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"Unlikely Bond" Reviews/Comments [ 466 ]
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 Title: 69
Reviewed By: skjguv  On: August 21, 2007 23:41 PDT
Another awesome chapter!!!I really love chi chi reaction when she found out about the boys. God this story is so good and you really update pretty fast too.(^_^) your awesome.
 Reviewed By: CrimsonTide  On: August 21, 2007 21:14 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another wonderful chapter! I still check daily for updates from you, lol! I just adore the interactions between Vegeta and Goku. You write their characters so well! I give you a zillion thumbs up. Most authors abandon their fics long before they're finished to move onto other things, regardless of whether or not they have a ton of fans reading, and the fact you've stuck with this fic and continue to dish out new chapters fairly quickly is just admirable beyond words. Bravo!
 Reviewed By: lovecoma [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 21, 2007 20:52 PDT
That was a wonderful chapter. The last few were good too but I enjoyed this one more than I have the last couple. It got more characters involved and doing something. And thank you for not going the typical fanfic route with Chichi's reaction. I loved her mental reminder that Trunks was rich and her baby was going to be taken care of - very in character with the Chichi of the anime in thinking that, especially after her reaction when Gohan was dating Videl and she found out Videl was rich. I am still holding out hope that there's some form of hookup between Vegeta and Goku. Heh. I'm such a diehard V/G girl and you're written both so well, I would love to see your take on them actually together. I love Bulma and even your Chichi, but I'm still holding out hopes. Especially after chapters back when Daikon said as royalty, Vegeta could take multiple partners and Bulma didn't seem completely against it. Ah the drama that would add. :D Where is Daikon? Hiding out in the lab? He hasn't turned up in a while.
 Reviewed By: Spikesaa  On: August 21, 2007 19:50 PDT
I was very happy to see this was reviewed. I really enjoy how you write the various relationships, particuarly Bulma/Vegeta and the strong friendship bond that Vegeta and Goku have, and that Vegeta is finally accepting.
 Reviewed By: rdk  On: August 21, 2007 19:40 PDT
Enjoyed this chapter, very well done. I loved ChiChi's reaction. Reminds me of the not so subtle comments she would to make to Gohan. Well played there. I always enjoy your conversations between ChiChi and Vegeta. For some reason they always play so true to character. I've enjoyed watching the cautious distrust melt away to a distant, but amiable understanding. 18 merely nodded. ~snort~ got a chuckle out of that. Wonder if anything would surprise or phase her. Oh poor Bulla and Marron. Bulla's handling it well for one so young. Kudo's to Vegeta for allowing her to express herself. Again, well done. I wouldn't worry about the time. Feel free to take as long as you need if you give us a gem like this one.
 Reviewed By: Webtrester01  On: August 05, 2007 19:18 PDT
Amazing chapter! I'm glad they were able to get most things hashed out. The twins were adorable. I'm glad Bulma was understanding. I wonder what Goku and Chichi's responses will be. As far as Trunks and Goten, Their physical relationship is still new and I think that one way to ease the transition would be to have some sort of mutual digital stimulation. (Where digital refers to the medical term for fingers.:-) ) I look forward to the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: Orchideater [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 01, 2007 00:25 PDT
Lots of true confessions this chapter. The housing discussion couldn't have gone more smoothly, but what a way for T and G's big secret to be exposed, lol. Awkward/traumatic and embarrassing for all four. Poor Marron, seems she had a big crush on Trunks. I don't feel one bit sorry for Bulla though (eat it kid, eat it! ahhahahahha!!). Perhaps you can tell by my tone that I still don't like her. :D I'm no good at predictions for this story so I'm not even going to try and guess Goku and Chichi's reaction to the big news (and what an evil cliffhanger, btw!), but I can't wait to hear it.
 Title: Chapter 68
Reviewed By: GokuGirl  On: July 31, 2007 02:51 PDT
Oooh. *cringe* Evil cliff-hanger yet an awesome, awesome chapter. ^_^ I loved the twins in this one. Man… I always love them. And what more can be said? All has been said for this chapter in the post(s) below mine so....I don't know what else I should add. Looking forward to the next chapter once again! Love this story.
 Title: chap68
Reviewed By: Venus Legacynot logged  On: July 30, 2007 09:19 PDT
I like the way you show how Bulma and Yamcha are still friends even after all that has passed between them. Yamcha made me laugh when he said this: "Besides, Vegeta wouldn't let me watch his plate to make sure flies didn't land on his food, so I'm certain he won't let me watch his offspring." Lol. The twins are progressing so fast I can't believe Ninji said 'Mama' already. You know I was quite surprised that Goku taught Ninji to call him that, I assumed, what with his anxieties over being known as such, that he would prefer to them to call him daddy, or papa, but I guess he is at a point now where he is proud to be known as the mother, I guess I'm thinking about how strange that will be when they are older, and other people hear him call Goku that. Its quite remarkable to see that Vegeta is at a point where he will sacrifice his 'own needs for everyone else's all the time', from the selfish saiyan saga vegeta, to the compassionate postBuu saga Vegeta. It still seems weird using compassionate and Vegeta in the same sentence, but I think that he has been. Maybe what made him upset with Chi Chi was the thought that she was not happy living with the Briefs, and that she couldn't wait to leave. It was Vegeta who was and has been raising the most doubts about the living situation, but not necessarily because he himself was unhappy, but because he feared that others might not be, I think. I'm glad they managed to air out their concerns, and that everyone knows how each other feel about the situation. Poor Bulla, I really do feel for her, having to find out about Goten and Trunks the way she did, she was so furious, I wouldn't be surprised if she challenged her brother to a duel,lol. I wonder how this will affect Bulla's relationship with Trunks and Goten, she always seemed to have a special bond with Goten, which perhaps strengthened after the Horenz episode and kidnap, and I think Goten also cares very much for Bulla too, in fact when you introduced the two, I thought in later chapters when Bulla grew older that it would be a Bulla and Goten romance. Sometimes when Trunks and Goten go out places, even before they began dating, it would be Goten who suggested, or allowed Bulla to tag along with them. Will Bulla return to capsule corp? I was intrigued by this line: " It bothered him to not know the source of her discomfort, but he wasn't sure if it bothered him more to know that if something were terribly grieving her, she would keep it to herself and suffer alone." Has something fundamental already shifted in Bulla? I thought she told her father everything, what does this mean for her in the future? Even if she accepts this will she suffer in silence? You know Bulla sometimes seems so much older than she is, more like a young adult at times, I sometimes forget she's only ten lol.
 Title: Chapter 67
Reviewed By: GokuGirl  On: July 27, 2007 22:12 PDT
Wow! This was a great chapter! I love the personalties you gave the twins and...well, everything! It's also good to see that ChiChi and Vegeta are tolerating each other more. lol Glad you got this thing updated. ^_^ Looking forward to the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Orchideater [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2007 23:19 PDT
Good to see you updating again! Whoops, I misunderstood- from how you ended the last chapter, I thought you were going to skip ahead 6 months. :p I guess that would be skipping over a lot of baby and relationship development. Goten is so cute. Poor kid, here he's dying to go all the way with Trunks and yet afraid to at the same time, worried that he'll ruin things by moving too fast. I feel for him.
 Reviewed By: Webtester01()  On: July 23, 2007 21:04 PDT
It seems Goten is not ready, despite his momentary attempts to dive into the channels of the newfound relationship. Vegeta's past as a child, with his family, was neat to see. I wonder what has him worked up so much. I wonder what Chichi has to say. I look forward to the next update. :)
 Reviewed By: Venus Legacy  On: July 23, 2007 05:06 PDT
Vegeta was such an adorable child, so proud even when he was young, I really loved this line: "And what are you doing lurking at the door?" she asked the child. "Reconnaissance," lol. I also liked the way you portrayed the members of Vegeta's family, you even had his extended family there, which was quite a surprise as you don't usually see that in fanfiction, The bonds they share is very eveident, with the fierce protectiveness of Vegeta's grandmother, and the anxiety and concern of the saiyan king, faced with one of the toughest decisions of his life. It's also interesting that you showed that contrary to popular belief, the saiyans are emotional, what I mean is that their relationships with each other are not as cold, barren and devoid of emotion as some would think. It is refreshing to see this side to saiyan community. It also makes me wonder just how much of an impact the saiyan treaty with frieza had on the saiyans culture, way of life and belief system. Because it seems that family ties, loyalty were very important to them atleast during that time. Have you ever considered writing an alternate universe fic? I like the way you depict the Saiyan life and culture, it would be interesting to see where you could take it. The twins have changed, I think their differences are even more pronounced the older they get, I thought it was so cute when Vegeta was feeding lil Vejita, I was surprised though because if anything I thought it would be Ninji wolfing down the meat Goku style lol. When Vejita wants something he will not stop until he gets it, you can see his determination even now. I wonder what is agitating Vegeta, does he really want the living situation to change? Is he unhappy with it? Or is he only second guessing it because he assumes Chi chi is not happy? Woh, Goten dropped the "L-bomb" lol and Trunks was happy to be hit. There seems to be a line that Goten and Trunks will not cross in their relationship, I wonder if it is because Goten does not want to do anything to jeopardize their relationship, I noticed that Goten always initiates it but that he stops after a certain point as if to check himself. Although their love for each other is technically old, the nature of that love is still new for the both of them, they are exploring it in a different form, perhaps this is the reason for caution.
 Reviewed By: Webtester01_  On: July 14, 2007 23:03 PDT
Awesome chapter! I wonder what will happen next! Goku's wish was funny, and Vegeta's reaction was in line with his character. :) Keep it up. Cute babies.
 Title: Chapter 66
Reviewed By: Katiefoolery [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 18, 2007 16:07 PDT
Yay, we got to hear the talk first up! That went particularly well - I especially loved that flashback. The way Vegeta kept reacting so defensively to everything Bulma said was just perfect. It was a really good reminder of just how much he's changed since then. The babies continue to be adorable. I loved that little bit with the tails - it was so cute. And Goku's wish made me laugh... although I wonder if that was his real wish or if he changed it after hearing Vegeta's, just to lighten the mood.
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