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"Purity 9: Subterfuge" Reviews/Comments [ 2359 ]
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 Title: Chapter 149
Reviewed By: xSerenityx020 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 15, 2011 15:10 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I finally catch up from all the other stories and there was a chapter update on my birthday =] it was a amazing chapter even tho it was one of the sad ones but stories cant be all fun and happiness or the story wont go anywhere. I just wanted to let you know that i think you are a wonderful writer and that i have all of your stories on my Kindle. yep im a nerd but its all good. Keep up the fantastic writting and i'll be waiting for the next chapter =]
 Reviewed By: Inusbabe [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2011 06:40 PST
Wow! Open mouth and insert foot Evan. I didn't see that coming. But it is surprising he hasn't had one before now. There must be a plan in place for when this type thing happens, because it also happens to the avgerage Joe too.
 Reviewed By: theablackthorn [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2011 01:45 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Such a eerie sadness filled with p[ainful memories. I really would love to hug them both and fix everything for them, btu then they'd never learn.
 Title: V-day
Reviewed By: puppypal27 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2011 00:38 PST
I loved this chapter. I think it definitely gives you a better view into V's mind and that dream/memory was gut-wrenching. Poor little Valene and her awful little foster brothers telling her it's no use. I had a nightmare once that my mother (who died) would drive up and I could see her car in the window but she would never get out and she was only a window away but I couldn't get to her. I couldn't imagine if instead my mother never showed up at all even in real life. Poor V. On a side note: I've been calling Valentine's day V-day all morning and laughing at how much I would love to read about Evan and V on Valentine's day hahaha! I could only imagine what that man would do with a holiday just for V haha :) -Monique
 Reviewed By: Nate Grey [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2011 20:48 PST
Yet another moment where the phrase, "Oh, by the way, I'm youkai!" would solve so much. Well, not really. But asking Cain for help is starting to seem like the easiest option. Surely a tai-youkai employs certain persons just so they can sneak into labs in the middle of the night and switch blood test results? I just hope this doesn't go south to the point where Evan's pride gets him in bigger trouble, again.
 Reviewed By: BlueThunder [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2011 16:28 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
So let me just start off saying how much I love all of your stories. Then let me say that this story is driving me crazy... I love Evan and V, but seriously. When is V going to leave Mervin and when is Evan going to tell V about what he is and about the whole college one night stand thing?? Please put me out of my misery darling writer. Thank you for providing these wonderful stories for all of us to read. :) P.S. Do you have an idea as to how many chapters this is going to end up being?
 Reviewed By: lilswtheart9811 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2011 10:22 PST
Because I have supported you for what 5 years? Wrote countless reviews, stuck up for you, and have always been one of your biggest fans. I wrote that review to you to try and make you feel better about the Valerie situation. Credit is not usually something I care about, but when you have replied personally to many many reader's reviews and not mine...it really hurts my feelings. Not once in the time I have started reading your stories have you ever personally said anything to me and as far as I know I've never offended you, I don't know it just doesn't seem right (and yes I saw that you thanked everyone in general, but it's not really the same.) Sorry for writing this all out in the open, I'm just not sure how else to contact you so feel free to delete this. Anywho have a happy valentine's day, I hope it's enjoyable for you and the hubby! I feel that the time for evan to unveil his secret is getting ever closer and I'm excited!!
 Reviewed By: Tashwampa [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2011 06:55 PST
OOOhhh!! Angst!! I hate lovin' it, but I do!! I feel bad for not remembering to chech the chapters, so I could leave you a review. I feel as if I've failed at life. I'm just in awe at how stupid people can be. I can tell from the way you write that you have felt the pain you write about. I just love how your story will always have depth and real emotion. Hope you have happy, an wonderful Valentine's Day!!¢¾
Reviewed By: iloveanimecartoons [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2011 06:43 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I laughed, then I laughed some more—this was online in the first few paragraphs, mind, but… No wonder V was just—is awed the word I should use—by Evan’s ‘Eh, what the hell’re ya gonna do...?’ attitude on the subject of his possibly fathering a child [and getting a DNA summons for it]. The comment he made on a photo of said woman’s punnany…well, if I was eating I’d’ve choked. **sniggers** Yanno, even the final thought went perfectly with this title—for fuck’s sake, indeed. This chapter brought P8 back to mind to me, and all the Youkai testing; makes me wonder if Kurt has connection that Cain may not, in the human and medical aspect. .I had a feeling V’d take Evan’s attitude on this whole thing fiercely—her emotions, no matter how much she tries to gloss them over, are still right on the surface, or right under them—and his usual laid-back, laugh-it-off casualness was an unwanted bur in her backside at the moment. I think a part of her was a bit disillusioned as well, probably having quick flashbacks of his more caring, nurturing side, remembering him with his niece and nephew and his students and knowing his good points, to see him just blow this off—not at all getting his heritage or his inherent knowledge of how babies are made, or not, Youkai-style—and her feelings on both front are overlapping. What a surprise you’re in for, down the line, V, Dahlink… Lovely seeing another Purity character after a while, Bitty being one of those ones that tickled me to no end, still, it’s also great to see her in a professional setting. The DNA testing, well, I never thought about it pr how Youkai/Hanyou blood testing issues were dealt with. Evan’s most likely not the first non-human entertainer served papers and now I’m intensely interested in the outcome of this turn in his life and career. I also love how blunt Evan’s Youkai voice was, not letting him laugh it off and just ‘well, you know how I am’ things. However much they’re connected, truths still need to be said. **claps**
Reviewed By: iloveanimecartoons [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2011 06:42 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I thought for a second how interesting it’d be if all this time of trying to put her family in a neat little box labeled ‘the don’t care, I don’t care’, that they may have been watching her all these years, her parents, knowing her, even as she drabbed down her appearance, as the daughter she was, following her career and growth as a woman. It was a lovely with, but I think I’m just a closure freak when it comes to your stories. Go fig. It was a random thought, so am I, so, yeah… Okay, real review time… The reunion was nice a laid-back and I was glad Munchies made a nice topic to soften any potential difficulties—for now. She…she really put him in a diaper… I keep trying to imagine the pooches dangly bits and keep coming out laughing…HARD. I love that doggie!
Reviewed By: iloveanimecartoons [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2011 06:42 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This chapter made me go “Hmmm…”. Then laugh a lot. First, Thinking on her later becoming a part of the Zelig clan, I wonder if V and Sydnie would reminisce on their mutual thoughts of their mate’s dogs ‘eating them’…I also wondered if, overhearing such statement, Evan would have smarmy comeback. Then, somehow, I drifted to thoughts of a Dominatrix V giving Evan…orders…aaaand… Oh, my mind… Moving right along, folks…Then, a dog hanyou giving a human dog-training tips…hellafunny! The Silence of the lambs line was awesome, Sue! **wipes a tear of mirth** Dang, that movie’s 20 years old?? Get out! Tellin’ my age, here…LOL! I had issues surrounding my father’s death of throat cancer and the last days before he died, I couldn’t get me head right about them. So I’m not in the V-haters club about it at all. It’s a lot to process; the adult’s protective/stubborn/resentful streak vs. their secrets hurts/yearnings/unfulfilled desires/unresolved issues. I feel for her. I’m so glad she had Evan. I don’t think Maddy could have comforted her the way he could have. I laughed ‘til I was loopy and lightheaded about Munchie’s testicles…and doggie diapers! Oh, HELP…! HAHahahahaHAH!
Reviewed By: iloveanimecartoons [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2011 06:42 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
V’s conscience cut sharp as a knife, sometimes…phew. Then again, it’d have to be to get through her defense mechanisms, denial and mental blocks, ne? I KNEW Evan would drop everything for her, though, as I also guessed, V’d push against him disrupting her schedule. The fear of big dogs, I feel her pain, still it’s kinda funny reading her responses to said fear and realizing how I do the same things. Then, I laughed at myself. About the A/N, you re a wonderful, sensitive, detailed and enduring writer. Maybe in this time in your life, you know of your skills but want to aspire to greater levels of creativity; maybe we just plain hurt your feelings in out V-bashing,; maybe we leave comments in a rush of reader emotion—either caught up in the drama or quickly venting our frustrations at the length of time it’s taking this couple to grow up [but they will and years of inner struggle don’t fix themselves overnight—even the bond of mates doesn’t magically make one whole as there are some things, no matter how much you’re assured that you’re not alone or fighting a battle by yourself, that one MUST face on their own two feet]…maybe we use the wrong adjectives or don’t really grasp the creative process when, in your case—mine , too—these stories really are our ‘babies’ [those pieces of life crafted from imagination with care, feelings invested, real developments taken seriously for the real audience we’re hoping to please, which is, first and foremost, for us, the creators ourselves]. You write for you…and us…and you care about the outcome and the responses, not s a nitpicky, insecure newbie, but an established authoress that connects with your audience and your characters. I get it. Wish everyone did… **le sigh** I’ve gotten to know you well over the last near-decade and you’re not just words on a PC screen, but real living, breathing woman with average and not-so-average issues; still, you carry on and give and give to us, even in your dram, your trials, and, yes, your unfavorable reviews and emails. Because I know I have reviewed in a blur of fanciful terms, or fangirl emotion, I’m sure I’ve taken you aback more than once, if I take the time to reread every review I ever sent you. For what I was too green or quick to get out there to see—how it may have in any way deflated you—my sincerest apologies; I, in some way, shape or form, have been creative all my life and it WAS for me in a lot of ways but, when I chose to share those things with others, it was a big deal. So, quickly chopping my efforts in to so much tinder left me a little stunned—especially after said commenter[s] chose to deliver a slap in the face disguised as criticism [of that, we both understand]. Just know that, more times than not, I get what you’re doing in the way ou portray your characters flaws and clumsy attempts at moving on or growing up or getting over old vices and prejudices/biases. I see it…and will try to remember to reread all reviews before posting them, keeping you, their wonderful creator, in mind. Please, don’t stop writing. I’d miss it, and you, so.
Reviewed By: iloveanimecartoons [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2011 06:41 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Okay, what’s so creepy about this chapter is how closely it reminds me of the chapter I’m working on. The emotion, I mean. Okay and the outburst and tears. Dudette…that kinda tripped me out. NEway, this chapter almost made me cry. My eyes were all glassy-looking when I used the restroom after finishing this one and I looked like someone stole my favorite throw right before my eyes—yes, I’m THAT much of a creature of comfort; then again, you already know I’m anemic, so… That newest ‘V’ song was so sad. And when he sang of ‘forever’, the lyrics in the song, on his end, my stomach clenched. It was sweet, but kinda bittersweet in the moment, for the chapter anyway. I love Maddie’s mediating skills; she’s objective but not too pushy. She really gets her friends and say just enough. She also seems to know when to back off. Go, Maddikins! Bugs, as always, tickled me and Evan’s flirty ness with the bunny is always so cute too read. That stage name was the stuff of spit takes, Sue. Ben Haumpin? HAH! **wipes PC screen of coffee** Off to devour the next chapter. I’m reading and commenting—sometimes in the midst of a chapter to keep the thoughts fresh. Damn, my childhood must have been pathetic as I think back to thinking “I kinda envy V for having so many families to care for her growing up, even if not for long...”. But, I guess I may get into that more, one day, in the forum. NEwho, off the chapter 145!
 Title: wonderful as usual!
Reviewed By: lilbabybee [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2011 06:19 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh the suspense!!! Is Evan finally going to tell V? I can't begin to imagine her reaction. Especially because all of her new friends (and old ones like Madison) are all youkai. Ahh! I can't wait for the new chapter(s). As always, I love your story! Keep up the fantastic work!
 Reviewed By: theablackthorn [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2011 04:16 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I don't think Evan's ever gonna catch a break. bitty's right though I'm surprised given his previous behaviour that he hasn't had this happen before. I hope he can sort it all out.
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