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"In'lar-Anth - Through Darkest Destiny" Reviews/Comments [ 142 ]
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 Reviewed By: alfarrar [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 15, 2003 03:55 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*After getting their latest fix from the dark alley behind them, A'nore and L'orn casually stroll (and trip once or twice) out to their little bistro table to find Jeice and Zarbon back from their latest escapades...*

A'nore: There's nothing like the addictive pleasure of a well written story. *eyes glazed over, she stretchs dreamily, then sits down pulling Jeice chain to move him close enough to pet*

L'orn: *curled up in Zarbon's lap and playing with his braid* The interaction of Goku and Vegeta in this chapter was very nice. Even if the monkeys haven't gotten it on yet! This chapter left me with that nice afterglow only the very finest of drugs can produce.

A'nore: Oh yes, very nice...I think just one little lemon with Goku and Vegeta will definetely keep me addicted to these two Lovelys. I haven't enjoyed a story quite as much as this one...in a long time.

L'orn: Yes, the alcohol just isn't cutting it anymore...I need the hard stuff... *Zarbon leans forward and whispers in L'orn ear Oh yes...that's exactly what I mean...*drags Zarbon back to that nice little dark alley by his green braid*

A'nore: She'll be gone for a while... *sounds of ripping cloth can be heard* Hey! Wait! That's my favorite shirt...I mean was my favorite shirt. *mumbles as she pulls Jeice up into her lap to cuddle* Never letting her wear my clothes again...
 Reviewed By: alfarrar [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 15, 2003 03:25 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*In a dark deserted alley between two building just out of the glow of Dark Serapha and Rogue's street light, we find our ever dedicated reviewers A'nore and L'orn huddle together as they watch this hidden chapter unfold...*

L'orn: Well they stole our toys...I mean boys, from us again, but I must say that was most certainly worth it.

A'nore: I'm just so glad my little Jeicey enjoyed it this time! But now that Zarbon has him I won't ever get to play. *pouting*

L'orn: But sis it's almost as much fun to watch as it is to participate.

A'nore: Now, now I thought I was the sadist in this twinship...I know I'd much rather participate than torture myself with just watching.

L'orn: You're definitely a player, Huh? Well I guess there is a little sadist and masochist in us all...after all that is the whole reason we are reading these little hidden chapters isn't it? Now let's leave our dark alley to talk to Dark Serapha about a little recreational drug to help encourage Zarbon to play with us......
 Reviewed By: Jam ( to family) Dilan ( to friends)  On: March 14, 2003 22:35 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Your good, may be even beter in this chapter than in the last one!!
 Reviewed By: Thugmiss  On: March 14, 2003 21:27 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I loved the whole plot of the story! The hidden link was great also! Could you send it to me? You guys please please update!
 Reviewed By: likeacat [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2003 17:06 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh joy - another update.....more, more, more....great pics too. I have a kind of love/hate relationship with Vegeta (some authors make him a total, complete, utter bastard), but I really like him here. But can someone slap some sense into Goku - I mean, is he really that, well, out of it? I guess his mind just isn't in the gutter enough......*smirk*. I enjoyed the first hidden chapter and look forward to the next....likeacat@earthlink.net
 Reviewed By: Leigh  On: March 14, 2003 09:09 CST

I want to have the link as well!!!!

My addy: gina_geta@hotmail.com
 Reviewed By: Lully  On: March 14, 2003 09:05 CST
Vegeta's disdain for Goku's obtuseness had me rolling on floor at one point. *shakes head* Obviously, goku will have to see things to understand. ok...not sure since this is AU and all...but goku mentioned Vegeta being so powerful and that not fitting with the Vegeta he meets in future...so does something rob him of part of his power or potential or is this another timeline? I always look forward to the next posting. I meant to review the last chapter but wanted to do so after reading the hidden portions which I have not done yet. Really enjoying both your efforts!
 Reviewed By: nekojin [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2003 08:08 CST
Oh I really liked the second secret chapter. It was very well written. =^_^=
 Reviewed By: manawolf [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2003 05:48 CST
::quivers in ecstacy::

I don't think there's any other fic which has me sitting on the edge of my seat quite like this one. Hidden Chapter 2.... Oh god. The RP format, despite occasional awkwardness, almost heightens things because it seems as if there is no plan; anything could happen. Events are being acted out, right in front of you!

I await with baited breath for more!
 Reviewed By: kamehameha_roshi [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2003 05:30 CST
Ohh I want the 2nd hidden chapter!! Please send it to me!!!

My email addess is kamehameha_roshi@dbzgtlegacy.com

thanks heaps! Oh and keep up the good work! This is GRRRRRRREEAAATTT!!!
 Reviewed By: -_- ()  On: March 11, 2003 15:50 CST

update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update!

It's been over a week! e_e Gah! Don't make me come through this computer!
 Reviewed By: Megami Riley  On: March 10, 2003 19:43 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
^_^ this is fic is BEYOND awsome! I can't wait till you update! I tried to read it all in one night..but...my computer decided to become evil (once again) and disconnected me. I couldn't finish the fic until today. Oh well. ^_^ the suspense was great. Heh. Vegeta and Goku fighting over food. I could SO imagine that. Update soon! ja ja!
 Reviewed By: Sade Kline  On: March 10, 2003 12:24 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Once again, I give you a perfect ten!! I would also love to take you up on your offer!! my email is dragonballztrunksgoten@hotmail.com did i tell you that I live for this fic now? I would also like to know which street corner is the best to hang out on.... that would be great! Thank you!!
 Reviewed By: Dynishra The Vampire [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 05, 2003 17:12 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
AGH! damn computer wont let me review!

confounded modern technology!

my addy is: dynishra@hotmail.com.

send me the link thingy..


you DO know i only come online once a week... sigh

oh well

Chow any way, great brillent chapter!

~Dynishra The Vampire
 Reviewed By: Xero Sky  On: March 05, 2003 14:37 CST
That was disturbing, in a number of ways. I can see why that would change the timeline quite a bit.

It's about time Goku did something to protect Vegeta, even though it wasn't much. I hope that he unleashes his power more now that he's already blown the timeline. His dithering is getting a little frustrating.

I wasn't really all that interested in the hidden chapter -- not really a huge fan of all-out torture, or of a Zarbon X Jeice lemon. He may have been revealed as a more sympathetic character, but in the un-hidden story he's still a complete jerk.

I look forward to more developments between our favorite couple soon!
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