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"Commitments Made In Blood" Reviews/Comments [ 424 ]
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 Reviewed By: grapejellybean [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 10:16 PST
Beautiful story! I'm sure you have heard it from me and everyone else, but I just love your stories. I have always liked the way you write the whole Kurama/Youko thing. Anyways, I don't really know what to say except you are doing a wonderful job as always and keep up the hard work. I'm glad its you that writing, becuase I might be able to come up with ideas but I suck at creative writing. Throw a scientific paper my way and it will be wonderful...but creative that side of my brain doesn't work. All those genes got passed to my sister. Don't mind my babble. Keep up the hard work and I look forward to the next chapter in any of your stories!
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 07:45 PST
Dang... You can run into the negative, but does it post? Nope. it's interesting though, I was at -19 words. Out of the 1500 I was granted. Now that I'm back at the top I'll finish proclaiming my love for your story. I love your story! ^.^ It's wonderfully well-written, has an interesting plot, nice wording. And I like your writing style! ....Wow, I sure posted alot of reviews... that's either in the morning daze I woke up with or it's doing with tthe fact I have so much to say... and most of it not really relating to anything in particular. Ah well, me being sick gives me more time to work on my story. My cat has also proclaimed his love for your story, but that could just be he's complaining at me for being on the computer... I think it's the former. I will stop my rambling now. So I will myself away to go bother other authors! Or my family... or my cat... or my muse, who likes to sleep in late. And likes disturbing class with ideas... *sigh* Ah well, Please update soon!
 Reviewed By: Firedemon86 (not signed in)  On: February 14, 2005 07:36 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I really love this story. And the fact your updateing so quickly is sooooo great. I can't wait to read more and see just where things go from here. And I love how he's already getting Kagome gifes I can wait to see what happens when they finnal meet. Well PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 07:36 PST
Okay! That's cleared up for me! I just re-read the chapter, and forced myself to focus. You know how you sorta read/skim over stories? The non time-consuming way of reading. Was developed in class to get through assignments quickly! But it's a hard habit to break, and focusing on what your reading, truly focusing, gives me more time to analyze your style of writing and the actions happening. Hm, Youko does seem more intense, *sigh* Now I have the urge to write him that way... Revision! Yay... *gets ready to hunt down writing bug* Hm, I'm curious, when you first write your story, do you write it in word, or on paper? I'm just curious, as I couldn't write anything worth reading in word if it has to do with a creative subject... for that I need to smell the ink, feel the pen mark the paper... let my ideas pour out slowly... I'm weird, and I'll be the first to admit it. Everyone else tries not to to spare my feelings... Anyways, Youko does seem far more 'intense' whenever he appears, this is me agreeing with Arbor. After-all, when you've had that much experience in life(be it good or bad) you would have a very rich character full of quirks and subtelties. Ah yes! Again, I like who you had Shuichi 'know' that Youko was a great thief, but not have the realization hit him until he actually sees it... And other than that, I like how you added Kagome's musing of her brother. I can also see that happening, I know! I'll just proclaim my love for your story before I run out of words! I l
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 07:15 PST
Ah, the rest... I hope you don't get this too. It sucks. And is highly contagious. *growls at brother and sister who so kindly gave this to her* I think I just realized something, Kentaro is Inuyasha's descendant, isn't he? And that sword is the Tessaiga. I think. Heh, just a moment of dawning comprehension when Youko said there was nothing 'special' about the sword. And I noticed... did he steal Kagome's diary? or was I merely being unobservant? Ugh. Yes, in my fic, I think I'm going to show the more 'kitsune' side of him... :D But I have to agree with your observation that you don't write non-x-overs. Where's the fun in that? I love x-overs. And my friends all call me crazy for some odd reason... Heh, and there I go, rambling on again. I can't wait to read more! ^.^
 Reviewed By: ice_princess_1185 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 06:06 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
SOOO GOOOOD!!!! Please keep up the great chapters!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: cutie_pie_2101_1012 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 01:32 PST
ok so now kurama knows sooo much about kagome but just one question how exactly did the domon that wanted the sword (lol i cant remember his name) know so much about kagome?????? pleaz update soon *sigh* today is the worst day in the world (valantines day) *cries* i'm sooo alone
 Reviewed By: Arbor [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 01:09 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Continued..: And it's (the diary) a very clever idea on how to actually get around writing battles. o_o I'm amazed I never thought of that.. but then, I cannot write in first person. At all. It will never happen, because I am teh suck at it. =X So diaries will probably never appear in any of my stories. Heck, you should see my own diary. Its like a novel in and of itself. I'm a very descriptive person in it, and I tend to wax poetic to a sickening point. Why I don't do that in my stories baffles me. anyway, yes, I enjoyed this one as much as the other. I can only hope there will be another update by the time I get up. ;) And your sending of the plotbunnies worked, by the way. I probably got myself to write four times the amount I've been able to do lately. *covets borrowed plot bunnies.*
 Reviewed By: Arbor [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2005 01:09 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
...You are a bad, bad girl. Bad. Really, seriously, Bad. A terrible, horrid wench. You.. you tease! Temptress, torturer, abuser! Cruel, mean, rotten child. Baiting, taunting, aggravating little imp. *waggles finger at you* Really. I mean it. If I didn't admire you, I'd strangle you. Don't tell me they're not going to meet anytime soon! It ruins all my hopes and dreams of fluff. Despite the fact that I think it's the better choice to establish the story firmly, I can still heckle you for not giving me cuteness. Augh. Bad. BAD. Really bad. *goes to sulk in corner* Gory scenes.. The first scene I ever wrote was an assignment from my english teacher. We were supposed to describe fear, without naming it. I got pretty grotesque. I could never handle battles, so I understand, but a still scene I'm jsut fine with. Battles = scary to write. I can handle the details just fine, personally, but I never know how to get everything fluid. I like the Diary idea: It let you describe the adventures from Kagome's point of view. Instead of hassling with everyone getting up, wandering around in circles, omigawd shards exclamations from Kagome. I'm cutting this into two. o_o I spent too many words insulting you to fit everything into one review. XD
 Reviewed By: Arbor [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2005 23:03 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
o_o; If my last review got submitted multiple times: Sorry. My computer just completely freaked. Anyway; I really like the depth you gave to Youko. While we all love and adore Perverted and Shameless!Youko, it's always nice to see that he does know the meaning of the word serious. One teeny tiny thing niggled me about this chapter (besides the fact that you're teasing me, dammit. XD You did it on purpose, I'm sure, flaunting how close he was to finding Kagome. *shakes finger*) and that was the sentance 'I'm looking for a young woman with black hair and blue eyes that I seen a day ago.' The word 'seen' is not the proper tense, and just noticing that was the only place in this chapter that the flow broke, for me. (Oh, and by the way: while I teased you about holding out; this was a good addition. It gives the story more flesh and bone. I just.. like how you included that he had to give something up even to find out who she was. that probably didn't make sense, but ah well.)
 Reviewed By: Arbor [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2005 22:56 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
*Cheers!* Yay! You write so well, ugh. You make me want to write an IY/YYH crossover now. :P I shall have to resist the urge. Thats how I started writing IY fics, you know. I'd never seen/read any of it, and one of my friends wanted me to write it. I was in the 27th chapter before I saw my fisrt episode or Inuyasha. While I hadn't had any complaints about having them OOC, I felt rewriting was necessary anyway. Of course, I still haven't seen much of the anime. I really prefer manga to anime any day. I have plenty of plot bunnies, but they're all for my original stories. Evil bunnies. Other than that, I've only a massive amount of dustbunnies. Cute, but uninspiring. *twitches slightly in eager anticipation* Are they going to meet next time? *squeeks* I just can't wait to read the next chapter. Until then.. *determinedly opens word, to try and work on her own stories.* (Hah! Fat chance. I'm going to reread this fic now, you know. =X) (And just for the record: I often have people laughing at me. I'm glad I made you giggle, but the frequency that people laugh at me when I'm hardly a funny person makes me wonder. Just what are they laughing at, anyway?)
 Reviewed By: xoulblade aka Jamee  On: February 13, 2005 22:18 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
well this story has caught my attention!! Lol sorry but you have three other stories out, aren't you exhausted? But I am enjoying ALL of your stories, I can't wait until you updated!!
 Title: Yoko Sesshoumaru
Reviewed By: Autumn Norris  On: February 13, 2005 22:15 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yippy!!! I LOVE you!!!! You are such a talented author!!! Don't worry about the writers block, I have it right now and my "fans" are going to kill me if I don't update soon!! EEP!! HERE THEY COME NOW WITH PITCHFORKS AND FIRE!!! Hurry and update!!!!
 Reviewed By: RabidFangirl101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2005 21:17 PST
Mou, I have a new nickname... 'Rabid' I find this hilarious, as would my friends... which is why they shall never know. .....Arg... Now I can't remember what I wanted to type, Though I do want to mention one thing. How you had Youko and the 'I'm not in control thing' that's something in my fic... I hate being sick. I can barely focus, but I slept all day so now I can't get to sleep. I like how you had Kentaro demand the sword back... I found that amusing, how he was just like "HAH! In your face Spirit fox! I finally get back my family heirloom! ....eep..." Yes, yes... I get random when I'm sick. I really like how you portrayed Youko, I think that just somehow, sounds right. You know what I mean? It's just the way he is, most people write him some diffrent way, but I like how your depicting him, the lonely fox. I guess... I'm curious though, was that mentioning of rabid fangirls a subtle poke at I, RabidFangirl101? Nah... though I laughed when I read trhat part. Great 3-4 chapters! Update soon!
 Reviewed By: phoenixs_paiste [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2005 20:31 PST
Do you know of any good websites that have yyh character pictures. Cause thanks to your response about drooling over Kuronue, my intrest is peaked. I've never seen a picture of him. But if he's any where as good looking as Youko in his body then I shall feel absolutly no shame in drooling. Anyway I have too say that I would look forward to another Hiei Kagome, maybe even Hiei, Sessho and Kagome plot. (That would be intersting watching those two go at it over Kagome. I do have to admit though I'm a sucker for Kagome Youko parings in the past then getting reunited, after being torn apart, in the future. Anyway hopefully your muses return for the other stories soon. I was really enjoying them.
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