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"Hostile Takeover" Reviews/Comments [ 381 ]
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 Reviewed By: bakachibi_voidfox  On: February 01, 2004 01:49 CST
noo! get up bakura! *runs over to Ryou and hugs him* dont worry we'll get your husband out! *puts a hand on the door* Damn you! *the door is blown apart* *rushes in and brings bakura out, hugs him* dont worry the_wonderul_bakurasgirl will help you out! *bakura wakesup from the dream still cold in his soul room* *bakura finds a key in his hand with a note attached, it reads: ashiteru bakura itemri I will watch over your*
 Reviewed By: ZL_Chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2004 00:24 CST
Poor Marik, Bakura, and Aria. *sniffles and grabs a tissue* How dare Yami do that to Bakura, making him leave Aria alone. Aria wanting her father back. Those kinds of moments always get to me. Oh, and the Robbie and Aten thing you have here is so kawaii!!!! :D
 Reviewed By: Bwuebewwy Sugar Pwincess  On: January 31, 2004 18:48 CST
OMG!! I am soooo sorry I dinin review! I went on vacation. I am soooooooo stupid>< I missed so much! So, here we go; KYAHHHH!! evil aku!! HE RAPED MARIK!!! MARIK!! NOOOOOO! so evil, aint you? YUUGI!!! NOOOOOOOOO! *whimpers and cuddles a naked Yuugi plushie* Poor Yuugi! And Yami was soooooooooo mean! Bad Yami! Bad! *smacks Yami up the side of of his head* BAD!! And Bakura and Ryou!!! Bakura got stuck ;___; POOR BAKU-CHAN!!! And Aria was making me feels so sad. Don't chibi's have that affect all the time? And Aten and Robbie! *Squishes the chibis* Chibi!!! Awwwww, so kyoot^^
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: January 31, 2004 12:02 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wahhhh!!!!! BAKURA!!!!!!*crys* its not fair! *gives him many warm hugs and hot soup* poor marik...wake up! i will so be here tomorrow,it may be late but i am definalltly coming here and reading! is he supposed to be naked just like back in egpyt(some symbolism thing going on?) keep rockin on! -valea
 Reviewed By: Crazy-kins [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 31, 2004 09:00 CST
Ne.. poor Bakura-kun. Damn you, crazy yami. No wonder I always got freaked out evey time he showed up on the anime. *shivers* Sometimes I just wish he would shut up, fall to the ground, get poked to death (my ideal way of murdering), then explode into a bunch of happy evil pieces! YEEEEE!!!! HAPPINESS in DEATH!
 Reviewed By: Amane  On: January 31, 2004 07:06 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is Kari, the "new reviewer", under my usual name Amane. ^_^ ADFF.N has a habit of shortening my reviews (seriously what you read was only 1/3 of what I had written -_-;;;), so I think I´ll start reviewing here. *nodnod* o_o And wow...what a "welcome". *clears throat* Okay, I agree that Yami is an okay guy, just not when he does things like...-that-. *glares and mock stabs her Yami plushie* I was going crazy imagening what would happen to Aria now that Bakura had been sealed away and Yami was sort of threatening her and all. o_O *smiles* But Aria´s fine and Yami...not in the near vicinity! *dances around happily* I´m glad Yugi´s okay, he´s my second fave hikari. ~_~ Meh...I feel bad for Bakura, I WANT HIM OUT OF THAT FREAKIN SOUL ROOM!!! *coughcough* Yes, yes I do. *thinks a bit* Oh! Absolutely love the fluffy Aria-ness of this chapter! *wallows in it* And Robbie and Aten cuddling up to each other in their sleep...makes me want to squeal all fangirlish alike. ^_^;; *scratches head* Oh! Forgot to say, Aria´s my fave character in this fic...arc. *nodnodnod* She´s one of my fave characters ever, even though she´s an OC. I don´t usually like OCs, but her and Aten are just too darling. Really, I re-read every section that has Araia in it, 2-3 times. *cough* I´m not obsessed. >_>;; I just wish that she was a real character in YGO. You´re doing a marvellous job and I´m -more- than looking forward to upcoming chapters.
 Reviewed By: ZL_Chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 30, 2004 23:56 CST
Woah, Yami's really ticked, and he banished Bakura back into the ring forever? People are sent off to the shadow realm and hospital? AAHH!!! Now I'm worried!!! Ryou, Aten, Aria ..... What will become of everyone.... AAAH!!
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: January 29, 2004 23:13 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
NOOOOOOO WHY!!!!! *falls on kness and starts to have spasms* gahh! Bakura! Ryou! Malik..so oblvious to everything! *cries and runs around* *chases after Yami with a stick and a girl scout cookie* i ahve been selling my brains out and you WIILL BUY FROM ME! *roar* *sings why cant we be friends* man...when you said it wsa gonna get worse..you sure as hell meant it, it was a good read..too bad i wont be here to read it! wahhh!!!! i hope yugi will be ok..bakura will get out...someone come and save someone!!! but hey its all good, i love ssupense*does dance and passes out from high bloodpressure*
 Reviewed By: Valea  On: January 29, 2004 23:10 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You know i had the worst day known to man today, but reading this is making me feel better. Just to know the evil plots that are going on here makes me cringe. I like it. Run Aten...you'll be turned to stone!!!!
 Reviewed By: bakachibi_voidfox  On: January 29, 2004 19:47 CST
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT BAKURA!!!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! POOR BAKURA-SAMA! *DISSPEARS, AND REAPPEARS IN THE MILLENIUM RING* *HUGS BAKURA TO CHEST* shhh! its ok...i'll go get you some cloths, poor baby...its ok, one moment...*apears in front of Yami* you B*******! *starts to beat the crap outta yami* how dare you...*kicks yami* ..do that to my poor bakura -sama!! feel the wrath of the goddess of thieves and destruction! *does the same thing he did to bakura to him* *goes off to get cloths for bakura, and some hot soup* i hope bakura will be alright wonderful_writer_bakurasgirl T.T
 Reviewed By: Malik lover and Anzu Basher  On: January 29, 2004 18:40 CST
NOOOOOOOOO.... BAKURA'S GONE!!!! * hugs the collared yami* Pharaoh, YOU DON'T KNOW PAIN!!! * grabs the Voodoo Anzu and pulls out a brand new Yugi Voodoo doll. She scrunches them up together.* HEHEHEHEHE!!!!!..... okay...... now that that's settled..... Here ya' go! * pushes her Bakura towards you* Hurt this one and die! * The Dragondreamer holding a Plushie, just like his hikari* Bakura: Here.... take it* shoving the Dragondreamer plushie towards you* Aww.... isn't that sweet?
 Title: O.o
Reviewed By: super_JM [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 29, 2004 16:43 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
blinks at all the fighitng and anger. "can't we all just get along." mumbles the others. "NO". "Well fine be that way" grumble and cross arms. nice chapter. but I don't like my yami's fighting. chains them up in my room. "there that better." grins evilly
 Reviewed By: joeyrules [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 29, 2004 15:55 CST
Meeps! Great chappie! I seriously can't wait for the next one! Continue soon! Chau! EMily
 Reviewed By: joeyrules [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 29, 2004 15:17 CST
omg!!! Nooo Yugi! Sorry major Yugi lover here...I think this chapter came out yesterday, correct? It was awesome! So I'll be waiting here tonight for the next chappie!!! And also apologies for not reveiwing all of thy chappies...ya know I have a heavy load of work every night...and whenever I'm reveiwing I get kicked off this computor too...so for today, i auctually get to reveiw since I took 8 shorter classs instead-yep this storys that great- so ya better keep writing! lmao Chau Emily
 Reviewed By: CynicalSpiritValea [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 29, 2004 08:52 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
and i had to come back here to review for this chapter! i mean omg...*fights the urge not to go off* its so SAAD! but thats cool...man...aku be a bastard just rememebr that..its not malik *tlaks to myself* hehehehe...thanks for sending me the story in email! i have the computer though i dont know for how long...
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