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"Black Widow Miko" Reviews/Comments [ 506 ]
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 Reviewed By: Angelwings21 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 20:54 EDT
OMG ^^ I love the Lemons ( hehehe oh I´m such a pervert >.< ) Wow finally Kikyo makes her Move. Can´t wait to read more. I think that Kikyo killed Inuyasha and Kouga and Kagome killed Sesshomaru because Kikyo or someone had taken Sesshomarus will and made him attack Kagome.I hope Hiei tells Kagome soon that Yukina is his Sister. Wow that was a mouthfull ^^ Please update ASAP because I need More ^^
 Reviewed By: TAJE [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 20:41 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh what drama! I am so ejoying this story. I am looking forward to the mystery of what happen to Kags mates. Hiei's behavior is tripping me. Much to your talent, I am loviing your portray of the children. You Go! Peace!
 Title: Black Widow Miko
Reviewed By: PureMiko_Kagome69ner [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 20:28 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hehe. Me again. Kagura's a witch, right? So she have to know some spells. I know, I know, she's a Wind Witch, but the word witch is still there, right?
 Title: Black Widow Miko
Reviewed By: PureMiko_Kagome69ner [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 20:27 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is AWESOME! But I hope those Kikyo, Kagura, and Ayame dies or something. I hate them. They're annoying. Especially Kagura, rubbing her son being Sesshoumaru's offspring into Kagome's face. Damn her. I really hope that Kagura have a VERY, VERY, VERY (ETC) strong spell on her son, making the boy, well, uhh, man look like he's Sesshoumaru's son. Damn. I hate those three annoying females. They are annoying ... and I am repeating myself. Lolz. Please update a.s.a.p. PLEASE!!!
 Reviewed By: Sardave [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2007 19:01 EDT
Aww, poor Hiei...he wants to cuddle! *sigh* Sexy and he cuddles... Fantasmical chapter as usual. And long, too! Longer than usual. What a treat! I really loved the scene between Shippo and Kagome early in the chapter at the communion. And it's good to see a section in this story where Kuwabara finally gets his Yukina. Poor guy is always denied her. Your praise, as always, is such a boost for my muse! I'm still giggling like a little girl that you like those drawings. ^_^
 Title: CH. 2
Reviewed By: TAJE [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 04, 2007 06:59 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Love the boys! Love their names! Wonderful story telling. Love the way you incorporate the tradition of mourning from past to present. Great use of your characters. What cracked me up was the remark of Miroku's descendant, I thought it was clever! I am truly enjoying this! Peace!
 Title: ch.1 Woo Now!
Reviewed By: TAJE [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2007 22:55 EDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow! What a beginning! I love the suspended animation thing. It's kicking! and I adore the introduction of the houses, how majestic! Beautiful just beautiful. I wish I could draw, I would draw that scene. But I'm not that talented so it'll have to live in my old head =)! Again I know I'm going to love this story. Peace!
 Reviewed By: ness  On: May 31, 2007 18:04 EDT
Hey, great chapter as usual... I cant believe kagura!!! I cant wait to see the proof on that one... see ya at the next update... ness
 Reviewed By: Yue no Rei  On: May 30, 2007 01:49 EDT
Ahhh, my appologies for not reviewing in the last chapter. I didn't know that you had already updated. =\ Anyway well.. it seems Kagome and Hiei's new phase is fk me XD Very interesting. I wonder how Hiei will proceed from this point. He's in a tough position there. Great two chapters by the way
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 29, 2007 20:47 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Now for the review about the chapter. First, OF COURSE I was peeking over your shoulder. Don't you recall that pesky buzzing sound that wouldn't land long enough for you to swat? I'm a little disappointed in Hiei and Kagome's imaginations. He is 284. She is 134 (or so) and has been married to three lusty youkai (or 1 lusty hanyou and 2 lusty youkai.) They have a combined experience of over 400 years AND THEY CAN'T FIGURE OUT ANY WAY TO PLEASE EACH OTHER which doesn't result in a risk of pregnancy???? They are sexual morons! It IS very funny though, and one can always argue that they both felt they -should- be able to abstain for three days since of course. . . it is ONLY a physical relationship. Hiei's jealousy is becoming amusing also, although Kurama should be smacked with a purifying slap in the face. A thought just came to me. Hiei is standing over Kurama's bleeding body while he tells him, "Fox! When I envisioned you eviscerated for trying to share the miko's bed, it never occurred to me that -I- would be the one disemboweling you." That would be GREAT! Dunk thrice. . . bring up twice. That was a fun line. I am SO greedy. You update a chapter which is easily 3-4 times the size of many writers' chapters, and I reach the end and go, "but where's the next?" Keep up the good work.
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 29, 2007 20:03 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Have you noticed that, in addition to the rest of us, you are getting reviews from several of the better writers on Mediaminer. That, in and of itself, is a compliment. I enjoyed The Bet as it was fun and humorous in a slapstick kind of way, but this one is shaping up to be even better. If you keep this up, and your resolution for the story is thoughtful and logical, this fic will be on par with "The Lucky Ones," and that is about the highest compliment I can give.
 Reviewed By: Drachegirl14 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 29, 2007 12:48 EDT
Oh my gosh!!!! That was so incredibly good. I praise your wonderful writing. *laughs* And now to debate with you about the dectives and the mystery, lol. A) If they're messing with a murder involving spells, could they not trace said spell if they were to go back to the scene? I know I know, five hundred+ years, so the magic's faded and whatnot, but it's worth a try, ne? B) The theory of someone framing Kagome has actually been in my mind since chapter four-ish . . . I think it's very possible that's what's happening . . . C) Hiei's Jagan . . . could he not read Kagura's mind if they captured her? D) Where're Kikyo and Ayame? E) Hmm . . . souls being purified, and poisoned . . . That begs the question, what was powerful enough to take down Inuyasha and Koga poisonwise, not to mention Sesshomaru and his mastery of poisons? F) They're souls were purified after they died, correct? Then it's quite possible Kagome didn't do it . . . unless she was with them when they died . . . That ends this question session. I really like what you're doing with this story . . . Lol, you didn't leave us a cliffie, you left us with an almost poissible lemon, but if I know Hiei as I think I do (glanes at tied up Hiei in her room) then there won't be one . . . Lol, will you do the same thing as HB, when she thought Kurama and Hiei were gay, but with Hiei being in love with his sister? Lol. I'll keep my eyes peeled if you get a chance to right one, lol.
 Reviewed By: bloodbunny [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 28, 2007 22:16 EDT
AH ha! So Kagura DID stab Kagome and Kill Sesshomaru! Ah! Such a good story/chapter! I can't wait for the next one to come out!
 Title: Ch. 8
Reviewed By: halfblackwolfdemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 28, 2007 03:14 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hehe, this was a great chapter! i luved it, and i luv teh tension that Kagome and Hiei are feeling! Its so awesome! I was kinda mad when Kagura spewed that crap about Sesshoumaru loving her, and not Kagome-chan... That was very mean! And he had 2 kids w/ her? Omg! That a-hole! *growls* And yay 4 sexual tension! hehe, Hiei and Kagome are in some deep poop, now aren't they? lol. And, YAY 4 DISNEY LAND!!!! *nearly dies from awesomeness* And Kagome definatly seemed uncomfortable in her new clothes, guess i would be 2 after spending so much tym in kimono's, but anyhoo, Kurama and Yemon both need 2 leave Kagome-chan alone and let Hiei go @ her! XD I luved how Kagome brought everyone there families, and that Kagome declined Yuusuke's suit. hehe, that made me laugh. :D And, yay 4 Eishumaru! He's such a horn dog! (pun intended) I laugh now b/c he's was acting lyk Miroku there! XD And him saying he was 115 and he was past the childish age, lol, that was freakin sweet. And i luv Daichi, Shuuichi and Chikao! They are so funny! lol. Freezing when Kagome talks w/ them! XD And Hiei when all jealous! lol. Kagome's a wonderful hostess, as said by Yemon-sama! Hehe. Then, he had 2 ruin it by kissing her! Omg! I was lyk, "U crack-head! What where u on when u did that?" Hiei wasn't happy about that either. Jealous-emotionally-contipated-fire-youkai! lol. Shippou is so evil! I luv him lyk he is now! Being a smart-butt and everything! Hehe. He said so much good things about her! I wanted 2 hug him, and kiss him and then pet his awesome tail! (if he still has it) And the framing thing, how could they not figure that out?! How did I not figure that out?!?! (Im convinced it's Kikyou) Kikyou probably did everyting, but how does she know the snake style and the Death Touch? I get how they could probably confuse Kagome's energy w/ Kikyou's and its ironic how Kagome gets blamed when Kikyou shot InuYasha into the tree. But, that aside, Hiei gets pretty mad when Kagome's not in her bed when she's suppose to be, and thats funny 2 me. DisneySea sounds pretty flippin sweet! But then Kurama had 2 RUIN IT! Omg! He's a butthole! Freakin makin out w/ her in public! And when she came back to land, Shizuru said she could "handle" little Eishumaru! Hehe, that was funny. Poor Kagome-chan, getting hit on by so many people... i laugh... hehehe, and she had so many boys frustraited! XD that was funny! And u left it on a bad cliff hanger... Kagome sayin she wanted Hiei... hehehe, i can't wait until u update! I luved this chapter, and this is by far, the longest review i have ever written! Yay! hehe -Mee-chan
 Reviewed By: loveinuyasha911 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 27, 2007 18:42 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
in one of my reviews I asked you this. "This has been bugging me for awhile.. I have a couple ideas on how Kagome's mate's soul's disappeared... I think That Kikyo might have stolen them, or maybe they were imprisoned in a artifact or the Shikon No Tama, Maybe a piece of clothing or something" I now have another theory that i didn't mention before. well 2 theory's. One is that there souls are Kanna's or Kaguya's mirror more or less the first one. And the other one is that the three souls are hiding or have been taken by kami and renkai doesn't know that. and thats 4 theory's instead of 2
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