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"Black Widow Miko" Reviews/Comments [ 506 ]
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 Reviewed By: SadBrokenWings [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 03, 2008 18:07 EST
Ah, scrap! You're driving me crazy, woman, honestly! But I can't be too hard on you because I'm not updating anything either, really. -insert embarassed anime sweatdrop here- But, REALLY, you have to update! I'm dyyyyying to read more, and I really hope nothing bad is postponing this chapter, personal-life wise, because then I would feel just awful for being so selfish in my demands for a new chapter. So, I wish you well, I am crossing my fingers that you get inspired really soon and post a new chapter, and I hope everything is okay! I would hate for my favorite author-ess to be in any sort of trouble! Then who would I get amazing ideas for drabbles from, ne? ^-^ Until we read again! (goodness, that was terribly corny...haha)
 Reviewed By: VB  On: January 18, 2008 16:36 EST
WHERE ARE YOU!?!?! you're killing me here. And can you write a chapter where Kurama gets gravely injured and doesn't appear for the next few because he's beginning to piss me off. But the main problem is we're finally getting somewhere and you stop!! Now I'm going to go find another story with Kurama in it so I can stop imagining murdering him in horribly gruesome, violent, bloody ways. Update soon kay?
 Reviewed By: Methos [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 06, 2008 17:42 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey, its been a long time since you up dated, and since I can't remember is I ever left a review I'm leaving one now! I want to say I love your stories, Hentai Bets is my Favorite, and the one shots are funny. Black Widow Miko has to be the most involved story I've read so far thats not an actual book. I totally love the way you've written every one and the personalties you've gave them. Well enough praise, I really really hope the next chapter will be out soon. It's been since October!! You've left poor Hiei crumpled in a wall and us wondering whats going on. Although I'm sure you've probably been trying to get things right and sound the way you want it! Well I really hope the next chapter will be out soon, keep up the great work!!!!
 Title: Lucky me - my first review!
Reviewed By: lijakaca [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 01, 2008 02:06 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I stumbled upon your other Hiei/Kag epic, Hentai Bets :D and absolutely loved it, so even though I like fluff more than angst, I thought I'd try this. Of course, as soon as I started I couldn't stop before I got to Ch. 13 and realized that it wasn't done yet!! NOOOO!!! Anyways, I just wanted to say your stories are great, I feel really lucky to have come across them - I've read hardly any fanfic (I think this is my 4th ever), and you've set the bar really high! I sometimes giggle during the sex scenes though, when Kagome says "Hai!" 'cuz in all the sex scenes I've read in raw manga, the women usually say, "Iya!" Not that I've read a lot of them... >.> ...ahem! Anyways... Thank you for re-introducing me to the sexiness that is Hiei, it's been so long since I watched or read YYH! Your dialogue is spot on, I can totally imagine him saying that stuff in his seiyuu's voice *sigh* Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go watch my VHS of the YYH movie - you made me go and drag out my VHS machine just to tide me over till the next chapter ^_^ Thanks for the excellent writing and characterization! Oh, and Happy New Year!!
 Reviewed By: ebi-chan  On: December 31, 2007 08:48 EST
Haven't seen an update and I'm going thru so very tough withdrawls from this story... lol. I just wanted to wish you and your family a belated Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year. Hopefully you're just busy with holiday crap and once that dies down you'll be back with a kick ass chapter!! Well I'm not gonna beg and plead for a new chapter, I will sit here patiently waiting for a new chapter (while rocking back and forth in the fetal position muttering to myself about dogs). Hope to see a new chapter soon. ~ebi-chan
 Reviewed By: Sabriel8  On: December 15, 2007 03:16 EST
Ah. I just read this again. And now...I'm twice as anxious for the next chapter. What's going on!! The plot thickens and then...TBC. T_T Anyway...I've always liked the idea that when Hiei and Kagome had kids it'd start with twins. Haha. So random, but it really does fit. It just makes me wonder how things are going to end...and how much longer the fic will be, not that I'm complaining. I'd love for this story to go on and on and on haha. I'm always sad when I reach the end to a great story. Update soon! =] Ô2 I
 Reviewed By: BoxingKing [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 05, 2007 00:40 EST
Argh!!! I finally get caught up on your fic and you leave a giant cliffhanger!! A huge twist has come about - even though I wanted it from the start, and she is pregnant! And being violent towards Hiei! OMG! Is she just proving a point, are her celesital powers creating a ruckus, or is she really a killer?? I can't wait to find out! Everything is falling apart at the seams for poor Kagome! Keep up the good work, and update as soon as you can!
 Title: Love
Reviewed By: Nour-san [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 01, 2007 16:15 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have been reading this fic for a couple of months now but unfortunately, this is the first review I've written! T.T SORRY! I have to say, this has to be one of the Top 5 fics I have ever read in my life! You've introduce me to a whole new genre that I was convinced I hated!!! I truly thaought I hated mystery novels until I read this! For a while this fic consumed my thoughts and while daydreaming at school I would think back to this fic and try and predict what the outcome would be and every Chapter brings new evidnce that I can't wait to discern! I commend you on a job VERY well done! You have succesfully converted me! ^.^ I must also compliment you on your imagination and creativity! I don't think I really could have sat down and thought all of this up while keeping it entertaining, heart-warming and logical. Here's a fic you really have to use some brain power to figure out! And this last Chapter? The ending blew me away! I had my own theories of how the story would end, but that was definitely not one of them! By the way, (un-ending noogies for you for dropping a cliffy like that!) You meanie! T.T Overall, thank you so much for sharing your imagination with us and for entertaining me with such a fascinating and entrancing story. I can't wait for the next chapter! X) Happy and safe holidays to all! Love, Nour-san
 Reviewed By: inuyasha1234  On: November 29, 2007 15:09 EST
Normally I try to hold back on any negative reviews but (and would like to start this rant off with saying at how wonderful this fic is, getting these reactions from me) but... WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU THINKING????? HIEI HAS BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH AND KAGOME JUST REJECTS HIM LIKE THAT?!!?!?!?! I STARTED SCREAMING HER WHILE IN THE SCHOOL LIBRARY READING!! *caughs* Okay, now that I have that off my chest I must say that with the ending of this chapter (WHY THE HELL WOULD SHE GO TO KURAMA??!?!?!? ALL HE'S BEEN DOING IS TRYING TO SPITE SESSHOMRU!!!!!) *glares at my alter-ego, who then shuts up* I probably wont have the ability to read the latest update for a couple of days, needing the time to calm down. Thank you for writing this, it really is beautifully written! IF YOU HURT HIEI ONE MORE TIME I'M GOING TO KILL KAGOME MYSELF!!!! *caughs* Sorry... she's a bit passionate...
 Reviewed By: Ebi-chan  On: November 27, 2007 14:55 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Just wanted to say Happy Belated Thanksgiving (if you clebrate - if not then happy thursday) Can't wait til the next chapter!! Suprisingly I don't have a lot to say... I know you're shocked, I as well... Well hope you and your family are doing fine and hopefully soon we'll have a little e-mail message saying that you updated with another kick-ass chapter!! Well let me go back to my corner now, so I can rock back and forth in the fetal position as I eagerly await the next installment... ~Ebi-chan
 Title: hmm...
Reviewed By: beckyducky [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 09, 2007 16:43 EST
madmiko san....you are the master of twists. kagura/kurama is actually starting to grow on me.... any way, i'm looking forward to what Hiei makes of Kagome's other side...it is her other side right?? oh oh!! lemme guess...when she reabsorbed kiki-chan's soul, some of EVeeeeelness went into her....actually, maybe not cuz what about her other demon mates...?? I am so confused....Is it because of her miko heritage? WAAH!!! *hides in a corner* i gotta go read it over!! I LOVE THIS FIC SO FRIGGIN MUCH!!! (another ! just for the hell of it) you are a FANTASTIC writer. I swear, you should really market this cuz some of the fanfics i read are 10x better than some of the crap they sell at bookstores.
 Reviewed By: bloodbunny [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 07, 2007 16:40 EST
AH!!! I don't know wether to kill you or kidnap you and tie you down until you write the next chapter! AHG!! I loved it so much! Just everything! I had a feeling thaat Kagome had a split personality or some sort. Does a god possess her whenever she get's pregnant? Because he wants to kill off whoever solid her? I don't know! UPDATE!!! NOW!!!
 Reviewed By: Kibble  On: November 07, 2007 07:50 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Thank you SO much for not havig spelling/gramatical errors pop out at me, I've given up reading some fics because of them. To be honest, I didn't think I'd like this fic when I began it, since Kagome was powerful and it was a Kag/Heie. Well, I'd put it off long enough and when I noticed there were so many chapters I took a look. Well, I must say that now I'm looking for more K/H fics and that this fic has been done very well. I like the character development on all parts, and how no one gets left out for long. That's especially difficult since you've gathered so many characters together. Please don't end this fic too soon, I've been enjoying myself very much. :) Oh, and don't kill off Heie, I've just gotten to liking him, and I think he deserves more booty. So be nice :)
 Reviewed By: Kibble  On: November 07, 2007 07:50 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Thank you SO much for not havig spelling/gramatical errors pop out at me, I've given up reading some fics because of them. To be honest, I didn't think I'd like this fic when I began it, since Kagome was powerful and it was a Kag/Heie. Well, I'd put it off long enough and when I noticed there were so many chapters I took a look. Well, I must say that now I'm looking for more K/H fics and that this fic has been done very well. I like the character development on all parts, and how no one gets left out for long. That's especially difficult since you've gathered so many characters together. Please don't end this fic too soon, I've been enjoying myself very much. :) Oh, and don't kill off Heie, I've just gotten to liking him, and I think he deserves more booty. So be nice :)
 Reviewed By: SadBrokenWings [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 03, 2007 19:48 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hi! I'm back again! ^.^ I couldn't stay away, I had to reread the chapter!!! I just can't get over how you left me hanging with this one...SOOO many unanswered questions and I just can't stop thinking about it! I don't know if she's trying to protect him by attacking him and forcing him away or if she becomes, like, some power-possessed killing machine while she's pregnant. I don't think it's the second one, but wouldn't that be pretty awesome? Would they still sentence her for murder? Maybe just involuntary man-slaughter? Lol! My mind's racing with all the possibilities! I just LOOOVE you and your stories!!! Oooo...I can't wait until you update! Later!
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