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"Black Widow Miko" Reviews/Comments [ 506 ]
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 Reviewed By: Shadeless Night  On: October 28, 2007 20:56 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Well I'm glad you're not dead! I was getting worried for a while there ^_~ But major glad you're back! - Except for that cliffhanger! That was freaking evil you little mastermind! *sighs* And yet I know there's no way I could hate you for it simply b/c your story is so amazing.... But I can kick and scream until the next chapter comes out - that way I have something to do. ^^ I'm so excited now though - the huge mystery is finally starting to unravel - even if there are still many more twists to come, as I'm sure with you there are. I have to commend you for that though - your ability to keep us in the dark for so long about the deaths - even when we kept getting hints - is quite impressive. I still dont't know what the story is! Tis frustating lol. But thankyou so much for such a wonderful chapter and I truley will be pulling at the ends of my hair waiting for the continuation of this awful cliffy! ^_^ Keep up the brilliance!
 Title: Ohhh myyy!!
Reviewed By: Angie..who??  On: October 28, 2007 13:03 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ahhh I swear I thought you were dead!~!! Suchhhhh a loooonnggg time, but no fear, I read it as soon as I found out there was an update!! Heh. SOOOO many things you left open, with Hiei and Kags, and ..and well everything, how do you do it?! I'm compelled to keep waiting...lol for another update... so have a good.. idk... time...while/before/during writing. And I swear, last thing, I think it's cool how your doing the songs again..
 Reviewed By: HeartStar [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2007 11:54 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hmmm sorry is it the demon energy from the babies taking over or did she just want to proove a point
 Reviewed By: HeartStar [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2007 11:53 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hmmm sorry is it the demon energy from the babies taking over or did she just want to proove a point
 Reviewed By: inu_fan001 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2007 11:16 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awsome chapter....AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !1
 Reviewed By: alissa  On: October 28, 2007 04:14 EDT
oh my god!!!! please update soon before i rip my hair out waiting!!
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2007 01:46 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Long dark hair in Kurama's bedroom... that's just evil what you did to us. Are you planning the same for next time? another side step on this cliffie? I agree with Brokensouledpoetess. Youko is going to have a kitten fit (or is that kitsune fit?) when he finds that Kagome and Hiei have been playing footsies under the table almost their entire acquaintance. Really the fit will only be due to his annoyance at missing out on Kagome and, in effect, losing to Hiei. It is all about the ego with Kurama. I hope you do a good long description of his expression and thoughts when you finally out them. At this point you seem to be outing them person by person. Zhang has known for ages, Genkai and grampa know & the sons are beginning to strongly suspect. Plus Kuwabara may start to figure it out from the whole "red string of destiny." Loved that bit by the way. If too many more people figure it out it will ruin the big "THEY'RE DOING WHAT??" explosion/shock scene I've been anticipating/hoping for. More detail later, but it is very late where I live. Nice to see Kagome make one last attempt to save Kikyou, then surrender to the inevitable and finish her off. In my opinion, it was exactly what a grown up Kagome would do, one who hadnt lost her ideals, but had faced enough adversity to know sometimes there just isnt any way to save someone who doesn't want to be helped and you can't keep beating yourself against a brick wall.
 Reviewed By: BrokenSouledPoetess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2007 00:45 EDT
What'd I think? Are you fucking shitting me? What I think is that you are pure evil. Why must you always end the chapters with horrible, evil cliffies? SO not fair. On another note I was delighted to see this updated and it was an excellent chapter. I can't wait to see what has Kagome so scared for Hiei and how the boys will take her pregnancy. I bet good ol' Youko is gonna just about swallow his own tongue when he finds out Kagome's been rejecting him to go bump fuzzies with the temperamental hiyoukai. And yes, birth was uber quick. Liam wanted out faster than the doctor could get there and he was even in the hospital already.
 Title: Black Widow Miko
Reviewed By: PureMiko_Kagome69ner [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 27, 2007 19:56 EDT
Kikyo's death was fine. I just hoped that her death is more ... ... bloody? With blood and lots and lots of screaming. Then again, she's dead. I don't think the wench has blood, ash and clay, yes.
 Reviewed By: darkjewel [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 27, 2007 18:21 EDT
I should've known you would not let something like that happen. I feel so much like a sucker for that one. I guess the fox gets to live. Yea for lemon! Boo for cliff hanger! Yeah, this one did qualify as a rather emo chapter. I was so relieved to see them together again, and I was so hoping Kagome would be too lost in passion to notice what our little fire baby was up to. Oh well. That'll teach her to use the timing method. :-) And, of course, it looks like I'm finally going to get somewhere with this mystery, but I still have to wait! *shake the laptop* Well written, as I have come to expect. I could practically hear your soundtrack when Hiei was comforting Kagome. Glad to see Kikyo is gone. Not one of my more coherent reviews, but I'm tired. Happy dance has been performed, and I will go back to staring at my e-mail.
 Title: KawaiiKekeChanNLI
Reviewed By: Kawaii-KeKe-Chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 27, 2007 18:17 EDT
Wah! You updated! I'm soo happy! ^.^ Another fab chapter- how naughtyof you to make me think it was Kagome that had went to sleep with kurama! Cleverly done!! I loved the comment about having a 'height requrement' for Kagome's mate- Hiei would NOT be happy about that one!! And the long awaiting making up lemon- yum! That was fantastic! BUT another twist! Kagome's pregnant with twins! Kawaii! However...she blasted the father against the room!! (between our stories, we do knock poor Hiei about a lot! ^_^) Can't wait for next chappy! Update when pos!!
 Reviewed By: selenitypotter [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 27, 2007 16:31 EDT
Christine Nicole made her appearance 9 days early. She was a healthy 7 lbs 9 oz, and 19 1/2 inches long. And I do get lots of snuggle time as she doesn't like being put down. You would think at 7 weeks old she would sleep in her own bed! Loved the chapter, I got to read it while I fed the baby and she took a nap. Hope you update sooner than this last time, I'm dying to find out what happened next!
 Reviewed By: Latch [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 27, 2007 15:43 EDT
jsdakgh. I JUST read the last chapter of this last night, mourning that one of the fabulous YYH/IY crossovers was leaving me hanging. Either great timing on my part, or yours. XD Lovelyovelylovely chapter. I've had my suspicions for a while about how Kagome's mates met their end. I'll be interested to see if I'm correct. 8D -eagerly awaits-
 Reviewed By: Sardave [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 27, 2007 14:49 EDT
Wow! This was so worth the wait. Oooh, that story is so eagerly awaited by so many of us!! And you put a (couple) of babies into the mix!!! *squeal* That poor little girl...or better yet; that poor little girl's suitor once it comes to that...four brothers, and Hiei as a papa.^^; Of course, you are most welcome for the drawings of her sons. It did me some good to put visuals with the chapter! I hope it fills everyone's idea of how they should look. Congrats on being nominated, and as usual, I look forward to your next chapter! *hug*
 Reviewed By: Seiteki_Tenshi [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 27, 2007 14:42 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG! you are so evil! i guess its ok, patience is a virtue after all...i love that sassouta wants to make hiei kagome's mate...thats so cute (and so perfect too)! kikyou knew just how to get kagome to come to her...its sad that she would use that agsinst her...but she tended to do that alot in the manga/anime, so i could see her doing it. but that HORRIBLE ending!!! totally totally totally evil! omg i dont know how im going to wait for the update! So, im glad were getting kagomes story next chapter, but...wow. thats just crazy! so did inuyasha, sesshoumaru, and kouga have to go through that too? right after she concieved? hmm lots to think on until next chapter too.
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