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"Minoue" Reviews/Comments [ 521 ]
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 Reviewed By: malitiadixie [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 09, 2007 23:47 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Your writing never seizes to amaze me. I love your lemons. I think a story of yours was the first one I ever read with a lemon in it. There always so discriptive and without crudness. I love this chapter and I hope to hear more from this story soon. Congrats on your nominations!
 Reviewed By: stargazer824 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 09, 2007 20:30 EDT
Wow! All I can say is Wow! I am so happy for Kagome and Inuyasha. What a wonderful update!
 Reviewed By: InuGoddess715 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 09, 2007 17:51 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Terrific chapter. And the lemon was definitely worth the wait. Both Inuyasha and Kagome are sweet and shy in this story....but not in the bedroom! LOL. But, seriously, those two clearly loved each other so much and for so long that shyness between them did seem a little unecessary. Inuyasha was a bit hesitant thanks to his rejection in the past (darn that evil WITCH Kikyo), but once Kagome convinced him that she really wanted him...that went straight out the window, too, lol. I really did enjoy this chapter....and I look forward to reading about the aftermath next time.
 Reviewed By: LadyCash [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 09, 2007 15:27 EDT
Really nice. So glad to see them take it to the next level. You always write such beautiful scenes. Now, to get the other two together.... I'm sure you'll make it worth the wait!
 Reviewed By: Yabou [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 09, 2007 15:09 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Aw, I really loved this chapter. The scene with Kagome's birthday was very well done. I especially loved the bit about Sango and the men on the train. ;) Her perv-radar seems to be working as well as ever (even without Miroku in the immediate vicinity). I did like the insight into her character (no matter how slight it may have been). The development on her is slow, but I can really see it coming together. And, I just knew that's where that dress would end up! Lol. The lemon was very well done. I could see the love between the two characters even though their relationship was quickly developed. The years of longing made of for the lack of time. Kagome's mother was also very understanding. Lmao. I know *my mom* would never let it go that easy, but that's my traditional background, lol. I can only hope that (if I ever have children) I'll react like she does. Congratulations on another chapter successfully completed. I look forward to your next entry, and congratulations on the nominations!
 Reviewed By: ravenreux, NLI  On: October 09, 2007 14:07 EDT
Happy B-day Kagome, no kiddin'. Anyway, this chapter was beautifully written and sweet. Great stuff, thanx for sharin'! Reux.
 Reviewed By: AKA Pirate Queen [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 09, 2007 13:56 EDT
Damn, that's what I wanted for *my* birthday! You go, Kags! PQ
 Reviewed By: Knittingknots [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 09, 2007 11:49 EDT
What can I say....sweet...Happy bd, Kagome!
 Title: Chap: One more day
Reviewed By: vikikibouki@hotmail.com  On: October 02, 2007 20:23 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Fantastic! I can hardly wait for the next chapter! I loved the way Kagome managed to finally get her point of view across. Keep on Howlin', Sweetie Luv Ya JA NE
 Reviewed By: Caitriona [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 02, 2007 17:36 EDT
Nice chapter. I like the insight you gave into wolf youkai psychology and why Kouga would train his students to be such bullies. Inu's blush when Kagome mentioned "feeling" something that night was also cute. Lastly, I am glad that at least one of Kagome's old friends was able to adapt to her new life and interests, and able to give the others the slip. I look forward to reading more chapters and hope that you look at Kouga's reaction to so many of his students - male and female - moving to Inu's dojo. Another interesting twist to this story would be for Kagome to deal with the emotional backlash of one of the youkai females when they were forced to 'submit.' Thanks for writing for us!
 Title: Nice
Reviewed By: quirkyslayer [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 02, 2007 10:27 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another great chapter! It's interesting to see how you developed Kagome's friendship with Sango in comparison to her old one. The characterizations seemed so fitting at the end. I'm glad to see you're working the spiritual power angle too. Looking forward to more!
 Reviewed By: Ravenreux [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 30, 2007 23:51 EDT
I love how all the characters...even Kagome's friends...remain almost totally in character. Even allowing Kagome and Miroku to keep their spiritual powers enriches the story. I also liked that you retained the primitively violent aspect of demon behavior. A lot of people forget that they're a savage...species...I guess. Another wonderful update, thanx so much for sharin!
 Reviewed By: jflorea [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 30, 2007 23:04 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
OMG! 30 male ookami students! Kouga is gonna be pissed! LOL I loved the interaction between Kagome and her old friends. It's great that Sango was there to support her standing up for herself...she probably would've just went along with what the group wanted to do if she wasn't there. At least the two girls didn't seem upset or mad at Kagome. That dress may come in handy for Sunday *smirk* unless she already had something better. :) Interesting twist you introduced about ookami males fighting females...wondering how that will figure in later. The characters still seem to be very 'natural'. Inu and Kag aren't fighting and bickering as much as usual but they have 5 years of history together and they are both more mature.
 Reviewed By: dreamer789 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 30, 2007 21:54 EDT
oh my god! absolutly love it. i cant wait to find out what inuyasha and kagome are going to do for kagomes birthday.
 Reviewed By: stargazer824 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 30, 2007 21:31 EDT
Nothing brightens my day more than opening my email and seeing that you have updated your story! I am so glad Ayumi decided to go to dinner with Kagome and Sango, and I wonder how the following day is going to go with Inuyasha. This story is truly an enjoyment to read!
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