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"Not the Only One" Reviews/Comments [ 570 ]
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 Reviewed By: ShadowStar09 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 23, 2009 05:57 EDT
June? JUNE!? DAG NAB IT!!!! *jumps around and blows up random things* I LOVE YOU! I really do! Why cant your classes end in early May like mine do? T_T Gah! I swear, if this awesome-ness, kinky, lime filled, crazy train, most un believably AMAZING fic isnt done by October I will hunt you down, find you and threaten you with an Iron Skillet and try my best not to beat you senseless with it! (cause honestly, if I beat the crap out of you, you wouldnt be able to finish this fic.) But anyway... I have been with this fic since the beginning all those years ago, and I am SO FREAKING PLEASED with how it has been turning out, Have I said I love you yet? No? Dude, I LOVE YOU AND YOUR AWESOME-NES! Now, Im 19 and I sound like a rabid fangirl (which I am)but the fact remains, your awesome, your work is awesome, and I con not WAIT till this is updated! Trust me when I tell you cliffhangers are not my friends, (makes me go a little bonkers you know.)many a pencil... and pen have died by my hands from your well placed cliffy's. But yeah, I've ranted enough, Cant wait for the update in June, and I wish you the bestest luck in your classes! Hope you do well! Ja! ~Star
 Reviewed By: Princess of dobermans [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 06, 2009 09:33 EST
are you gonna update soon, I like watching the sexual tention rise. There is one question though. who does she loose her virginity to? Yoku or Kurama.
 Title: heeeeyzz!!!
Reviewed By: beckyducky [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2009 14:47 EST
Hi Kawaii-sama! First off: thank you for taking the time to write my request when you have so much other stuff to do. Secondly: ack, you're killing me with the tension between those two! It got all hot and bothered for a sec and then the phone rings. But when does the phone NOT interrupt a great scene? ^__^ haha. This is such an interesting story! I mean I knew something was up when Inuyasha was telling Kagome to go home…but his final thought really grabbed my attention: 'You can take me, but you will not harm Kagome. I'll never bring her to this place again.' The word 'place' bothers me (well it doesn't really bother me, it just incites curiosity) because (I think) it can mean several different things. Could Inuyasha mean the Feudal Era in general, that specific area in which he and Kikyo rendezvous, or metaphorically speaking, the situation of Kik v Kag? (I think waaay too much sometimes… >< wish I could do this for school…) My money is on the feudal era because…it could be more dramatic… (ducky: meaning she has no evidence to back up her PREPOSTEROUS statements) If Inuyasha is so bent on keeping Kagome safe, then making her stay in her own time would be plausible, except for the fact that all her friends are there. I know Kagome could probably just jump back through the well on her own, but what if Inuyasha did something like blow up the well…..?? This is my guess. I'll stop for now because I don't want to be too incorrect and waste your time. ^_^ Can't wait for chapter 31 pt. 2!! Btw: when did you start this fic? (I know - it's an odd question….i'm an odd girl/duck) OH! One last thing before I forget! I READ FADE AND FLARE!! OMG IT'S SO GOOD!! Haha nothing beats a good ole' InuxKag sometimes. But I have to confess: I'm a Kagome shipper. I pair Kagome with ANYTHING that moves. So it's not like I think InuxKag is the one-true pairing or anything… Okay- so I have to ask you: do you have any recommendations of Yoko/Kagome or Kurama/Kagome or Yoko/Kagome/Kurama (haha…) fics that are good? I've been reading way too much sess/kag and I think I need to switch for a while. Thanks in advance!!
 Reviewed By: Elehana  On: February 23, 2009 19:45 EST
well, the reason why i mentioned it was so that mabey a little humour could be added if needed in the future. it's only a suggestion. you don't have to take it. but could you imagine it? youko smells kagome and playfully tries to find just where the scent is coming from, and she's blushing like mad.... of course, youko already knows what the scent means, but i still think it would be funny. i was wondering if you have some kind of wierd updating schedule.... i've been dying since last month for an update. i hope you do updte soon though. i love your fic. i swear, i'm addicted to it! why did you make me this drug!!!! lol just kidding. i like this drug if it means that i'm entertained for a while :3
 Reviewed By: miko_onna [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2009 04:42 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
So now that i have read all 30 1/2 chapers (in 2 days mind you)i can honestly say you have one oof the best stories i have ever read. it takes alot to get the perfect emotional and physical blend in these stories but DAMN if you didnt nail it perfectly. you, madmiko (i know you know her cuz ive seen her review) and very few random authors are as of now my two favorite croseover yu yu and inu authors. your story is amazing and i will be waiting desperately for your next update.
 Reviewed By: inu_luver_2004 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 11, 2009 17:18 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Nice to see your wrting again after so long. It was a well written chapter. I look forward to more.
 Reviewed By: purp1ebabe [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2009 12:46 EST
i loved the heated moment between kurama and kagome. and for a sec i thought that kagome was gunna leave kurama especially since she thinks that she is hurting him. i look forward to the next chapter as always!
 Reviewed By: Kitsuneangel88 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 06, 2009 14:36 EST
omg! an update?!? yay!!!!! and was that chapter hot! i loved that little twist at the end with inuyasha and kikyo. and as much as love inuyasha, i cannot wait for kagome and kurama to be together! please update again soon. hope you had a great holiday season! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
 Title: note
Reviewed By: Elehanna [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 02, 2008 22:21 EST
i just wanted to let you know that IM's been deleted and now you have to register at a new site, of which i will somehow get you the link to later. so, not only is the site deleted, but also the review i gave you. anyway, i remember one of my questions from my review. when is kagome gonna get her T.O.M.? she hasn't had it before, and i know that she's been 'seeing' youko for longer than a couple months, so i think it's kind of unnatural for that.... anyway, here's the new site you have to register at. http://katakoi.tsuyamono.net/fanfiction/ i know it's not long, but that's cause the original got deleted. anyway, i signed up already, and i have a MM account, under the same name as you know me by already E L E H A N N A!! heh.... i should do that more offten.... it was fun. and mabey Youko could pretend to be Kagome's scarf to get by inuyasha?
 Reviewed By: Starlet Angel [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2008 21:54 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
How comes the next chappie? I miss your writing! Thank you for sharing your talent!
 Title: Couldnt help it
Reviewed By: beckyducky [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 09, 2008 09:31 EDT
okay so hi its me. dont tell me its cheating i couldnt help it. I'm always number 399 or 499 it starts to annoy. >< so, im jumping the gun and posting again. Sorry to all the other people. You can flame me!! I loved ur parasite controlled fangirl (reminds me of yu yu hakusho book 3, after yusuke comes back to life and there's a parasite in the other gang boy). I'm interested in how that will turn out. If she destroys that parasite, will botan magically appear and say - hey be an underworld detective? (haha lol). But it's interesting that Kagome is meeting demons now that she's with the yu yu gang. previously (besides the mask and the demon mushrooms) there is absolutely nothing supernatural in the modern world. Will this put her in more danger? And will kagome go to the Makai? Also, this was way back in one of your previous chapters (the one where Kagome meets the yu yu gang at the engagement party), but how does Kagome know of Koenma? random thought. The hiei thing was cool. He's still in character (he progresses in front of kagome's eyes too.) Oh gosh - before i was thinking, ohmigod pleeeeze dont let it be hiei versus kagome for Kurama....i really dont like that. it's cliched and overdone and stupid cuz hiei's totally not gay (mukuro) and if he was, it wouldnt be Kurama (it's yusukexhiei folks). So..... >< bye for now and i'll swear i'll review more religously now that this site works!!
Reviewed By: beckyducky [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 09, 2008 09:23 EDT
Hey Kawaii-sama - sorry i couldnt write. It's just that my parents have grounded me (again). I seem to be getting those alot these days...*grumble* I hope you had a good summer. School just started so yeah that sucks.... >< But anyway your fic!! Omg the twists and turns!!!!!!! I was astounded by the whole "Tell me what you know about Kagome's death..." >< It makes me wonder: how will that effect Yoko in the past? I totally luv it when you write Yoko cuz he's just so in character (there's not much on him in the anime and a little more in the manga....) The InuXKag scene in my opinion was well done because you never forget ur first luv (believe me - i wont). It was steamy...holy hell. If ur slightly citrusy limes are this good, I'm looking forward to ur lemons.... (i mean that in the best way possible, i'm not one of those who reads collections and collections of lemons at a time....) Your story still remains tasteful. Towards the end of fics, like anime, the ending falls apart. There is less than 10 chapters left and i'm still so excited. I missed so much and i'm sorry i couldnt review. That's why i'm writing longer than normal (though i should write more on a daily basis). My school uses a new blocker now for the internet and doesnt block mediaminer - which is Great!! I'll definitely review more of ur fic. Also - there is a fanfic which i totally recommend that's one of the oldies - "The Curse of the Dragon", you'll find it on mm.org. It's straight inuxkag - and you probably already heard of it, but it's really good..... (gave me sanity over the summer). So, I am on a new mission - i intend to convert you to the religion of SesshoumaruxKagome!! I wont recommend fics now...but that pairing is luv. So back to your fic - Zomg! so the shikon is finally being completed and inuyasha stopped being that much of an ass - is kagome dying? I know this sounds kind of strange - and i doubt that you'll kill the character off (right? Please?) But the suspense is KILLING ME!!!! Also, once the shikon is completed, what will happen to it and how will Kagome stay in the feudal era? Lets say she does complete it - does she continue to wander back and forth from era to era? Because what if she screws up the time continuum or something? Also - Yoko is supposed to be fatally injured. And Kagome knows this. Wouldnt it be in her character to try and save him if she can? And how will Yoko deal if she is ripped from the era? He loves her so much - and i think it's pretty real too. Normally there is always the slime ball and the good guy pursuing the girl - but in this case, everyone is so...good that i cant favor anybody. Because in the end, someone's going to get hurt. And it saddens me kind of. Oh wow im taking this too personal but i cant help it. you're a great writer and i hope you continue on!!
 Reviewed By: SKnFS [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 25, 2008 02:00 EDT
Yay! An update and a fantastic one at that. I was surprised by a lot in this chapter. The whole Inu, Hiei and Rui thing you had going on here really caught me by surprise. I especially never really thought of Hiei as having an almost pms session with his ice powers and being... nice. Now that really would be something. You're the greatest lol. I look forward to your next update
 Reviewed By: yusukekuramagirl  On: August 24, 2008 02:56 EDT
update soon. i want to know what happens between kagome and that girl. i also want to know about her relaitonship now with kurama. i am a little sonfused like kagome is.
 Reviewed By: Raeko [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 23, 2008 15:40 EDT
Hm...interesting interaction between Kagome, Kurama and Hiei in this chapter. I wouldn't have expected Hiei to react that way, although I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. After all, as Kurama said, he didn't REALLY want her dead or he would have just offed her. ^_^ And this is an interesting twist with the parasite-controlled fangirl! I can't wait to see how that turns out--although I have to admit, I hope Kagome manages it herself. Somebody said they hope the knight in shining armor shows up soon, but sometimes a girl just has to save herself, you know? Oh, and I was going to say, a weird thing has been happening with MM. A couple of times now, I've tried to look up Not The Only One in the little search bar, and nothing comes up. It's like it's not even on the site. The only way I could get to it was to browse by author or title. I have no idea why it would do that, and I don't know if it does it to anybody but me, but I just thought I'd shoot a heads up that something weird is going on. >.< Sorry if it turns out to just be me!
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