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"Purity 9: Subterfuge" Reviews/Comments [ 2359 ]
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 Reviewed By: KaloBagh [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2011 07:17 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hello... I've been reading you fanfiction for many years now, and I really hope you continue. Your work to me is phenomenal and I don't want you to feel discouraged for the fact that you feel that you've "missed the mark". Everyone have limits and I understand that but within fanfiction you can expand those limits and learn from you reviews. Power to you and love and blessings. Oh, and I don't mind an angry V here and there... Someone needs to put the Zelig family in order... Gin's encouragement is great but we need a girl that can kick thier asses into gear. :)
 Title: I don't understand.
Reviewed By: AtamaHitoride [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2011 07:16 PST
Why your readers feel it's nessicary to bash this story I will never know/understand. IF they don't like it... why are they reading it? And why do they feel the need to belittle a character they obviously can't connect with? Val isn't like your other female leads, so duh, she's not going to react the same as say Nez or Gin did/would. But that doesn't means she's a bad character or you aren't doing a good job portraying her. She comes from a different background! She's a different character! I haven't read a story by you I didn't like, and even with Sam's story (though very dark in nature) we trusted you to find her way home, happy and whole. So why not trust you with Evan and Val? So I guess my point with this is i'd really like to ask these angry reviewers to back off. Sueric at the end of the day doesn't have to post a damn thing she writes, but she does for us because some of us are really invested in her characters and love her style. If you don't have anything nice or constructive to say then don't say anything at all.
 Reviewed By: Tarzan14 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2011 07:10 PST
I really enjoy this story, and look forward to the update emails saying there is a new chapter. I do think the characters are different kinds of complex than the ones in your previous stories, but I like that! I also like that Evan and Valerie aren't just falling together, they're going through obstacles. And love the Munchie aspect of this chapter!
 Reviewed By: IldikoChan [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2011 06:48 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I am completely amazed that people have anything poor to say about this story. I've been an avid read of yours for years, reading each and every story but never reviewing before. I apologize for that, I realized authors really enjoy reviews, but I admit to being lazy a lot. However, upon reading that so many are being downright abusive in their comments, I decided it's about time I /thank/ you so much for continuing this tale! You've opened the world of Inuyasha, added in characters who are REAL, who come alive within my imagination. No Mary Sues or any such thing. They have actual issues and are approaching situations as a person honestly would. For everyone who is bad mouthing you, they are obvious morons. While you may feel that this story is stretching your ability as a writer, I feel like it ha refined it and only aided in your amazing ability to make characters come alive. It's hard not to be "angry" at a character, but I would take that more as a compliment. You've made Valerie such a realistic character that people WANT to see her happy. But it's this struggle, this day-to-day life that we get to see unfold that makes it all the more worthwhile! It makes the story have depth, you are not the type of author, you stick to your guns and keep developing the plot and characters, not just giving them meaningless endings that don't resolve anything. Huge freaking kudos to you, Sueric! This story as well as all your others have been an amazing adventure into a continuation of Inuyasha that surpasses all other stories out there! Should you ever write professionally and get novels published, you can be assured I'll be in line to pick up your book. Thank you again for continuing your series, even amid those negative comments others have thrown your way. While I am just a stranger on the internet, I feel they are all way off base in their criticisms. Good work and please, keep up the amazing work!
 Title: Hang In There
Reviewed By: Kitty BoBo [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2011 06:37 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey there! Another excellent chapter as usual!! Please don't get discouraged, I know writing for the masses is hard, but don't give up! There are too many of us who LOVE your stories, so don't quit! I totally understand why V would feel the way she does about the news Evan gave her, eventhough I've never been in that situation. I figure that its easier to cut off someone who you feel screwed you over than it is to confront it. However Evan knows that if V doesn't face her past demons that she will never be able to move on. She has come a long way since the beginning of this fanfic and she still has a long way to go. Both she and Evan have some serious emotional baggage to sort out, and I respect and appreciate the fact that you are taking the time and effort to write this from such a realistic standpoint. There is no way that them getting together now and throwing everything else to the wind would solve anything; they would still be screwed up inside. As they face their problems together and support eachother trough hard times it makes them stronger, better individuals. It also continues to bring them closer together. I read something somewhere that said "True love is when true vulnerability meets true understanding." this quote fits V and Evan perfectly. I know that when all the drama blows over, that Evan and V will be together, so I happily patiently await that outcome. In the meantime I enjoy watching them grow as a "couple" lol. Lastly, this chapter makes for a very interesting turn of events... I know im not the one writing this fic, but it would be so great if the next chapter was about V and Munchies bonding!! V needs a friend right now, and Munchies thinks Evan wanted him to look out for her so its perfect! Maybe Munchies gets away from Maddy again and tracks V down while shes out jogging; or maybe some crazed fan dressed as "V" somehow gets through security and Munchies saves the real V or something... Who knows, maybe later down the line V would end up keeping Munchies (MUCH later of course, lol). Of course you know that whatever you decide is fine, I will read it regardless! So hang in there and keep up the good work! Take care!!!
 Title: NOOO!
Reviewed By: smallflower [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2011 06:17 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Don't you dare stop updating! I might... I might... go postal and dye my hair white and have white dog ears surgically attached to my head! I'm addicted. I admit it. I love every single chapter you post. Every. Single. One. Some people are just stupid and, you're right, have probably not had to deal with that depth of "emotional darkness." Ignore the ignoramuses and keep posting for my sake... and yours. :D
 Reviewed By: Inusbabe [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2011 05:20 PST
I really hope V goes to see her father. Even if she doesn't forgive him or he acts like he doesn't care she won't have to live with the "what if" that she would always have over her head. She will know that she did TRY and that is the least she can do. Let him/them know that she is mad/hurt at them, but for the most part she turned out DAMNED fine without them. I think I understand her a bit. My father and myself weren't close when I was growing up and when I was in my early 20's my parents divorced. But slowly my father's health got worse and worse and I knew he wasn't going to live forever. So I started to go see him and call him more often and I feel better with myself that I put forth that effort that even if maybe he didn't deserve me to there at least I tried to mend it some what. I think he also regretted some of what had happened to us. Again no contact from Marvin. It amazes me how many days they go without contact. Whereas Evan is calling V before he gets on the plane. Marvin could do that at least.
 Reviewed By: kamackie21 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2011 03:06 PST
I can understand V's reaction. While my immediate family has always been great, we took in one of my cousins who was really damaged by the emotional abuse both her parents (who were divorced) put her through. Sometimes you have to cut people out of your life, even if they are family if it's toxic for you. I know whatever resolution you have for V will be right for her (psychoanalyzing a fanfic character, lol). I'm really enjoying this fic and happy to see the emails with updates!bg
 Reviewed By: jessie6491 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2011 02:11 PST
So, I would like to start by apologizing for only reviewing a few times in all the years I've been reading your Purity stories. My excuse is that I tend to not leave reviews unless I feel I have something constructive to say or questions that I just can't ignore. That being said, I think you are doing an absolutely fabulous job with Evan's story. I will admit to getting a little impatient about seeing Evan and Valerie together, but I've loved every chapter leading up to it. I check your stories for updates every day even though you usually update MWF. I can't help but think maybe I'll get lucky and there will be some suprise update. It always makes my day to see one. So, don't doubt yourself. I read a lot (and I do mean, A LOT), and you are by far one of, if not the, best writer out there. Jess
 Reviewed By: Lynzi18 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2011 02:06 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Don't let anyone get you down, you are a fabulous writer and what you've done with this story is amazing. The last two chapters were awesome and I loved them. I hope V realizes that Evan is better than melvin lol. Keep up the fantastic work!!!:D soo excited to read the upcoming chapters!
 Reviewed By: puppypal27 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2011 01:19 PST
I wanted to comment on your note before I comment on the chapter. It's extremely easy to pass judgement on a fictional set of characters and be angry at their actions. What people don't realize is that the feelings came from you as a writer and a person. Your work is beautiful. It doesn't hide the ugly but deals with it up front. People lash out at it because usually one turns to anger when they fear the unknown. I don't know what others have been saying to make you doubt, but I think it's definitely coming from a place of ignorance (not to be confused with stupidity). If you've never felt that kind of rejection then you can't always sympathize in the same manner as someone who has. Those of us who have felt that way probably will cry or shake our heads to dispel the instantaneous feeling of rejection that your story can trigger. I think it's a passionate, realistic portrayal of how hard the journey to trust is. I loved this chapter with Munchies and I have a feeling V might not be quite soo afraid of dogs after this one (at least I hope so haha). Don't second guess yourself Sue it's really amazing and your story is one of the bright spots in the lives of all of us who love it and who have found a way to trust past the sting of rejection. -Monique
 Title: don't ever stop
Reviewed By: xbitternessx [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2011 01:02 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm hoping this review posts from my phone. I saw your notes at the end of the chapter, and I had to tell you. For all the people who don't know a thing about what V's going through, I'm one who looks forward to your chapters because I know all too well. I've loved all your female characters, but V struck a chord. Growing up in a trailer in Kentucky, born to parents straight out of high school who were too busy partying to care for a child... well, I was lucky. I had grandparents to raise me. Don't ever think you're inept. A lot of people want cardboard cutouts straight from a Twilight novel, where everyone's perfect and nothing goes wrong. Real people have issues, and it makes for beautiful writing. The fact that I brought your new chapter up on my phine because I couldn't wait to get home should say something, I hope. Looking forward to more.
 Reviewed By: Lennex [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2011 00:02 PST
Fantastic chapter as always. I dont know why people are hating on the way your are writing, i cant understand it. I love every single chapter you have written and hang on every email update i get hoping for a new one. I think the development of the charecters are wonderful and ya sometimes its not always easy to get a couple together, but if it was it wouldnt be much of a story. I ask myself every chapter how can evan and v get passed the barriers they have designed for themselves and i view it as a adventure. I know that when they final hit the point of realizing their feelings for each other, it will be a grand thing due to the way you have written this story. Sorry for the wordy review but i just wanted to tell you how i feel about the story and cannot wait to see what happens next. L
 Title: bad chapters? where?
Reviewed By: Nate Grey [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 08, 2011 20:26 PST
Huh. Valerie took the news a lot better than I expected. But I'm starting to wonder if Evan really did this in part because of his own weird issues with Cain. I almost expected Valerie to point that out in order to take the focus off of her. I don't recall any bad extra chapters, so I assume they're either invisible or non-existent, and I'm leaning toward the latter.
 Title: Ch: Confrontations
Reviewed By: Ryo5492 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 08, 2011 19:08 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Mann i love this story lolxD its one of my favsxD i really can relate to Evan alotxD That fight that V and Evan had on the island almost made me cry because of how much i was reminded of real life...and those truly are the best stories..when you can relate so much to the characters that their feelings become your own..and you know what sue? the only times that i ever log on to mediaminer is just so that i can comment on your fics once and a whilexD its actually one of the reasons that i got an account=P Thanks for writing
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