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"What Matters the Most" Reviews/Comments [ 480 ]
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 Title: Kill the spider!!!!
Reviewed By: Ladykaa28 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 21, 2006 20:26 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Now it's about time to kill the spider. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru have been through enough heartache that Naraku should be killed off now. Their family has been torn apart and the only thing he can do is still find ways to hurt and humilate them. He has to die a very slow and painful death. Anything less than that would be an injustise to Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, their parents and their children. Even his own daughter is suffering because of him. I say there should be a way to make her into Sesshoumaru's. I know this sounds kind of mean/evil, but if there was a way that she could die and then be brought back to life with only Inu blood flowing through her then she would never have to know who her real father was. Or if after Naraku was killed that part of her was to die and the only way to save her was some sort of blood bond or whatever. Nothing something that would have her dying because the person she was linked to was dead, but just enough to keep her alive with Inuyasha. Something that would change her over to a inu instead of half dog and half spider. As for ways to kill Naraku I think he should be blinded and have a collar placed on him. Then after that for him to be abused like Inuyasha was. Everything but the rape part. The collar first and foremost would drain his youki so that he won't be able to use his tentacles or miasma. He would then be stripped of all clothing save one piece to cover his privates after they have been cut off. He is to be fed once every two to three weeks if any at all. After that it should be left up to Sesshoumaru as to the way he should die if Inuyasha can't carry it out. I think I sould give someone else a chance to say something about this chapter.
 Reviewed By: golden_kitsune [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 21, 2006 17:06 EDT
Why did the film piss you off? Just wondering...or does it piss everyone off, and I am oblivious to its pissy elements? Also...how can you say "someone's gonna die" with a smile? It sounded gleeful in my head, maybe that was the aftermath of Naraku's glee. If someone dies, don't worry, I'll still protect you from others who would mind more than me. If the dead person is Naraku then I would happily give you chocolate, but I hope his dying is a given...does that mean two people are gonna die? Wait...I'll just hope it's Naraku.
 Reviewed By: CrimsonInHumanBlood [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 21, 2006 16:40 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ayiiiieee noooooooooooo >.< *cries* thats so sad and mean!!!*tears apart random things* must have more!! we must save the sesshy! and the inu! and the thing child! the lil bastard naraku must die!! damn it now i have to wait for more again!!! why do you have to do this to us!! >.< *growls at the cliffers*
 Reviewed By: Ms_Senstive [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 17, 2006 22:28 EDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 5 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I like the story line, having his father alive and that. it is a really good story so far, now the reason why i gave you a low mark on spelling and grammar was because i found some mistakes switching like son and sun, don't be offended though I make those mistakes to some times. The reason why I gave you a 8 in the style of writing was because it did not jerk the hart stings as much as the situation called for.
 Reviewed By: coldTenshieyes [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 15, 2006 03:57 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WHEEEEEE!! A CHAPTER!! Can't wait for the next one already, gots to lurv this fanfiction! O.o just this time to accept.. .uh-oh.. *runs behind Fluffy from my fanfic* *three hours later* Ok I'm better! So much to say of this chapter! For one: extremely loooong! Whooo!! Two: Inu's really, really loosing it! lol, can't help but lurv it though! He got bitch-slapped by Naru-kun!! AH! lol, I'm ok! Naraku's quite confussing though... cz in two (I think) chapters ago, Naraku had Inu Nuzzle him. and than he had him lick his fingers and all that good stuff. So... Does Naru-kun have more than just a power craving thing for Inu? just a random thought... hehe you always find a way to answer that in the fanfiction instead of actually writing it though! ^__^ (Us writers have issues like that... wonder why... ? hmm...) Yea... little weird of me to actually type that! Just another one of my weird passing thoughts! So the new moon's coming, eh? Inu has a lot of problems like you mentioned! But hell, if I went through that shit, wouldn't I? Lol, I blabber a lot to you and it's fun! Nah, you don't need to learn to shut up, maybe I do instead lol! Great fanfiction, lurv it as always, can't help myself! Read Common Ground! It's awesome! Can't help but lurv the Threesome of those guys! It's awesome, just like Keep Your Enemies Close (If I hadn't already told you! hehe) Well, yea, I think I've jibber jabbered to much! And it IS 2:56 in the morning here... Yawn! Well, Buh-bye! Can't wait till next chapie! L8RZ! (^o^)/~
 Reviewed By: Caitriona695  On: August 14, 2006 11:57 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Oh dear! I knew that Inu was gonna just turn into a pile of whimpering goo. Usually when I get about halfway through one of your chapters I start hopeing that you will stop liking Inu quite so much. Poor pup. This particular mind f*ck is much worse than I thought. You mentioned that Inu's youkai had retreated back into him.....and that he was concerned about when his moon time was coming. That doesn't look good for the pup. Without his enhanced senses he really won't be able to distiguish whether or not Sess and his papa are real. And he has already said that his body doesn't want anyone touching it - so even his sense of touch won't be able to help him. :( The tale of his last moonless night with the pups was rather sad. Rejection by your own children has to be a heartbreaker. There was a paragraph about 1/2way through where Inu was enumerating what he didn't know and what he didn't have control over. That was probably the saddest one in the whole chapter - because it really emphasized the complete hopelessness that he is going through. sigh Poor Pup. Now that all the principals are in the same place, perhaps your muse will let us know about our little moon child? Do bribes help? :) Looking forward to the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Fluffymiyster [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2006 21:28 EDT
It must be difficult to have your hopes and and dreams risen and smashed so many times so that when the real deal finally comes along, you can't distinguish it from another fantasy. Anyways, I'm happy that Inutaisho and Sesshomaru have finally shown themselves to him (though it wasen't his choice if Inuyasha could see them before now.) So, let me stop now, and simply say that this was a great chapter (always deep and insightful!) and I can't wait till the next! (Oh, and one more thing, I don't know if you watched it, but yesterday on Cartoon Network they finally played the third movie. The collar around Inuyasha's neck kind of makes me thing of Sounga, minus the violent killing sprees!)
Reviewed By: Nikkie23534 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2006 20:50 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I loved chapter 66, especially the end. Finally! I was starting to think that Sess and Papa Inu where just being lazy! I am truly tried of Naraku, and his whole 'InuYasha is mine' crap! I hope Sess stomps him into a gooey mudhole! Looking forward to the next chapter, I only find time to read when the babies are napping. Their starting to get the hang of the sleeping longer at night ^__^! ~ B reading U!
 Title: Awsome
Reviewed By: Crazy-Inuyasha-Girl [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2006 09:30 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awsome chapter please update soon.
 Reviewed By: Tai-san  On: August 13, 2006 08:13 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Even if the chapter didn't go the way you wanted it was kickass exteme as always. I had to do a little mini dance when Inu finally got to see Sesshomaru. I can't thank you enough for sharing your work with us. Can't wait for the next update. Best wishes.
 Reviewed By: CrimsonInHumanBlood [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 12, 2006 22:30 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Eeepp!! noooooooooooooo! not again!!! not there! Must be more!! >.< Raawwrr!!! Must have more *Starts foaming* update soon.
 Title: What Matters the Most
Reviewed By: Mom1  On: August 12, 2006 20:59 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another Cliffie!?!?!?! I always thought I had acrophobia; however, I love stories where my toes hang over the edge at the end of the chapter....*sigh* so will Inu be preggers again? Hope not for his sanity's sake. Great job. Love your writing! I am not signed in but my regular 'ID' is anf600
 Reviewed By: golden_kitsune (too lazy to sign into her account)  On: August 12, 2006 19:13 EDT
Woh, I am so upset/happy...he's being rescued, but what'll happen? Fight? Bargaining? What's more will Sesshy exact the sweet, sweet revenge we all want? Or will Naraku get away evilly? And I love all chapters, odd vocalizations aside.
 Title: Yowza is equal to Wonky...
Reviewed By: Trysted Punishment of the Inu... one in the same...  On: August 12, 2006 16:57 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Naraku must DIE... or suffer at my hands a bit. :D Now, it seems I remembered where the collar idea came from... I should learn when to shut it. LOL. I hope Inuyasha gets back to normal soon... Well, not to normal. I miss the cocky, arrogant version... Poor guy... His psych bills are going to be enormous... Can his mating bond with ole' Sessy take this? Hehehehe. I'd love to see more soon. I Tryst am very happy to see an update. LOL. Thanks, Avarwen.
 Reviewed By: mindfreak [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 02, 2006 12:38 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
update soon!
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