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"Purity 3: Forever" Reviews/Comments [ 1105 ]
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 Reviewed By: Cynbad146  On: March 14, 2005 22:09 CST
Two Words. . .Body Piercing?!!!!! I about LMFAO trying to think of what body part Ryomaru might consider for such. I am too afraid to guess. Looks to me like Ryomaru has his hands filled with plenty of woman in Nezumi. Good match in characters. You were really having a good time when you wrote this chapter and I had a hoot-laughing at the ending. Great job Sueric! I am going to snigger at this all night and following day until I get to read the next chapter. Can't wait! Thank You, Cynbad146 P.S. Why do reviewers leave nonconstructive, negative, and unappreciative reviews. No one makes them read these stories. Sounds like immaturity to me.
 Title: Hmmmm
Reviewed By: foamyfan15010 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2005 21:40 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Body piercing? LOL That is not at all what I was expecting! As for the "glorified rape" comment, please don't let people's ignorance hurt you and make you mad. Your stories are wonderful and you're extremely talented. Don't let a few bad (and totally uncalled for) reviews get you down. People tend to write things without thinking about how it might affect the author. Please don't wait too long to update because I just might die. :o) *hugz*
 Reviewed By: serendith [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2005 21:07 CST
Okay let me first say that I too am with Ryomaru on "Body piercing?" *amused!* and I thought the sword idea was absolutely fantastic ... now on to the more serious stuff - I want you to know that I adore all of your fics and I admire you as a writer. I hope that none of the comments I have ever left have ever discouraged you in the past and if you ever feel put out by the wording of a question I put then feel free to email me for clarification or to deliver a firm reprimand. I really don't know why people must nip at your heels and I wish they wouldn't because I don't want you to stop writing because I need my semi-daily dose of Inu Fic! I know (or at least I hope I know) that your comment wasn't meant for the likes of me really but I still wanted to make sure you have never felt hurt by my questions/opinions/observations. I really don't comment on other peoples writings as much as I do on yours. I try to comment on your writing mainly because I think you deserve some sort of validation for the hard work you put into your fictions ... I think because you put the effort into writing everyday that I can put the effort into a comment. Anywho - I am rambling - the jist of this is you are well loved and admired. Try to focus on all the fans rather then the jealous/odd few.
 Title: ur kidding?!
Reviewed By: tessiefanfic(not signed in)  On: March 14, 2005 20:59 CST
someone said that?! how could they? that is just the most horried thing. some people just dont' understand. i have read and loved each and everyone of ur stories. that makes me sick that someone would say that. i hope this doesn't make u stop writing. one of my other fave authers stopped and i dont' know why. please don't stop. no matter what, i will always read ur stories. i love all of them. tessie_fanfic(as stated above, not signed in)
 Reviewed By: Lena17  On: March 14, 2005 20:52 CST
Well now...that is a very interesting turn of events. Body piercing makes me pale..unless in the ears. And I'll admit, piercing on the eybrow nose, or anywhere else causes me to cringe more then...well I don't know what...but istill! Poor Ryo...:P
 Reviewed By: Ladyblade [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2005 20:47 CST
*chuckle* Oh my, body piercing... if Ryo actually goes through with it, what will he pierce? A gold hoop or stud in his ear would look cute. Argh maties! lol bad joke i'm sure. I can't really see him piercing anything else, but then again he's not my character either. The Ryo you picture could very well end up piercing his nose for all I know. Now a tattoo... hehe I won't go there. Sorry to see that you're not feeling well (if i read your A/N right). I find apple slices and vanilla carmel dip to be a good pick me up sometimes. ^_^ I'd just like to also say that I agreed with your response to the reviewer who called Ryo and Nez's mating "glorified rape". There was nothing to even remotely suggest that. Ryo is a baka for forgeting, but such can be the consequences of too much alcohol. Enough of my senseless rambling, good work as always. I enjoy it more and more with each chapter. Now if only I could one day acquire such a faithful following of reviewers :)
 Reviewed By: Zatanna [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2005 20:42 CST
Keep them coming. I really love how quickly you post new chapters. You make your characters so real, it's great. I really giggled when Nezumi said Body Piercing. Heehee. I wonder where that will be....
 Reviewed By: Chokolatte [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2005 20:19 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey! wonderful story as always. Um, why is everyone flipping out so badly on Ryo. If he blanked out, doesn't that mean that his Youkai was taking over, like it did in the manga/anime to Inuyasha? If Ryo's youkai chose her, there was really nothing he could do about it, it would have happened sooner or later, like with Toga. why doesn't his family realize that?
 Reviewed By: kyonarai(nsi)  On: March 14, 2005 20:07 CST
OMG! 'body peircing'! *laughs histerically* God I adore this story! Must...stop...laughing... *just fell out of chair and got wierd looks from other family members* damn it! I did it again, I have got to stop falling out of my chair laughing! I did it on the last chapter of purity 2 when sesshomaru found out about the calendar! GREAT STORY! (I could never say that enough times)
 Reviewed By: Akihana(too lazy to sign in)  On: March 14, 2005 19:40 CST
I like this fic a lot. Why do you need your feelings to calm down? (if you don't mind me prying) I personally agree with oyu on the topic of rape. I never thought of thi story as rape. I really like it. I love your original characters from Purity. Nez and Ryo really have some issues, don't they? Being friends really is helping them though, i think. Imagine if they didn't know each other very well? i know the one time i had a crush on a friend I wouldn't have pulled through without his support. Excellent story, i love it, and till next time.
 Title: WTF????
Reviewed By: thefaeryofpurejoy(not logged in)  On: March 14, 2005 18:33 CST
There's no way that could be seen as rape. That was just nuts. Rape is nothing like that, that was sexual tension with an oppisite sex friend breaking. And an amazingly real account of it too. I love the sword!!! It rocks, there's no beating both Inu and Sessy! Question on hanyou: Is is cannon that all hanyou are human on the new moon? I thought that was just Inuyasha because it's a secret. If they were all human it would be widely known. Did you just decide to make it genetic?
 Title: Sometimes I wonder...
Reviewed By: ThePioden [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2005 16:21 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
M'kay, I haven't left a review in a long while because I have had nothing constructive to say. I still do not. First off, wonderful fic. Ya gotta love Ryo and Kich. And I do. So much so that they have taken up residence in my subconcious. For example: Last night, I had an odd dream with Kichiro in it. I do not remember what HAPPENED exactly, but it was insane, non-sensical, and I was a werewolf who ran around in wolf form barking. But this still means that I had a dream with Kichiro in it, and he had a ponytail for some reason. This means either A) I need some help B) You have created entirely too vivid characters for the saftey of the general public, or C) All of the above. Like I said, nothing whatsoever constructive to say, but that you have managed to created characters so rich and vivid that I have dreams about them as if they were real people. *applause*
 Reviewed By: fruitcake  On: March 14, 2005 16:18 CST
 Title: cherylv@seward.net
Reviewed By: akdreamer  On: March 14, 2005 16:12 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
First off let me tell you this story Rocks!! And I thought "Met" was just as outstanding as the rest...It's sad to think someone has nothing better to do but destroy a good story with ficious words... I was always told if you don't like don't read it...Well I'm done venting now, so I'll see ya next chapter as always!! thanks to you I have something to read and enjoy...
 Title: Sometimes I wonder...
Reviewed By: ThePioden [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2005 16:03 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
M'kay, I haven't left a review in a long while because I have had nothing constructive to say. I still do not. First off, wonderful fic. Ya gotta love Ryo and Kich. And I do. So much so that they have taken up residence in my subconcious. For example: Last night, I had an odd dream with Kichiro in it. I do not remember what HAPPENED exactly, but it was insane, non-sensical, and I was a werewolf who ran around in wolf form barking. But this still means that I had a dream with Kichiro in it, and he had a ponytail for some reason. This means either A) I need some help B) You have created entirely too vivid characters for the saftey of the general public, or C) All of the above. Like I said, nothing whatsoever constructive to say, but that you have managed to created characters so rich and vivid that I have dreams about them as if they were real people. *applause*
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