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"Facets of the Living Jewel" Reviews/Comments [ 534 ]
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 Reviewed By: Inuyasha_crazy_fan2 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2006 17:42 PST
Great chapter!! I love this story its so real like and it has a great story plot.. cant wait for hte next chapter. rnharmony@msn.com.
 Title: Inu4ever-NSI
Reviewed By: Inu4Ever [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2006 14:43 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Greetings,my friend...Forgive the long absense,but life has diminished my ability to properly keep up with your story,but I'm getting back into it again,and I LOVE what you have written! I just ADORE Kirara...Thank you so much for "fleshing out"..(pun intended)her character. I love the tension between her and Sesshomaru. What a terrific and well written story! May you have a wonderful Christmas holiday! Namaste,my friend!
 Reviewed By: Jester08 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 13, 2006 06:58 PST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great chapter. I can't wait for more, so PLEASE update soon please!!!!!! ^_^
 Reviewed By: InuyashasBiggestFan [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 13, 2006 05:34 PST
Love it!!!!!! Can't wait for your next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Ranuel [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 13, 2006 03:43 PST
Bad Dog? Hee! When I was reading this chapter I went from biting my nails to giggling insanely and back again several times. This is one of only two stories I'm following right now that I have to drop everything and read as soon as I spot the notification.
 Reviewed By: bluezinthos [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 12, 2006 20:13 PST
okay, can this be my christmas present? so kagome did realize she completed the mind meld with inuyasha first, even though midoriko was inststant that miroku be the first. and the shards in the goshinboku-is the tree a neutral force in time, capable of being tainted? the shards in the tree are dark, so if the god tree is purely a force of good, would the shards have not remained pure like they do with kagome? or is it the nexus affecting the shards and the possiblity of the dark paths causing the taint? and good lord is sesshomaru walking a line wtih kirara (and visa versa) but then i guess cats and dogs are really different creatures of habit. he may have saved himself a whole lot of trouble (or caused it by forcing a dog to submit to a cat)but he and kirara are going to come to blows at some point. he's forgetting about pack as an entity that has individuals working together, individual minds, and using people to make his life easier again. he should be learning a lesson but he's being a stubborn puppy. break out the newspaper. and this is so not good is the current big baddy (i can't spell his name without looking and hesitate to even try)is going with hundreds of demons, kagome is trapped, for lack of a better term, in the nexus, until she can connect with inuyasha's hanyou form (we'll see if his demon catches on and relenquishes control)and well, stuck to inuyasha literally, midoriko's out for the count (and bad things if she wakes as kikyou), miroku isn't up for a fight. not good for the tachi. i can't wait!!
 Reviewed By: Caitriona [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 09, 2006 17:29 PST
This was an incredibly powerful chapter. From the earthquake and solar flares in the first half of this chapter to the intensity of Demon!Inuyasha in the second half, this chapter had the read on the edge of her seat the whole time. The modern section of the chapter was interesting for it's natural disaster feel. I was worried for Mama and didn't know if she would make it to the school in time. The scene where her watch reacts to the fluctuations of time was a very good one. Brought the reality of the situation to a level I could easily grasp. You also did a good job later in this half of showing that Souta, even though he is manifesting powers, is still a young boy. He is worried about his things and his grandfather. He is lost in something he can't really understand. In the second half, Inu was sexy, but he was also a little scarry. I am used to Sess acting a certain way, but then having Inuyasha respond to Kagome in the same way was a little scarry. It was like he was trying to out demon the demon. The scene where he shows his 'smile' really shows the difference between the demon and the hanyou. The comment that demon!inu makes that it was good that the hanyou has the human to help deal with Kagome's strange behaviour was really really funny. Thanks for writing for us. I am really looking forward to reading the effect the jewel shards have on the god tree in this time.
 Reviewed By: szaugglaughs [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2006 21:28 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
well, done. What a cliffie for me to come to! Dang, wish I'd found this fiction about a month from now so that I'd know what happened, ha. loved both the lemons. Yee ha. My only difficulty might have been with the , ahem, vigor of the mir/san scene with her so recently being wounded. If she was healed, in whatever manner, but not enough that it would stop her from bleeding with the birth of the puppies scene, then I would be surprised if she didn't start bleeding from this too, yes? Or did I miss some of the healing ? Which is entirely possible as the kids have been having screaming fits for the last couple of hours and part of my brain is simply repeating the phrase 'killing them is not an option, killing them is not an option.' Not that I can hear my own words, as the youngest has decided that screaming is now a form of entertainment and has permanently deafened me, i think. Hmmmm, TMI, eh? Anyway, I soooo look forward to the next chapter. And thanks for letting us know abou Butteryasha's parody. I read his fic recently, and frankly I think I would have voted for Inuyasha's prick as a character. It was hysterical! I love his stuff, so I'll make sure to read it!
 Reviewed By: szaugglaughs [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2006 20:20 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Okay, I'm enjoying the latin titles...give me a chance to try to remember what glimmers of latin remain in my head from high school latin. (not much, in other words) Sango and Miroku's relationship is really intersting to watch, and the different interactions seem in character (and in hormone...that part sucked, eh?) I liked how Sesshoumaru has decided to react w/ regards to Rin. And thank you for not making Kagome suck up to him and start becoming OC. I'm really looking forward to the whole baby revelation, frankly. Man, that's going to be a lot of fun. All right, I
 Reviewed By: szaugglaughs [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2006 19:56 PST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
okay, let's see. Sesshoumaru and Kirara are hot and I love the pairing. some lovely sensualism in how they touch each other and interact. I am very much enjoying how your knowledge of animals has affected the interactions of the characters, and frankly, if you have any books to recommend on the subject of various animals, I'd love to get them! I have so much I'd love to say, but I forget about half of it by the time I get to the end of the chapter, darn it. Those darn, fascinating long chapters, sigh. And I notice I'm coming close to the end of what's been written. The sadness of it all. ;-)
 Reviewed By: szaugglaughs [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2006 18:02 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
chapter 50 review. LMFAO (cliche but appropriate) *sesh and kirara, sitting in a tree...* ha, that was SO funny with seshoumaru and Kirara. I almost peed my pants, I swear. They were so cute. And I think I've forgotten to mention how much i have enjoyed how you've handled Rin, along with Sesshoumaru's conflicted feelings about her. I was intrigued with Miroku and his hand. I don't know that I've ever read his hand in so much pain as the hole gets bigger and 'eats' at it, but it was so descriptive and completely made sense. Along with his response to the knowledge that the end was near: it was so in character and i love that Sango chewed him out for it. I am SOOOO glad they have a potential way to save him. If he died it would have been so sad. Although hopefully people didn't give you too much crud about that. Heck, you're the author, if you want to kill off every last character, you should darn well be able to do it. Still would be sad, especially as you've done such a lovely job of sucking the readers in to this version of the characters. So...glad there's hope!!
 Reviewed By: szaugglaughs [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2006 15:50 PST
ooooh, buahahahahah. I despise noo-noo! Man, the number of times the midgets have wanted to watch that! Thank goodness the one got older so there's only one left at that age! Ha...Noo Noo the Destroyer...isn't that a comic book somewhere?? *snort*
 Reviewed By: szaugglaughs [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2006 15:36 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Okay, you're going to be soooo sick of me by the time I finish reading this, LOL. so...chocolate induced writing tidbits are cracking me up. Man, the star wars one made me choke on my food. gotta remember not to eat when I read some more chapters. I'm just enjoying my day and sneaking in a chapter here and there in between chores today, so thanks for the fun! Oh...I always felt the same way about Kouga/Kagome and the whole interaction between the two of them vs. dog-like behavior. Okay, and even though I know Sessh. is on his way, and that there is no way Kagome really dies with almost 18 chapters left, it was still enough to make me all choked up reading about it. Waaah. Oh, and I'm so glad you mentioned another Fan fic to check out. I just started writing a story for the first time a few months back, same goes for reading fan fic, so I feel like I've got a glut of fan fic reading to check out. Always nice to get a recomendation from someone who has a great story of their own. Sooo, after this, I'm not even going to bother mentioning how much I'm enjoying this, it's a given! But I'm sure you'll get more blather from me, anyway! Just consider it making up for the lack of reviews at MM all in a couple of days, ha.
 Reviewed By: szaugglaughs [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2006 14:03 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Okay, so there'll be multiple reviews probably right together...I can live with that! I loved the sesshoumaru/Inuyasha resolution to the 'pack cry.' Nicely done. It's always so hard to put in Sesshoumaru and keep him in character, but I felt that this worked totally. I could completely buy into the background on how he became pack leader, with such a nice meshing with the 'total conquest' thing he's always had. Oh, I was reading your responses to reviews and thought the information on the mating call/pack cry/pack call was really interesting. Thanks! At the same time, I read your response to a review that I haven't even read, but...making an assumption, I wanted to say something that may have already been said, etc... re: tetsusaiga vs. tessaiga spelling, which I am assuming a review comment was about? (I have no clue, so this may just be completely and utterly useless and annoying, but hey, that kinda describes me sometimes anyway, heh). You had mentioned that spelling was rather arbitrary as it's phonetic anyway. Yup. But, I think I mentioned I was just learning japanese, and I literally had a little happy dance the other day when I managed to translate some japanese inuyasha manga and finally figured out why there's always been that difference of 'tetsusaiga' vs. 'tessaiga' pronunciation. Soooo, just in case you're interested and no one's ever said (or you didn't already know)... In the kana, the symbol that sounds like 'tsu' can be used to make the sound 'tsu,' but it can also be written smaller than the other symbols, in which case it actually has no sound. When it is written that way, it means 'double the consonant sound in the kana following this symbol,' which in this case was the kana for 'sa' . After doing some research, just 'cause I thought it was interesting, the original translators thought the 'tsu' symbol was the same size, hence the te-tsu-sa-i-ga, rather than the te-'silent tsu'-ssa-i-ga that it actually was. It's still tetsusaiga for most english translations, if not all, but I figured you might like to know, since you seem to put a lot of thought and research into this lovely story. Again, I am still looking forward to reading the rest of this!!
 Reviewed By: szaugglaughs [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2006 12:42 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I just came across this story recently, and I enjoy it immensely. I agree, it does feel kinda lonely here at MM with so few reviews! If you don't mind my asking, what other sites to you post this at? I find the use of youkai/human/hanyou points of view a lot of fun, and I must admit I laughed out loud at the first 'This Inuyasha' moment. Oh, just so appropriate I can't stand it! I had one question and one comment...sorry if any have been said before, as I haven't had a chance to read all the reviews! Re: the use of sensai...is that an alternate spelling of sensei? Or the proper spelling, or a different word entirely? Re: the great birth control scene. I'm only learning japanese right now, but an acquaintance had mentioned had challenging it was to learn to read ancient japanese in school because of how different the look of 'japanese with a brush' was vs. printed japanese often found in texts, labels, etc... now adays. I figured I'd mention it on the off chance you cared to use if for anything in the story, or have Sango glance at the instructions and realize they would require serious effort to figure out and then go on with the 'screw this, it's a bandage, how hard can that be to put on' moment. I read your comment on her state of mind, and the scene still worked for me without Sango reading directions, but like I said, I figured I'd mention this in case it makes a difference! I look forward to reading the rest of your story (at chapter 26 or so right now), and congrats on the IY win!
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