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"The Arrangement" Reviews/Comments [ 241 ]
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 Title: Um. Title-less
Reviewed By: Talyssa_  On: March 20, 2004 09:46 CST
Woohoo!!!! Sex and Violence! Millions of Game developers and TV execs can't be wrong!! Although I really doubt theres a million game developers in the world. If there are then something has SERIOUSLY gone wrong with our society. But anyway.......Gosh I dunno if I have anything to say except "woohoo!!! sex and violence!" .... Ummm....Okay. Well I didn't actually feel this to be "cold" at all -- but maybe thats because I was forewarned. It had the appropriate amounts of ...non-emotion in it, but the stuff going on behind the facades was just visible enough that it was interesting and warm and fuzzy in spots (or maybe the sex and violence part just made me think warm and fuzzy things) and.....yeah. Soooo....two weeks between this part and the last part.....another two weeks to the next part? ::dies:: I dunno if I'll make it..... ::revives so she can die again::
 Reviewed By: Muffie [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 20, 2004 00:13 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
I like the voice the most. I'm one of those who prefers third person limited when I read, so I find the Wufei only POV to be refreshing. I like what you've done with Duo, as well. It's so nice to see him as a man instead of the fragile, damsel-in-distress. Wufei is my favorite character and I've thoroughly enjoyed what you've done with him. The misspellings irritated me. Particularly the consistent misspelling of "latter" as "later". Though, "canon" instead of "cannon" was amusing. I'm also beginning to dislike the use of the word sardonic. As an adjective, it pops up frequently.
 Title: kate plain
Reviewed By: nightlight@hotmail.com  On: March 16, 2004 06:19 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ah, i noticed pixie left you a nice long review. it seems like a good idea to show an author the reader's appreciation so i might follow her example. though i don't think my review can compare to hers. what a magnificent, breathtaking fic. you cannot possible know how much i adore reading this fanfic. hero and wufei are such a rare pairing so its difficult to find such a well written fic with these two. i had of course seen this fic around, but as the summary said that it was not a romance, i didn't bother to read it. it wasn't until i noticed it recommended in the wufei ficsearch mailing list that i decided to give it try. i'm very, very thankful that i did. yes, now i realize that the arrangement is not a romance but it IS a 1x5 fic. hm, i wonder how many others made my same mistake? i have conflicting emotions. on one hand i can't believe this brilliant fic escaped me for so long, but on the other hand it was a real gem to discover and the good thing is, i got to read all of the story in one big chunk. fantastic characterization and attention to detail. for the most part perfect grammar and spelling. moves at a fast pace so that the reader doesn't get bored, but not too fast that the reader feels rushed. a question for you. heero's gaze lingered on duo's butt. was he interested in duo? also, please, please have some heero jealously scenes, that would be so sweet and funny. will there be? please do! ah, that was more than one question. finally, i just wanted to ay that i absolutely can't wait until you give us heero's pov. there are many parts in the fic where i'd give an arm to know what he was thinking. hell, i'd willingly give an arm, a leg and anything else you might be interested in! by the way, i drooled all the way through the scene in italy and on board the peacemillion. good to see heero doesn't mind being topped. you truly have something amazing here. a super effort and i can't wait for an update. please update soon!
 Reviewed By: bgal [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2004 00:08 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I've really enjoyed all of your fanfics, but especially this one. keep writting please.
 Reviewed By: Talyssa_  On: March 05, 2004 04:47 CST
(er this is what i wrote after just reading the newest chapter. I read it when i was already logged off so I had to save it to notepad for today. ^_^;) Wow. For some reason this chapter just rang out as goddamn amazing to me. I mean the story overall is really high level, but this particular chapter seemed to be particularily......something. The way you painted out a small time version of the world in the university setting was great. I dunno if I've reviewed any other parts of the story or not (and i'm a bad person if I haven't!) but it really is good. There were a few parts that i felt to be rather slow (although necessarily so) and I think that although I'm enjoying the story now, if i'd read it all in one long lump it'd be better. But I'm glad you've put up the parts as it is, I really look forward to it. I honestly have completely given up on GW fiction becuase well, 90% of it isn't any good. Actually I didn't read much gw fiction BEFORE for the same reason but...this is really great. Makes me remember what a potential goldmine gw is for good stories. war, peace, characters that are JUST flexible enough to play wtih but still somewhat defined.....::sigh:: Anyway, yeah. Waiting for the next part eagerly.
 Reviewed By: Demien [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2004 09:08 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hail to uncle Wai! And yes, after after two chaps full of non-Heero -but still delightful- action, we will see them interact once again!! I would really like to offer some constructive critisism, but I can really find no flaw thous far!! Although I deeply believe that Wuffers should be having some more wet dreams of Hee-chan... So much serious thinking and economics cannot be healthy for any teenager... And I really liked that Ko-guy, although I am not normally into OCs. I really, really enjoyed these chappies! And as allways, I can hardly wait for more (and maybe some more Beautiful Symmetries?) ~yours, Demi(en)
 Reviewed By: GoldenRat [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2004 02:50 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I really like Ko, will he appear again in the fic? I like how you again incorporated an important aspect of Endless Waltz into your fic's timeline. Where Wufei sees the people truly stand up for peace.
 Reviewed By: MeLaiya  On: March 04, 2004 02:14 CST
Oh man, i am soooo in love with you. Hurry and update for the love of mike!!!! Dont make me suuufffeeerrrrrr!!!!
 Reviewed By: Dirty D  On: February 19, 2004 23:21 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I was wondering if EW was going to be included or not. Either way it's cool with me. (not like you care what I think -_-) Few times in the endless stream of fanfics do you come across a story both well written with a decent plot. My hats off to you for another great chapter. (but I don't have a hat...) Worry not about my mindless drivel, make the next chapter please!
 Reviewed By: MeLaiya  On: February 19, 2004 15:53 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
good, that would take way too long. Hey is there going to be more with them in the preventers together, I love this, i really hope theres more. Keep up the good work. Chow ;)
 Reviewed By: Pixie Smith [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2004 05:12 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
My other reviews were not very long, so I thought I'd put some time aside to write a review worthy of your story. "The Arrangment" is a remarkable fanfiction. I stumbled across your story one day because you'd just updated and I was checking out all of the new stories on Mediaminer. I wasn't really interested in reading a 1x5 fanfiction because most of the ones that I'd seen just didn't manage to keep Wufei and Heero in character. But, since I'd already read all of the good Wufei fanfictions, I decided to have a peek at yours. Halfway through the first chapter and I was hooked. I immediately saved all of the other chapters and read your entire story all of the way through. The idea of an "arrangement" was definitely a good one, because it allowed the two to interact while allowing them to continue to stay in character. I don't really enjoy reading 1x5 fanfics where they already love one another or suddenly find themselves in love and then in bed. Your fanfic is unique in that it is slowly building up to the idea that eventually they may love one another, and the fact that this comes about due to their getting to know one another slowly just makes it all the more appealing. I also think that it is great how we don't get to know what Heero is thinking because I think that helps to keep him in character, and the little signs that we get that show that he might be beginning to care is really exciting. Though, I hope that eventually when we do find out what Heero's thoughts have been the whole time, it is a loooooong chapter, because there are certain scenes where I'd really like to know that Heero was thinking. Like when Wufei and Heero had to pretend to be prostitutes, and Heero didn't follow the plan (was he *gasp* worried for Wufei?) hee, hee, hee. Also, I particularly like how you do the scene changes and don't get bogged down. Like how in chapter four, they were pretending to be prostitutes and then chapter five, Wufei had been caught and some time had passed. I also liked how in chapter eight Wufei left, but you didn't go into detail about that month when he was alone, because that wouldn't have been too interesting. There were many one liners I found funny, but I have to say that my all time favourite was "Wufei hit the embarrassment at his inexperience over the head with a shovel and buried it once and for all." That was a funny analogy and had me laughing for ages. Another funny line was "Justice had seemed so simple and clear-cut to start with; but the only clear cut turned out to be the one that Treize failed to make in Wufei's throat with his sabre." Ah, there are too many funny lines to list them all. Also, I wanted to say, your lemon scenes were great! Absolutely perfect! I reread those scenes quite a few times… *smirk* You are a wonderful author. Your writing style, ideas, everything is a perfect 10! Wow, this is turning out to be a long review, but I just wanted to let you know that there are fans out there who appreciate your effort in writing such an incredible 1x5 fanfic. It isn't really a popular pairing and if I hadn't read your fanfic, I myself wouldn't have given that particular pairing a second thought. I'm going to wander off now and let you continue writing, and hopefully there'll be an update soon! P.S - If there are any good 1x5 fanfics that you could recommend, I'd really appreciate it. Please!
 Reviewed By: Pixie Smith [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 07, 2004 13:00 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wonderful. Another wonderful chapter. This really is the only Wufei/Heero story that has managed to keep them in character. I really love it. I'm glad you didn't keep Wufei separated from the rest of them, and I'm also glad that we don't know what Heero is thinking. But, I'm also really, really, really desperate to know what he's thinking. Can't wait until the end when we find out.
 Reviewed By: the fog master  On: February 06, 2004 23:20 CST
Ow how I love this fic! it is just so damn good. my dear you are a wonderful writer. this is the best story it really is. I love how we dont get to know what heero's thinking yet. I love this fic
 Reviewed By: Pixie Smith [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 30, 2004 11:14 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Normally I'm a Wufei/Duo fan, but this one really had me hooked. I've read other Wufei/Heero fanfics, but none of them ever really appealed to me. I think now though, that I might try to find some more Wufei/Heero fics. This was a brilliant effort.
 Reviewed By: Dani B [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 25, 2004 20:27 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I love the new chapter, especially the part where you describe Wufei going through his forms. It's.. full of... emotion. That's the only way I can think to explain it. I can almost feel his frustration and confusion and everything else. And, yes, I agree that was a very 'Agh!' place to leave it. Now I'll be itchy to get the next chapter (Decisions, decisions. Wish for more of this or your other stories that I'm reading. I think I'll be waiting for all of them. XD).
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