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"Purity 4: Justification" Reviews/Comments [ 2208 ]
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 Reviewed By: yashafan18  On: July 16, 2005 08:17 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
sorry i haven't reviewed in a while i'm going through money problems right now and my internet got shut off but i got it back any way great chapters to me it seems like kich and belle are getting closer and gin cain are getting farther apart but that my just be me. so did how did cain kill his mate and i think it was kinda clear that she wasn't meant for him and people keep on saying that she was to good for him but i think that he was to good for her because the way people are explaining her she sounds stuck up and she wanted fame from humans not from youki but they may just be what i think again any way great chapter can't wait till mondday ^_^
 Title: Oops...
Reviewed By: forechunkukee [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2005 21:16 EDT
Oi...forgot to sign in, and I put the title in the name box...wow, I feel stupid...*Blargh* Forgive me, everyone! ^^;
 Reviewed By: Ch42  On: July 15, 2005 21:12 EDT
Lol, no excuse for my late review this time around...Anywoo, this chapter was signature, well, you! The mix of just the right amounts of everything and anything make these stories uniquely yours, and the reason I (and a whole legion of other fans =P) love 'em. Its wonderful to see that Kich and Belle seem to be getting along much better now, as well as closer to each other. Its interesting to see Kich's reactions toward Belle change as time wears on. Hell, they could barely stand each other at first! Then on the other hand, you have Cain trying to explain the whole situation about Isabelle to Gin...how sad! Interesting to know that he doesn't remember what his youkai said about her. Is that because he truly doesn't remember, or because she wasn't his true mate to begin with? Hmm, just a thought... Anyways, awesome job, keep it up and keep 'em wanting more! d('')b
 Reviewed By: OROsan0677 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2005 19:19 EDT
Yeah I was just curious about the sandwhiches 'cause I've never heard of those. MM..grilled cheese sounds good! I might make one later on today...aww poor Gin, she doesn't want Cain to go...well if I was her I wouldn't want him to go either.
 Reviewed By: Rawben...  On: July 15, 2005 18:44 EDT
yey!! come on cain! just a lil more! listen to your youki..or heart. one or the other... ;) so cute!
 Reviewed By: thefaeryofpurejoy(i hate signing in)  On: July 15, 2005 16:54 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love Billy Joel! Awesome chappies. YAY for being all caught up!
 Reviewed By: Suze - nsi  On: July 15, 2005 16:03 EDT
Since I yapped all over the forum already (*grin*) I'll just do a quick "awesome chappie" over here! Oh, and since I forgot to mention it...Cain's youkai didn't choose Isabelle...veeeeeeery interesting. I'd wondered if it was possible for youkai and hanyous to choose someone who wasn't really their "mate", so now we know. Hum. I actually kinda like that - that they can make mistakes just like we mere mortals (spoken as a divorcee...lol). Ooooooohhhh....I just had a thought...what if Isabelle's death had something to do with the fact that she *wasn't* chosen by Cain's youkai! In fact...hmm...is it possible that his youkai could have taken over and attacked her? Geez...I thought this was gonna be quick, but everything time I start pondering this story, I think of something new! LOL
 Title: ah-ha!
Reviewed By: Phalon  On: July 15, 2005 15:54 EDT
Okay this is a great chapter in this on-going series. After all this time his youki didn't choose Isabelle, I wonder why. XD I love history lessons! It's interesting how it was as much Isabelle's fault as it was Cain's. She probblly did something stupid like go out in the hurricane and Cain let her thinking she'd be okay... Hmm very interesting. There is alot of parallels I've noticed between the relationship of Gin & Cain and the way it used to be with Kagome & Inuyasha and I agree it's becoming 'history repeating itself'. I really how it's going and now Cain doesn't want to let Gin go and I find that its halmark moment! As for Kich and Belle, it's so adorable. The whole viewing of the photo album is so sweet and I can't wait 'til Belle sees Kich's photos of childhood, hopefully photos of Kich giving flowers to his mom. :) I can't wait for the next chappie!
 Title: Boy, I'm too busy one day and then find 3 chapters to read the next day; Lucky Me!
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2005 15:29 EDT
Kich and Belle, "Awwww..." Cain and Gin, "Awwww..." Mush, mush, mush...WAFFage galore. -- Is it me or did Gin's, "...and I want to be here with you, so long as you'll let me." sound an awful lot like Kagome's descision to stay with InuYasha when she knew his promises and heart were with Kikyou? Cain actually revealed that he, "-killed her-(Isabelle)" in his thoughts. Not enough of the puzzle to see the picture, but a significant piece, nonetheless. The question now is; how? Is it figurative or literal? -- You know how maddening a dripping faucet is? Well, this slow trickle of information you keep dealing out is just as frustrating. Aaarrrrrrgh! Must...keep...reading! Must...know! (Ack! Save me!! My roomie is making me watch Zombie movies!!!)
 Reviewed By: Zirra Nova [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2005 14:43 EDT
the parts with Cain and Gin are sad and sweet. the part with Kich and Belle was funny, and cute...i'm glad Kich liked grilled cheese, cause it's my faovorite kind of sandwich :D. so al in all, awsome chapter. till the next update.. ja ne, Zirra
 Reviewed By: Radish [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2005 14:34 EDT
The parallels between Gin/Cain and Inuyasha/Kagome become very apparent in this chapter. And now I want a grilled cheese sandwich.
 Reviewed By: Drake Clawfang  On: July 15, 2005 13:33 EDT
cool chapter. nice to see that Gin and Cain are a little closer now.
 Reviewed By: Angelstars (not signed in)  On: July 15, 2005 13:29 EDT
Oh my goodness, what a way to bring on the tears..so much of Gin and Cain's story brings out what Kagome and Inuyasha went through…though Cain's story is a little different. Now we know his youkai may not have chosen Isabelle that may shed a bit of light on what the future holds for him. As for Gin, she has her Mother's heart that certainly concludes that Gin would go the distance for Cain, and maybe Cain just needs a little guidance through all this and who better at his side than Gin. I love their story. Kichiro and Belle's side story was a good contrast, a little light heartedness through the angst. The sexy baby pictures was a great touch! Lol. That at least kept you from balling your eyes out completely.
 Reviewed By: Lesa (Inu-kag15, nsi) [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2005 12:42 EDT
Hi, another great chapter, love it. But I have a few, actually only two, questions I'd like to ask you...first, I noticed that the Gin-Cain-Isabelle love triange looks oddly familiar to the Kagome-Inuyasha-Kikyou love triangle, was that on purpose or did it just happen? Second, I was wondering which 'Purity' story is your favorite one, or the one you thought you did the best on?
 Reviewed By: trinigirl524 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2005 12:28 EDT
dang it looks like that cains youkai didnt choose isabelle in the first place...but when it comes to gin...: ( cain was saying how he's the one that killed isabelle? i wonder what had happened back then and hah kich likes belle's cheese sandwich! and her "sexy" baby pictures was a cute moment lol
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