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"Purity 4: Justification" Reviews/Comments [ 2208 ]
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 Reviewed By: EAP  On: July 31, 2005 18:33 CDT
An amazing chapter...So wonderful. People think InuYasha is an abusive father? What story are they reading? I can't believe how much crap you must put up with. My apologies for people who dearly need a little Tetseiga shoving. Keep up the truly incredible work!
 Reviewed By: ColShaLin [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 31, 2005 18:21 CDT
I am so enjoying this story! I don't review often enough, I know. But I hate to waste the space saying the same thing over and over again. (Even though I am sure you always like to hear it!) I love your characters, I love your story, I love your writing. Thank you!!!
 Title: thank you sue
Reviewed By: adamile [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 31, 2005 12:23 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Thanks for explaining about the age issue. I was counting the 500 yrs. I enjoyed the last chapter although it made me sad. I agree with you. Cain is a jerk and Inuyasha is just Inuyasha (beautiful, gruff, caring)and NOT abusive! I wonder if Cain has any idea how much pain Gin will be in emotionally and physically when he finally leaves her by "honoring" his promise to Isabelle. I sometimes wonder if it is honor or a sorry excuse for guilt. Boy, Sue your stories really draws me in to them and then I just sit there and contemplate things. whew!!! (lol). anyway great chapter and I saw you did some updating on "Chronicles". That is such a beautiful story. thanks again for writing that story I truly love rereading it. J
 Reviewed By: Inuyashaluvergirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 31, 2005 02:45 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow! amazing chapter! The characters are really getting into tricky stages in their relationships! And the question that is plauging everyone's mind is, "What were the circumstances of Isabelle's death?!" My guess is that she got sick and he ignored the symptoms thinking they would go away and so now he blames himself for her death? Or maybe it's more complicated than that...hmmmm...... Oh, well I suppose I'll find out soon enough. Keep up the good work and don't pay any attention to those jerks that flame you. I for one LOVE your work I read Purity back in December I think it was and I've read all your Inuyasha stories since! You are my favorite Inuyasha fanfic writer and I am your biggest fan! I just don't review much because I know I'll keep writing and writing like right now. Anyways just remember that for every person that ridicules you there's a hundred others that love you!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: hotarumai [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 31, 2005 00:42 CDT
sorry about that i am truly sorry and this i guess is part 3 heheh i just from the bottom of my heart thank you for all of the hard work you have done it is truly A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ this has been an awesome chapter thank you and thsnk you for everything just everythign you have done!!! u prolly know me better as kiaraecko thanks again and if u ever need to talk just e-mail me at sweet_november1@hotmail.com thanks for all the hard work youve done and im sorry for what ive said about starbuckcoffie person... she/he just made me so mad bc they need to show respect to u and u havent gotten all of the respect that u have deserved in the past year or so especially with meta that was such an awesome story and u dont need it again well thanks alot sorry it was so long lol1
 Reviewed By: hotarumai [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 31, 2005 00:37 CDT
sorry i wrote too much the first time to thsi is part 2lol very hard on your stories and that you deserve respect you have been so kind to us reader updating ur chapters every day telling us when ur going to be away or have a computer problem and that it might be a few day untill u update next i love that it shows a kind of dedacation to your fans you love to write we can all see that and all of your plots are so well formed that its beyond amazing its beyond everything ive ever read, you have a passion a stron passion that will get you far i just wanted to say that you are an awesome writer and to keep up the heigh hopes there are lots of people who love your work thanks for another great chapter!!!!! u probly know me best as (Kiaraecko) sweet_november1@hotmail.com if u ever want to contact me i am always here to lend an ear or well eye in this case lol (alil sid coment to starbuckscoffeecup... i think your the one who need to grow up, u have no respect for the author of this story, and its not unrealistic to want ppl to like ur stories she works extra hard and u hae to respect that, she was bashed enough by stupid ppl when she wrote meta! she doesnt need it agian from anyone and to tell ppl not to read the story if they dont like it is not childesh its the truth how would u like it if all ppl did was bash ur stories or art work what ever it is u do and have that on a constand bases where all u want to do is give up im sorry but ur wrong)
 Reviewed By: hotarumai [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 31, 2005 00:26 CDT
hey awesome couple of chapters!!! you have such a talent for writing, if people don't apreseate all the hard work you put into your stories then ther nothing but huge bakas!!! and ppl who think inuyasha is an abusive father is just plane and outright stupid! there is no way he is he loves his daughter some dads dont want their little princess to deal with things or date thy just want to portect them and do everything they can to protect them, and for hevans sake ppl shouldnt read stories if there just going to bash them u have every right to be mad i would be completly furious with them, its so wrong they should just stop reading and let you continu too do what u like to do in peace of mind that your story is being apresated by people who really truly love your work, i love you work i just wish people whould have the desency to either love it and read it or for ppl who just want to bash it ans say very hurtful thing to you tho leave your stories along and go find something else that could be their bashfest i swear you put so much of your own sweat and blood into your work and then getting constant threts and ppl saying that they really dont like you work man i cant posably imagin how it feels to read extremly hurtful coments... you have ever right to be mad an bygolly i am too these pppl have gone far enough and it is time for them to stop bashing all of your hard work (and the bettas edditing) im sorry if this is kind of mean but those ppl need to understand that you work ve
 Reviewed By: inuyoukaimama (nsi)  On: July 31, 2005 00:10 CDT
Awwww! Happy night! I love Saturday chappies... I'm so sorry that this one came at a price... *sigh* I really hate stupid people... I love the chapter! It was beautiful! Poor Cain and Gin... such heartache to come... Sue, the beautiful web you weave? Thank you so much for sharing it. C
 Reviewed By: Esther Tan  On: July 31, 2005 00:03 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I enjoy all yr stories and love all of them. They are thought provocating, wonderful, inspiring & at times speaks of real situations. You are indeed a great writer. So if anyone tells U differently just ignore them. I am indeed very very glad U have continued writing and hope U will do more writing once this story is finished. Oh will this story include Inuyasha/Kagome's baby birth? Hope so & hope is triplets or quads (ha ha) keep writing am always rooting for U (even if I don't review at times.
 Reviewed By: Darkflameangel [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2005 23:06 CDT
OMG! I actually signed in this time! Probably because i was soo outraged that someone could actually think InuYasha was abusive. WTF? I spent half the day today watching Inuyasha episodes(love my dvds..need to get the rest...ha Kagura insulted Sesshoumaru..ok back on track, had way to much caffeine) and he is anal-retentive protective but never abusive(except maybe towards Kouga..)Yep..ive got one of those "this is my little girl..i will chop of whatever part of you that touches her" fathers so i know what is up with that. Loved the "i broke you comment" from belle..it made me chuckle along with the morphing into my twin comment..classic...Dang Cain is such a dog, but being bad is soo good sometimes...its like the "ive made my list, checked it twice, if your naughty, its gonna be nice.." saying. Hmm...what is bothering Cain(besides the whole Isabelle guilt issue)? O yes and before i forget..i love your original works..i bow down to your fanfiction greatness...Uggh, the people who say they hate your story can just not read it, anyone with an ounce of common sense and decency would no enough to do so. you put alot of work into your "babies" and those of us that read and LOVE them sincerely appriciate the trouble you go to. Never quit writing, you have a gift for creating wonderful characters and bringing to life the personalities of the InuYasha gang. Thank you for creating such wonderful escapes into fantastic worlds Ja ne Darkflameangel
 Reviewed By: Ladyblade [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2005 22:51 CDT
*blink* Someone must have been working overtime to think Inuyasha is 'abusive' to Gin and Cain's a jerk for keeping a promise. Man.. I wonder if it's considered 'assalt' when using a rubber mallet, nerf dart, foam #1 finger... lol sorry just my odd humor.. i blame dad and his corny jokes. Besides, it's not a 'deadly weapon' and it satisfying when used. Anyways... great chapter.. it seems like Gin might have her heart broken, but then i remember all your stories have happy endings despite the torment/anguish the characters may go through to get there. Looking forward to another chapter! I wonder if Kich will tell his folks about Belle even though they can't tell Cain...yet.
 Title: Chapters 51, 52, 53, & 54
Reviewed By: DawnFire881  On: July 30, 2005 21:04 CDT
hehehe, Cain is so bad! heh, but I love it, bad can be good sometimes ;) I'm just so enjoying where this story is going so far! and awwww! Belle called Kich by his first name! Now that's got to say something about their relationship, that's so neat...yay! And they slow danced in the rain...aww I want to do that too! ::happy sigh:: This is what I love about your work...it takes me away into such a beautiful world filled with such amazing characters and amazing emotion. You can make something as simple as dancing in the rain enchanting, something like saying a name can mean so much more than just the face value...that says a lot about how much Belle is willing to trust Kich and how much she's willing to let him into her heart. And I love that! ::blushes:: eh hehehe, everything else was beautiful too! Ah I love how he told her no man would ever touch her again...heh yay! Though we knew that they were going to be together, it's so sweet hearing them say things like that...and I love how you ended that chapter. And yay Gin gets to go to Chicago with Cain! Hehehe, this should be good!!! awww I love Belle's 'Kichiro I broke you!' And aww, Cain admitted that he stayed in Tokyo for Gin, yay! Ah I've enjoyed playing catch up so much, for today I was transported to a world that I love to read about where I adore the characters...I can't wait to see what else is in store!
 Reviewed By: fallenangel7583 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2005 21:00 CDT
you know, i really didn't think of inu as being that young. really. just cause of the era gap and stuff. wow...that means cain is like five times his age, plus a little. heheheh. that's awesome. LOL. are you really kidding me though? someone thought Inu to be abusive? he's so overprotective in the series but god forbid abusive. there is a very dark line between overprotectiveness and abusive. damn, people really need to grow up if they can't see it. ANYWAY, as always, great chapter. soo..staying in a bathtub all day, huh? good idea to realx. interesting run in for kich and Belle also. naughty kids, in a backyard? HEHEHe. hope there are no neighbors. lol.
 Reviewed By: nerwenfaelvirin [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2005 20:38 CDT
Poor Belle,she must felt really bad that to train with Kich , shehad to throw him around. It's very hard to do that to somone you love. I loved the part part where Kich says that Belle is turning into his twin. Hahahahaha! I ownder what Cain's general are there to tell him?
 Reviewed By: kappei_lover [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2005 19:27 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow! This chapter was so emotional! My senses were reeling for quite some time after I read it. It's the little moments that can mean so much and this chapter was filled with memory making moments and it really opened the emotional floodgates. I believe that to connect with the characters of the story you have to be able to understand their emotions and your characters have very realistic and understandable emotions. I feel like I really know Kich, Belle, Cain and Gin on a personal level, you describe them so well it's hard not to feel like they live down the street from me.
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