"Always A First Time" Reviews/Comments [ 259 ] | Pages (18): [ « ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ›  » ] | Reviewed By: elenek (when was the last time I left a logged in review?) On: June 01, 2005 17:35 EDT Comment/Review: Poor Vegeta!!!!! I feel so sorry for him. I guess Wolfie is not getting his tour after all. Can I just say, it may have taken me two chapters but I finally caught on to Schroedinger. *slaps self on head* I may be slow but I'm not stupid. Clever name. I knew I had recognized it from somewhere. Anyway, I liked their awareness of each other. I also liked the mention of all the women dancing in stockinged feet. Very classic and realistic. I also loved Dr. Brief's line about putting together a confrence. Yeah!!!!!
| Title: FANTASTIC! Reviewed By: Saiyan Slasher (MM.org member!) On: May 31, 2005 21:04 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Your fanfiction is absolutely fantastic! And, I am about to go on an absolute complimentory rave about it! So read it all, and soak it all in, because you deserve it! This is most definitely the best Vegeta x Bulma fanfiction I have ever read during my time here at MM.Org, which as been a little over a year, but still, I have found nothing to match this. Ever. The way you write is fantastic, enrapturing, ensnaring, completely captivating. And the way you write Vegeta is absolutely astounding! Not to mention Bulma. No one, in my opinion, could write anything else in comparison to this. You've had me glued to my seat since 00:00am, and now, it is 02:01am in the morning. I am buzzing. I simply cannot say how much I want to kick myself for not finding this fic from the start and commenting all the way through to give you support, but, here I am now, and I hope to give you a jolly good ego boost, so you can get writing the nineteenth chapter, which I hope will be up sooner rather than later, I'm practically -itching- to read it! Good luck, anyway, and I hope more of your reviewers write long things like this for you, because you deserve every character, every word, and every paragraph, because you, my dear, are a unique writer in the VxG fanfiction world! - Saiyan Slasher
| Reviewed By: dbzfanjess On: May 31, 2005 18:14 EDT Comment/Review: wonderful chapter... I liked the miaka and wolfie were included. Great job... The Dr. Briefs perspective was amazing and the small scene from veg's perspective was as usual exceptionally written
| Reviewed By: chantal [MediaMiner Member] On: May 31, 2005 06:37 EDT Comment/Review: It`s good to see a non-bashing yamcha. I love the way you wrote the charakters in this. I hope I can read the next chapter soon.
| Reviewed By: I know what the news is On: May 29, 2005 10:52 EDT Comment/Review: I am all caught up now. I just love the way you write Vegeta in this. Confused with his desire, sticking to his goal, but still needing Bulma. Can't wait for him to find out the news!!
| Reviewed By: anja On: May 28, 2005 08:07 EDT Comment/Review: yeah I wonder what it is! GOD! What the ** are you doing! She should have told him in this chapter, now I have to wait!!! hehe.. get over it anja.
| Title: mind blowing lol Reviewed By: Love of Vegeta (not signed in) On: May 27, 2005 18:32 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: wooooooooow.... ive seen this about a lot but i never read it, now i have. i must tall you, this story is fantastic, but then again ive read some of ur others and they're not too short of sheer brilliance. This si the one bv ive read where every aspect of the characters are totaly genuine. They're so true to the anime, its amazing. you have a real nack for writing, and for exploring your characters personality. I want to ask something, but i feel that it would make me look stupid if i am completely wrond... oh well. You know when veget was in the sea? and the way you desribe his feelings? like he was being suffocated I cant remember the exact phrases you used but I got this image in my head of bulma. Like the feelings veget had in the sea were the feelings associated with bulma, how he felt about her? Like I said, i may be totaly wrong... only you know I guess. Sorry this review is so long, but i am totaly in love with this story. Do the world a favour and dont stop writing, k? Much love, Love of Vegeta aka Jess PS those tens are straight from the heart
| Title: amazed Reviewed By: star-brella (not signed on) On: May 27, 2005 14:34 EDT Comment/Review: Wow, frist time i saw a good pov on Dr. Breifs. I liked it alot! You did an awesome job on this chapter. but vegeta is going? ::cries:: Bulma's going to sad/mad at that fact when she comes back only to find him gone. Well, i cant wait for the next chapter, so keep up the awesome job and update soon!
| Reviewed By: nan de mo chibi otoko On: May 27, 2005 13:25 EDT Comment/Review: u r mean!!!! i wanna know what happens at the parte'!!!!!
| Reviewed By: Gohans_Onna [MediaMiner Member] On: May 27, 2005 12:06 EDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Ohh, very good chapter. I enjoyed very much! Poor Vegeta, I want to kill him sometimes, just as much as I want to rape him, lol! I can't wait to read the next chapter!
| Reviewed By: rose of vegetasei On: May 27, 2005 10:24 EDT Comment/Review: You may want to check your chapter again. The last part of the chapter is in all italics. Good chapter. Leave it to Vegeta to let the party slip. I can't wait to see his reaction to the baby though. *bounces with joy* Sorry to say though, I hate Wolfie. LOL. I didn't like his attitude in the fic. I know it's for the fic, but I hate our Wolfie now. LOL. I don't know if it's just me, but the whole seen with Wolfie seemed to have been rambling...then again Dr. Briefs does ramble. I think right now, I'm not seeing a complete relevance of Wolfie to the rest of the story with the exception of being in talks with Dr. Gero. It just almost seems like something that could have been left out of the fic. Interested in seeing where you're going with this.
| Reviewed By: autumn [MediaMiner Member] On: May 22, 2005 22:30 EDT Comment/Review: I just love your writing! I think you've got the three years nailed. I like a Vegeta whose not overly talkative but introspective, the way you've written him. It's how I imagine he would have been "in real life" (my husband always laughs when I say that! "You do know they're not real... right?" LOL)
| Title: Bulma's New Project Reviewed By: MelizaMac [MediaMiner Member] On: May 22, 2005 19:23 EDT Comment/Review: Your chapters always give us a lagniappe or two. Just little things, mind you, but they add so much to the story. I thought you nailed the calm chaos perfectly while Bulma tried to sort through what she thought and what she knew. I loved Yamcha's reaction! I can just imagine him, going through "sympathy" nesting with Bulma and fighting the battle of the bulge after all those pastries! :D Vegeta's reaction will be interesting, given his recent admission of his own conception.
| Reviewed By: rose of vegetasei On: May 21, 2005 21:51 EDT Comment/Review: She found out she was pregnant a week after conception? Is that possible? I knew I found out real quick with this pregnancy (I was only 3 weeks when I found out). Usually if a baby is conceived that quickly, the mother can still have a period since the hormones are not high enough to disturb the normal flow. Can you really find out after a week of pregnancy through blood test? Sorry, I just need real life confirmation to make sure this isn't unrealistic. On to other matters. Mistakes: "And hadn't he been the one who had wanted always wanted a family?"...too many "wanted"...delete the first one. " but Vegeta's being terrible to you, Goku can kick his ass from here to New Namek."...I think you should have "if" after "but". Other than that, this was a wonderful chapter. Of course Yamcha and Bulma would always be friends but it's great to see them actually working it out. I'm not sure how that will play on Vegeta's thoughts and emotions but I can't wait to find out. And of course, every woman can't wait for ther first grandchild. ^_^
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