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"Black Widow Miko" Reviews/Comments [ 506 ]
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 Reviewed By: VB  On: July 06, 2007 06:06 EDT
How the heck could you leave it there?!?!?! You better update soon I was about ready to throw the computer when I realized that was the end. Please please please update soon.
 Reviewed By: SKnFS [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 06, 2007 01:27 EDT
Once again an amazing chapter from an amazing writer. I love the whole 'sleepwalking' deal. That was sweet. Her grandpa is just the greatest. It's fun to see Kagome and Hiei's relationship progressing so much. They're in so much denial and confusion but at the same time it seems amazing to me that only Genkai has picked up on it. I'm getting a headache trying to figure out who killed Kagome's three mates too by the way. I agree with Kagome that the three females just aren't strong enough. Especially with Ayame acting as she is, she's not guilty. She truly believes Kagome killed Kouga... or she is a fantastic actor. But if they didn't do it, who else could have? I'm going through a list of nemisis of hers and they're... all dead, more or less. So is this another loop you're throwing us for or what? Mmm... okay so my review is getting long so I'll cut out with a O.o How could you end the chapter like that? Sesshomaru!
 Reviewed By: BrokenSouledPoetess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 06, 2007 00:06 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG girl! I can't believe you ended it that way! No fair! I hope you aren't planning to make me wait for an update for too long after a cliffhanger such as that. Ya know, I really hope Hiei gets his kiss. It's also rather nice to see him so intent on Kagome. It's funny that he thinks 'if' he decides to keep her...part of him already knows he won't let her go. As a side note, Kagome's mother's name is Ikumi ne? There was a paragraph where you wrote it as Izumi.
 Reviewed By: jen9  On: July 05, 2007 23:23 EDT
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!!!! he's alive?????? are the others???? omg........ i didn't expect that!!!! update update update update update UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
 Reviewed By: ebi-chan  On: July 05, 2007 21:03 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Holy Freaking Cow!!! *picks chin up off the floor* WOW! Um... What can I say, but YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!! That was definitely a fix and a half, and then some. I think this has to be my most favorite chapter so far! Chock full of bombshells and Holy S**t what a cliffhanger. I literally got to my knees and yelled (all dramatic like) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! How could you leave off like that!?! I had tears in my eyes. I hope Kagura gets owned 'cause you don't how bad I wanted to reach through my computer screan and slap her!! And I loved that Kagome gave it right back to her^_^ Loved the interaction between everyone (especially Kags & Hiei), and I'm glad someone finally decided to let poor Mrs. Higurashi have a love life, and Ji-chan too! I don't think I've laughed this hard in so long, what with Ji-chan and his "sleep walking" issues that some how invlve Genkai, and the humorus lemon with Kag/Hiei. I really wouldn't want to give "it" back, that's for sure! Oh and talk about bombshells (I know I tend to jump around topics) I so totally did not see Yemon conspiring with Ayame or Kagura!! That one threw me for a loop, but is was kinda nice to see Kikyou was her same caring, loving self *insert sarcasim here* Apparently Kikyou has an even bigger and darker stick up her @$$. I think what made me laugh the most, was Kurama's/Youko's interroagtion methods. Leave it to a kitsune (especially one of Youko's caliber) to use sex/bondage as a form of "torture". Although I did want to reach through the screen and slap him too, when he started thinking Kagome was guilty again simply because she did not believe that the three other "suspects" were capable of committing the murders. But I loved how Hiei flipped it around and told him that someone could be holding a grudge against her and framing her, and that she was too trusting to think that women who claimed to love someone were incapable of killing them. Gotta love Hiei for fresh outlook, lol. Anyway I could sit all day and tell you about everything that I loved in this chapter, but then my review would probably be longer than the story =) So I will just tell that I loved everything and I'm DYING for the next chapter 'cause of that cliffy!! So please please please, update as soon as you can, until then me and Pookie will be rocking in the corner listening to The Wall. Thanks for another awesome chapter!! P.S. N J C, Pink Floyd, and Madmiko ROCK!!!
 Reviewed By: StarletAngel  On: July 05, 2007 20:53 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Holy sh*t! You can't leave us with that kind of cliffy! okay...I know you can, being the wonderful author you are and all. But still! OH! I really hope it is him and some things are clarified! I'm so excited! Your writing is definately worth the 3 week wait, but please! Don't keep us waiting that long with the way you left it! The suspense is killing me!
 Reviewed By: babygirl20008 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 05, 2007 19:42 EDT
i loved it. Don't make me wait to long for the next chap. I have to know if it is Sess. I hope it is. I can't wait to find out. Keep up the great work.
 Reviewed By: Sardave [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 05, 2007 19:18 EDT
You evil, evil woman!!!! Your biggest cliffie yet, I'd say. Wow. I nearly cried. This chapter was so long!! So much to gush about. I absolutely loved Hiei's observation of Kagome during their outing with her family. And Holy Cow on that lemon! The humor squeezed in there was a great touch. Good decision to leave it in. I also really liked the little bit where Youko took the arrow for Kagome. Blame my tendencies toward him, what can I say?! It did a good job of helping to keep him away from that "villain" status, I think. Excellent stuff, as usual! *hug*
 Title: It's killing me! ch. 7,8
Reviewed By: TAJE [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 05, 2007 18:51 EDT
Well what's killing me is Kagome having to do without the 3 most sexiest males! And they all enriched her life and then she gets left behind! How painful especially being intimate with them. Oh! That's painful! Oh! (tears) Kagura showing up is erking my spine!! I was hoping Kagome would not be too irritated by her taunting. I love the mystery surrounding all this. I love the emotions envolved between her and Hiei. I can tell you love these two together. It shows in every word you write. I love the flow of the story. The wild antics of the other detectives. And Dag! No one keeping their hands to themselves! I also love all the sistahs that she had show up. You have blown me away. Love it just love it! Peace!
 Title: Hikari Tenshi
Reviewed By: Hikariz  On: July 05, 2007 17:30 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
omg sesshomarun appeared at a cliffhanger!!! i wanna see wat happens, is Kagura's son really Seshhomaru's? omg, i refuse to accept the truth if that is the truth. and how did they kill her mates? hmmm...please update soon cause i wanna knoe wat's gonna happen next. arigatou
 Reviewed By: Seiteki_Tenshi [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 05, 2007 15:34 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
oh my gosh! sesshoumaru???? hes back? or is it just youko and kagura missed the ears? im so glad you found the time to finish this chappie, it is simply killer! even though the cliffie really could kill! i almost fell off my seat at that!!! thanks for the update, it really made my day. i totally love the "sleepwalking" incident between kagome and jii-chan, that was great, and that he was so...open about it was awesome.
 Reviewed By: Silvermisttaleweaver [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 05, 2007 15:14 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
No tea this time, I've stopped drinking while reading this. Its just not good for my keyboard. Several sputters, a couple giggles aloud, and even a sniffling giggle during that last confrontation yes. Prize for worlds most embarrassing "Sleepwalk". I can't think of much worse then running into ones grandfather while both are room-hopping.
 Reviewed By: alissa  On: July 05, 2007 13:19 EDT
im SOOOO happy you updated before i went on vacation...you know fun in the sun no time to read! ;D but i cant wait untill you have the next chapter up and i am loving that you put sess in there or at least his spirit! and i have to say i liked the little cat fight at the end!! well please update soon and ill keep an eye out!
 Reviewed By: Latch [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 05, 2007 12:12 EDT
I covered my face and LAUGHED in horrified adoration at so many things in this chapter. And then that last line.. oh, you are a wicked, cruel creature indeed. XD I'm probably going to go back and read this a second time, it was just so delightful, and pick over things I may have missed. And then feel full of crazy "WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!" lines when I reach the end. Again.
 Reviewed By: Raeko  On: July 05, 2007 11:23 EDT
Oh. My. God. Oh my god! That was just...EVIL! I really hope the gap between updates is a lot shorter this time...where does your mother-in-law live again? *whistles while tapping baseball bat* I can't wait for Hiei to finally figure himself out--his excuses to himself are getting pretty weak, aren't they? Also, the part about Kagome's grandfather sleepwalking was brilliant! ...You know, I'm really starting to wonder who killed Kagome's mates myself. From the beginning, I was pretty content to just let the story roll and figure it out along with the SDs, but Kagome's belief that the Bitches Three didn't do it has me thinking...and that is never good.
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