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"The Syndrome" Reviews/Comments [ 354 ]
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 Reviewed By: kschultea [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2008 23:05 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Again, I LOVE this story! And yes, I'm pissed at "the guys" lol. I have older guy cousins who once threatened to beat up a cute freckled-face kid who asked me to dance at a wedding reception...we were 10!!! Ignore all the complaints and whining. Your story is wonderful. I love the way you change between past and present. Can't wait for the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Jekka  On: April 08, 2008 22:00 EDT
Oh geez. they are complete (a)holes. You know what I mean.. I cant believe even shippo would be that low. I know that Sess can be a butt sometimes but lordy lordy, to just let him die.. Im sure though Kagome will kill them when she finds out, lol.. I cant wait to read the next chapter. I hope you get time to update soon.. Awesome job so far
 Reviewed By: Hate2LoveU [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2008 20:46 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
love this story. Inuyasha is such an ass right now, and Shippo they want her to be unhappy forever
 Reviewed By: InuPriestess  On: April 08, 2008 20:34 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I loved this chapter... but man I HATE INU YASHA in this chapter.... I wanted to throw my dictionary at him...grrrr.... *scowls*. But it was a good chapter though. You had me on the edge of my seat. I couldn't believe that Inu Yasha had it in him to be this mean and enjoy it. He really wants his brother dead.. or at least is jealous enough to not care if sess dies... I don't want him to... *sniff sniff* I know you wouldn't do that... ^.^ You, at the moment, are the queen of drama.. Have you taken lessons from Striknig Falcon or Iloveprettysilverhair or rinseternalsoul by chance? lol... good job and congrats on the nominations.. you deserve it.. Chao chickie! InuPriestess
 Reviewed By: theblackangels_ [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2008 20:33 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
he could always ignore her as usual. some times when i ignore my dog he just sits some where and ignores me. when i say im sorry, he gives the that look that says 'leave me alone'. sure he's a dog. but you can really tell wat they r sayin if u try. but if amy dog's anry at me. he doesnt eat, and ignores everybody. ~sessh- he also gives u the face. `kags-yea. the puppy pout. i swear that dog isd evil! ~sessh-hm... dog is evil.tba is evil...OMG! she's contagious! ~tba-sigh*he always gives me that look. like he's trying to tell me he was hurt. and sad. *sigh* but still.he would frogive me. but... ~sessh-wait... how am i gonna eat? i am not eating from a bowl! ~tba-u have no choice. its either stay in ur room and starve to death. or eat from a bowl. ~sessh-hmmmm. *taps finger on chin* ~tba-... that was a retorical question. besides. scince miroku,shippo, and bankotsu dont want sessh to have any chances with kags they probably wont tell her the truth. besides. everyone can only handle so much intill the have to let it out.i dont get angry eisily by girls. boyz... are a diffrent story. but i guess he has never had someone do that to him. so he reacted in instinct. if an animal such as a wolf(cause even though he's a dog demon. wolves are in the dog family)if one tried to steal the other's meat, they would fight over it. and it would turn bloody. ~kags-O_O wat the hell?! im a peice of meat! ~tba-no... its just that if one stole something thats valuable from the other they would fight for it. sesshomaru attacked because of insinct. ~sessh-like its ur instinct to kill every dude who calls u a whore,bitch, and slut? ~tba-ur next sesshomaru. ~sessh-....i... i didnt mean it! ~tba- ill let it go.... this time.. update soon. caio. ~TBA~
 Reviewed By: Crazy Mishka [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2008 20:20 EDT
Inuyasha...is an ass. I hope Kagome rips him a new one when she finds out he tricked her...especially if it seems she should be able to start understanding Sesshoumaru soon. I was all gungho about Inuyasha getting accepted and then he gives me a very good reason to be mad at him...sigh. It's too bad it was also a very realistic reaction to everything that was going on. Well, onward forth. (wondeing what Inu-papi will do if he discovers what happened)
 Reviewed By: Naiya Toshi [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2008 20:06 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another beautiful chapter! I've been following this story ever since I first found it, and frankly, it's one of the best if not the best I've ever read. I can't believe that people are complaining about the earlier chapters. I just love how those chapters tell me the background and explain how everything came to be. It's a very creative way of explaining to us, and it makes the story so interesting! And just ignore the people who hound you shamelessly for updates. I understand perfectly-fanfiction definitely isn't my top priority either. When there's spare time it's great to write, but honestly, everyone has a life away from here too. Again, great chapter, I just adore how you had Sesshoumaru be a vampire. I think that fits so perfectly for Kagome! Well then, til next time! Ja ne.
 Reviewed By: tif  On: April 08, 2008 19:43 EDT
 Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2008 19:41 EDT
You are evil!!! But then again, I love death/angst scenes. Ooohhh. *shivers* Crossing my fingers. Inuyasha is a right out bastard. I can't believe him! I wouldn't be surprised if Sesshoumaru gave up and did what all dogs do; go find a hidden spot to die. I'm just so mad at him right now! And everything was going so good, too! Nice dream sequence. Hehehe. You make me want to cry for Sesshoumaru. Then again, the guy just can't seem to keep his temper in check. I wonder if Inuyasha's constant attitude problem has anything to do with that. I've also wondered if being in pain all the time is what has made Sesshoumaru become so bad. Maybe he wasn't so bad before? BTW, I hate romance novels, but love all that fancy talk from the men. It's only words, but they are sexy. So, if you want to go all Victorian on us again, feel free.
 Reviewed By: FirstMateWench  On: April 08, 2008 08:01 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is a story that i have been following like a religon....which aint a bad thing i just dont normally look at a story till its done, but i happened to be skimming the story to store for later and got hooked. being able to read about things that happened b4 is one of the best things to this story. it helps you understand things more about whats going on. i would be sad if you were to stop writting this story, but that would be your choice if people can understand that some people do have a life outside of writting even if they dont. but im looking foward to the next chapter when you get it out. Ja Ni!
 Reviewed By: Heathwe  On: April 07, 2008 23:03 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I can't believe that people are complaining about how you write. This has got to be my favorite story that I am reading right now. I literally squeal with joy when I get the notification that you've updated. I find that the past chapters increase the suspense of what is going to happen. Would the story be good without them...yeah....do they make the story even better....Hell yeah! So, keep writing but definately take care of your family...and don't forget to sleep sometimes!! :)
 Reviewed By: InuPriestess  On: April 07, 2008 22:29 EDT
oh... and one more thing.... can sesshoumaru and that evil little Vampire costume resurface sometime down the road... say in a little cosplay? since kags likes herself some fang... did I mention Sess in a LITTLE vampire costume....hehe...lol it would please all of us.. your fans who just happen to love sess and vamps...lol Tata InuPriestess
 Reviewed By: InuPriestess  On: April 07, 2008 22:25 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Long time no read....~.~ loved this chappie! keep'em coming... the building suspense in this story is great... sessie has blue balls, Kags is a frustrated female... well all seems normal or as close to normal relationships as it gets.. good goin'. I am loving this one and your one-shot series "What your eyes....".. You are turning into the little creative girl aren't you...lol. your like a hentai energizer bunny that keeps going and going on sexual tension and frustration alone... I LOVE IT!! It makes me laugh in hysterics while trying not to choke on my Chocolate-peanut butter pecan carmel cookies... I loves it a lot... Hope you are having happy writings... lol Chao chickie! InuPriestess
 Reviewed By: buzzk97  On: April 07, 2008 19:02 EDT
Another fabulous update!!! I am so hooked on this story and I LOVE the way it is written. You have added so much detail and have developed the characters so well that I simply can not believe that people would criticize you for it. Keep up the good work!
 Reviewed By: eloquent dreams  On: April 07, 2008 18:51 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OHMAHGOODNESS. you're amazing. that was probably my favorite chapter. I LOVE LOVE LOVE VAMPIRES! they're so sexyily mysterious.. lol. i was squealing so loudly the entire time haha. i can't wait to see an update from you! keep up the awesomeness!
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