Mostly, that is due to yer excellent writing style, engaging character portrayals, and superb use of plot ad setting. Bee following ye since the Buffy fandom days. ~_^
 Title: Just wondering
Reviewed By: monsterkittie...not logged in  On: November 09, 2004 18:39 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm just curious...while I am fully enjoying the wonders of your writing in this fic, um...can I ask what happened to Miroku and Ayumi? I just got the idea that they made a really cute couple. Like I said, just wondering.
 Reviewed By: klutz82 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 09, 2004 14:43 PST
i love this story so far. even though i just finished the first one, reading this one feels like going back to a family reunion. i love how you made me feel very connected to these characters. i like how it's mainly Yukio and i'm glad that Emma is there. he needs someone to help him with the pain. i feel so bad for him... oh! i LOVE the shirts! they make me laugh so hard milk flies out of my nose. (wait! i don't remember having milk???? what the?!?!?! teehee) i can't wait for more! i can't wait to see what happens when they get there and the relationship between Emma and Yukio grow. LOVE IT!!!
 Title: Chapter 4
Reviewed By: cjflutterbye [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 07, 2004 11:40 PST
I just love this story. Keep doing what you're doing - no matter what others say. I love the t-shirts, the dry humor (very much my style). I really like Emma, her dream - their dream. The special something that her grandfather told her of - we know not to disagree with the elders after all. Can't wait for the next update, but I will of course.
 Reviewed By: black_talisman13 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 07, 2004 11:07 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
well, I've read other fanfics of you, and I liked them a lot, so I am really glad that you choose to continue writing! You're very good, and I love your stories! continue, and upload fast please!
 Reviewed By: notzathros  On: November 07, 2004 07:14 PST
Greart chapter! This relationship is progressing rather nicely. It's wonderful the Yukio has a chance to be happy again.
 Title: uh..... title
Reviewed By: a curious tango  On: November 06, 2004 23:22 PST
Oh man, lol well first I'd like to say good chapter, you are able to make things flow so wonderfully. The second thing (this is not a flam just to let you know) I would like to say is, I hate those shirts. You know the ones in your story that always say something on them like in this chapter:'Don't Annoy the Anger Management Class Dropout' shirt. AHH lol for some reason I find these shirts utterly annoying. And one of my friends, he wears these shirts all the time. Its so annoying. He gets them all from Kholes. By the way how did you get the idea for the t-shirts? Like did you just decide that you wanted to have there t-shirts say something? Just curious. I can't wait till your next chapter. I have an inky feeling about how this storie is going to turn out. If there is an epiloge at the end. And if there is I have a feeling that its gonna be happy, but then it'll get sad. But it was happy. Ok I don't know what i'm rambling on about anymore. heh. Oh, one more thing. You should listen to some led zeppelin, and queen. wonderful bands.
 Reviewed By: ShadowStar666 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 05, 2004 20:39 PST
Nice, they are getting closer. Oh yeah, oh yeah!!! hahahaha!!! sorry
 Reviewed By: LadyNetiri [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 05, 2004 18:05 PST
^^ very nice! i can't wait to see what happens next! -Netiri
 Title: There you are!
Reviewed By: Raia  On: November 04, 2004 22:32 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey!! so sorry about what Fanfiction did to you thats so horrid! But luckily I found you again so I can go back to reading your wonderful stories!!! Please write more soon I love your stories they all ways seem so real!! Well see ya!! o that remind me where can I find the site that you had that sold those mugs with The Lucky Ones piccy on it, the one with Inuyasha and Yukio? if you could post the link next time if theres any of those mugs left that would be great!!
 Reviewed By: Tetsumi [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 04, 2004 15:19 PST
Great chapter!!
 Reviewed By: Shaid [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 04, 2004 13:20 PST
Wonderful chapter. I'm very glad you decided to use Emma's perspective for the second half. I have the feeling you're going to be using their perspectives (Emma's and Yukio's) most often. It's an interesting Idea that her grandfather wanted to set her up with Yukio. I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
 Title: Agreement
Reviewed By: Ardinae  On: November 04, 2004 07:29 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 1 of 10
I have to agree with slant_eyes03. I'm sorry but Emma is a boring character so far. Sure she was curious at first but there was no attraction for Yukio in the beginning. If I remember right he didn't even think there was anything that over attractive about her. Now all of a sudden she is beautitful? I guess what I am getting at is they are becoming friends but now this dream sequence thing is sort of out of place for me in the story line between the two. The kind of hurt Yukio experienced is not something a person gets over easily and now here is the super personality that is suddenly at his side. I don't buy it. Not that I don't want to see him happy. I just don't see it with Emma at this time. Her characterization was just too plain in the beginning for me to believe she is all of a sudden 'The Right One' This is just my opinion others may disagree. Anyway I have followed both stories from start to this chapter I do love your writing and am looking forward to more. Don't stop, I have faith you will make it just as great a stroy as The Lucky Ones. My rating if for this chapter only the rest have been 10 all the way for me. I'm just not too happy with this chapter.
 Reviewed By: ChAnDrA16 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 03, 2004 19:54 PST
Aww. I want the yukio/emma fluff to come. and maybe a bit of inu/kag fluff along teh way. update soon!
 Title: Chapter 4
Reviewed By: The Literary Dragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 03, 2004 19:53 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great story! Yukio's POV is wonderful. It's nice seeing what makes him tick. It would be nice to hear more from Kag or Inu's POV. And now we have prophetic dreams as well as Navajo curses. I love the Navajo history and customs that you are inserting into the story. And Miaka is turning out to not be the saint we would have liked our Yukio to mate. Emma sounds like she will be a much better match. Hope that Yukio wakes up soon and realizes what is dangling before his nose before it is gone. Can't wait for the next chapter!
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