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"A Souls Seduction" Reviews/Comments [ 243 ]
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 Reviewed By: Anonymousfanfic [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 13, 2006 01:04 EST
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuppppppppppppppppp Dddddddaaaaaaaattttttttttteeeeeeeee Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww Now that I got that out of my system. Wonder why nobody corrected Takehiko about Botan not being Kuwbara's girlfriend. How will things go when Kagome meets Kurama's family? Why was it important for Takehiko for the three to mate? Does Kurama know something he's not sharing? Why did he want Hiei to go first and not him or Yusuke? How will Kagome react, now that she has mated one of the three? Please update soon.
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 12, 2006 23:03 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Long, low whistle. Great chapter, great story! I cackled long and loud over her moaning and swearing -- quite a chant she had going there, ne? Liked shippo teasing and testing Yusuke, but he was the one who got the biggest shock, wasn't he? No one wants their reunion with their Mom to be like THAT -- heh heh. When she's back to herself, he'll have to give her the "My eyes! My eyes!" treatment, won't he? Okay, so Takehiko let Botan and Kuwabara go without caving in, and allowed one of the 3 to mate with Kagome -- didn't see that coming! (You are so devious!) I was sure he would try to interfere with the matings. Can't wait to find out what the big plan is! More than just feasting off their energies, right? (Though there should be a lot of that available at kurama's place, right? Heh heh!) BTW, is Takehiko the big bad guy or the sidekick? Can't wait to find out what Kurama's reason for sending Hiei in first was. I'm sure Yusuke wants to know, too. And Hiei. That was a great way to explain how the triple matings needed to be carried out. Like the successive days idea. And you were able to use the explanation to show the evolution of some of Hiei's thoughts and feelings, too -- genius! He's gone from 'do it and get it over with' to knowing he won't be able to be with her AGAIN for a few days until the other matings take place. Love it, love it, love it! How about those Hiei-style touchy-feely moments just before: "Onna." "Hiei." "Yes Onna it is me." "Kagome, my name is ... Kagome." "You know what I'm going to do." Then he decided that was enough talking. OH how I laughed!! Brilliant! So very HIEI. But how touching that he wanted to be sure she wasn't too drugged up to know it was him. AW!! Thank you SO MUCH for treating us to another chapter so soon! It's my dearest wish every time I sit at my computer that a notice for this story will pop up. Did you give me an obsession potion?
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 12, 2006 23:02 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Shippo, my Shippo. Hooray. he's in the fic. I really like him, and he rarely gets much ink from fanfic writers as an adult. Poor Kurama. I'm surprised he didn't self ignite. What exactly did Kagome expect to have happen when she knocked on his door wearing a robe and then sat on his bed? Talk? Did she really expect him to talk?
 Reviewed By: purp1ebabe [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 12, 2006 21:48 EST
hmm... so hiei went first. haha can't wait to see who's next
 Reviewed By: LmKiTsUnE [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 12, 2006 20:34 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awww man, I want to know more, update soon
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 12, 2006 17:24 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I am truly honored you considered my words and took them to heart. Thank you so much. I'll be curious to see what you do with Hojo. You seem to be setting him up to do something, maybe not really evil, but something bad. Kagome will do the whole "smoothing over" thing with Keiko. I've never thought much of Keiko. That's why I like crossovers so much and also, IMO, why so many yu yu fanfics are Yaoi. None of the Yu Yu women seem to offer much in the way of interest. They are all two dimensional and weak. Keiko, in particular, seems totally unworthy of Yusuke after his Mazuku blood kicks in. She just never seemed to accept him for who he truly was, and after his Mazuku blood kicked in, fanfic writers mostly wrote it would be worse (to which I agree). she just dosn"t seem to have much fortitude, and wouldn't make a good mate for a mazuku. Kuwabara's sister has strength, but she is such an ancillary character in the manga, there isn't much for writers to work with. Anyway, I really like what you are doing with this fic. Keiko is a silly wuss and good riddance to her.
 Reviewed By: Kagome Lady of the Rain [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 12, 2006 16:33 EST
Lol! I really loved it! Great work! Keep it up and update asap please!
 Reviewed By: Roses  On: November 12, 2006 07:36 EST
I'm really enjoying your story, and I'm glad for the updates! Only one thing; if Yusuke has his demon blood working, Puu should be a really, really big Pheonix now, not a bitty thing!
 Reviewed By: Anonymousfanfic [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 12, 2006 06:57 EST
To bad they couldn't keep that a secret till after Kagome was found. What will happen to Kagome? I'm sure Hiei doesn't care one way or other what happens to Kuwbara, especially with his big, big mouth, but what about Botan? At the moment do any of them care what happens to Kuwbara and Botan? Wonder if they had to choice between who they have to save first, Kagome or Kuwbara and Botan, who would they choose? Please update ASAP
 Reviewed By: Hieisexymiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2006 23:28 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*falls on floor clutching sides while laughing so hard tears stream from eyes* Bad Shippou bad! You'll give your new daddies heart attacks! Well as always, LOVED it and think you are an awesome author! Loved the scary look Rin gave them.... Explains why Jaken never wanted to be left alone with her.... As I've said before LOVE the fic and can hardly wait to read the next chapter! Will there be another update tomorrow if I call you evil again? Just kidding! (But seriously update soon!) Ja ne!
 Reviewed By: purp1ebabe [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2006 22:29 EST
ooo too bad kurama was interupted... would he have kept going? i wanna read the next chapter!!!
 Reviewed By: Firedemon86(nsi)  On: November 11, 2006 18:35 EST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wonderful! Great! i can't wait to read what happens next, poor kagome i hope the guys get there soon. please update soon!
 Title: A Soul's Seduction
Reviewed By: Aymia [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2006 17:17 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
Wow, you updated this last one fast. FINALLY!! Shippou! I've been waiting since the beginning of the story to see him show up again. And Rin, gawd, I can just imagine the two of them are mischeivous as hell. Update soon. Tai
 Reviewed By: lil Rin  On: November 11, 2006 16:03 EST
I love Shippo! LOL! I wish he would drive Kurama crazy, but since they're both kitsunes, THAT'S not gonna happen. LOL! It's good. Keep following your own rules with it.
 Reviewed By: Renata-sama [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2006 16:00 EST
Well, our dear boys.. pardon, youkai, forgot about the Murphy's law and paid for it dearly. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for "getting know each other better" thing, but, considering their situation, it was too dangerous and simply stupid to wait - they should mate her ASAP and then have a rest of their lives to "know her better". Now, the question is, if the 4 of them would have *any* future to talk about... P. S. I support and understand your decision about pairing - after all, if you are feeling like the story you write is forsed, you'd abandon it, sooner or later. Rather sooner, I think. Do we need this? Nops!^_^_^
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