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"What Matters the Most" Reviews/Comments [ 480 ]
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 Reviewed By: Tryst/Punishment of the Inu  On: May 31, 2006 20:51 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I am not happy with Naraku, but in some ways.... I am! :) Demented huh? Another thing... Why oh why oh why.... Doesn't Inu kick his butt?! D***!!! Poor Sessy, he's in a real bad place. To bad for some things just are never that easy. Sigh! Oh well. Update soon, but not to much. We don't need you hitting the wall. Kay. Thats about it. Laters, Tryst
 Reviewed By: Caitriona [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2006 20:41 EDT
Actually, yes, I had wondered about feeding the little dear, but you have worked that out. Induced lactation is actually not that horribly uncommon. In a totally normal human being like you or me, a male can produce milk without hormone treatments. Extreeme stress added to demanding physical activity and a shortage of food has been known to cause male lactation. This was first observed in a group of holocaust survivors and later from POW's in vietnam. It is VERY RARE but has happened. So what I am saying is that this is plausable. Sad for poor Inu, good for his wee daughter, but plausable. Thanks for writing! Caitriona
 Title: agh!
Reviewed By: ____insert user here [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2006 20:41 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
yeah, the ***____insert user here*** crap is me, billie-san... my server doesn't let me post with my account so i must go w/out my real account. ugh. anyway, yeah, i don't usually like metal that much either, but this is the only album (except for evanescence if you can even count that as metal O_O) that i like that's metal. i like rock too! yay. (again, music freak here... well. music and fanfics of course.) AGHH!! this is the third time i've tried to review and the server keeps dropping me off this page! AGH! -stewpid mofo server.- okay. sry. *anger management*. agh! very excrutiating updates- good but very hard to read! sad! -shiver- when will our poor hanyou get a break?!?! -tear- awww... okay i must be seriously annoying people here with my retarded american thing soo... bye! thanks for updatin'!. (and sorry for being like 'SORRY' all the time... i have to stop doing that! agh! -stupid apologetic factors- *realizes* @$@$#*!!!! AGAIN ANOTHER APOLOGY! -smacks head-) okay. i am being stupid now. okay byee! very niiiice job. -runs and hides in dark corner, luckily no shackles! AGH! take that back. **stop referencing rapes...** retry: runs, hides, no corners, shackles, or male nursings. JUST: shivers, no distress, etc. hits head again. realizes the many wounds of writing reviews...- sry bye! ~le freak~
 Reviewed By: Caitriona [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2006 20:29 EDT
Excellent chapter! I very much like the imagery that you use for Sess at the beginning of the chapter when you allude to him shattering into a million pieces and without Inu there to put him back together it would be irreparable. Anyone who has dropped a wine goblet or other thin glass can easily see what you are talking about. One thing I didn't really like was the idea that Sess's youkai would think that Inu had left him willingly and allow the mark to fade. That seems odd after being able to feel Inu's pain and hopelessness and the like. It seems that it would almost grab onto what little link there still is and hold onto it like it were a lifeline. And then you let me have a little chuckle with the whole naming bit. When my sister had her first child, she and her husband had decided to name her Hanna Kathleen. They agreed with this even as she went into labor. Everyone in the family just knew that Hanna was the next addition. Hours later, my sister introduced her family to the newest addition, Julie Elizabeth. Needless to say, the looks of shock were priceless. I can just imagine Inupapa's face because it couldn't have been that different from my own fathers. Onto the next chapter. Caitriona
 Title: agh!
Reviewed By: ____insert user here [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2006 20:28 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
yeah, the ***____insert user here*** crap is me, billie-san... my server doesn't let me post with my account so i must go w/out my real account. ugh. anyway, yeah, i don't usually like metal that much either, but this is the only album (except for evanescence if you can even count that as metal O_O) that i like that's metal. i like rock too! yay. (again, music freak here...
 Title: OMFG!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Nikkie23534 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2006 20:02 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have read every fanfic you have posted on this site, & I have to say BRAVO! This fic is no different. It's taken me three days to read this story I think its just amazing! I would love it if Sesshomaru could show Izayoi a little of the compassion and empathy she tries to show him. I mean he acts as if she hasn't lost someone too. Inuyasha is his mate and all, but he is also her son isn't he? And what of Inuyasha and child? How long do they have to endure this a**hole's tourtore. Naraku should be drawn and quartered, and Sesshomaru should let Inuyasha cut it off of him with a very dull, dirty, & rusted knife. Thanks 4 writing this. Looking forward 2 your next chapter.~ B reading U!
 Reviewed By: LizzzA  On: May 31, 2006 18:41 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Omg I am so sorry it seems my computer froze up to chapter 55. I didnt mean to be a pest. Forget my last comment! So sorry! Love your story!!
 Title: chapt 62?
Reviewed By: CrimsonInHumanBlood [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2006 17:59 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
me see no chapter 62- less its hunger?
 Reviewed By: CrimsonInHumanBlood [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2006 17:56 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Aww that was cute! poor IY. I hope there is a lemon in the next chapter... thanks for updating. ^_^
 Reviewed By: golden_kitsune (too lazy to sign into her account)  On: May 31, 2006 17:50 EDT
Tsukiko?! I never beat innocent children, and as you've probably guessed, I am a sucker for dog ears. I know, not a spider beating course. A Naraku beating course. But you know, he never dies so you can use him again and again. Or I could beat him every other wednesday but never kill. Oh you are turning me evil...ah well, he deserves beating! (And Tom Hanks was wanted by the ostriches because they were jealous of his acting skills in Forrest Gump)
 Title: YAY
Reviewed By: the amber dragonfly [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2006 17:38 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I don't know what you're complaining about- that chapter was fantastic! I can almost see poor Sesshy in his agony... poor fluffy! We need to get him his inu-puppy back soon! And yes, you have COMPLETELY corrupted me now- I've actually been surfing MediaMiner and FF looking for other Inu/Sess pairings, and sadly (or maybe gladly) none are ANYWHERE on par with yours. Maybe it's the mpreg thing... something about men getting pregnant and giving birth is extreme entertainment. Muahahaha! But I really don't think that's it, because I've read other mpreg fics, and the only one that came anywhere close to being as wonderful as yours was an Inuyasha/Ranma 1/2 crossover mpreg fic that, sadly, has not been updated since 2005! Oh, the tragedy! I hate it when talented authors don't finish their stuff!! Luckily, you are not such an authoress. And don't worry about the insomnia- it was totally worth it! BTW- there's a pic on DeviantART that would go SO good with this story- if you're interested in seeing it: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/22945933/ But you've probably seen it already! Anyways, great chapter- keep up the fantastic work! (You've inspired me to want to write my own mpreg fic... oh, the insanity!)
 Reviewed By: CrimsonInHumanBlood [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2006 16:58 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
blah............... no lemons n limes........... :( blah. oh well yeah i had an email saying that you revised chapter 40 or something ...
 Reviewed By: LizzzA  On: May 30, 2006 23:08 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
=( still waiting...
 Title: sry!
Reviewed By: see below V  On: May 30, 2006 19:56 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
okay sorry again but you can see just the mindless self indulgence albums at this: "http://music.yahoo.com/ar-290690-discography--Mindless-Self-Indulgence". sorry for bothering everyone with crap about music and not fanfic! agh! -rips hair from head- bye! om h
 Title: sry again
Reviewed By: ___insert user here  On: May 30, 2006 19:53 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
okay, but i have a really good song that i think kind of goes with the feel of fifty nine... if you've ever heard of mindless self indulgence, then it's called what do they know by, again, mindless self indulgence, in their album you'll rebel to anything. idk if anyone here's ever heard of it but it's a relatively explicit song, it's just kind of angry metal stuff. it's a really good song.... if you have a certain kind of internet, you preview it on this:: "http://music.yahoo.com/track/18371415". (copy/paste yeah.) okay thanks!
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