InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ me of all people....

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Fan Fiction Index

why me? ( Prologue )
kickin ass and taking boring classes... ( Chapter 1 )
starbucks.....1.0.1 ( Chapter 2 )
here comes trouble... ( Chapter 3 )
what REALLY happened..... ( Chapter 4 )
detailz...detailz.. ( Chapter 5 )
betrayl in death ( Chapter 6 )
betrayl in death part 2 ( Chapter 7 )
my oppinon ( Chapter 8 )
why me? ( Chapter 9 )
My favor.......... ( Chapter 10 )
my favor part 2 ( Chapter 11 )
Big Ass Changes ( Chapter 12 )
the one ( Chapter 13 )
The Rude Reality Check ( Chapter 14 )
Sango's Rude Awakening ( Chapter 15 )
Not Who I Thought You Were Part: I ( Chapter 16 )
Not Who I Thought You Were Part: II ( Chapter 17 )
Still Not the Peron I thought You To Be ( Chapter 18 )
Just...there ( Chapter 19 )
notice ( One-Shot )

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