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"Minoue" Reviews/Comments [ 521 ]
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 Reviewed By: magedelbene [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 08, 2008 18:53 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow. Each chapter get us deeper and deeper into the plot. Fascinating, all the twists and turns and changing scenarios which take you even deeper. Loved the Sango-Kaede's moment, the old Kaede been just her. As Kagome's mom first now it's her time to give Sango an insight she didn't consider. Good for Sango, she is having a lot of friends and people that care and are willing to help her through. Kaede as Kikyo's mother? Poor Kaede!!! Never saw that coming!! But like it! ;) Poor Kagura, it's all I can say about her, but her spirit is still there!! Glad you brought her back last chapter, maybe she'll have a new opportunity in this story to make things right. Naraku is Naraku, evil till the end... wonder how Kagura will continue now, I know she won't be able to just betray him -after all she cares about Kanna and he held the heart's threat- but this is Kagura, somewhere she would be able to play her own game. Great update Cathy! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!!! :hugs:
 Reviewed By: Gin Blossom  On: March 08, 2008 18:44 EST
Well that was a sick and you're right, sadistic lemon, at the end, but you're writing these characters very well and I like how you're developing Sango's character too. Kanna's especially depraved this time around, isn't she? I have sympathy for Kagura, though, trying to protect her. Thanks for the update.
 Reviewed By: hemlockglade  On: March 07, 2008 20:24 EST
Ahh.. the "mature" hangover - you know, the one where you think "how the &*#$ did I ever do this in college?" Poor Miroku - once every five years is enough for me, thank you. But there is nothing like shared misery to promote closeness. Have to vote against the "hair of the dog" thing though (although if Inuyasha was offering I'd probably give it a whirl, what the hell). Though who actually owns the "Spank the love monkey" pants, I don't want to know! And favorite line of the chapter goes to Sess - "Are you holding pajama parties now, Little Brother?" (I can just picture the deadpan expression that accompanies that line - lol!) And after the frivolity, to have the chapter end with the appearance of Naraku! I can't wait for the next chapter and am eagerly waiting for more!
 Title: Chapter 17
Reviewed By: FarAwayEyes [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 28, 2008 02:16 EST
Koga is terribly foolish, isn't he? Just because Inuyasha is a hanyou does not mean his brother won't side with him. Regardless of their disputes and difficulties of the past, I just don't think Sesshomaru would choose Koga over Inuyasha---regardless of being full blood or not. Didn't he know that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha were brothers? And if not, why didn't he put two and two together? It's pretty stupid to go to him and whine about his baby brother doing this that and the other only to find out that Inuyasha IS his brother in the first place. It seemed the more he shouted about it the less credible he sounded, too. And what a way to incur Sesshomaru's wrath by insulting Inuyasha's blood. Sesshomaru may insult Inuyasha and call him half breed and all of that, but anyone else does it and they'll pay the price. It's one thing for Sesshomaru to say it---part of me wonders if it isn't so much out of habit or him hiding his fondness for his brother. Anyone else saying it doesn't just insult Inuyasha, it insults him. I thought Koga got what he deserved with that backhanding. I can't help but think this isn't the last we've seen of him, though. Regardless of the new death warrant if he should break Sesshomaru's rules, I don't see him giving up. He wants Kagome and he wants his pride back and to do that he has to beat Inuyasha. As for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's conversation, I'm not surprised that they have to catch up some. I don't see them traveling in the same circles generally given their history. It's pretty funny though, that Myoga would wait until tape recorders. The silly flea should have known by now that no matter how angry Sesshomaru might be about something he said he'd not waste his time killing him. I also like the twist that as soon as Sesshomaru truly no longer wanted the sword it stopped rejecting him. Popular theory says it's because of his full blood that causes the rejection, but I don't buy it. If that were the case, their father should have never been able to use it. It's a youkai weapon, so therefore a youkai should be able to use it. Tetsusaiga is just particular on who uses it. Bad intentions earn you a shock and good intentions give you the ability to use it/touch it. I am curious to see however how these two will reconnect. I sense this remorse coming from Sesshomaru especially. Either one could have certainly reached out, but he seems to be the one most bothered by it. They might not have seen eye to eye and they may have fought viciously in the past, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel guilty. I get the impression that Sesshomaru feels lonely. Inuyasha is his only family and they've wasted so much time being at odds until they simply didn't talk anymore. I think he feels bad because they could have been closer and had a better understanding of one another. I think he also realizes that Inuyasha, for all the flaws he's focused on surrounding his blood and the like, is the type of person he should have trusted all along and feels rather foolish for not understanding that sooner. His brother's honest and loyal and, at his current age, rather wise. I get this sense that Sesshomaru feels like he's squandered so much time not reaching out to Inuyasha and building that type of alliance with him. While it wasn't necessary to have that set up in this particular situation, it would have saved him from bringing the whole fiasco to Inuyasha's dojo. I also get the sense that he isn't so unhappy with Inuyasha's choice in mates. I think it's interesting that you define "mates" as a means to an end relationship for either pure pleasure or the making of heirs rather than the now cliché but nice mate-for-life thing we see in most stories. I suspect that Sesshomaru realizes that Kagome is the right one and although she's human she not the deceitful creatures he feels the majority of humans are. I just have to wonder if Inuyasha will want his brother in his life as much as Sesshomaru seems to want Inuyasha in his.
 Title: arizonasiren
Reviewed By: arizonasiren [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2008 03:56 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Just love this story. But, I love all your stories. Can't wait for next update.
 Reviewed By: LadyCash [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 19:16 EST
Poor Sango, so uncertain yet of her new friends. More time is the key, she can't hold out forever. Glad to see Sess bringing IY into the family business, give him an outside purpose and importance. That'll go a long way, I bet, with his confidence, too. I love the way your slowly working them all through their problems/fears. Makes for a 'fuller' more engrossing read.
 Reviewed By: InuGoddess715 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2008 21:27 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Good chapter. Poor Kohaku. I should have known that Naraku wouldn't leave him alone. Of all the people Naraku victimized, Kohaku may have gotten the worst of it....being forced to kill his own family. The only person screwed comparably is Kikyo. And it's clear in this story that things haven't changed that much. *sighs* I dread to see what else Naraku has planned for this poor boy. If what he did to Kohaku's former doctor is any indication, Kohaku is in for a lot of hell. What has changed, though, is Sesshoumaru. Actually showing concern for a human girl (other than Rin)? Asking his "half-breed" brother for help? Wow. But, then again, nearly being killed and being saved by someone you once would have considered inferior may change even a demon lord. And if he has more than one plot against him as seems to be the case, he is going to need loyal people around him. This story has so many twist. And I'm really enjoying them.
 Reviewed By: landofthekwt [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2008 19:53 EST
Great wrapup of the gallery opening. Does your hangover remedy really work? Now we get to meet the real villains of this piece. The ones who have been haunting Sango's dreams. The psychiatrist even though he is under a death threat allows himself to use his position to put his patients in jeopardy.
 Reviewed By: magedelbene [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2008 18:19 EST
WOW... Finally the evil'd "plot" is reveled. You know, when I was reading and "Naraku" appeared I was like, "darn, he just have to come up to corrupt everything", and when he named de Shikon, my first though was "The cursed jewel again". :scratches head: LOL, funny the way we can thing about certain characters. But, nevertheless, like I lot this chapter. The day after and evil finally showing his face. At least now we know a bit enough about how Kohaku changed, poor little thing! Everybody is there, well except Shippou -but I don't miss him. Excellent chapter, now I want to read more!! LOL I know, it's always the same. Really love the way the story is developing, it fascinates me the way you move layer after layer reveling a tiny bit each time and the way you switch the scenes, it's perfect. Nothing rush. Great job Cathy!! Great job!!! Thank you, thank you ::bows deeply:: f/this update!!!!
 Reviewed By: Rihannon [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2008 08:50 EST
Wow. Poor Sango! She had such a terrible experience. I don't remember if you have described the details in previous chapters, but this one was harsh. No wonder why she is so hurt and has so much trouble trusting people. She doesn't remember her brother, does she? She knows everything, if I recall correctly, but if she can't remember his face at the moment of the attack, there's still a long way to go. Anyway, it's been a lot of progress; she is getting more confident and maybe is starting to be capable to deal with her trauma. I like so much the development of the characters. Well written, as usual.
 Reviewed By: LadyCash [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 12, 2008 08:49 EST
Very brave man, to stand up to Sess. Brave but foolish. Very nice IY/K scene, left me with a smile. Miroku is getting in deep, but is handling it nicely, I think. He'll need that strength and resolve to help Sango later on. And poor Sango, she's got a ways to go b/f she's free of the hold the past has on her. It's good to see her supported by such good friends.
 Reviewed By: pewter_wings  On: February 11, 2008 00:13 EST
I have just realized that Miroku does not seem to have his wind tunnel. Am I correct that he carries his burdens inside only? You have Kagome's and Miroku's characters so spot on. Both have shown themselves to be so selfless so often.
 Reviewed By: landofthekwt [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 10, 2008 22:07 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Excellent chapter. The issue of the translator is actually reveals a far more serious threat to Sesshoumaru than a botched translation. Sango's nightmares seem to reveal a far more serious threat to her than merely a threat to peace of mind. Loved Kagome's willingness to help Inuyasha through his time of the month and Mirokus' willingness to help Sango through problems no matter what they are.
 Reviewed By: magedelbene [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 10, 2008 13:42 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Really interesting. Sango's healing is taking another step, maybe she'll be able to talk about her dream and will open a bit more to let them finally in. Miroku realizing his feelings, and now he must face his and Sango's insecurities. I really like how are you working the "tempo" in this story and the "switching" scenes effect, in your other stories you did this but not as in this one. Here they are like "quicker" adding more action "movement". Although it's not "action" per se, it's like it rolls on a different pace. I like it, and how little by little Miroku and Sango are gaining their space. Beautiful way you are working this two together to make them the centre of the story, how you are leading us and our attention to their story. Really wonderful chapter, you surprised me, wasn't expecting a new update till next week! Like -a lot- the way you're dealing with the translator and curator, at least by now, it's about jelous and greed, not a great evil lurking somewhere. Oh... yes, something is going to happen, but maybe more related to Sango and so, will bring both brothers and the rest of the gang too. Really great chapter! Interesting and wonderful with mystery and intrigue... and love and romance, and angst... A fantastic combination! Great job!!! Thank you, thank you for the update... a wonderful gift for a lazy Sunday!!
 Reviewed By: InuGoddess715 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 10, 2008 12:35 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another good chapter. It looks like Sango is getting strong enough to face her past....as hard as that's going to be for her. At least she'll have her friends with her; she's going to need them when she remembers that it was her brother who killed their father and tried to kill her. Awful can't even begin to describe it. As for the translator....what a piece of trash. Sessh really better watch his back, though. Jealousy can cause all sorts of problems. This translator and curator are probably part of a larger problem. I look forward to reading more soon.
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