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"Purity 9: Subterfuge" Reviews/Comments [ 2359 ]
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Reviewed By: iloveanimecartoons [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 20, 2011 07:29 PST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
The belch comment was priceless, Sue! V with kids, I'm looking forward to that, too--still, her willingness to accomadate Marvin in his research by avoiding having kids is wonderful and sad at the same time. Still, I get it. I love Evan's possesiveness...even if he has a temper...so cute!
 Title: Chapter 134: Simply put...
Reviewed By: iloveanimecartoons [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 20, 2011 07:24 PST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Heartbreak in text. That convo with Gin and Evan was a little painful to read. Friends...well, I've said it probably needs to start there with the two but, whoa, what a knock to the heart. That line ‘She never was mine, to begin with . . .’ seems more sad than usual. But I just go to your forum to read the TEASER to P10 to cheer me up again!
 Title: Chapter 133: ...and the blue balls continue...
Reviewed By: iloveanimecartoons [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 20, 2011 07:18 PST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
But, damn I feel V's pain! I had something really similar happen with a long, dirty floor spinter when I was a preteen! Same shot plus a needle to numb the area, and a little surgical knive work and wrapping and I was fixed and disinfected, but limping feebly for a few days. **kisses V's boo boo** ...well, tries to but Evan won't let me get too close--LOL! One wonders if he'll actually make it to have a night or 3 of frivolous sex with a total stranger and what that'll mean, in the end, for their relationship. There's so much fear ans so many touch and go/walking on eggshell topics ans occurences between them and I hope the come to a better understanding with time. I won't rush the process as they both have lots to learn about life BEFORE love!
 Title: Phew!
Reviewed By: iheartinuyasha426 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 20, 2011 03:53 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
My heart was racing when Evan saved her from that guy. I can't get enough of this bittersweet love he has for her. I'm desperate for him to get his happy ending. Love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!
 Title: BMPX for the win!
Reviewed By: Nate Grey [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 19, 2011 20:53 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I admit up front that I don't review often (I can never remember my password, your stories are the only reason I come here anymore). But you're one of several authors I'm reading right now with a story that provokes some, ah, strong responses, so I feel I have to say something. One thing I've always liked about your stories is that it's easy to sympathize with the characters throughout. Usually I find myself picking one of the two main characters and cheering them on throughout the story. It's kinda hard to do here, though, because Evan and Valerie each have their amusing quirks and it's hard to pick sides and stay with it. Every time I'm convinced Evan has done something too wrong to forgive, he shows a decent side, and every time I think V is starting to come around on him, she backpedals. The odd thing being that they're SO good at getting on each other's nerves that they're even starting to annoy some readers, from the sounds of it. After this many stories from you that I've loved reading (and re-reading, and in the case of anything with Gin, re-re-reading), I'm not about to doubt your writing abilities. And you're right, that people get so annoyed is a sign that they're really into the story in the first place. I will admit, I find Evan supremely annoying at times, but to me that's just realistic writing: if you ever get to a point where you don't care what most of the characters are doing, you probably need to stop reading. If, however, you're so into a story that you're willing to flame the author into steering it the way you want, maybe you're in a bit too deep, but again, I say that's just a result of supremely good writing. That said, if Marvin were to accidentally fall of a building suddenly, you wouldn't hear a peep of protest out of me. Erm, anyway. Anyway, I have a very small suggestion for the next time some reader is mad at you for some silly reason (I'm sure you've seen them all, so I won't bother to name any). Anywhere in your response, just randomly type the phrase "antique balls" and see what happens. If they laugh, you know it's probably a longtime fan that's just a bit misguided. If they think your fingers slipped (a lot, I guess), maybe don't take them too seriously. Most likely they're just new to this crazy awesome train that is Sueric fanfiction. And because it IS a crazy awesome train, feel free to run some people over if you have to. Like Marvin. But not really. Unless you have to. I'd understand. I think we all would. Me especially. Anyway. Please keep doing what you're doing, because you do it so very well. Why else would I be telling you to run some poor, boring guy over? That's devotion is what that is. Seriously, my spam filter for this review is BMPX and all I can think about is Evan riding a mountain bike back and forth over Marvin. I'll take that as a sign to stop now. Hopefully I made you smile or laugh at least once, you've done it for me a whole lot more.
 Reviewed By: Glacier_Tako [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 19, 2011 20:12 PST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Part of me wants to shake the two of them until they come to a consensus, but part of me understands why each of them acts like they do. Valerie seems like she understands what Evan wants at times, but others purposely acts oblivious so that she won't have to acknowledge the fact that Marvin 'perhaps' is not right for her. I wish Evan would confide in someone else, because it seems like he needs advice. I can see perhaps a closer relationship with his father could develop (if he knows the story of his parents or if he does not then when he learns it). I can't wait to read the next chapter, you have been spoiling us with so many chapters in the past weeks.
 Reviewed By: Cricket42 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 19, 2011 19:19 PST
I really do agree with your opinion. I have already said I really like Valerie. I can identify with her. Yes I shake my head at her from time to time but when I think of my past at shake my head at my own antics. He is a love struck puppy and I think its cute. She scared and its understandable. I don't review often because Media miner keeps signing me out and it takes a long time to sign back in. I love and the story and when you go a while without updating its like I'm missing out on hanging with my friends. And I love her confusion and her antics. It proves she's human. An imaginary human but human none-the-less. Keep up the good work and the only thing I wish was the Marvin was a little more jerky or jealous. I really hate his apathy. Anyway toodles. ~Cricket42
 Reviewed By: CatLover260 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 19, 2011 10:00 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
In response to your AN at the end of the chapter I personally didn't like Evan much from the previous stories (actually I was hoping to see him brought down a few pegs) but I have found him sympathetic in this story and am coming to understand him better. I read this trusting you to make a readable story, and let me see Evan in a better light. You have not disappointed me. The only thing that worries me about this story's ending is that Mediaminer limits how many chapters a story can post (heard this from another author) and you won't have finished the story. That means there will either be a part 2 or that we will miss chapters here. Now to talk about this chapter, I loved that Evan and V are feeling so alike in a way, yet, in keeping with their characters, so different. I eagerly look forward to seeing how they overcome their difficulties and get together in the end. I thought it hilarious that Evan drops everything, including the girl he was hoping to get with, to go rushing off to V's rescue. She did warn she might step on a shell and get hurt he just didn't believe her. If the injury hadn't been so bad I might have suspected that she did it deliberately to get him back to her. I also love his youkai voice being reasonable and his mind being so stubborn. I look forward to what comes next.
 Reviewed By: bubbles111 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 18, 2011 18:04 PST
 Reviewed By: Time Keeper [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 18, 2011 14:44 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sue, I love your writing, and have been following all your Purity works. I'm glad to see you sticking to your principals. I don't want to see you change a thing in any of your stories for anyone. Each story is pure and unique, and I feel like I know each character as a person at the end of the story.
 Reviewed By: ladygeri [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 18, 2011 06:58 PST
Just wanted to say to some of the other readers that are ranking on Sue. LEAVE MY AUTHOR ALONE!! A good story and memorable characters sometimes takes time to evolve and develop. But even still She has a life of her own. I have been reading her stories for years. While I don't always leave a review...you can guarantee that I am a constant fan and an avid reader. Do you want a story that's rushed and makes no sense or one of those supposed chapters that is only 2 or 3 short paragraphs that leave many more question than answers. There are plenty of those out there. Be grateful that Sue is an author that always finishes her stories. I know quite a few stories that were real good and when you got into them the author abandoned them. Sue. Happy Belated Everything. I patiently await your next chapters. Lots of love.
 Title: Fantastic
Reviewed By: villagefox [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 18, 2011 04:26 PST
Reading your last comment made me just a little upset at the people criticizing your work. I think your writing style is fantastic and I'm elataed every time I get a new chapter notice. Please understand that those who cannot appreciate the true worth of character development are usually those who normally read PWP and can't handle actual stories with themes, plots, and characters that take on a life of their own. Keep writing and don't be discouraged. I'll try to update more often but do know that there are many, many people like myself who appreicate your skills for what they are; Amazing. Villagefox
 Title: D:
Reviewed By: fanfic7inu [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 18, 2011 03:51 PST
..in place of the usual ^-^, i've placed a D: because i can't believe that you'd even be bashed like that. you're the kind of writer i revere, honestly, because i figured the kind of people who would read your writing would be the sort who would no better than to submit something other than support or constructive criticism. i'm a fan of this arc, not only of the pace you put it at (it's very pleasant to read at the end of a long day) but of the different setting you put it in. i love the way you write, and how it even seems to analyze the story for us. :) sometimes it's all so very straightforward, and sometimes it's not, and that's what i love about your writing-- it all fits. i'm enjoying the journey the both of them are taking in this arc-- yes, the evolution of a character is crucial, and to be able to live through that evolution is an even better experience then a quick summary of what's happened. i appreciate you and your writing and your world, so i hope you don't get too downed by whatever losers that are hating. feel better about this arc and know that you have some real, loyal fans out there. :)
 Title: Island Girl
Reviewed By: inuyashaloverr [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 18, 2011 03:42 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh, first off - Happy Belated! Sorry, am playing a bit of catch up as not been feeling all that great as of late and been caught up in other things, but still, wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday, even if a bit late. Sorry bout that *blushes*. Second -been loving on the goings on between V and Evan (and others). When he gets bored Kami only knows what will happen, hehe. And V, sometimes I get the feeling wants the best of both worlds? The stability she sees in Marvin, but the passion(and smexiness) she see in Evan, tho I could be totally off the mark on that thought. :D Either way, love the story, Sue. And Thank You much for sharing your wicked ride with us.
 Reviewed By: lilbabybee [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 18, 2011 03:30 PST
Sue, Sorry I've never reviewed before, but I'm a huge fan. Subterfuge is my favorite of all the Purity stories. I'm sorry to hear that you've been discouraged lately with some of the comments. I don't understand why people would be so harsh toward either Evan or V. I'd like to think we've all been in Valerie's position in some way or another- making choices because we think they're what we need to do, not what we want to do. Should I take the unpaid internship for a really awesome company, or do I take the crappy steady job because it puts food on the table? You do what you have to do, and after a lifetime of making the "right" choice, you tend to just do it without thinking. Being sensible isn't always glamorous, but it becomes a part of who you are. You may be left with a few regrets, but you know you did what's best. I think that's why I like V so much, she's sensible, but more importantly, she's realistic. Writing a character who's more like an everyday person in the world of romance and adventure can be a huge challenge, but I think you've handled it beautifully. I think that's why I love this story the most. And also because Evan is just TOO cute! Plus, he could tell V everything, cross the line to get her to leave Marvin, but he doesn't. He's not weak! If anything, he's the most patient man in the world. Anyway, I think this is the best story so far. Keep up the phenomenal work! -Sarah
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