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"She Who the Prophecy Foretold" Reviews/Comments [ 489 ]
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 Reviewed By: imanewme [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2007 12:19 EST
So, Sesshoumaru finally got his arm back. This is a whole new dimension on the "You complete me" idea. You caught me by surprise with the green crystal heart, but when you brought it up, I literally smacked myself for not seeing that development a mile away. I wonder who the remaining two jewels are going to heal and where they're hiding. Oops... did I say too much? Maybe I'm guessing wrong, but it seems to stand reason that there's going to be two more. One will probably get Kagome's mom and dad back together somehow but the other... Hum... gotta give that one some thought. There are so many "broken" people in this story! Again, don't tell me! One thing I did see was that our favorite demon lord and miko will somehow save the youkai race. Or maybe the human one. I'll love to see that develop, just as much as I patiently await for Sesshy to get his prize. I think it's an especially nice touch to have the kiddos back home plan on "playing" with Kouga. I know before reading it that I'm going to enjoy that chapter. Inuyasha won't have to figure out a way to entertain the kids. . . they've figured that out for themselves! Bravo to the author who made me want to smack Sesshoumaru again. Gramps said it all... what the blue hell is making this almost god figure afraid of some words. Little Sauta, wonder what he's going to say. Harumph. Anyway, this is going to be a LONG story, and I'm so happy to have the privilege of seeing it develop as it's written. The power of the internet. Amazing. I'm glad your Mom's okay. Have a great weekend!
 Reviewed By: Little Rini  On: December 14, 2007 11:55 EST
Souta FTW! :P Sorry.... I've been playing too many online games. Have you ever tried maplestory? Visit Nexon.net if you want more information. I'm on the Bera server. My IGN (in game name)? Rinichan.
 Reviewed By: brainshake [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2007 06:41 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yes, the flashback with Miyouga was cool, but Kaguras flashback was basically exactly what happened in the anime. I don't mind flashbacks in general, I just didn't like the Kagura flashback as much. This chapter was really nice. Finally his arm is back! It's so annoying that I forgot all about that box. Of course that was how he was gonna get his arm back! *slaps forehead* I giggled when Sesshoumaru chickened out on asking her mom and grandpa about courting. I can imagine him with a school boy blush. XD Oh, so you're gonna do a shower scene? Sounds yummy!
 Reviewed By: S. Mingan  On: December 14, 2007 03:39 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I like the way Hojo rationalized everything. ^^ And the way Sesshomaru got his arm back was a stroke of genius. p.s. I hope your mom feels better soon.
 Reviewed By: sugar0o [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2007 02:38 EST
like it? i love it, its additive. i giggle more reading this then i do many fanfics, i'm usually excited to see that you've updated a chapter. I've started reading it on FF just because i know that site better, but i read the more lemony scenes here. i don't think i could ever flatter you enough when it comes to this story. its entirely grand to write something you want to see b/c you don't see it anywhere else, and i have to give you much credit, most people would have fallen into a massive plot hole by now, but from what i can tell, after reading from chapter 1 to the current you have not. i'm amazed. thats just as far as it goes, and though honestly i don't think i could read it again, ONLY b/c its already at a massive 200k and you've stated you know its going to take a while longer if it were printed i'd buy it, simply bc i'd have it always. i have a feelings your going to take 5-600k before this is done, I'm honestly awed. I'm wondering how on earth your going to get the naraku fight going, and i can't help but hop kags and sess have pups of their own, as well as when its time for Hitomi to meet back up after the 500 years... i was wonder about the idea that if they get a happy ended then they are all already in the modern era meaning that their pups, and themselves [the modern them] know they are at the shrine RIGHT NOW. i dunno i'm just in love with it, like i said i don't think i could ever write enough abotu how much i adore this story. I'm so glad i found it. - sugar0o, 'r0o'
 Reviewed By: Ethereal Siren [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2007 02:14 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow. I am impressed with how seamlessly you integrated the unplanned arm return into the story. I liked the writing stile a lot in this chapter. Not that it is any different, it's just that it really shines here. I loved the whole boob thing and the pancake thing... and the dazed/lost in happy thoughts thing. It also looks like the next chapters are going to be really interesting with some wolves being used as target practice and Kagura having resolved to do the right thing. Also it seems a lot of Sesshoumaru's walls have come down and now he has a paradox of decreased confidence in being out of his element and increased confidence in receiving his gift. I am also interested to see how Sesshoumaru handles asking the question now that it sort of came up and he backed down. I'm sure that he will eventually realize that considering that Japanese culture is as it is, he should just go about it as he would with a family from his time... maybe minus any inu traditions, if they exist, that would be lost on her human family... or maybe not... I'll leave Sesshoumaru to worry about it, it's giving me a headache. I want to see the reactions to the return of the arm... the kids mainly, but especially Inuyasha. I can't wait for whatever chapter that is in.
 Reviewed By: Meru [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2007 01:54 EST
WHOOOOOOO ARM!!!!!! D: SHOWER SCENE!?!?!?!? I remember nothing being heard of a shower scene whot! whot! D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
 Reviewed By: cassandralynn30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2007 01:05 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
First and foremost I want to say again that I'm sorry about your mom and send her well wishes and hopes se feels better soon. Now on with the review: AWESOME!AWESOME! AWESOME! Excellent chapter. I'm glad that Sesshy finally got his arm back. I can see his using that to his *Uh Hem* full advantage especially where I'm..oops I mean Kagome is concerned. Man, she is one lucky Miko. I love the way you brought Sesshomaru's arm back it was very well thought and unique. Keep up the good work and Please update soon. Can't wait for the next chapter. Blessed be
 Reviewed By: missy71 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2007 00:32 EST
Loved the arm restoration scene. I hope that your Mom is feeling better. Grat chapter all around.
 Title: fictionaddiction
Reviewed By: fictionaddiction [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 13, 2007 23:30 EST
... you just have to leave me wanting more at the end of each chapter... *sighs* Aye, I have a little addiction and although I will never get angry with someone for not writting as fast as I want it (because I understand how long it can take to write sometimes) it doesn't mean I don't get all bouncy waiting for the next fix. I think I've been following this story since shortly after chapter 30 came out and now I'm completely hooked. Whoever wrote that recommendation on A Single Spark about this fic, I thank you. Anywho, saw your remark about my name and thought I'd leave an extended hi. *waves*
 Reviewed By: TreetopScout [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 13, 2007 23:02 EST
Even though I have a soft spot for Kouga, I can't wait for the kids to kick his ass. He's got it coming to him this time. At least with the kids going after him he probably won't get killed, which is more than likely what Sesshomaru would do. I like how you handled the "arm gifting" part. It worked, it made sense, and it wasn't rushed. A lot of stories that include his arm coming back to him rush it and it ends up being kind of lame. Sorry about your mum! Hope she feels better. I had laryngitis last week, which turned into bronchitis and then I passed a kidney stone so I certainly FELT like I had gotten into a car accident. Versus a train. Or some other large moving object. A cruise ship maybe. You understand I'm sure. Again, glad she's ok. Oh, and the whole shower scene isn't THAT big of a deal! I mean seriously, a naked Sesshomaru standing in a room full of steam...with water dripping down his well-muscled torso...beckoning me (uh..Kagome) to help him wash his hair...*shiver*... NOPE! Not a big deal at all. I might just skip the next chapter entirely. I'll write my OWN six page shower scene where he and Kagome re-tile the shower stall and then speak of the dangers of getting soap in your eyes. ...Uh, keep up the good work!
 Reviewed By: InuPriestess  On: December 13, 2007 22:05 EST
I don't know if you know.. but on A.S.Spark chapters 55 and up are not showing up. Only up to Subjugate Chapter... So I switched over to this site.. Great job so far U_U *bows to Sunset Miko's greatness.....
 Reviewed By: bettychan  On: December 13, 2007 19:55 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ceiling full of pictures of Kagome? Is our dim bulb Hojo a stalker? Will you let us read about Hoho trying to throw Sesshy out of the house and giving him a lecture? Please? That would be priceless. I love your sweet moments between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. It's nice seeing a different side of the Western Lord. I even love the way you work in his insecurities about the missing limb and the fact that he has the insecurities. Sounds like he'll be getting back pretty soon though. Looking forward to the next installment. You do weave a spell-binding tale.
 Reviewed By: fictionaddiction [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 13, 2007 16:19 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I just wanted to say thanks for writting an awesome story and that I can hardly wait for the next chapter. *hugs*
 Reviewed By: n8tivegurl [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 13, 2007 13:30 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hmm, I don't think I've heard of those games. I can't believe Hojo! At first I kinda felt sorry for him but come on! Is he in his right mind? I mean, *sighs* nevermind. That's just sad. He's kinda creepy too. Pictures of Kagome plastered on his ceiling, whoa. He's like that one guy Malcolm who has all these pictures of Olivia in his room, he even has a pillow case with Olivia's face on it (from the movie She's the Man). Anyways thanks again for the update and see ya later. ceira
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