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"Black Widow Miko" Reviews/Comments [ 506 ]
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 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 25, 2007 00:14 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
JUST when I was getting ready to be understanding, and perhaps a bit forgiving to Kurama, he pulls this garbage with the bracelet. Before I get there though, I loved the line about not mistaking Hiei for a pussycat. I also loved the bit about Hiei's thoughts on the Kamis' reasons for 'dangling the treasure in front of him.' and 'drowning in an onna who represented earth.' and the bit about her not getting it even after 500 years. Other fanfic writers have pointed out that Kagome was the tie that pulled the group together and that Kikyou really didn't love Inuyasha at all, but I don't think anyone has phrased it all quite so well ----- I liked the plan for the movies, esp. the bit when Hiei took 2 strawberry and 2 honey, and their mutual frustration that they couldn't sit next to each other. Then watching the movie together was so sweet. The dates you have created for them in the midst of this group are wonderful. I have a general question about the whole 'Hiei and ice cream (sweet snow) routine.' I've seen every anime and read (I think) every manga put out in english, and Haven't been able to figure out where the fanfic writers get the entire Hiei/ice cream connection, but I've seen it time and again in fanfics. Help would be appreciated. It must be fairly obscure, but it is a great way to "humanize" Hiei. Loved the lemon on the couch... very educational actually, and clearly you wanted to show that Kagome was not 'a sexual moron.' ---------------- moving right along, I wish mediaminer let us create paragraphs in these things. Ayume is dead. I feel a little sorry for her, actually, even though she is a bitch in this one. She let herself be treated as Yemen's mistress for these years. I don't dislike her as much as I dislike Kikyou and Kagura (at least this Kagura who is doing all the bad acts.) Foolish mistake on Ayume's part, though. No man is willing to hear a suggestion that he is less than the world's greatest lover, and virile to boot. I can't even finish all the things for the review, but will say the idea of the sons as matchmakers and bringing in Jin was great. From their point of view it makes sense. He is good looking, fairly strong by youkai standards, and is always cheerful and happy go lucky. THey probably figure he is exactly what she needs. Interesting describtion of Kagura's ability to hold a grudge. What does that foreshadow? ----------------- two last quick comments. Kurama wants her, but he really isn't into her (as he clearly can separate out things and he still thinks she may have something to do with their deaths.) Frankly, I DO think she had something to do with it. the comments she has made, and the thoughts of hers we have overheard indicate she knows more than she is saying. She would never NEVER kill them, but if they were dying or dead she may have done something with their souls. I'm inclined to stand on my theory from an earlier review. This may have a "needs of the many outweigh..." solution. I've missed a lot of stuff, such as the great scene with her wearing red for the first time, the box situation (whatever is in there is important) and the whole fight (hard but very realistic) and will try to comment on those areas later. If I don't get back to you before you update... I really really hope things get worked out next chapter, and that you don't have Hiei and Kagome with days of angry or emotionally distraught misunderstandings. Please let Hiei figure out the bracement, destroy it and then smack Kurama soundly about the grounds of the house. Poor Hiei, he has had so little, and fought for what little he did get, and the whole scene where she rejected his suit was so traumatic for him. It is good he figured out her reasoning, and can be somewhat understanding, but still, you never fully recover from childhood traumas, and to be told Kagome won't mate him must be horrible for him. Well, this review appears to be out of space. Can you say 'verbose?"
 Title: Ch. 12
Reviewed By: HalfBlackWolfDemon (nli)  On: August 24, 2007 21:50 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Omg! I luved that! Hiei's so awesome! *giggle* She kinda made me mad, but I cooled off when Hiei figured it out :P Lol, I bet it was hard writing for Jin, XD He talks so… *glomp's Jin* Ur so adorable! *giggle* (o.0 you drew a diagram!? Holy crap! You should totally post it! Well, if you want to anyway :P) I luv his ears! *tweaks Jin's ears* :P I luved that! YOSH! *strikes good guy pose* GO YEMON! Now you can drop dead! *evil laughter in background* :P Lol. I'm so glad *hugs luvable oaf* Kazuma-kun is teh BEST!! *huggle* Anyhoo Aw! So cute! Hiei was pretty surprised, wasn't he? Lol! I just wanted to pinch his cheekies! *giggle* "I guess you might have forgotten how to do it after 500 years without any, -- of these sodas, I mean" Omg! Eishumaru!!! That's was priceless! Kagome dearly died from her soda!!! XD Lol!!!! 0.,o Nosebleed city!!! Bet Hiei was happy about that! XD Anyhoo (again XD), DING DONG AYAME'S DEAD!!! *dances* Wow, I would love to have a gown like that! (Though, it would look ugly on me, b/c I'm so flabby! Lol!) It sounds freakin gorgeous!!1!!!!! My gosh! Hiei was so tender! *tears* I totally envy Kagome-chan! Oooo, wat's in the box? (or, did I miss something that was in an earlier chapter? :P) *smacks Kurama w/ two rolled up, Sunday newspapers* YOU STUPID IDIOT! You never give out stuff like that again! *pulls on Youko's awesome ears* EGOTISTICAL KNOW-IT-ALL! I swear! If Hiei doesn't kill you in the next chapter, then I will! And you will lose all that makes you male, and I will put estrogen pills in ur food/drink and make you freakin grow boobs and force u to get a SEX CHANGE!!!! *snarls* *calming breath* *huggles Naru-chan* Ok… Now I'm better! XD Sry :P Poor Hiei-chan! :( He was so devastated… I wanted to hug him so bad :( At least Hiei got over his anger w/ Kazuma-kun wanting to mate Yukina-chan! That's going to be so cute! *giggles* *snarles again* KURAMA!!! I WARNED YOU!!!! *chases after fox* GET YOUR FUFFY ASS BACK HERE!!!! Naruto: Ahem, sry 4 Blackies… uhm… distraction, but she wants you to know that she loved your story and hopes to read more from you, and is in the process of writing the next chapter for Iyashii, and is totally reconstructing Zetti, and she also is very embaressed, and is very glad that you are spreding her story around… We all know she is a review hog XD Blackie: I HEARD THAT BLONDIE!!!! Naruto: Anyway, please update! I luv this story too! YAY FOR EISHUMARU!!!!
Reviewed By: Kiba_Girl1400 (not signed in)  On: August 24, 2007 16:26 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I can't believe she went to kurama!!! I was like maybe Kagome and Hiei would meet up in the kitchen and have passionate sex there but nooooooo she just had to go to Kurama. Damn him and his braclet!! I have never been so pissed off at an anime character in my life (shakes fist). I mean im twice as mad at Hiei for springing up a situation like that all of a sudden but dammit Kagome had no right (huffs and puffs). Okay before i become to obsessed with my ranting and have an anti-Kurama and Kagome moment i will tell you how much i love this story and that its such a shame that mediaminer doesn't have story alert. Maybe they do and i just don't know about it. i can't wait to see what happens next. Will Hiei see Kagome leaving Kurama's room? Will Kagome snap to her senses and push Kurama away? Or will her going to Kurama cause a rift between the two 'friends'? Or maybe Hiei will say "to hell with it" and burn down the house? (i like the last one. lol) I guess i will have to find out next time. (chants update over and over). Ja ne ^_^
 Reviewed By: ebi-chan  On: August 23, 2007 23:11 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
...But I sleep better with you... Singlehandedly THE most corniest thing anyone could ever say - but how I love it !!! This chapter had my emotions all over the place (good thing I'm not PMS-ing). First they were, dare I say, tender - then the wolf b*st*rd kills Ayame - thank God for small miracles - Kagome's sons are trying to hook their mom up with potential mates - 2 of them think she's having an afair with Kurama, only one of them guessed right (glad to know Genkai and Gramps can keep a secret). Kurama is resorting to aphrodisiacs, Hiei gets his panties in a big 'ol knot, has a fight with Kags, runs off to the Maikai and now Kagome's running to Kurama's room in the middle of the night. Holy cow girl!! Talk about rollercoasters, twists and turns - I think the only thing left to shock us with is if Kurabawa were to announce his plans for a sex change operation!! I mean wow... I'm absolutely gobsmacked, I just, wow... I loved this chapter - just like all the other ones though I really wanted to shake my computer 'til the next chapter appeared. You had me going with all of Kag's questions to Hiei about the Jagan and how it can be used - I seriously thought she was going to tell him to look into her memories. Oh, and I really really really want to know what's in that box that Jaken and Myoga found - and why she's hellbent on ignoring it, enquiring minds want to know!! Seriously this was another awesome chapter and my fix has been thoroughly satisfied - for now at least, give me a few days and I'll be Pookie all over again. I'm beginning to think my family, friends, and co-workers may think I'm on drugs. I'm so hooked/addicted to this story that it should be illegal. I wonder if there's a support group out there like Fanfic Anonymous. Oh well even if there was I wouldn't go - I don't want to give up this addiction!!! "They tried to make me go to rehab but I said no no no". I can't wait til the next chapter comes and hopefully life and it's many bumps won't be too hard on you so we don't have to wait long, but even if we have to it's definitely worth it!!! Keep up the awesome work. ~ebi-chan
 Reviewed By: Raeko [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 23, 2007 19:33 EDT
Hm, I just got around to looking up "Send Me An Angel" since I'd never heard it before. Good song. ^.^
Reviewed By: Sango Tajiya [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 23, 2007 16:16 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WTF IS THIS!!!?*Starts crying* Not Kurama!!!PlllleeAAASSEE tell me she'll snap out it or have Hiei come in and save the day! *cries harder* it's just cruel to leave a cliff hanger like that!*half crazy * Wait! I know! It's really Kikyou isn't it !?*takes calming breathes* ok....I'm good now. I gotta say though, you set up Kagome and Hiei's fight perfectly.....-_- the dumbasses. And you keep on setting Kurama up! (even though he plays a great role in this you're making me want to kill him!!!) It suits him somehow though. But I'm just DYING to know what really happened with Kagome's mates! Is it coming up soon?
 Reviewed By: HeartStar [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 23, 2007 06:07 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
No my theory didn't pan out so far it could though . bad Form Kuroma bad Form hei is gonna be so pist oh I can not wait I thinki fight is comming and the truth may come out soon. *S* please update soon.
 Reviewed By: Anonymous0  On: August 22, 2007 20:51 EDT
awww, poor Hiei. Wonder why Kuwbara is so sure Kagome is innocent and Kurama still thinks she's not? At least clear the truth about Kagura's child. Please update ASAP
 Title: KawaiiKekeChanNLI
Reviewed By: Kawaii-KeKe-Chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 22, 2007 12:59 EDT
What a lovely, juicy, long chappy! So many good moments that when i read them i thought, 'i have to comment on this when i review!!'. So... Jin- kami, you got his accent perfect!! he was such a sweetie!! And Toya was great, too! Kagome's thoughts of Hiei being like when she fell in love with inu were just so cute! I could like, feel her emotions so clearly!! Hiei and Kagome's 'date' was just so sweet too- and it ended perfectly! Hiei's gift to Kagome was totally perfect, too- i know I've said this before, but i love the way you incorperate japanese culture into your fics- it just makes them more realistic! And it was so symbolic too, because it showed that by wearing it for Hiei, and then making love on top of it with him, that she was moving on with her life, and loving again! (which she deserves!) Ooh, Kurama-kun is being very naughty lol! Hiei is going to cut off more than his hands when he finds out what the tricky kitsune is up too! I can't wait to find out how that develops.... And whats in the box? Hehe, i can only ponder... Poor, poor Hiei! It was too sad when he was 'refused'....I'm glad you pointed out he knew the reason though- many other authors may have made him all angry and not-knowing why Kagome couldn't say yes, but you kept it real!! *hugs* And i loved it when he was talking about locking her up so he cold storm away and come back and find her, and how she wasn't making any sense- you could just imagine his jumbled mind at that point!! And poor Kagome...the repetition of their thoughts was a great way of displaying how similar they are! And Ayame's dead! Well, that's one less threat, but also one less suspect! Oooh, i can't wait for the next chappy! Sounds brilliant!! And arigato for dropping my story in at the end- I'm off to read the others! Oh, and gomen for not reviewing last chappy- i just got a new laptop at the time, and i was having trouble just reading the chapter!! Update when you can, and i hope its easier to write than this one was!!
 Reviewed By: SKnFS(notloggedin)  On: August 21, 2007 23:58 EDT
Oh no! Hiei and Kagome are split up and Kurama is being a sly perv. What is the world coming to? While I'm most definitely looking forward to the next chapter, I'm still wondering what the hell else you're going to through at me. Lol, you're such a wonderful author and I look forward to more. Good lcuk.
 Reviewed By: selenitypotter [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 21, 2007 18:27 EDT
I am soooo glad you updated! 3 1/2 weeks to my due date and I was going nuts for something to distract me for a bit. Hope to see another update soon and I can't wait to see what happens and what happened to Mates 1,2, and 3.
 Reviewed By: Raeko [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 21, 2007 18:02 EDT
I spent most of my time at work today thinking of ways that this could turn out to be not so evil as that cliffhanger makes it out to be. I came up with several ideas, but the waiting to find out if any are right is gonna be killer. Just thought you should know. =D
 Reviewed By: beckyducky [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 21, 2007 09:51 EDT
y'know..mad miko sama....YOU ARE AMAZING!!! (and you're a mom to top it off?!?! HOT DAMN!!!) I guess i can live with Kurama being all...annoying... cuz i'm reading Not the Only One and it sort of balances me out. still. every chapter you totally out do yourself!! i shall try to get more chapters out. im sorry if the story is boring or the chapters are taking too long. *beats chest with fist* mea culpa, mea culpa. *chest is bruised beyond repair* damn. (Jk!!)
 Reviewed By: Yue no Rei  On: August 21, 2007 07:09 EDT
Dang it! Kurama is really grating on my nerves this time. Once again you have me left in a nerve-wracking, nail-biting(not really) mess. Argh! Im so keen on reading the next chapter >
 Reviewed By: kaira2828 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 21, 2007 01:47 EDT
omg she has to accept hiei omg
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